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  1. Chatham Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/91-173 (SCHEDULE)



    The boundary of the outer limits of the lands to which these Regulations apply, shown on Chatham Airport Zoning Plan No. 36-011 86-08, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 dated January 28, 1987, are described as follows:


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, Concession 11, to the northerly corner of the said Lot 25;


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lot 23, Concession 4 W.C.R., to the northerly corner of the said Lot 23;


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lot 21, Concession 3 W.C.R., to the northerly corner of the said Lot 21;


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lot 17, Concession 13, to the northerly corner of the said northwesterly half of Lot 17;


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lot 18, Concession 12, to the northerly corner of the said Lot 18;


    THENCE northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Lot 19, Concession 12, to the northerly corner of the said Lot 19;


  2. Comox Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/80-803 (SCHEDULE)



    All that land and land under water contained within the following described boundary:

    Commencing at a point on the high water mark of the strait of Georgia distant four thousand (4 000) metres on a bearing of 318°30′53″ from the western end of the centre line of runway 11, thence northeasterly on a curve to the right of radius four thousand (4 000) metres a distance of three thousand two hundred and sixty-four (3 264) metres to a point of tangency, thence 95°16′05″ and parallel to and perpendicularly distant four thousand (4 000) metres from a line joining the western end of the centre line of runway 11 to the northern end of the centre line of runway 18, a distance of six hundred and forty-four decimal eight one two (644.812) metres more or less to a point, said point being distant four thousand (4 000) metres on a bearing of 5°16′05″ from the northern end of the centre line of runway 18, thence southeasterly on a curve to the right of radius four thousand (4 000) metres a distance of one thousand two hundred and two decimal seven two six (1 202.726) metres more or less to an intersection with the northerly production of the centre line of the strip associated with runway 18-36, thence southerly on a curve to the right of radius four thousand (4 000) metres a distance of two thousand two hundred and forty-one decimal three nine one (2 241.391) metres to a point of tangency, thence 144°36′07″ and parallel to the perpendicularly distant four thousand (4 000) metres from a line joining the northern end of the centre line of runway 18 to the eastern end of the centre line of runway 29, a distance of two thousand five hundred and eighty-eight decimal three one zero (2 588.310) metres more or less to a point, said point being distant four thousand (4 000) metres on a bearing of 54°36′07″ from the eastern end of the centre line of runway 29, thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly on a curve to the right of radius four thousand (4 000) metres a distance of five thousand six hundred and thirty-eight decimal five three eight (5 638.538) metres more or less to an intersection with the easterly production of the centre line of the strip associated with runway 11-29, thence southwesterly and westerly on a curve to the right of radius four thousand (4 000) metres a distance of four thousand four hundred and sixteen decimal one eight seven (4 416.187) metres to a point of tangency, thence 288°37′31″ and parallel to and perpendicularly distant four thousand (4 000) metres from a line joining the eastern end of the centre line of runway 29 to the southern end of the centre line of runway 36 a distance of five hundred and sixty (560) metres more or less to the high water mark of the Strait of Georgia thence southwesterly and along said high water mark to the most southerly corner of Lot B, Plan 6884 of District Lot 140, thence westerly across Lot A, Plan 3364 and an unnamed road to the most southerly corner of Lot 4, Plan 14734, thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 4 to the most easterly corner of Lot 10, Plan 17307, thence southwesterly along the boundary of said Lot 10 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 10, thence northwesterly and westerly along the northeastern boundary of Yates Road to the southwest corner Lot 13, Plan 17307, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot C, Plan 14981 to the southwest corner of said Lot C, thence northwesterly across Butcher Road, Lot A, Plan 410 and Stafford Street to the southeast corner of Lot 23, Plan 410, thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 23, Plan 410, to the northeast corner of said Lot 23, Plan 410, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Holmes Street to the northwest corner of Lot 19, Plan 410, thence northwesterly across Beech Road and Lot 24, Plan 2657 to the southeast corner of Lot 6, Plan 16564, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 6, Plan 16564 to the southwest corner of said Lot 6, Plan 16564, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 6, Plan 16564 to the northwest corner of said Lot 6, Plan 16564, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Docliddle Road to the northeast corner of Lot 8, Plan 5689, thence northwesterly across Docliddle Road to the southeast corner of Lot 10, Plan 5689, thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Docliddle Road to the southwest corner of Lot 16, Plan 5689, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 16, Plan 5689 to the northwest corner of said Lot 16, Plan 5689, thence westerly across Torrence Road, Lot 20, Plan 2657 and Lot 1, Plan 3387 to the southeast corner of Lot A, Plan 16654, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 16654 to the southwest corner of said Lot A, Plan 16654, thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot B, Plan 3144 to the southeast corner of said Lot B, Plan 3144 thence northwesterly across Lot B, Plan 3144, Lots 17, 16, 15, 14, 12 and 11, all of Plan 2657, to the southeast corner of Lot A, Plan 30615, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 30615 to the southwest corner of said Lot A, Plan 30615 thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 30615 to the southeast corner of amended Lot 2, Plan 10860, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said amended Lot 2, Plan 10860 to the southwest corner of said amended Lot 2, Plan 10860, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said amended Lot 2 of the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 10860, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1, Plan 10860 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Plan 10860, thence northwesterly across Stewart Street to the northeast corner of Lot 3, Plan 4215, thence westerly across Balmoral Avenue to the southeast corner of the southeasterly thirty-six decimal five seven six (36.576) metres of Lot 1, Plan 4991, thence northwesterly along the northerly boundary of Balmoral Avenue to the northwest corner of the intersection of said Balmoral Avenue and Port Augusta Street, thence northwesterly across the remainder of Lot 11, Plan 3556 and Church Street to the most southerly corner of Lot 1, Plan 5081, thence northwesterly along the northerly boundary of Queens Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 6, Plan 7981 thence across Queens Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 7221, thence northwesterly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1, Plan 7221 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Plan 