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  1. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations - SOR/2012-167 (SCHEDULE 4 : Annual Report — Information Required)
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations



    3 The following information respecting the emission-intensity referred to in subsection 3(1) of these Regulations from the combustion of fuel in the unit — other than a unit referred to in paragraph 4(d) — during the calendar year:

    • [...]

    • (c) in respect of the quantity of CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuels in the unit,

      • [...]

      • (ii) if paragraph 20(1)(b) of these Regulations applies for the determination of that quantity,

        • (A) that quantity, expressed in tonnes, determined in accordance with section 22 of these Regulations and, as the case may be, section 23 or 24 of these Regulations,

        • [...]

        • (E) if that quantity was determined in accordance with section 23 of these Regulations,

          • (I) the value of CCA in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a), (b) or (c) of these Regulations, as the case may be, for each fuel combusted, and

        • (F) if that quantity was determined in accordance with section 24 of these Regulations,

          • [...]

          • (II) if paragraph 24(1)(a) of these Regulations applies,

            1. the value of HHV, as described in paragraph (a) of that element, in the formula set out in subsection 24(4) of these Regulations, for each fuel combusted,

            2. if the fuel’s type is set out in column 1 of the applicable table to Schedule 5, its default CO2 emission factor as set out in column 3 and, if that fuel’s type is not so set out, the default CO2 emission factor for that fuel’s type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default CO2 emission factors for fuels and a statement that indicates the name of the body, and


          • (III) if paragraph 24(1)(b) of these Regulations applies

            1. the default value of HHV, as described in paragraph (b) of that element, in the formula set out in subsection 24(4) of these Regulations, for each fuel combusted,

            2. a statement that explains the absence of a measured higher heating value and that indicates, if that default higher heating value is established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default higher heating values for fuels, the name of the body, and

            3. if the fuel’s type is set out in column 1 of the applicable table to Schedule 5, its default CO2 emission factor as set out in column 3 and, if that fuel’s type is not so set out, the default CO2 emission factor for that fuel’s type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default CO2 emission factors for fuels and a statement that indicates the name of the body;

    • (d) if applicable, documents that establish that the captured CO2 emissions were captured, transported and stored as described in subsection 3(5) of these Regulations;

    • [...]

    • (f) for each type of fuel combusted,

      • (i) the type and, if that type is biomass, an explanation of why that type is biomass as defined in subsection 2(1) of these Regulations, and


    6 If replacement data referred to in section 28 of these Regulations was used for a day or days for a given period referred to in subsection 28(1) of these Regulations during the calendar year,

    • (a) the reason for which data required to determine the value of an element of a formula set out in section 19 or any of sections 21 to 24 of these Regulations was not obtained and an explanation as to why that reason was out of the control of the responsible person;

    • [...]

    • (c) the value determined for that element using replacement data, along with details of that determination, including

      • [...]

      • (iii) in the case of a determination of the value of an element referred to in subsection 28(3) of these Regulations for a given period, a justification for the given period being used as the basis of that determination.

  2. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations - SOR/2012-167 (Section 24)
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
    Marginal note:Quantification based on HHV
    •  (1) For an eligible fuel referred to in subsection (2), the quantity of CO2 emissions attributable to the combustion of the fuel in a unit during a calendar year, expressed in tonnes, may be determined in accordance with subsection (4) based on the following higher heating value of the fuel:

      • (a) the higher heating value of the fuel that is measured in accordance with subsection (6) as provided by the supplier of the fuel to the responsible person but, if not so provided, as so measured by the responsible person; and

      • (b) in the absence of a measured higher heating value of the fuel referred to in paragraph (a), the default higher heating value, set out in column 2 of Schedule 5, for the fuel’s type, as set out in column 1 but, in the absence of that default higher heating value, a default higher heating value for that fuel type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default higher heating values for fuels.

    • [...]

