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  1. Sarnia Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/87-602 (SCHEDULE)



    The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Sarnia Airport Zoning Plan No. 38-028-84-133, Sheets 1 to 4 inclusive and 6 to 14 inclusive, dated March 17, 1986, are described as follows:

    Commencing at the intersection of the water’s edge of Lake Huron with the production northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 13, in the Front Concession in the Township of Sarnia;

    Thence southerly along the said production northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 13 and along the said boundary to the intersection thereof with the north-western boundary of Westgate Crescent according to a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Lambton as No. 650;


  2. London Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 93 (SCHEDULE)



    COMMENCING at the northeasterly corner of Lot 6, in Concession 1 North of the River Thames, in the Township of North Dorchester; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of said Lot 6 to the southeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 6 to the southwesterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 1 and 2 North of the River Thames, in the said Township, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 5, in Concession 2 North of the River Thames; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of said Lot 5 to the intersection thereof with a line drawn parallel with the southern limit of the said allowance for road and perpendicularly distant 3,000 feet measured southerly therefrom; THENCE westerly along the said parallel line across Lots 5, 4 and 3, in the said Concession 2, to the intersection thereof with the western boundary of Lot 3, in the said Concession 2; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of said Lot 3 to the northwestern corner of the said Lot; THENCE, northerly in a straight line across the said allowance for road to the southeasterly corner of Lot 2, in Concession 1 North of the River Thames; THENCE westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 2 and Lot 1, in the said Concession, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, southwesterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between the Township of North Dorchester and the Township of London, to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, in Concession “C”, in the Township of London, now in the City of London; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 1 and Lot 2, in said Concession “C”, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of said Lot 2, to the northwesterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession “C” and Concession 1, in the Township of London, to the southeasterly corner of Lot 3, in Concession 1; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 3 and Lot 4, in Concession 1, to the southwestern corner of said Lot 4; THENCE, westerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 4 and 5, in the said Concession 1, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of the said Lot 5 to the southwestern corner of the said Lot; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the said Lot 5 to the northwestern corner of the said Lot; THENCE, northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 1 and 2 to the south- western corner of Lot 5, in said Concession 2; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of said Lot 5 to the intersection thereof with the southern limit of Cheapside Street as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Middlesex East (No. 33) as Plan No. 876; THENCE, easterly along the southern limit of Cheapside Street to the intersection thereof with the production southerly of the western boundary of Block “R” as shown on Plan No. 876; THENCE, northerly along that production and along the western boundary of Block “R” and the production northerly thereof to the intersection of the said production with the southern boundary of Lot 5, in Concession 3; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 5 and Lot 6 to the eastern limit of the allowance for road known as Packs Lane; THENCE, northerly along the eastern limit of Packs Lane to the northern boundary of said Lot 6, in Concession 3; THENCE, northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 3 and 4 to the southwestern corner of Lot 6, in Concession 4; THENCE northerly along the western boundary of Lot 6, in Concession 4, to the intersection thereof with the South bank of the Thames River; THENCE easterly along the South bank of the Thames River to the intersection thereof with the western boundary of Lot 4, in Concession 4; THENCE northerly along the western boundary of said Lot 4 to the northwesterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, westerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 to the southwestern corner of Lot 4, in Concession 5; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of Lot 4, in Concession 5 to the northwesterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 4 and Lot 3 to the intersection thereof with the West bank of the Thames River; THENCE, easterly in a straight line across the Thames River to the intersection of the East bank of the river with the northern boundary of Lot 2, in Concession 5; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 2 and Lot 1 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, in Concession 5; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of said Lot 1 to the intersection thereof with the production westerly of the northern boundary of Lot 10, in Concession 1, in the Township of West Nissouri; THENCE, easterly along that production and along the northern boundary of said Lot 10 to the northeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 10, in Concession 1, to the southeastern corner of the said Lot; THENCE, easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 1 and 2, in the Township of West Nissouri, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 9, in said Concession 2; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of said Lot 9 to the northeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE southerly along the eastern boundary of said Lot 9 to the southeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 2 and 3 to the northwesterly corner of Lot 8, in the said Concession 3; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 8 to the northeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of said Lot 8 to the southeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 3 and 4 to the northwesterly corner of Lot 7, in said Concession 4; THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 7 to the northeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 7 and Lot 6 to the southeasterly corner of Lot 6, in Concession 4; THENCE, southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 5 and Lot 6, in Concession 4, to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of Lots 5, 4, 3 and 2, in Concession 4, to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of said Lot 2 to the southwesterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, westerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 3 and 4 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, in Concession 3; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 1 to the southeasterly corner of the said Lot; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 1 to the intersection thereof with the production northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 6, in Concession 1 North of the River Thames, in the Township of North Dorchester; THENCE, southerly along that production to the point of commencement.


