1 (1) The following definitions apply in this Order.
additional land has the same meaning as in paragraph 1.01(b) of the settlement agreement. (terre nouvelle)
Rainy River means the Rainy River First Nations, which is a band as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act. (Rainy River)
related supply means, as the case may be, a supply or cost described in subparagraph 2(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) or a corresponding supply or cost in relation to a supply of replacement land. (fourniture connexe)
replacement land has the same meaning as in paragraph 16.01(c) of the settlement agreement. (terre de remplace- ment)
reserve has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act. (réserve)
(2) Any word or expression used in this Order and not defined in subsection (1) has the same meaning as in subsection 123(1) of the Act.
2 Remission is hereby granted to Rainy River of
(a) the tax paid or payable under Part IX of the Act by Rainy River or its agent in respect of
(i) the supply to Rainy River or its agent of additional land so long as the cumulative total of additional land supplied to Rainy River does not exceed the quantity of additional land that Rainy River is entitled to request to be set apart as reserve in accordance with section 4.01 of the settlement agreement,
(2) A claim for remission is to be made in writing to the Minister
(b) if the claim is related to replacement land, within two years after the later of
(i) the day on which the replacement land is set apart as reserve, and