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  1. List of Wildlife Species at Risk (Decisions Not to Add Certain Species) Order - SI/2012-45 (ANNEX : Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Decisions Not To Add the Laura’s Clubtail, Coast Manroot or Four-leaved Milkweed to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk)



    Laura’s Clubtail (Stylurus laurae)


    This species has an extremely small range in Canada and COSEWIC acknowledged that a close estimation of population size and population trend information are not available. There is no evidence that Canada’s contribution to this species’ global status is significant. Moreover, the species is only known to occur on land other than federal land in Ontario and is already afforded legal protection under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007. Similarly to the Act, the Endangered Species Act, 2007, among other things, prohibits the killing, harming, harassing, capturing or taking of a living member of a species that is listed under section 7 of the Ontario Act as extirpated, endangered or threatened. It also prohibits the possession, transportation, collection, buying, selling, leasing or trading of, or the offering to buy, sell, lease or trade, those species. In light of the existing protection afforded to the Laura’s Clubtail under the Ontario Act, its only known occurrence exclusively on land other than federal land in Ontario, its extremely small range in Canada and the limited contribution that recovery efforts in Canada could make to its conservation, it is not being added to the List so that available resources can be allocated more efficiently to species for which Canada can make a more significant difference.


    Four-leaved Milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia)


    COSEWIC’s assessment of the Four-leaved Milkweed indicates that there is no information on recent trends in extant Canadian populations, although limited observations do not suggest any declines since 2006-2007. The Four-leaved Milkweed has an extremely small range in Canada and there is no evidence that Canada’s contribution to the global status of the Four-leaved Milkweed is significant. Moreover, the Four-leaved Milkweed is only known to occur on land other than federal land in Ontario and is already afforded legal protection under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007. Similarly to the Act, the Endangered Species Act, 2007, among other things, prohibits the killing, harming, harassing, capturing or taking of a living member of a species that is listed under section 7 of the Ontario Act as extirpated, endangered or threatened. It also prohibits the possession, transportation, collection, buying, selling, leasing or trading of, or the offering to buy, sell, lease or trade, those species. In light of the existing protection afforded to the Four-leaved Milkweed under the Ontario Act, its only known occurrence exclusively on land other than federal land in Ontario, its extremely small range in Canada and the limited contribution that recovery efforts in Canada could make to its conservation, it is not being added to the List so that available resources can be allocated more efficiently to species for which Canada can make a more significant difference.

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