7221, thence northwesterly across the east half and the west half of the southerly one hundred and nine decimal four two three (109.423) metres of Lot 9, Plan 2696, to the most southerly corner of Lot 10, Plan 5626, thence northwesterly along the northern boundary of the Lane as shown on Plan 5626 to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Plan 5626 thence northerly across McLeod Street to the southeast corner of Lot 13, Plan 20443, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 13, Plan 20443 to the southwest corner of said Lot 13, Plan 20443, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 13, Plan 20443 to the northwest corner of said Lot 13, Plan 20443, thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Plan 20443 to the southwest corner of said Lot 9, Plan 20443, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 9, Plan 20443 to the northwest corner of said Lot 9, Plan 20443, thence northwesterly across Richardson Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot C, Plan 25492 thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said Richardson Avenue to the southerly boundary of Lot A, Plan 25492, thence westerly and along said southerly boundary of Lot A, Plan 25492 to the southwest corner of said Lot A, Plan 25492, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 25492, to the northwest corner of said Lot A, Plan 25492, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 4, Plan 4032 to the southwest corner of said Lot 4, Plan 4032, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 4, Plan 4032 to the northwest corner of said Lot 4, Plan 4032, thence northwesterly across Anderton Road to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 20478, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1, Plan 20478 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Plan 20478, thence northwesterly across the remainder of Lot 3, Plan 8215 to the northeast corner of Lot B, Plan 24907, thence northwesterly across Robb Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot E, Plan 30168, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot E, Plan 30168 to the northwest corner of said Lot E, Plan 30168, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot C, Plan 30168 to the southwest corner of said Lot C, Plan 30168, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot C, Plan 30168 to the southeast corner of Lot B, Plan 30168, thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of said Lot B, and Lot A of Plan 30168 to the southwest corner of said Lot A, Plan 30168 thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 30168 to a point of curvature in said westerly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 30168, thence northerly across Gull Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 5, Plan 26338, thence westerly along the northern boundary of Gull Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 4, Plan 26338, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 4, Plan 26338 to the northwest corner of said Lot 4, Plan 26338 thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 3, 2 and 1 of Plan 26338 to the westerly boundary of Section 1, thence northerly along said westerly boundary of Section 1 across the remainder of Lot 10, Plan 25246 and across Noel Avenue to the southerly boundary of Lot 28, Plan 28669, thence westerly, northwesterly and southwesterly along the northerly boundary of Noel Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 27, Plan 28669, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 27, Plan 28669 to the northwest corner of said Lot 27, Plan 28669 thence westerly along the Lot 27, Plan 28669, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Section 65 to the northwest corner of Lot 22, Plan 28669 thence northwesterly across said Section 65 to the northwest corner of said Section 65, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 170 to its intersection with southeastern boundary of McDonald Road, thence northerly across said McDonald Road and Lot 9, Plan 1911 to the most southerly corner of Lot 17, Plan 21400, thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 17, Plan 21400 to the most westerly corner of said Lot 17, Plan 21400 thence northwesterly across Cummings Road to the most southerly corner of Lot 2, Plan 21400, thence northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Lot 2, Plan 21400 to the most easterly corner of said Lot 2, Plan 24100 thence northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary of said Lot 2, Plan 21400 to the most northerly corner of said Lot 2, Plan 21400, thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of Lot B, Plan 27865 to the most southerly corner of said Lot B, Plan 27865 thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundaries of said Lot B and Lot A, Plan 27865, thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot A, Plan 27865 to the most northerly corner of said Lot A, Plan 27865, thence northeasterly across Lerwick Road to the most southerly corner of Lot 5, Plan 1911, thence northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary of Lerwick Road to the most westerly corner of Lot 1, Plan 1911, thence westerly across Dorking Road to the most southerly corner of the remainder of District Lot 157, thence northerly across said remainder of District Lot 157, to the most northerly corner of District Lot 157 thence northerly across Block 72 and Ryan Road to the most easterly corner of Lot 13, Plan 3720, thence northwesterly across Mission Road to the southeast corner of Lot 14, Plan 3720, thence northwesterly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 14, Plan 3720 to the southwest corner of District Lot 235, thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Block 71 to the northwest corner of District Lot 168, thence northeasterly across Block 71 and an unnamed road to the southeast corner of District Lot 177, thence easterly across an unnamed road and along the northerly boundary of the southwest quarter of District Lot 171 to the westerly boundary of Lot 3, Plan 30381, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Lots 3 and 4 of Plan 30381 to the northwest corner of said Lot 4, Plan 30381, thence northerly within June Road to the southwest corner of District Lot 213, thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said District Lot 213 to the southeast corner of said District Lot 213 thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 209 to the northeasterly boundary of Waveland Road thence northeasterly across District Lot 209 to the intersection of the north boundary of said District Lot 209 with the west boundary of Hall Road thence easterly along the north boundary of said District Lot 209 to the southerly boundary of Hall Road as shown on Plan 14871, thence southeasterly and northeasterly along said southerly boundary of Hall Road to the high water mark, thence southeasterly along said high water mark to the point of commencement which boundary is shown outlined yellow on Department of National Defence Plan No. B.C. 1289, sheets 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19 to 26 inclusive dated the 6th day of February, 1979 and revised sheets 1, 1A, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 18 dated the 12th day of May, 1981 and also those lands and lands underwater contained within the blue outline of said Department of National Defence Plan No. B.C. 1289 sheets 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19 to 26 inclusive dated the 6th day of February, 1979 and revised sheets 1, 1A, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 18 dated the 12th day of May, 1981 and more particularly described in Part III of the schedule, except those parts thereof contained within the yellow outline described above.


