3 (1) For the purpose of computing a pension in respect of an officer, other than a pensioner, service , in addition to any periods specified in Parts I to III of the Act, includes any continuous period of full-time service of six months or more in the naval, army or air forces of Her Majesty raised in Canada or the Canadian Forces, other than the forces, if
but that service may not be counted as service under any other provision of any such Parts, except to the extent prescribed by paragraph 7(e), paragraph (b) of the definition service in section 37(1) or paragraph (c) of the definition service in section 41 of the Act for the purpose of determining eligibility for pension.
(2) Where a person, prior to the war that commenced on September 10, 1939, served as an officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force other than the Permanent Active Air Force, for a continuous period of full-time service for six months or more, but did not receive the pay of his rank as though he were in the forces, and subsequently served on active service during that war and during such period of full-time service received remuneration by way of pay, or pay and allowances, according to the service regulations applicable to his appointment, such continuous period of full-time service shall be included for the purpose of making contributions and of computing a pension to which he may be entitled under Parts I to III of the Act.