hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”,
Any person described in Article 3 to whom the legislation of a Party applies shall have the same rights and obligations under that legislation as the citizens of that Party.
If a person who is subject to the legislation of a Party and who is employed by an employer having a place of business in the territory of that Party is sent, in the course of that employment, to work in the territory of the other Party for the same or a related employer, that person shall, in respect of that work, be subject only to the legislation of the first Party as though that work was performed in its territory. In the case of a detachment, this coverage may not be maintained for more than 60 months without the prior consent of the competent authorities of both Parties or their delegated institutions.
3 Except as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2, a person who resides in the territory of a Party and who is engaged therein in government employment for the other Party shall, in respect of that employment, be subject only to the legislation of the first Party. However, if that person has, prior to the start of that employment, made contributions under the legislation of the employing Party, he or she may, within 6 months of the start of that employment or the entry into force of this Agreement, whichever is later, elect to be subject only to the legislation of the latter Party.
- 2
(a) For purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Old Age Security Act of Canada, a creditable period under the legislation of the Czech Republic shall be considered as a period of residence in Canada.
(b) For purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Canada Pension Plan, a calendar year including at least 90 days which are creditable periods under the legislation of the Czech Republic shall be considered as a year which is creditable under the Canada Pension Plan.
3 For purposes of determining eligibility for an old age benefit under the legislation of the Czech Republic:
(a) a calendar year which is a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a creditable period under the legislation of the Czech Republic;
(b) a period which is creditable under the Old Age Security Act of Canada and which is not part of a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a creditable period under the legislation of the Czech Republic.
4 For purposes of determining eligibility for an invalidity or survivor’s benefit under the legislation of the Czech Republic, a calendar year which is a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a creditable period under the legislation of the Czech Republic.
If a person is not eligible for a benefit on the basis of the creditable periods under the legislation of the Parties, totalized as provided in Article 11, the eligibility of that person for that benefit shall be determined by totalizing these periods and creditable periods accumulated under the legislation of a third State with which both Parties are bound by social security instruments which provide for the totalizing of periods.
1 Claims, notices and appeals concerning eligibility for, or the amount of, a benefit under the legislation of a Party which should, for the purposes of that legislation, have been presented within a prescribed period to a competent authority or institution of that Party, but which are presented within the same period to an authority or institution of the other Party, shall be treated as if they had been presented to the competent authority or institution of the first Party. The date of presentation of claims, notices and appeals to the authority or institution of the other Party shall be deemed to be the date of their presentation to the competent authority or institution of the first Party.
The relevant authority of the Czech Republic and a province of Canada may conclude understandings concerning any social security matter within provincial jurisdiction in Canada in so far as those understandings are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.