  3. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after May 1, 2014 - SI/2013-102 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    All that area consisting of that part of the Avalon Peninsula on the Island of Newfoundland lying southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point in the Eastern Channel at latitude 47°25′49″N and longitude 54°03′34″W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point in the Eastern Channel at latitude 47°26′11″N and longitude 53°57′51″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in Long Harbour at latitude 47°24′13″N and longitude 53°55′10″W; thence easterly in a straight line to the southwesterly limit of the Town of Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights at the mouth of Rattling Brook; thence generally westerly, generally northeasterly, generally southeasterly and generally southwesterly along the westerly, southerly, northerly and easterly limits of said town to a point at approximate latitude 47°26′32″N and longitude 53°44′50″W (on the southwesterly shoreline of Warrens Pond); thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 47°24′44″N and longitude 53°43′54″W; thence easterly in a straight line to the southwesternmost point of the limit of the Town of Whitbourne; thence generally easterly and northerly along said limit to the northeastern most point of the limit of said town; thence northeasterly in a straight line to the southwesternmost point of the limit of the Town of Spaniard’s Bay; thence generally northerly along the westerly limit of said town to the northwesternmost point of the limit of said town; thence northerly in a straight line to a point in Hound Pond at latitude 47°46′36″N and longitude 53°22′23″W; thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point in Broad Cove Gull Pond at latitude 47°49′47″N and longitude 53°12′51″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on the westerly limit of the Town of Salmon Cove at approximate latitude 47°46′51″N and longitude 53°11′48″W; thence generally southerly, northeasterly and northwesterly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of said town to a point at approximate latitude 47°47′21″N and longitude 53°08′40″W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point in Conception Bay at latitude 47°46′33″N and longitude 52°59′22″W; thence generally southerly along Conception Bay to a point at latitude 47°35′58″N and longitude 53°06′22″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in Conception Bay at latitude 47°32′07″N and longitude 53°02′09″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the northwesterly limit of the Town of Conception Bay South at the mouth of Long Pond Harbour; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of said town to the northwesterly limit of the Town of Paradise; thence northeasterly along the limit of said town to the northerly limit of said town; thence generally southeasterly along said limit to Camrose Drive; thence southerly along said drive to Paradise Road; thence generally southeasterly along said road to Topsail Road; thence generally easterly along said road to the southeasterly limit of the Town of Paradise; thence southerly and westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Town of Conception Bay South; thence generally southerly and westerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the City of St. John’s; thence generally southeasterly along said limit to the northwesternmost point of the Town of Bay Bulls; thence generally southerly along the westerly limit of said town to the northwesternmost point of the Town of Witless Bay; thence southerly and generally easterly along the westerly and southerly limits of said town to the easterly limit of said town.


  4. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after August 25, 2004 - SI/2003-154 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    Consisting of that part of the City of Montréal described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of Montréal with the southerly production of des Sources Boulevard; thence northerly along said production and des Sources Boulevard to the intersection of des Sources Boulevard with Herron Road; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of the collector situated northerly of Highway No. 20 with des Sources Boulevard; thence generally northerly along said boulevard to the northwesterly corner of the former City of Dorval; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of said former city to the limit between the former cities of Dorval and Saint-Laurent; thence generally southerly, northeasterly and generally southeasterly along the limits between the former cities of Dorval and Saint-Laurent and between the former cities of Lachine and Saint-Laurent to the northwesterly limit of the former City of Côte-Saint-Luc; thence in general southwesterly, southeasterly and northeasterly directions along the northwesterly, southwesterly and southeasterly limits of said former city to the southeasterly limit of the former City of Hampstead; thence northeasterly along said limit to Hingston Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to De Maisonneuve Boulevard West; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to the northwesterly production of Beaconsfield Avenue; thence southeasterly along said production, Beaconsfield Avenue and its production to de Lachine Canal; thence southwesterly along said canal to the westerly limit of the former City of LaSalle (easterly of du Musée Road); thence southerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the City of Montréal; thence westerly along said limit to the point of commencement.


