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  1. Health of Animals Regulations - C.R.C., c. 296 (Section 6.4)
    Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
    •  (1) Except in accordance with a permit or a licence issued by the Minister under section 160, no person shall receive, remove from any premises, use, transport out of any premises, treat, store, export, sell, distribute, confine or destroy specified risk material in any form, whether or not incorporated into another thing, if the specified risk material was removed from cattle slaughtered in Canada or was removed from, or is contained in, the carcasses of cattle that died or were condemned before they otherwise would have been slaughtered for human consumption as food.

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    • (3) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of specified risk material that was removed from cattle slaughtered for human consumption as food or that was removed from, or is contained in, the carcasses of cattle that died or were condemned before they otherwise would have been slaughtered for human consumption as food if the specified risk material remains on the premises on which the cattle were slaughtered or were determined to be dead.

    • (4) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of the use, as a fertilizer or as a fertilizer supplement, of material that is derived from specified risk material in any form that was removed from cattle slaughtered for human consumption as food or from cattle that died or were condemned before they otherwise would have been slaughtered for human consumption as food if the fertilizer or fertilizer supplement remains on the premises on which the cattle were slaughtered, died or were condemned.

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    • (6) The Minister shall not issue a permit for the purpose of subsection (1) if the specified risk material is to be received, removed from any premises, used, transported, treated, stored, exported, sold or distributed in any form, whether or not incorporated into another thing, for human consumption as food.

    • (7) The Minister shall not issue a permit for the destruction of specified risk material unless the destruction is to be by incineration, or another method, that will ensure that the specified risk material and anything in which it is incorporated will not be used as food for humans and will not, or will not be likely to, result in the spread within Canada of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.


  2. Health of Animals Regulations - C.R.C., c. 296 (Section 53)
    Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
    •  (1) No person shall import into Canada any animal food that contains an animal product or animal by-product unless

      • (a) the country of origin

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        • (ii) or the part of that country of the animal food — and each animal product and animal by-product contained in that food — is designated under section 7 as being free of, or as posing a negligible risk for, any reportable disease, any disease referred to in Schedule VII and any serious epizootic disease to which the species from which the food, product or by-product was derived is susceptible and that can be transmitted by the food, product or by-product, and the person produces a certificate of origin signed by an official of the government of that country attesting to that origin; and

    • (2) No person shall import into Canada any animal product or animal by-product that is to be used as animal food or as an ingredient in animal food unless the country of origin, or the part of that country, is designated under section 7 as being free of, or as posing a negligible risk for, any reportable disease, any disease referred to in Schedule VII and any serious epizootic disease to which the species from which the product or by-product was derived is susceptible and that can be transmitted by the product or by-product, and the person produces a certificate of origin signed by an official of the government of that country attesting to that origin.


  3. Health of Animals Regulations - C.R.C., c. 296 (Section 140)
    Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
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    • (5) Every person who confines or transports an animal that becomes compromised during confinement or transport in a container or conveyance, other than a vessel, shall take reasonable measures as soon as possible to prevent the animal’s unnecessary suffering, injury or death and, as soon as possible,


    • (6) If an animal becomes compromised during confinement or transport while on board a vessel, the vessel master or a veterinarian shall, as soon as possible,



  4. Health of Animals Regulations - C.R.C., c. 296 (Section 139)
    Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
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    • (4) Every person who confines or transports an animal that becomes unfit during confinement or transport in a container or conveyance, other than a vessel, shall take reasonable measures as soon as possible to prevent the animal’s unnecessary suffering, injury or death and, as soon as possible,


    • (5) If an animal becomes unfit during confinement or transport while on board a vessel, the vessel master or a veterinarian shall, as soon as possible,



  5. Health of Animals Regulations - C.R.C., c. 296 (Section 172.1)
    Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
    •  (1) On application from the operators of two farms where pigs are kept, the responsible administrator shall register the two sites as being linked with each other for the purposes of this Part for a period of six months if

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      • (d) in the case where the sites were not registered as being linked with each other during the three-month period before the application, the operators of the sites have reported each transport of pigs between the sites to the responsible administrator for that three-month period and the reports of each operator are consistent with those of the other.

    • (2) If by the end of the 10th day of any month in the six-month period for which two sites are registered as being linked the operators of the two sites have not reported to the responsible administrator the total number of pigs that were transported between the sites and the number of pig movements between the sites during the preceding month, the registration in respect of the two sites being linked shall be cancelled at the end of that day for the remainder of the six-month period.

    • (3) For the purpose of this section, two sites have linked health status with each other if

      • (a) the two sites are registered under subsection (1) as being linked with each other or have been registered under that subsection as being linked with each other at any time in the preceding six months; or


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