hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”,
HAVE AGREED as follows:
An employed person who is subject to the legislation of a Party and who is sent by their employer to work in the territory of the other Party shall, in respect of that work, be subject only to the legislation of the first Party as though that work was performed in its territory. The maximum period of a detachment is 36 months, unless the competent authorities of both Parties consent to an extension.
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(a) For the purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Old Age Security Act, a creditable period under the legislation of Peru shall be considered as a period of residence in Canada;
(b) For the purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Canada Pension Plan, three months in a calendar year which are creditable under the legislation of Peru shall be considered as a calendar year that is creditable under the Canada Pension Plan.
3 For the purposes of determining eligibility for an old age benefit under the legislation of Peru:
(a) A calendar year that is a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as 12 months that are creditable under the legislation of Peru;
(b) A month that is a creditable period under the Old Age Security Act of Canada and that does not overlap with a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a month that is creditable under the legislation of Peru.
4 For the purposes of determining eligibility for a disability benefit, survivor’s benefit, or funeral costs under the legislation of Peru, a calendar year that is a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as 12 months that are creditable under the legislation of Peru.
If a person is not eligible for a benefit on the basis of the creditable periods under the legislation of the Parties, totalized as provided in Article 11, the eligibility of that person for that benefit shall be determined by totalizing these periods and periods completed under the regime of a third State with which both Parties are bound by social security instruments that provide for the totalizing of periods.
1 The Parties shall:
(b) provide assistance to one another for the purpose of determining eligibility for, and the amount of, any benefit under this Convention, or under the legislation, as if the matter involved the application of their own legislation;
(c) communicate to each other, as soon as possible, all information about the measures taken by them for the application of this Convention or about changes in their respective legislation, if these changes affect the application of this Convention.
1 The Parties shall treat applications, notices, and appeals concerning eligibility for, or the amount of, a benefit under the legislation of a Party which should, for the purposes of that legislation, have been submitted within a prescribed period to a competent authority or liaison agency of that Party, but which are submitted within the same period to a competent authority or liaison agency of the other Party, as if they had been submitted to the competent authority or liaison agency of the first Party. The date of submission of applications, notices and appeals to the competent authority or liaison agency of the other Party shall be deemed to be the date of their submission to the competent authority or liaison agency of the first Party.