51 These rules come into effect on December 15, 2010.
4 These rules apply to:
1 These rules may be cited as The Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules (Saskatchewan).
50 (1) Proceedings commenced before the coming into effect of these rules and continued after their coming into effect shall be governed by these rules without prejudice to anything lawfully done before the coming into effect of these rules.
(2) Notwithstanding subrule (1), the court or a judge may give directions respecting the application of these rules or an amendment to these rules to proceedings mentioned in subrule (1).
(3) Unless otherwise ordered by the judge hearing the application, all orders for release from custody pending determination of the appeal shall contain the following conditions:
(a) if the appellant is represented, that the appellant will file his or her factum within the periods provided by these rules or as otherwise fixed by the judge granting release and that if the factum is not filed within the periods provided by these rules or as otherwise fixed by the judge, the order for release will be automatically revoked;