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(1) The waters of that part of Lake Erie in the townships of Delhi and Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, being composed of all the waters of Inner Bay of Long Point Bay, including all waters joining said Inner Bay lying within the following limits: commencing at the intersection of the water’s edge of Inner Bay of Long Point Bay with the westerly limit of Lot 1, Concession B, as shown on the plan of the Township of Charlotteville; thence northerly along that westerly limit to the intersection with the easterly limit of the right-of-way of Haldimand-Norfolk Region Road Number 16; thence northerly along that easterly limit to the intersection with the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the travelled road known locally as Front Road; thence easterly along that southerly limit across Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Concession B, as shown on the plan of the Township of Charlotteville, to the intersection with the northwesterly production of a line joining a control survey monument, indexed with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as station 008750128, located on the northerly extremity of Pottahawk Point, 42°36′35.76073″N., 80°17′10.00336″W. and a control survey monument, indexed with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as station 008750127, located on the lands of the Turkey Point Marina, 42°39′57.40627″N., 80°19′52.25129″W.; thence southeasterly along the northwesterly production and the line to the said control survey monument on Pottahawk Point; thence south astronomically to the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Long Point; thence westerly along that water’s edge to the intersection with a line drawn on a course of south 26°00′ east from the place of beginning; thence north 26°00′ west along that line to the place of beginning.
May 15 to the Friday preceding the last Saturday in June |
(48) The waters of that part of Sutton Bay of Lake Timiskaming lying within the limits of a line described as follows: beginning at the most southerly tip of Dawson Point in the geographic Township of Harris in the Territorial District of Timiskaming; thence in a straight line to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence northerly along that interprovincial boundary to the easterly tip of Rempnouix Island; thence westerly along the high-water mark of the southerly shore of that island to the most southwesterly tip; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the high-water mark of the most southerly tip of land occurring at Lot 9, Concession V, in the geographic Township of Harris; thence westerly and southerly along the high-water mark to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(106) The waters of the Shikwamkwa River between Shikwamkwa Lake and Whitefish Lake in the Township of Maness in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the southeastern corner of the Bailey bridge that crosses the Shikwamkwa River; thence northerly, a distance of 200 m along the high-water mark of the southern bank of the Shikwamkwa River; thence westerly across the Shikwamkwa River to the high-water mark on the opposite shore; thence southerly along the northern bank of the Shikwamkwa River past the Bailey bridge and thence westerly, a total distance of 1,020 m along the shore at the high-water mark; thence southerly across the Shikwamkwa River to the high-water mark on the southern bank of the Shikwamkwa River; thence easterly and northerly along the high-water mark, a distance 820 m along the southern bank of the Shikwamkwa River to the place of beginning at the southeastern corner of the Bailey bridge.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(9) The waters of Nagagamisis Lake and River in the geographic Township of Elgie in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: Commencing at a point in the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Elgie distant 5.2 km easterly along the northerly boundary from the northwesterly corner thereof; thence due south 1.2 km; thence due east approximately 2.5 km; thence due north 1.2 km, more or less, to the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Elgie; thence westerly along that northerly boundary 2.5 km, more or less, to the place of beginning.
Apr. 1 to June 14 |
(29) The waters of those parts of the Floodwood River and of Little Abitibi Lake in the geographic Township of McQuibban, in the Territorial District of Cochrane, described as follows: that part of the Floodwood River lying between the east boundary of the geographic Township of McQuibban and Little Abitibi Lake and that part of Little Abitibi Lake lying northerly of the hereinafter described lines: Commencing at the intersection of the south boundary of the geographic Township of McQuibban with the water’s edge along the easterly shore of Little Abitibi Lake; thence westerly along the said south boundary to the intersection with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of an unnamed island in Little Abitibi Lake known locally as Big Island; thence north 73° west magnetically a distance of 713 m, more or less, to the intersection with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of Little Abitibi Lake.
