(2) The table to this subsection sets out architectural coatings and their applicable VOC concentration limit. The table is divided into three columns. The first sets out the architectural coating subject to the VOC concentration limit, the second sets out the VOC concentration limit applicable to that architectural coating and the third sets out the anniversary of the day on which these Regulations come into force, from which the effective dates of the prohibitions set out in sections 3 and 5 of these Regulations are determined.
Specialty primer, sealer or undercoater, a coating to be applied to a substrate to
(b) condition a surface having a chalk rating of 4 or less as determined in accordance with the test method referred to in section 14 of these Regulations; or
14 (1) The chalkiness of a surface to be conditioned by the application of a specialty primer, sealer or undercoater set out in the schedule must be determined in accordance with ASTM D 4214–07, entitled Standard Test Methods for Evaluating the Degree of Chalking of Exterior Paint Films, except that the expression “as agreed upon between the producer, user, or other interested parties” must be excluded as well as the following:
(2) For the purpose of these Regulations, standard ASTM D 4214–07 must be read as excluding the following referenced standards:
(3) Wherever the expression “degree of chalking” appears in ASTM D 4214–07, it must be read to mean “chalkiness” as set out in these Regulations.
13 (1) The set-to-touch, tack-free and dry-hard times of a quick-dry enamel set out in the schedule must be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1640–03, entitled Standard Test Methods for Drying, Curing, or Film Formation of Organic Coatings at Room Temperature, except that the standard must be read as excluding references to any agreement between the purchaser and the seller as well as the following:
(2) For the purpose of these Regulations, standard ASTM D 1640–03 must be read as excluding the following referenced standards:
(2) An application for a permit must be submitted to the Minister and contain the following information:
(b) respecting the architectural coating,
(iv) its category as set out in the schedule and the information on which the selection of the product category was made, and
(f) the civic and postal addresses of the location where information, supporting documents and certification, as set out in subsection (3), are kept.
(4) The application and certification may be submitted either in writing or in an electronic format that is compatible with the format that is used by the Minister, and the documents must bear the written or electronic signature, as the case may be, of the applicant or their duly authorized representative.