  5. Langley Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 91 (SCHEDULE)



    COMMENCING at the southwest corner of Lot 16, District Lot 310, Group 2, Plan 1749, New Westminster District; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 16; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 94 of District Lot 310, Group 2, Plan 45918 to the northwest corner of said Lot 94; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 93, District Lot 310, Group 2, Plan 45918 to the northwest corner of said Lot 93; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 38, Plan 28649, District Lot 310, Group 2 to the northwest corner of said Lot 38; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of the right-of-way as shown on Plan 36019 in District Lot 310, Group 2 to the southwest corner of Lot 65, Plan 42622 of District Lot 310, Group 2; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 65 to the northwest corner of said Lot 65; THENCE, across Highway #10 by-pass as shown on Plan 29755 to the most southerly corner of Lot 72, Plan 39467 of District Lot 310, Group 2; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 72 to the northwest corner of said Lot 72; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 28, District Lot 310, Group 2, Plan 25907 to the northwest corner of said Lot 28; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of Lot 28 to the northeast corner of said Lot 28; THENCE, across Old McLellan Road to the southwest corner of Lot 64, of District Lot 310, Group 2 and the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 8, Plan 36911; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 64 to the northwest corner of said Lot 64; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 63, Plan 36911 to the northwest corner of said Lot 63; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 62, Plan 36911 to the northwest corner of said Lot 62; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 62 to the southwest corner of Lot 24, Plan 35719 of the northeast quarter Section 10, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 24 to the northwest corner of said Lot 24; THENCE, northeasterly across Fraser Highway to the southeast corner of Parcel “A”, Reference Plan 9859 of Lot 1 of Plan 1079 of Section 10, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel “A” to the northeast corner of said Parcel “A”; THENCE, northerly across a lane to a corner of a lane and Lot 1 of Plan 1079 of the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 1 to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 7, Plan 1079 of the northeast quarter Section 10, Township 8, to the northwest corner of said Lot 7; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 7 to the southwest corner of Lot 6 of the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 8, Plan 1079; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 6 to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 6 to the northeast corner of said Lot 6; THENCE, northerly across 64th Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 3, Plan 20200 of the southeast quarter, Section 15, Township 8; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 3 to the northwest corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 3 to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 33, Plan 46112, of the southeast quarter Section 15, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 2, Plan 7633 of the southeast quarter Section 15, Township 8, to the northwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 2 to the northeast corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 3, Plan 7633, of the southeast quarter Section 15, Township 8, to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of the remainder of Lot 1, Plan 7634 of the southeast quarter Section 15, Township 8, to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 7, Plan 24585 of the southeast quarter Section 15, Township 8; THENCE, northeasterly across 200th Street to the southwest corner of the remainder of Lot 30, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8; THENCE, easterly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 30 to the southeast corner of said Lot 30; THENCE, northerly and along the easterly boundary of said Lot 30 to the northeast corner of said Lot 30; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 1, Plan 10932 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, easterly and along the southerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 29, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the southeast corner of said Lot 29; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 18, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 18; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 19, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8, to the northwest corner of said Lot 19; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 20, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 20; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 21, Plan 2249 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 21; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 21 to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE, easterly across Clyde Road to the southwest corner of Lot 39, Plan 30901 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 39 to the northwest corner of said Lot 39; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 40, Plan 33202 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8, to the northwest corner of said Lot 40; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 40 to the northeast corner of said Lot 40; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of Lot 42, Plan 33202 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the southwest corner of Lot 59, Plan 37468 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 59 to the northwest corner of said Lot 59; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 62, Plan 40177 of the northwest quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 62; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 62 to the northeast corner of said Lot 62; THENCE, northeasterly across 204th Street to the southwest corner of Lot 18, Plan 26508 of the northeast quarter Section 14, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 18 to the northwest corner of said Lot 18; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 18 to the northeast corner of said Lot 18; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 17, Plan 26508 of the northeast quarter Section 14, Township 8 to the northeast corner of said Lot 17; THENCE, north across Jericho Road also known as 72nd Avenue to the north boundary of said Jericho Road; THENCE, easterly along said northerly boundary of Jericho Road to the southwest corner of Lot 75, Plan 43459 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of said Lot 75 to the northwest corner of Lot 75; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 75 to the northeast corner of said Lot 75; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 74, Plan 43459 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel “A”, Explanatory Plan 40194 of Lot 16, Plan 1257 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8, to the northeast corner of said Lot “A”; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 63, Plan 42073 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8 to the northeast corner of said Lot 63; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 17, Plan 1257 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 17; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 17 to the northeast corner of said Lot 17; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 21, Plan 1257 of the south half of Section 23, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 21; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 21 to the northeast corner of said Lot 21; THENCE, across 208th Street to the southwest corner of Lot 24, Plan 41575 of the southwest quarter Section 24, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 24 to the northwest corner of Lot 24; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 23, Plan 41575 of the southwest quarter Section 24, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 23; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of said Lot 23 to the northeast corner of Lot 23; THENCE, northerly and along the westerly boundary of Lot 33, Plan 39381 of the southwest quarter Section 24, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 33; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 33 to the northeast corner of said Lot 33; THENCE, across 209A Street to the northwest corner of Lot 31, Plan 39381 of the southwest quarter Section 24, Township 8; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 31 to the northeast corner of said Lot 31; THENCE, east across 210th Street; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of the remainder of the