1 ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises comprising all of the town of St-Jean and part of the Parishes of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, St-Jean and St-Luc, Registration Division of St-Jean, County of St-Jean, Province of Quebec and being more particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the intersection of the waters’ edge of Richelieu River with the lot line between lots 42 and 43, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the lot line between lots 42 and 43, Parish of St-Jean, passing through Highway No. 9b and a railroad being part of lot 235, Parish of St-Jean, in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of lot 136, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE following the last-mentioned boundary, in a general Southerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 136 and 137, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, passing through a public road (Chemin du Grand Bernier), in a general Westerly direction to the Southeasterly corner of lot 188, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the Easterly boundary of lot 188, Parish of St-Jean, in a general Northerly direction, to its intersection with the lot line between lots 188 and 189, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of a public road; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary, in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 190 and 191, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, passing through a public road, in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Parish line between the Parishes of St-Jean and Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned parish line, in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 118 and 119, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of a public road; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary, in a general Northeasterly direction, to its intersection with the lot line between lots 120 and 121, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of lot 289; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary and the Easterly boundary of lots 288, 287, 284, 283, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, to its intersection with the lot line between lots 282 and 283, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the lot line between lots 282 and 283, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Northwesterly direction, to the Southwesterly corner of lot 282, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the lot line between lots 281 and 282, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Northeasterly direction to its intersection with a line running N. 00°12′ E., being at ten thousand (10,000) feet measured along the Westerly production of the centre line of strip 11 from the end of the said strip; THENCE N. 00°12′ E., following the last described line and its production to its intersection with the lot line between lots 274 and 275, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, in a general Easterly direction, to the Southeasterly corner of lot 274, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following a first Easterly boundary of lot 274, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Northerly direction to a point; THENCE, following the Southerly boundary of the said lot 274, in a general Easterly direction, to a point; THENCE, following a second Easterly boundary of the said lot 274 and a first Easterly boundary of lot 270, in a general Northerly direction, to a point; THENCE, following the Southerly boundary of the said lot 270, in a general Easterly direction to a point; THENCE, following a second Easterly boundary of the said lot 270, in a general Northerly direction, to its intersection with the Southerly boundary of lot 266, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary, in a general Easterly direction to the Southeasterly corner of the said lot 266; THENCE, following the Easterly boundary of lots 266 and 265, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Northerly direction, to a point; THENCE, following the Southerly boundary of the said lot 265, in a general Easterly direction to a point; THENCE, following the lot line between lots 265, 264, 263, 262, 259, 156, 157 and 158, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in general Northerly, Easterly, Northerly, Easterly and Northerly directions to the Southwesterly corner of lot 159, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the lot line between lots 158 and 159, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, passing through a public road, in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of the said public road; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary passing through a railroad being lot 421, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 164 and 165, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line and its production, passing through a railroad being lot 419, Parish of Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie, in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the parish line between the Parishes of St-Luc and Ste-Marguerite de Blairfindie; THENCE, following the last-mentioned parish line, in a general Northwesterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 120 and 121, Parish of St-Luc; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line, passing through a public road (Chemin du Grand Bernier), in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the parish line between the Parishes of St-Luc and St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned parish line, in a general Northerly direction, to its intersection with the lot line between lots 81 and 82, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned lot line and its production, passing through a public road and Chambly Canal (lot 236, Parish of St-Jean), in a general Easterly direction, to its intersection with the centre line of Richelieu River being also the county line between the counties of St-Jean and Iberville; THENCE, following the last-mentioned county line, in a general Southerly direction, to its intersection with the production of the lot line between lots 47 and 46-150, Parish of St-Jean; THENCE, following the last-mentioned production, in a general Westerly direction, to its intersection with the waters’ edge of Richelieu River; THENCE, following the last-mentioned waters’ edge, in a general Southerly direction, to the Point of Commencement, which lands and part of Richelieu River are shown on Department of Transport Plan No. M-3710, dated September 20, 1971.