    • (4) The quantity of emissions is to be determined in accordance with the following formula:

      Q × HHV × EF × 0.001


      is the quantity of the fuel combusted in the unit during the calendar year determined
      • (a) for a solid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Mf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a) and expressed in tonnes,

      • (b) for a liquid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(b) and expressed in kL, and

      • (c) for a gaseous fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(c) and expressed in standard m3;

      — expressed in GJ/tonne, for a solid fuel, in GJ/kL, for a liquid fuel, and in GJ/standard m3, for a gaseous fuel — is
      • [...]

      • (b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies, the default higher heating value, set out in column 2 of Schedule 5, for the fuel’s type, as set out in column 1 and, in the absence of that default higher heating value, a default higher heating value for that fuel type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default higher heating values for fuels; and

      is the default CO2 emission factor, set out in column 3 of Schedule 5, for that fuel listed in column 1 and, in the absence of that default CO2 emission factor, a default CO2 emission factor for that fuel established by a body that is internationally recognized as competent to establish default CO2 emission factors for fuels.
    • (5) The weighted average higher heating value of the fuel is determined in accordance with the following formula:


      is the higher heating value of, as the case may be, each composite sample, or sample, of the fuel for the ith sampling period measured in accordance with subsection (6), as provided by the supplier of the fuel to the responsible person but, if not so provided, as so measured by the responsible person;
      is the mass or volume, as the case may be, of the fuel combusted during the ith sampling period, expressed
      • (a) for a solid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Mf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a) and expressed in tonnes,

      • (b) for a liquid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(b) and expressed in kL, and

      • (c) for a gaseous fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(c) and expressed in standard m3.


  3. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations - SOR/2012-167 (Section 23)
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
    Marginal note:Measured carbon content
    •  (1) Subject to section 24, the quantity of CO2 emissions attributable to the combustion of a fuel in a unit during a calendar year, expressed in tonnes, is determined in accordance with the applicable formula, as follows:

      • (a) for a solid fuel

        Mf × CCA × 3.664


        is the mass of the fuel combusted during the calendar year as determined, as the case may be, on a wet or dry basis, expressed in tonnes and measured by a measuring device, and
        is the weighted average, expressed in kg of carbon per kg of the fuel, of the carbon content of the fuel determined in accordance with subsection (2) on the same wet or dry basis as the one used in the determination of Mf;
      • (b) for a liquid fuel

        Vf × CCA × 3.664


        is the weighted average, expressed in tonnes of carbon per kL of the fuel, of the carbon content of the fuel determined in accordance with subsection (2) at the same temperature as the one used in the determination of Vf; and
    • Marginal note:Weighted average

      (2) The weighted average referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) as CCA is, based on fuel samples collected in accordance with section 27, to be determined in accordance with the following formula:


      is the carbon content of, as the case may be, the composite sample, or the sample, of the fuel for the ith sampling period expressed for solid fuels, liquid fuels and gaseous fuels, respectively, in the same unit of measure as the one set out in CCA, as provided by the supplier of the fuel to the responsible person and, if not so provided, as determined by the responsible person, and measured
      • (a) for a solid fuel, on the same wet or dry basis as the one used in the determination of CCA, in accordance with,


      is the mass or volume, as the case may be, of the fuel combusted during the ith sampling period, expressed
      • (a) for a solid fuel, in tonnes, on the same wet or dry basis as the one used in the determination of CCA,


  4. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations - SOR/2012-167 (Section 21)
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
    Marginal note:Quantification
    •  (1) If paragraph 20(1)(a) applies, the quantity of CO2 emissions referred to in subsection 20(1) is to be determined in accordance with the following formula:

      Eu – Ebio + Enon-ccs


      is the quantity of CO2 emissions, expressed in tonnes, from the unit, “u”, during the calendar year from the combustion of fuel, as measured by the CEMS in accordance with sections 7.1 to 7.7 of the Reference Method;
      is the quantity of CO2 emissions, expressed in tonnes, from the combustion of fuel in the unit, including those emissions referred to in subsection 3(4), during the calendar year — other than the quantity of those emissions as measured by the CEMS and set out in the description of Eu — that is determined using a direct measure of the flow of, and the concentration of CO2 in, the emissions from that combustion of fuel but that is not ultimately captured, transported and stored as described in subsection 3(5).
    • (2) For the purpose of determining the value of Ebio, the method, based on data from the CEMS, consists of making the following sequence of determinations:

      • (a) the volume of CO2 emitted from combustion of fuel in the unit for each hour of production of electricity during the calendar year determined in accordance with the following formula:

        0.01 × %CO2w,h × Qw,h × th


        is the average concentration of CO2 in relation to all gases in the stack emitted from the combustion of fuel in the unit during a given hour, “h”, during which the unit produced electricity in the calendar year — or, if applicable, a calculation made in accordance with section 7.4 of the Reference Method of that average concentration of CO2 based on a measurement of the concentration of oxygen (O2) in those gases in the stack — expressed as a percentage on a wet basis,
      • (b) the volume of CO2 emitted from combustion of fossil fuel in the unit during the calendar year, expressed in standard m3 and referred to in this subsection as Vff, determined in accordance with the following formula:


        is the quantity of fossil fuel type “i” combusted in the unit during the calendar year, determined
        • (a) for a solid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Mf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a) and expressed in tonnes,

        • (b) for a liquid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(b) and expressed in kL, and

        • (c) for a gaseous fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(c) and expressed in standard m3,

        is the fuel-specific carbon-based F-factor for each fossil fuel type “i” — being, as the case may be, the default value as set out in column 3 of the table to subsection (3) for that fuel type set out in column 2 or determined for that fuel type in accordance with Appendix A of the Reference Method — expressed in standard m3 of CO2/GJ,
        — expressed in GJ/tonne, for a solid fuel, in GJ/kL, for a liquid fuel, and in GJ/standard m3, for a gaseous fuel — is, for each fossil fuel type “i”,
        • [...]

        • (b) in the absence of a default higher heating value for that fuel type referred to in paragraph (a), a default higher heating value for that fuel type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default higher heating values for fuels;

      • (c) the volume of CO2 emitted from the combustion of biomass in the unit during the calendar year, expressed in standard m3 and referred to in this subsection as Vbio, determined in accordance with the following formula:

        VT – Vff


        is the sum of the volumes of CO2 emitted from combustion of fuel in the unit during each hour of production of electricity during the calendar year, as determined under paragraph (a), and
      • (d) the quantity of the CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass in the unit during the calendar year, namely Ebio determined in accordance with the formula set out in subsection (1), based on the following two determinations:

        • (i) the fraction of the volume of CO2 emissions from all fuel combusted in the unit attributable to the combustion of biomass in the unit during the calendar year, referred to in this section as Biofr, determined in accordance with the following formula:


    • [...]

    • (4) Despite subsection (1), if there is one or more other units at a power plant where a unit is located and a CEMS measures emissions from that unit and from one or more of those other units at a common stack rather than at the exhaust duct of that unit and of each of those other units that brings those emissions to the common stack, then the quantity of emissions attributable to that unit for the purpose of subsection (1) is determined based on the ratio of the heat input of that unit to the total of the heat input of that unit and of all of those other units sharing the common stack in accordance with the following formula:


      is the quantity of fuel type “j” combusted in that unit “u” during the calendar year, determined
      • (a) for a solid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Mf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a) and expressed in tonnes,

      • (b) for a liquid fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(b) and expressed in kL, and

      • (c) for a gaseous fuel, in the same manner as the one used in the determination of Vf in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(c) and expressed in standard m3;

  5. Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations - SOR/2012-167 (Section 17)
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
    Marginal note:Record-making
    •  (1) A responsible person for a unit must make a record

      • (a) of any notice referred to in subsection 4(3), 5(6) or 6(6) or section 12 that was sent to the Minister and the information that was contained in it, as well as any supporting documents;

      • (b) of any application referred to in subsection 5(3), 6(3), 7(3), 8(2), 9(2) or 14(3) and the information referred to in the subsection, as well as any supporting documents;

    • Marginal note:When records made

      (2) Records referred to in paragraphs (1)(c) to (h) must be made as soon as feasible but not later than 30 days after the information to be recorded becomes available.

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