southwest quarter of Section 24, as shown on Reference Plan 7706 to the northwest corner of said remainder of southwest quarter Section 24; THENCE, easterly and along the northerly boundary of the remainder of the southwest quarter of Section 24, Township 8 to the northeast corner of said remainder of southwest quarter Section 24; THENCE, southerly and along the easterly boundary of said remainder of southwest quarter Section 24 to the southwesterly corner of Lot 36, Plan 38338 of the southeast quarter Section 24, Township 8; THENCE, southeasterly and along the northeasterly boundary of Parcel “C”, Reference Plan 9411 of the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 24, Township 8 to the most southerly corner of the remainder of Lot 31, Plan 37593 of the southeast quarter Section 24, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of the said remainder of Lot 31 to the southwesterly corner of Lot 30, Plan 37593 of the southeast quarter Section 24, Township 8; THENCE, easterly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 30 to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 30; THENCE, southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of Lot 29, Plan 37593 of the southeast quarter Section 24, Township 8, to the most southerly corner of said Lot 29; THENCE, northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of Parcel “A”, Reference Plan 7381 of Lot 3 of Blocks 18 and 19 of District Lots 21 and 22, Group 2, to the most northerly corner of said Lot “A”; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of said Lot “A” to the northeasterly corner of said Lot “A”; THENCE, across Topham Road to the most southerly corner of Lot 1, Plan 2010, District Lot 323, Group 2; THENCE, northeasterly and along the northwesterly boundary of the remainder of Lot 2, Plan 3547 of Lots 18 and 19 of District Lots 21 and 22, Group 2 to the most northerly corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of said Lot 2 to the most easterly corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of Lot 1, Plan 3547 of Blocks 18 and 19, District Lots 21 and 22, Group 2 to the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of the right-of-way of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority as shown on Plan 22161 to a point on the southeasterly boundary of Lot 3, Plan 4087 where the northwesterly boundary of the B.C. Hydro and Power Authority right-of-way meets the westerly boundary of Glover Road; THENCE, easterly across Glover Road to the point of intersection of the southerly boundary of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority right-of-way, Plan 22161 with northwesterly boundary of Block 10, Plan 126 of District Lots 21 and 22, Group 2; THENCE, southeasterly across the remainder of Block 10, Plan 126 to the most westerly corner of Lot 10, Plan 31603 of District Lot 301, Group 2; THENCE, southerly across Springbrook Road to the northwest corner of the remainder of Parcel “C”, Plan 13258 of District Lot 301, Group 2; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said remainder of Lot “C” to the northwest corner of Parcel 1, Explanatory Plan 15074, of said Lot “C”; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 1 to the southwest corner of Parcel 1; THENCE, easterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel 1 to the southeast corner of said Parcel 1; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot “C” to the northwest corner of Lot “B”, Plan 13258, District Lot 301, Group 2; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot “B”, to the northeast corner of said Lot “B”; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot “B” to the southeast corner of said Lot “B”; THENCE, southerly across Highway 10, Plan 28861 to the northwest corner of Lot 27, Plan 44186 of the northeast quarter Section 17, Township 11; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 27 to the northeast corner of Lot 27; THENCE, easterly across the lane on Plan 44186 to the northwest corner of Lot 31 of said Plan 44186; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 31 to the northeast corner of said Lot 31, of the northeast quarter Section 17, Township 11, Plan 44186; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 31 to the southeast corner of said Lot 31; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 32, Plan 44186 to the southeast corner of said Lot 32; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 33, Plan 44186 of the northeast quarter Section 17, Township 11 to the southeast corner of said Lot 33; THENCE, south across 68th Avenue to the north boundary of Lot 32, southeast quarter Section 17, Township 11; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 32 to the northeast corner of Lot 32; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 31, Plan 33804 to a corner; THENCE, southerly along the boundary of said Lot 31 to the southwest corner of Parcel 1, Explanatory Plan 15351; THENCE, easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel 1, Explanatory Plan 15351 to the northeast corner of said Lot 31; THENCE, east across Livingstone Road to the westerly boundary of the remainder of the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 11; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Livingstone Road to the southwest corner of the southwest quarter Section 16, Township 11; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of the northwest quarter Section 9, Township 11 for a distance of 920 feet; THENCE, southeasterly across the northwest quarter Section 9, Township 11 to the northeast corner of Lot 2, Plan 12662 of the southwest quarter Section 9, Township 11; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 2 to the southeast corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, south across Roberts Road to the north boundary of Lot 15, Plan 21292 of the northwest quarter Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, easterly along the north boundary of said Lot 15 to the beginning of curve on said boundary; THENCE, on a curve to the right to the end of said curve said end of curve being on the easterly boundary of said Lot 15; THENCE, easterly across Clover Meadow Road to corresponding end of curve on the westerly boundary of Lot 44 of said Plan 21292; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Clover Meadow Road to the southwesterly corner of Lot 46 of said Plan 21292; THENCE, southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 46 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 46; THENCE, southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of Lot 56, Plan 24303 of the northwest quarter Section 4, Township 11 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 56; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 57 of said Plan 24303 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 57; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 58 of said Plan 24303 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 58; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 59 of said Plan 24303 to the most southerly corner of said Lot 59; THENCE, across the park as shown on Plan 25284 of the northwest quarter Section 4, Township 11 to the most northerly corner of Lot 85, Plan 35789 of the northwest quarter Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, westerly along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 85 to the most westerly corner of said Lot 85; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of Lot 119 of Plan 35790 of the northwest quarter Section 4, Township 11 to the most easterly corner of said Lot 119; THENCE, southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Lot 119 to the southeast corner of said Lot 119; THENCE, southwesterly along the boundary of 234 Street to the most westerly corner of Lot 122 of Plan 35790 of the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of Lot 122 to the southwest corner of said Lot 122; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 123 of said Plan 35790 to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 123; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 123 to the southwest corner of said Lot 123; THENCE, southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of Lot 124 to the southwest corner of said Lot 124 of said Plan 35790; THENCE, southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of Lot 125 of said Plan 35790 to the southeast corner of said Lot 125; THENCE, southwesterly across 52nd Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 104, Plan 35790 of the southwest quarter Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 104 to the southeast corner of said Lot 104; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 105 of said Plan 35790 to the southeast corner of said Lot 105; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 106 of said Plan 35790 to the southeast corner of said Lot 106; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 106 to the northeast corner of Lot 