  3. Lakehead Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 90 (SCHEDULE)



    COMMENCING at the Southeasterly angle of said Lot Eleven (11); THENCE, Westerly along the Southern boundary of the said Concession to the Southwesterly angle of said Lot Twenty (20); THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of said Lot Twenty (20) and the production Northerly thereof, to the natural High Water Mark of the Kaministiqua River; THENCE, in a general Easterly direction along the said natural High Water Mark to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Eastern boundary of said Lot Eleven (11); THENCE, Southerly along the last said production and along the Eastern boundary of Lot Eleven (11) to the point of commencement.


    ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Neebing, now in the City of Fort William in the District of Thunder Bay and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Concession 1, North of the river; part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Concession 2, North of the river; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Concession 3, North of the river; and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Concession 4, North of the river; and part of the Town Plot of Fort William, including all of the plans of subdivision registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the District of Fort William as Plan Numbers 681, 219, 379, 521, 744, 771, 196, 232, 251, 42, 749, 70, 423, 222, 440, 61, 507, 735, 394, 748, 722, 287, 729, 733, 427, 759, 725, 716, 740, 723, 750, 755, 756, 766, 677, 628, 762, 148, 757, 760, 772, 390, 129, 295, 796, 188, 788, 790, 797, 411, 211, 777, 768, 690, 776, 764, 252, 784, 787, 153 and 170, all of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in the said Concessions, and between the Town Plot of Fort William and Lot 6, in said Concession 1, now known as Edward Street; all of the allowance for road between Lots 10 and 11, in the said Concessions, now known as Neebing Avenue; part of the allowance for road between the said Concessions 2 and 3, now known as Arthur Street; and part of the allowance for road between Concession 4, North of the river, in the Township of Neebing and Township of McIntyre, now known as William Street, which said parcels are more particularly described as follows:

    COMMENCING at the Northeasterly angle of Lot 6, in Concession 4, North of the river; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of said Lot 6 to the Southeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Southeasterly in a straight line across Edward Street to the Northwesterly angle of Lot 5, in the said Concession 3; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of said Lot 5 to the Northeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Southerly along the Easterly boundary of the said Lot to the Southeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Easterly along the Southern boundary of Lots 4 and 3, in the said Concession 3 to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Easterly boundary of Lot 41, as shown on Plan 723; THENCE, Southerly along that production and along the said Easterly boundary of Lot 41 to the Northwestern limit of the right-of-way lands of the Canadian National Railway; THENCE, Southwesterly along the said limit of the said right-of-way land to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 160, as shown on Plan 759; THENCE, Easterly in a straight line to the Northwesterly angle of Lot 2, as shown on Plan 725; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of Lots 2 and 1, as shown on said Plan 725 to the Northeasterly angle of said Lot 1; THENCE, Southwesterly along the Northwestern limit of Kingsway Street to the Southeasterly angle of Lot 31, as shown on Plan 733; THENCE, Southwesterly in a straight line across Christina Street to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 32, as shown on the said Plan 733; THENCE, Southerly along the Western limit of Ford Street to the intersection thereof with the Northern boundary of Lot “A”, as shown on Plan 735; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of Lot “A” to the Northeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of Lots “A” and “B”, as shown on the said Plan 735 to the natural high water mark of the North bank of the Kaministiqua River; THENCE, in a general Westerly and Southerly direction along the said high water mark to the intersection thereof with a line drawn South 60 degrees 50 minutes East from a point on the Easterly limit of Neebing Avenue, the said point being distant 1,263.8 feet measured Southerly along the said Easterly limit from the Southerly limit of Montreal Street; THENCE, North 60 degrees 50 minutes West along the said line and its production Westerly to the intersection thereof with the Eastern boundary of Lot 11, in Concession 1, North of the river; THENCE, Northerly along the said Eastern boundary of said Lot 11, to the Northeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 1 and 2, to the Southeasterly angle of Lot 11, in Concession 2; THENCE, Northerly along the Eastern boundary of Lot 11, in Concession 2 and Lot 11, in Concession 3, to the Northeasterly angle of the last said Lot; THENCE, Northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 3 and 4, to the Southeasterly angle of Lot 11, in Concession 4; THENCE, Northerly along the Eastern boundary of Lot 11, in Concession 4 and Lot 11, in Concession 5, and the production Northerly thereof, to the Northern limit of the allowance for road between the Township of Neebing and the Township of McIntyre; THENCE, Easterly along the said Northern limit of the said allowance for road to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Eastern boundary of Lot 6, in Concession 4, in the Township of Neebing; THENCE, Southerly along that production to the point of commencement. SAVING AND EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the following parcels which may be more particularly described as follows:


  4. Lakehead Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 90 (Section 5)

     No person shall erect or construct, on any land to which these Regulations apply, any building, structure or object or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation at the location of the highest point any of the surfaces hereinafter set out that project immediately over and above the surface of the land at that location, namely,

    • (a) a horizontal surface, the outer limits of which may be described as follows:

      COMMENCING at the Northeasterly angle of Lot 6, in Concession 4, North of the river, in the Township of Neebing; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of said Lot 6 to the Southeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Easterly in a straight line across Edward Street to the Northwesterly angle of Lot 5, in Concession 3, North of the river; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of said Lots 5 and 4 to the Northeasterly angle of said Lot 4; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of said Lot 4 to the high water mark of the Southern bank of the Neebing River; THENCE, Westerly along the said high water mark to the intersection thereof with a line drawn parallel to and distant 33 feet perpendicularly Westerly from the Eastern boundary of said Lot 4; THENCE, Southerly along the said parallel line and along the Western limit of Tarbutt Street to the Southern limit of Victoria Avenue; THENCE, Easterly along the Southern limit of Victoria Avenue to the intersection thereof with the Northwestern limit of Waterloo Street; THENCE, Southwesterly along the Northwestern limit of Waterloo Street to the intersection thereof with the Northern limit of Arthur Street; THENCE, Westerly along the Northern limit of Arthur Street to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Easterly boundary of Lot 41 as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the District of Fort William as Plan 723; THENCE, Southerly along that production and along the said Easterly boundary of Lot 41 to the Northwestern limit of the right-of-way land of the Canadian National Railway; THENCE, Southwesterly along the said limit of the said right-of-way land to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 160, as shown on Plan 759; THENCE, Easterly in a straight line to the Northwesterly angle of Lot 2, as shown on Plan 725; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of Lots 2 and 1, as shown on said Plan 725 to the Northeasterly angle of said Lot 1; THENCE, Southwesterly along the Northwestern limit of Kingsway Street to the Southeasterly angle of Lot 31, as shown on Plan 733; THENCE, Southerly in a straight line across Christina Street to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 32, as shown on the said Plan 733; THENCE, Southerly along the Western limit of Ford Street to the intersection thereof with the Northern boundary of Lot “A”, as shown on Plan 735; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of Lot “A” to the Northeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of Lots “A” and “B”, as shown on the said Plan 735 to the natural high water mark of the North bank of the Kaministiqua River; THENCE, in a general Westerly and Southerly direction along the said high water mark to the intersection thereof with a line drawn South 60 degrees 50 minutes East from a point on the Easterly limit of Neebing Avenue the said point being distant 1,263.8 feet measured Southerly along the said Easterly limit from the Southerly limit of Montreal Street; THENCE, North 60 degrees 50 minutes West along the said line and its production Westerly to the intersection thereof with the Eastern boundary of Lot 11, in Concession 1, North of the river; THENCE, Northerly along the Eastern boundary of the said Lot 11 to the Southern limit of Broadway Street; THENCE, Westerly along the said Southern limit to the Western boundary of the said Lot 11; THENCE, Southerly along the said Western boundary and its production Southerly to the intersection thereof with the natural high water mark of the South bank of the said river; THENCE, Easterly along the said high water mark to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Eastern boundary of Lot 11, in Concession 1, South of the river; THENCE, Southerly along that production and along the said Eastern boundary of said Lot 11 to the Southeasterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Westerly along the Southern boundary of the said Concession to the Southwesterly angle of Lot 20; THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of said Lot 20 and the production Northerly thereof, to the natural high water mark of the North bank of the Kaministiqua River; THENCE, in a general Northerly and Westerly direction along the said high water mark of the North bank of the river to the intersection thereof with the production Southerly of the Western boundary of Lot 23, in Concession 1, North of the river; THENCE, Northerly along that production and along the Western boundary of said Lot 23 to the Northwesterly angle of the said Lot; THENCE, Northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 1 and 2, North of the river, to the Southwesterly angle of Lot 23, in said Concession 2; THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of Lot 23, in Concession 2 and Lot 23, in Concession 3, North of the river, to the Northwesterly angle of the last said Lot; THENCE, Northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concessions 3 and 4, North of the river, to the Southwesterly angle of Lot 23, in said Concession 4; THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of Lot 23, in the said Concession 4 and Lot 23, in Concession 5, North of the river, to the Northwesterly angle of the last said Lot; THENCE, Northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between the Township of Neebing and the Township of McIntyre to the Southwesterly angle of the Jean Langlois Mineral Location in the Township of McIntyre; THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of the said Mineral Location and along the Western boundary of the John C. T. Cochrane Mineral Location to the Northwesterly angle thereof; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of the John C. T. Cochrane Mineral Location to the Northeasterly angle thereof; THENCE, Northerly along the Western boundary of the J. J. Vickers Mineral Location to the Northwesterly angle thereof; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of the J. J. Vickers Mineral Location to the Northeasterly angle thereof; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern boundary of Section 55, in the said Township of McIntyre to the Northeasterly angle of the said section; THENCE, Southerly along the Eastern boundary of the said section to the Southeasterly angle thereof; THENCE, Easterly along the Northern limit of the said allowance for road between the said Townships to the intersection thereof with the production Northerly of the Eastern boundary of Lot 6, in Concession 4, North of the river, in the Township of Neebing; THENCE, Southerly along that production to the point of commencement; SAVING AND EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom all of the Kaministiqua River lying within the above described parcel,


  5. Fort Frances Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/96-133 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Fort Frances Airport Zoning Plan No. 59-011 91-60, dated January 14, 1993, is described as follows:


    thence westerly along the northern boundary of the said Plan SM-19 to the intersection thereof with the production northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 490 on Plan SM-19;


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