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  1. Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations - SOR/95-191 (Section 22)
    Regulations Respecting Petroleum Installations Used in Areas Offshore Nova Scotia under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act
    •  (1) Every installation shall be provided with

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      • (b) one or more inflatable liferafts, that have a combined capacity for accommodating at least 100 per cent of the total number of persons on board the installation at any one time, and that

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      • (f) in the case of a manned installation,

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        • (iv) 12 Type A distress signals, as defined in the Life Saving Equipment Regulations,

        • (v) a Class I emergency position indicator radio beacon, as defined in the EPIRB Regulations, in each control station,

    • (2) Each of the totally enclosed survival craft provided on an installation shall

      • (a) meet the requirements for Class I lifeboats as set out in Schedule V to the Life Saving Equipment Regulations, as if the survival craft were in waters to which those Regulations apply;

      • (b) be equipped with

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        • (v) the equipment required by Schedule I to the Life Saving Equipment Regulations, as if the installation were a Class I ship to which those Regulations apply,

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        • (viii) a Class II emergency position indicator radio beacon, as defined in the EPIRB Regulations, and

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      • (g) be stored or equipped

        • (i) in the case of a column-stabilized mobile platform and a fixed platform, so as to launch in a bow out aspect, and

        • (ii) in the case of a self-elevating mobile platform, so as to clear each leg, column, footing, brace or mat and any other similar structure below the hull;

    • (3) The launching devices for the totally enclosed survival craft, the rescue boat and the inflatable liferafts provided on an installation shall

      • (a) meet the requirements for launching devices set out in Schedule IX to the Life Saving Equipment Regulations, as if the launching devices were located in waters to which those Regulations apply;

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      • (c) situated so as to permit each survival craft, rescue boat or liferaft to be launched clear of any obstruction resulting from damage of the extent described in the Code referred to in subsection 56(9).

  2. Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations - SOR/95-191 (Section 54)
    Regulations Respecting Petroleum Installations Used in Areas Offshore Nova Scotia under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act
    •  (1) Every floating platform that is intended to be used in areas in which sea ice is present shall be able to

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      • (b) stay on location in the ice concentration and under the ice forces to which it may be subjected, as stated in the operations manual; and

      • (c) be moved from the production site or drill site in the ice concentration to which it may be subjected, as stated in the operations manual.

    • (2) In an analysis undertaken in accordance with subsection 37(2) for the purpose of determining the resistance to overturning and the resistance to sliding of a self-elevating mobile platform,

      • (a) a lattice type leg may be analysed using equivalent single- beam hydrodynamic coefficients as determined in accordance with Det norske Veritas Classification Notes, Note No. 31.5 — Strength Analysis of Main Structures of Self-Elevating Units, when determining


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      • (c) the reaction point for an independent leg platform shall be taken as the point located at a distance above the spudcan tip that is equal to the lesser of


    • (3) Where any wave frequency or seismic ground motion predicted for the production site of a self-elevating mobile production platform is close to the frequency of oscillation of the platform, a dynamic response calculation shall be performed as part of the analyses required by section 37 and the dynamic loads determined thereby shall be included in the relevant stress and fatigue analyses.

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    • (5) Each spudcan and each connection between each spudcan and each leg of a self-elevating mobile platform shall be designed for all possible penetrations or conditions ranging from tip penetration to full spudcan penetration as determined by the site investigation undertaken pursuant to section 45, and the shape of the spudcan.

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    • (10) The legs, spudcans and mats of every self-elevating mobile platform shall be designed for any impact load that might occur on setdown, in accordance with Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 3 E-400 of Det norske Veritas Rules for Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, using the maximum environmental and functional loading conditions for setdown operations, as specified in the operations manual.

  3. Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations - SOR/95-191 (Section 10)
    Regulations Respecting Petroleum Installations Used in Areas Offshore Nova Scotia under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act
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    • (3) Where a mechanical ventilation system is used for the purpose of subsection (1), the air in the enclosed hazardous area shall be maintained at a pressure that is lower than the pressure of each adjacent hazardous area that is classified as less hazardous.

    • (4) All air let into an enclosed hazardous area shall be taken from a non-hazardous area, and where the inlet duct passes through a hazardous area classified as more hazardous than the one to which the duct leads, the air in the inlet duct shall be maintained at a pressure that is higher than the pressure of the air in the hazardous area through which it passes.

    • (5) All air let out of an enclosed hazardous area shall be let into an outdoor area that would be classified as the same as or less hazardous than the enclosed hazardous area if it did not receive the air from the enclosed hazardous area.

    • (6) The ventilation system for every non-hazardous area shall be separate from the ventilation system for every hazardous area, and the ventilation fan inlets and outlets shall be arranged to prevent the air from a hazardous area from moving, as a result of the operation of any fan or the wind, into an area classified as less hazardous.

  4. Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations - SOR/95-191 (Section 26)
    Regulations Respecting Petroleum Installations Used in Areas Offshore Nova Scotia under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act
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    • (2) Every water main referred to in section 24 or 25 shall

      • (a) be routed clear of hazardous areas as far as practicable;

      • (b) be arranged in relation to any thermal barriers and structural elements of the installation so as to obtain the maximum protection from damage due to heat;

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    • (5) Every pump system provided pursuant to section 24 or 25 shall be located in a part of the installation remote from spaces that contain equipment used for storing, conveying or processing petroleum that is not used as fuel on the installation.

  5. Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations - SOR/95-191 (Section 19)
    Regulations Respecting Petroleum Installations Used in Areas Offshore Nova Scotia under the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act

     On every manned installation,

    • (a) every work area shall have at least two well-marked separate escape routes that are situated as far apart as is practicable;

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    • (d) all corridors that are more than 5 m long, all accommodation areas and, where practicable, all work areas shall have at least two exits, located as far apart as is practicable, that lead to escape routes;

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