21, Plan 2579 of the southwest quarter Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 21 to the southeast corner of said Lot 21; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 21 to the southwest corner of said Lot 21; THENCE, southerly across 50th Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 17, Plan 2579 of the southwest quarter Section 4, Township 11; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 17 to the southeast corner of said Lot 17; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 10, Plan 2579 to the southeast corner of said Lot 10; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 10 to the southwest corner of said Lot 10; THENCE, southwesterly across 48th Avenue to the northeast corner of Parcel “B” Explanatory Plan 16158 of Lot 16 of Block 2 of the northwest quarter Section 33, Township 10, Plan 2260; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel “B” to the southeast corner of said Parcel “B”; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel “B” to the southwest corner of said Parcel “B”; THENCE, westerly along the north boundary of MacDonald Road diversion to a corner of said MacDonald Road diversion; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of MacDonald Road diversion to the northeast corner of Parcel “E” Plan 21575 of the northwest quarter Section 33, Township 10; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel “E” to the northwest corner of said Parcel “E”; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel “E” to the southwest corner of said Parcel “E”; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 2, Plan 20654 of the northwest quarter Section 33, Township 10, to the southwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 1 of said Plan 20654 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, south across the MacDonald Road diversion to the north boundary of Lot 3, Plan 9289 of the northwest quarter Section 33, Township 10; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 3 of Plan 9289 to the northwest corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 3 to the southwest corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 2 of said Plan 9289 to the southwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 1 of said Plan 9289 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 5 of said Plan 9289 to the southwest corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, westerly across Livingstone Road also known as 232nd Street to the northeast corner of Lot 2, Plan 6515 of the northeast quarter Section 32, Township 10; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Livingstone Road to the most southerly corner of Lot 10, Plan 25456 of the northeast quarter Section 32, Township 10; THENCE, westerly across the Fraser Highway as shown on right-of-way Plan 4873 to the northeast corner of Lot 3, Plan 6330 of the northeast quarter Section 32, Township 10; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 3 to the southeast corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 3 to the southwest corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 24, Plan 2219 of the southeast quarter Section 32, Township 10, to the northwest corner of said Lot 24; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 23 of said Plan 2219 to the northwest corner of said Lot 23; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 23 to the southwest corner of said Lot 23; THENCE, westerly across old Yale Road to the northwest corner of the remainder of Lot 15, Plan 2219 of the southeast quarter Section 32, Township 10; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 15 to the southwest corner of said Lot 15; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 16 of said Plan 2219 to the southwest corner of said Lot 16; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 17 of said Plan 2219 to the southwest corner of said Lot 17; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 18 of said Plan 2219 to the southwest corner of said Lot 18; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of the south 469.2 feet of Lot 19 of said Plan 2219; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 3, Plan 2219 of the southeast quarter Section 32, Township 10 to the southwest corner of said Lot 3; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 2 of said Plan 2219 to the southwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 1 of said Plan 2219 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, southwesterly across 228th Street to the southeast corner of the remainder of the east 50 acres of the southwest quarter Section 32, Township 10; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of the remainder of the east 50 acres of the southwest quarter Section 32 to a point due north of the northwest corner of Lot 5, Plan 31544 of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 10; THENCE, southerly across Bradshaw Road to the northwest corner of said Lot 5 of Plan 31544; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 5 to the southwest corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 11, Plan 41659 of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 10 to the northwest corner of said Lot 11; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 10 of said Plan 41659; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 10 to the northeast corner of Lot 9 of said Plan 41659; THENCE, northwesterly and southwesterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 4, Plan 31064 of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 10 to the northwest corner of Lot 8 Plan 41659 of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 10; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 8 to the southwest corner of said Lot 8; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 7, Plan 35678 of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 10 to the southwest corner of said Lot 7; THENCE, southwesterly across 224th Street to the northeast corner of Parcel “B” Explanatory Plan 40224 of Lot 3, Plan 5940 of the northeast quarter Section 30, Township 10; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel “B” to the northwest corner of said Parcel “B”; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel “B” to the southwest corner of said Parcel “B”; THENCE, easterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel “B” to the southeast corner of said Parcel “B”; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of the remainder of Lot 3, Plan 5940 of the northeast quarter Section 30, Township 10 to the southeast corner of said remainder of Lot 3; THENCE, southerly across 37A Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 4, Plan 35841 of the northeast quarter Section 30, Township 10; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 4 to the northwest corner of said Lot 4; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 5 of said Plan 35841 to the northwest corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 12, Plan 45827 of the northeast quarter Section 30, Township 10 to the southeast corner of said Lot 12; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of the south half of the south half of the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 10 to the northwest corner of said south half of the south half of the south half of the northeast quarter Section 30; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2, Plan 11429 of the northwest quarter Section 30, Township 10 to the southeast corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 2 to the southwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, westerly across Johnston Townline to the southeast corner of the south half of Lot 1, Plan 9512 of the northeast quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 1 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 1 to the southeast corner of Lot 9, Plan 40017 of the northeast quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 9 to the southwest corner of said Lot 9; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 8 of said Plan 40017 to the southwest corner of said Lot 8; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 7 of said Plan 40017 to the southwest corner of said Lot 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 6 of said Plan 40017 to the southwest corner of said Lot 6; THENCE, westerly across 212th Street to the southeast corner of Lot 6, Plan 28583 of the northwest quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 6 to the southwest corner of said Lot 6; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 7, of said Plan 28583 to the southwest corner of said Lot 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 7 to the northeast corner of Lot 10, Plan 39137 of the northwest quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 10 to the northwest corner of said Lot 10; THENCE, southerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 10 to the southeast corner of Lot 9 of said Plan 