Apr. 1 to June 14 |
(64) The waters of the University (Dog) River between Obatanga Lake and Knife Lake located in the Township of Chapais in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark of the eastern shore at the top of the rapids at the outlet of Obatanga Lake; thence following that high-water mark southeasterly, a distance of approximately 1,300 m along the University (Dog) River to the southern extremity of a point on Knife Lake; thence southerly approximately 600 m to the opposite shore high-water mark; thence westerly and northerly along the high-water mark of that lake and that river for a distance of approximately 1,900 m to the western side of the top of the rapids at the outlet of Obatanga Lake; thence across the top of the rapids to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(70) The waters of the Dog River located in the Township of West in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark of Dog River at the southeastern corner of the C.P.R. trestle; thence northerly upstream along the high-water mark of the eastern shore of the Dog River and thence northeasterly to where the Dog River intersects the northern boundary of West Township; thence westerly along the northern boundary of West Township across the Dog River to the high-water mark of its opposite shore; thence downstream along the high-water mark of the western shore of the Dog River, past the C.P.R. railway bridge, to a point 200 m north of the mouth of that river on the shore of Dog Lake; thence southerly at a distance of 200 m from the mouth of that river to a point on the high-water mark, 200 m south of the mouth of the Dog River on the shore of Dog Lake; thence following the high-water mark along the shoreline of that lake and that river to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(71) The waters of McKee Creek at 57 Bay of Dog Lake located in the Township of Stover in the Territorial District of Sudbury described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark at a point on the northern shore of 57 Bay, 200 m east of the mouth of McKee Creek; thence northerly along the high-water mark of 57 Bay and McKee Creek, a distance of 300 m; thence westerly across McKee Creek to the high-water mark on the opposite shore; thence southerly along the high-water mark, a distance of 300 m to a point 200 m west of the mouth of McKee Creek on the shore of 57 Bay; thence easterly at a distance of 200 m from the mouth of McKee Creek to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(72) The waters of the Michipicoten River at Stoney Portage Falls located in the Township of Bruyere in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the high-water mark on the northeastern shore of Manitowik Lake, 500 m south of the mouth of the Michipicoten River; thence following the high-water mark along the shore of Manitowik Lake to its intersection with the high-water mark of the Michipicoten River; thence northeasterly following that high-water mark upstream to the top of the falls known as Stoney Portage; thence across the top of the said falls to the high-water mark on the opposite bank of the Michipicoten River; thence downstream along the high-water mark of the Michipicoten River to its intersection with the high-water mark of the northern shoreline of Manitowik Lake; thence westerly along that high-water mark, a distance of 350 m to the narrows on Manitowik Lake; thence southerly across the narrows approximately 200 m to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(73) The waters of Goudreau Creek located in the Township of Bruyere in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the high-water mark on the northern shore of Manitowik Lake, 200 m north of the mouth of Goudreau Creek; thence northerly along the high-water mark of the shore of Manitowik Lake and the eastern bank of Goudreau Creek upstream, a distance of 1,200 m; thence westerly across that creek to the high-water mark on its opposite bank; thence following the high-water mark downstream along Goudreau Creek, a distance of 1,300 m to a point on the high-water mark of Manitowik Lake, 200 m south of the mouth of Goudreau Creek; thence easterly along an arc of approximately 200 m from the mouth of Goudreau Creek on Manitowik Lake to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(74) The waters of Height of Land Bay of Dog Lake located in the Township of Stover in the Territorial District of Sudbury described as follows: Commencing at a point on the high-water mark on the western shore of Dog Lake at the portage trail known as Height of Land Portage; thence westerly along the high-water mark of the northern shore of Height of Land Bay, a distance of 1,100 m to a small point of land; thence straight across the bay to the high-water mark on a point of land on the opposite shore; thence easterly along the high-water mark on the southern shore, a distance of 1,300 m around the said Bay to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |
(75) The waters of the Hawk River between Hawk Lake and Blue Bay of Manitowik Lake located in the townships of Esquega and Fiddler in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark on the southwestern corner of the bridge on Highway 547; thence along the high-water mark on the southern shore of the Hawk River past the Algoma Central Railway bridge for a distance of 4,100 m to a point on the narrows on Blue Bay of Manitowik Lake; thence northerly across Blue Bay to the high-water mark; thence westerly along the northern shore of Blue Bay and the Hawk River, past the Algoma Central Railway bridge, a distance of 4,100 m to the high-water mark at the northwestern corner of the bridge on Highway 547; thence southerly across the bridge on Highway 547 to the place of beginning.
Mar. 15 to June 15 |