(d) an indication as to whether the railway car moves in a block that receives an incentive and if it does, the number of railway cars moved together as the block for which the incentive is received;
(e) an indication as to whether the traffic was, based on the rail origin, transferred from a truck or vessel or, based on the rail destination, transferred to a truck or vessel;
(j) an indication as to whether the rate that applies in respect of the traffic is set out in a tariff or a confidential contract, and, in the case of a tariff, the tariff number;
(k) an indication as to whether a long‑haul interswitching rate applies by order in respect of the traffic;
(l) an indication as to whether the shipper has provided the class 1 rail carrier with an undertaking with respect to the volume of the traffic, and if so, the volume in respect of which the undertaking was made;
(q) an indication as to whether the railway car is used for the movement of grain, as defined in section 147 of the Act;
(y) in the event that the origin of the movement is in Canada, details that enable the identification of the originating facility, such as consignee, care of party, care of customer, operating customer or the GPS coordinates of the facility; and
(z) in the event that the destination of the movement is in Canada, details that enable the identification of the terminating facility, such as consignee, care of party, care of customer, operating customer or the GPS coordinates of the facility.