39137; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 9 to the southwest corner of said Lot 9; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 9 to the southeast corner of Lot 16, Plan 43623 of the northwest quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 16 to the southwest corner of said Lot 16; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 16 to a corner at the intersection of the westerly boundary of said Lot 16 and the southerly boundary of Lot “A” Plan 16576 of the northwest quarter Section 25, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot “A” to the southwest corner of said Lot “A”; THENCE, west across Berry Street also known as 208th Street to the west boundary of said Berry Street; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Berry Street to the southeast corner of Lot 272, Plan 44124 of the northeast quarter of Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 272 to the southwest corner of said Lot 272; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 187, Plan 41733 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7 to the southeast corner of said Lot 187; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 187 to the southwest corner of said Lot 187; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 187 to the northwest corner of said Lot 187; THENCE, westerly across a road as shown on Plan 41733 to the northeast corner of Lot 176 of said Plan 41733; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 175 of said Plan 41733 to the southwest corner of said Lot 175; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 33, Plan 21274 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7 to the northeast corner of said Lot 33; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 33 to the northwest corner of said Lot 33; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 146, Plan 41724 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7 to the northwest corner of said Lot 146; THENCE, northwesterly across 207th Street to the southeast corner of Lot 78, Plan 40682 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 78 to the southwest corner of said Lot 78; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 77 of said Plan 40682 to the southwest corner of said Lot 77; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 76, Plan 40682 to the southwest corner of said Lot 76; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 75 of said Plan 40682 to the southwest corner of said Lot 75; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 74 of said Plan 40682 to the southwest corner of said Lot 74; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 74 to the southeast corner of Lot 73, of said Plan 40682; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 73 to the southwest corner of said Lot 73; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 73 to the northwest corner of said Lot 73; THENCE, northwesterly across the road as shown on Plan 40682 to the southeast corner of Lot 59 of said Plan 40682; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 59 to the southwest corner of said Lot 59; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 59 to the northeast corner of Lot 308, Plan 46336 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 308 to the northwest corner of said Lot 308; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 47, Plan 37289 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7, to the northwest corner of the remainder of Lot 47; THENCE, westerly across 205A Street to the southeast corner of the remainder of Lot 39, Plan 36031 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said remainder of Lot 39 to the southwest corner of the remainder of said Lot 39; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said remainder of Lot 39 to the southeast corner of the remainder of Lot 3, Plan 9633 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 3 to the southwest corner of said remainder of Lot 3; THENCE, west across a road as shown on Plan 40806; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said road to the southeast corner of Lot 98 of Plan 40806 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 98 to the southwest corner of said Lot 98; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel “F”, Plan 12741 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7, to the northeast corner of said Lot “F”; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot “F” to the northwest corner of said Lot “F”; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 288, Plan 45318 of the northeast quarter Section 26, Township 7 to the northwest corner of said Lot 288; THENCE, northwesterly across Bradshaw Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 98, Plan 40552 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 98 to the southwest corner of said Lot 98; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 98 to the northwest corner of said Lot 98; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 100 of said Plan 40552 to the southwest corner of Lot 100; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 101 of said Plan 40552 to the southwest corner of said Lot 101; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 101 to the northwest corner of said Lot 101; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 102 of said Plan 40552 to the northwest corner of said Lot 102; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 103 of said Plan 40552 to the northwest corner of said Lot 103; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 104 of said Plan 40552 to the northwest corner of said Lot 104; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 105 of said Plan 40552 to the northwest corner of said Lot 105; THENCE, northerly across 40A Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 107 of said Plan 40552; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 107 to the northeast corner of said Lot 107; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 107 to the northwest corner of said Lot 107; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 307, Plan 43912 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the southwest corner of said Lot 307; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 307 to the northwest corner of said Lot 307; THENCE, northwesterly across 41 Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 82, Plan 39430 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 82 to the northwest corner of said Lot 82; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 335, Plan 44530 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the northwest corner of said Lot 335; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 342 of Plan 44618 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the northwest corner of said Lot 342; THENCE, northerly across 41A Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 339 of said Plan 44618; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said 41A Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 338 of said Plan 44618; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 338 to the northwest corner of said Lot 338; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 367 Plan 45438 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 367; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 367 to the northwest corner of said Lot 367; THENCE, northwesterly across Hillcrest Avenue also known as 42nd Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 185, Plan 41537 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 185 to the northwest corner of said Lot 185; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 220, Plan 41424 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the southwest corner of said Lot 220; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 219 of said Plan 41424 to the southwest corner of said Lot 219; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 219 to the northwest corner of said Lot 219; THENCE, northerly across the road as shown on Plan 41424 to the southeast corner of Lot 212 of said Plan 41424; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 212 to the southwest corner of said Lot 212; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 213 of said Plan 41424 to the southwest corner of said Lot 213; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 213 to the northwest corner of said Lot 213; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 205 of said Plan 41424 to the southwest corner of said Lot 205; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 204 of said Plan 41424 to the southwest corner of said Lot 204; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 204 to the northwest corner of said Lot 204; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 203 of said Plan 41424 to the northwest corner of said Lot 203; THENCE, northerly across 43rd Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 295, Plan 43647 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 295 to the