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  1. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order - SOR/96-93
    Order Setting Aside Certain Lands for the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve



    All those parcels or tracts of land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water lying above the ordinary high water mark (O.H.W.M.) of the Queen Charlotte Islands and situated southerly of a line described as follows:


    thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of said Lot 663 to the intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Crescent Inlet, said intersection marked by a Pipe Post, being a point on the northerly boundary of South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on Plan 9 Tube 1483 on file with the Surveyor General Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, at Victoria, a duplicate of which is recorded as Plan 72869 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa;

    thence generally southwesterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of said Crescent Inlet, being also a portion of the southerly boundary of Tree Farm Licence 24 Block 2, to the intersection with the easterly boundary of the Lockeport Four Mineral Claim, Record Number 5828(2), said intersection marked by a Pipe Post, being a point on the northerly boundary of the South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on Plan 27 Tube 1452 on file with the Surveyor General Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, at Victoria, a duplicate of which is recorded as Plan 72242 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa;

    thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of the said mineral claim to the intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Crescent Inlet, said intersection marked by a P. Rock being a point on said northerly boundary of the South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on said Plan 27 Tube 1452;





    Forest Exclusion Areas 1 to 3 (inclusive) described as:

    AREA #1

    Those parcels or tracts of land described as Blocks 3, 4 and 5 in Schedule “B” of Tree-Farm Licence No. 24, dated May 2, 1979, and on the Official Register of the Forest Service, Timber Harvesting Branch, Victoria, British Columbia.

    AREA #2


    AREA #3



    Mineral Exclusion Areas 1 to 5 (inclusive) described as:

    AREA #1


    AREA #2


    AREA #3


    AREA #4


    AREA #5


    thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 663 to the intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Crescent Inlet, said intersection marked by a Pipe Post, being a point on the northerly boundary of the South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on Plan 9 Tube 1483 on file with the Surveyor General Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, at Victoria, a duplicate of which is recorded as Plan 72869 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa;

    thence generally southwesterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of said Crescent Inlet, being also a portion of the southerly boundary of Tree Farm Licence 24 Block 2, to the intersection with the easterly boundary of the Lockeport Four Mineral Claim, Record Number 5828(2), said intersection marked by a Pipe Post, being a point on the northerly boundary of the South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on Plan 27 Tube 1452 on file with the Surveyor General Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, at Victoria, a duplicate of which is recorded as Plan 72242 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa;

    thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of the said mineral claim to the intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Crescent Inlet, said intersection marked by a P. Rock being a point on said northerly boundary of the South Moresby National Park Reserve as shown on said Plan 27 Tube 1452;


    Supplementary Explanatory Note: The plan entitled “SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK RESERVE Park Land”, a copy of which is annexed as Part II of this Schedule, generally illustrates the lands described in Part I of this Schedule.


  2. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order - SOR/96-93 (Section 2)
    Order Setting Aside Certain Lands for the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve

     The lands described in the two annexes hereto, being lands in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, are set aside as a reserve for a national park to be known as the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve.

  3. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order - SOR/96-93
    Order Setting Aside Certain Lands for the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve


    And Whereas His Excellency the Governor General in Council is satisfied that it is in the public interest to set apart the lands as a National Park Reserve to protect internationally significant heritage resources;


  4. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order - SOR/96-93
    Order Setting Aside Certain Lands for the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve



    All those parcels or tracts of land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water lying above the ordinary high water mark; (O.H.W.M.) of the Queen Charlotte Islands and more particularly described as follows:


  5. Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order - SOR/96-93 (Section 1)
    Order Setting Aside Certain Lands for the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve

     This Order may be cited as the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve Order.

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