Each strip, shown on Department of Public Works Trenton Airport Zoning Plan No. 12-011 84-33, dated May 5, 1988 is described as follows:
(a) the strip associated with runway 06-24 is 300 m in width, 150 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 3 063.5 m in length; and
(b) the strip associated with runway 13-31 is 150 m in width, 75 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 052.3 m in length.
The approach surfaces, shown on Department of Public Works Trenton Airport Zoning Plan No. 12-011 84-33, dated May 5, 1988, are imaginary surfaces that abut each end of the strips associated with runways 06-24 and 13-31 and that are more particularly described as follows:
(a) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 06 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally and rises to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 291 m measured vertically above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip;
(b) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 24 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 291.4 m measured vertically above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip;
(c) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 13 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 40 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 1 800 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 345 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 45 m measured vertically above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip; and
(d) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 31 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 40 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 1 880 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 357 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 47 m measured vertically above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip.
ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in the City of Trenton and the Township of Sidney, both in the County of Hastings, and the Township of Murray in the County of Northumberland, and the Township of Ameliasburgh in the County of Prince Edward:
thence easterly along the southern limit of County Road No. 22 to the intersection with the northwestern limit of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 24;
thence south 43°54′29″ west along the northwestern limit of that approach surface to the intersection with a line drawn perpendicular to the centre line of runway 24 and at a distance of 3 700 m along the projection of the centre line from the northeasterly end of the strip associated with runway 24;
thence on a bearing of north 46°05′31″ west to the intersection with the southeastern limit of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 06, the said intersection also being the intersection of the southeastern limit of that approach surface with a line drawn perpendicular to the centre line of runway 06 and at a distance of 3 700 m along the projection of the centre line from the southwesterly end of the strip associated with runway 06;
ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in the City of Belleville, the City of Trenton, the Township of Sidney, and the Township of Thurlow, all in the County of Hastings, and the Township of Murray and the Township of Brighton, both in the County of Northumberland, and the Township of Ameliasburgh in the County of Prince Edward:
thence easterly along the southern boundary of that road allowance across part of Lot 26 and Lots 27, 28, 29 and part of Lot 30, Concession 2, to the intersection with the northwestern limit of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 24;
thence northerly along that southwestern boundary through Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Carrying Place, Township of Murray, to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 06;
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Sidney, in the County of Hastings, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the runway centreline with the northeast end of the strip associated with runway 06-24, as shown on Department of Public Works Trenton Airport Zoning Plan No. 12-011 84-33, dated May 5, 1988;
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the City of Trenton and the Township of Sidney, in the County of Hastings, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the runway centreline with the southwest end of the strip associated with runway 06-24, as shown on Department of Public Works Trenton Airport Zoning Plan No. 12-011 84-33, dated May 5, 1988;