northwest corner of said Lot 295; THENCE, westerly across a road to the southeast corner of Lot 226 of Plan 41947 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 226 to the southwest corner of said Lot 226; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 226 to the northwest corner of said Lot 226; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 225 of said Plan 41947 to the northwest corner of said Lot 225; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 416, Plan 46995 of the southwest quarter Section 35, Township 7 to the southwest corner of said Lot 416; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 416 to the northwest corner of said Lot 416; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 414 of said Plan 46995 to the northwest corner of said Lot 414; THENCE, northwesterly across Carvolth Street also known as 200th Street to the southeast corner of Lot 176, Plan 42604 of the southeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 176 to the southwest corner of said Lot 176; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 176 to the northwest corner of said Lot 176; THENCE, northwesterly across 44th Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Plan 14939 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 5 to the northwest corner of said Lot 5; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 6 of the said Plan 14939 to the southwest corner of Lot 18, Plan 24920 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 18 to the northwest corner of said Lot 18; THENCE, northerly across a road to the southeast corner of Lot 155 of Plan 43055 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 155 to the southwest corner of said Lot 155; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 156 of said Plan 43055 to the southwest corner of said Lot 156; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 156 to the northwest corner of said Lot 156; THENCE, northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary of Lot 261, Plan 45035 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the northeast corner of said Lot 261; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 261 to the northwest corner of said Lot 261; THENCE, northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary of Lot 260 of said Plan 45035 to the most northerly corner of said Lot 260; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 259 of said Plan 45035 to the northeast corner of said Lot 259; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 258 of said plan 45035 to the northeast corner of said Lot 258; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 257 of said Plan 45035 to the northeast corner of said Lot 257; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 257 to the northwest corner of said Lot 257; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 256 of said Plan 45035 to the northwest corner of said Lot 256; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 255 of said Plan 45035 to the northwest corner of said Lot 255; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 250, Plan 44256 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the southwest corner of said Lot 250; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 111, Plan 37231 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the northeast corner of said Lot 111; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 112 of said Plan 37231 to the northeast corner of said Lot 112; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 113 of said Plan 37231 to the southwest corner of said Lot 113; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 113 to the northwest corner of said Lot 113; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 389, Plan 46982 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the northwest corner of said Lot 389; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 387 of said Plan 46982 to the northwest corner of said Lot 387; THENCE, northerly across 46th Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 94, Plan 37024 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 94 to the southwest corner of said Lot 94; THENCE, westerly across 198A Street to the southeast corner of Lot 69, Plan 36080 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of 198A Street to the northeast corner of Lot 71 of said Plan 36080; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 71 to the northwest corner of said Lot 71; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of the west 162.46 feet of Lot 14, Plan 1783 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the northeast corner of said west 162.46 feet of Lot 14; THENCE, northwesterly across the road to the southeast corner of Lot 24, Plan 31553 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 24 to the southwest corner of said Lot 24; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 23, Plan 29948 of the northeast quarter Section 34, Township 7 to the southwest corner of said Lot 23; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 23 to the northwest corner of said Lot 23; THENCE, northwesterly across Simonds Avenue also known as 48th Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 88, Plan 45059 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 88 to the northwest corner of said Lot 88; THENCE, northwesterly across a road to the northeast corner of the south half of Lot 2, Plan 14349 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of said south half of Lot 2 to the northwest corner of said south half of Lot 2; THENCE, northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 1, Plan 13685 to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northerly across Esperanza Avenue to the southwest corner of the west half of Lot 11, Plan 15726 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said west half of Lot 11 to the northeast corner of Lot 70, Plan 43761 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 6, Plan 15726 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8 to the southwest corner of said remainder of Lot 6; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said remainder of Lot 6 to the northwest corner of said remainder of Lot 6; THENCE, northerly across Sharp Avenue also known as 49th Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 6, Plan 19673 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 6 to the northwest corner of said Lot 6; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 6 to the northeast corner of said Lot 6; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 8, of said Plan 19673 to the northwest corner of said Lot 8; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 7, Plan 19673 to the northwest corner of said remainder of Lot 7; THENCE, westerly along the northerly boundary of Parcel “A” Explanatory Plan 36602 of Lot 7, Plan 19673 of the southeast quarter Section 3, Township 8 to the northwest corner of said Parcel “A”; THENCE, northerly across Grade Road to the southwest corner of Lot C, Plan 18019 of the southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot C to the northwest corner of said Lot C; THENCE, northerly across the Nicomekl River to the southerly boundary of the remainder of Parcel “A” Reference Plan 14867 of the northeast and southeast quarters of Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, westerly along the said southerly boundary of Parcel “A” to the southwest corner of said Parcel “A”; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel “A” to the northwest corner of said Parcel “A”; THENCE, northerly across the right-of-way of the B.C. Hydro and Power Authority as shown on Plan 22161 to the southwest corner of Lot 60, Plan 25812 of the northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 60 to the northwest corner of said Lot 60; THENCE, easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 60 to the southwest corner of the remainder of Lot 7, Plan 9565 of the northeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of the remainder of Lot 7 of said Plan 9565 to the northwest corner of said remainder of Lot 7; THENCE, across a road to the southwest corner of Lot 112, Plan 38427 of the northeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 112 to the northwest corner of said Lot 112; THENCE, northerly across Phillips Avenue also known as 55th Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 71, Plan 29479 of the northeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 71 to the northwest corner of said Lot 71; THENCE, northerly across the lane to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Plan 9565 of the northeast quarter Section 3, Township 8; THENCE, northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot 1 to the northwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE, northerly across Roberts Avenue to the point of commencement and as shown on Department of Transport Plan No. B.C. 1065 A, B, dated June 5, 1975.


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