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  1. Directions to the CRTC (Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings) Order - SOR/95-319
    Order Issuing Directions to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting Policy for the Licensing of Direct-To-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings


    Whereas DTH distribution undertakings will become increasingly important primary and alternative means for the distribution of Canadian programming services, in both official languages, as well as of foreign programming services to subscribers in all parts of Canada;

    Whereas DTH distribution undertakings can, if appropriately regulated, develop into an important vehicle for the distribution of Canadian pay-per-view services as well as other new services and thereby make significant contributions to the development of independently-produced Canadian programming;


    Whereas it is in the public interest to have DTH distribution undertakings licensed in Canada as soon as possible, recognizing that the appropriate committee of each House of Parliament has recommended that the licensing process be completed by September 1, 1995;


  2. Directions to the CRTC (Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings) Order - SOR/95-319 (Section 4)
    Order Issuing Directions to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting Policy for the Licensing of Direct-To-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings

     The CRTC is directed to ensure, by appropriate means, that, with respect to the operation of a licensed DTH distribution undertaking,

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    • (b) the undertaking is subject to the same generally applicable Canadian policy as other broadcasting undertakings in respect of the use of Canadian and foreign satellite facilities;

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    • (d) the undertaking is not prevented from or impeded in distributing to its subscribers the same or equivalent programming services offered by other distribution undertakings as a result of contracts or arrangements entered into by other licensees for the acquisition of rights to the distribution or exhibition of such programming services via other distribution undertakings within Canada;

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    • (g) where the undertaking decides to distribute one or more English-language pay-per-view services, the undertaking is required to distribute at least one French-language pay-per-view service as soon as that service becomes licensed for DTH distribution.

  3. Directions to the CRTC (Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings) Order - SOR/95-319 (Section 1)
    Order Issuing Directions to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting Policy for the Licensing of Direct-To-Home (DTH) Satellite Distribution Undertakings

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