Meat and Poultry Products Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations (C.R.C., c. 818)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Meat and Poultry Products Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations
C.R.C., c. 818
Regulations Respecting Deleterious Substances in Liquid Effluents from Meat and Poultry Products Plants
Short Title
1 These Regulations may be cited as the Meat and Poultry Products Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations.
2 (1) In these Regulations,
- Act
Act means the Fisheries Act; (Loi)
- ammonia nitrogen
ammonia nitrogen means the nitrogen in ammonia that results from the operation of a plant and that is contained in the effluent from that plant; (azote ammoniacal)
- biochemical oxygen demanding matter
biochemical oxygen demanding matter means the substance contained in the effluent from a plant that results from the operation of a plant and that will exert a biochemical oxygen demand; (matière ayant une demande biochimique en oxygène)
- composite sample
composite sample means a sample obtained in accordance with section 7; (échantillon composite)
- deposit
deposit means to deposit or to permit the deposit into water frequented by fish; (rejeter)
- effluent
effluent means all wastewaters deposited by a plant and includes process water, wash water, tank drainage, storm water and wastes from water and wastewater treatment facilities, but does not include
(a) storm water that is protected from contamination by a deleterious substance prescribed by section 4 originating from the plant, where the average concentration of biochemical oxygen demanding matter in at least 3 samples of the storm water, taken at intervals of 15 minutes, does not exceed 50 mg/L, or
(b) wastewater from the plant that, prior to being deposited, is treated at a site outside a plant for the purpose of controlling the pH of the wastewater and removing from the wastewater the deleterious substances prescribed by section 4, in such a manner that
(i) the pH of the wastewater, determined in accordance with subsection 9(3), is between 6.0 and 9.0, and
(ii) the quantity of deleterious substances remaining in that wastewater after the treatment, when added to the quantity of deleterious substances deposited directly, does not exceed the deposit of deleterious substances authorized under section 5; (effluent)
- equivalent month
equivalent month means a period of time equal to or greater than four weeks but not exceeding six weeks declared by the owner under subsection 12(2) or (3) for the purposes of these Regulations; (équivalent d’un mois)
- existing plant
existing plant means a plant that commenced commercial production before March 31, 1977; (établissement existant)
- expanded plant
expanded plant means any integrated or processing plant in which the total amount of finished product produced or any rendering plant in which the total amount of raw material processed during any year exceeds
(a) in the case of a plant that commenced production on or before January 1, 1971, 2.5 times the average annual amount of finished product produced or raw material processed in that plant during the five-year period from 1971 to 1975, or
(b) in the case of a plant that commenced production after January 1, 1971, 2.5 times the average annual amount of finished product produced or raw material processed in that plant from the date the plant commenced production to March 31, 1977; (établissement à capacité accrue)
- finished product
finished product means the net quantity of saleable material produced by a plant; (produits finis)
- grease
grease means the grease that results from the operation of a plant and that is contained in the effluent from that plant; (graisses)
- Minister
Minister[Repealed, SOR/95-428, s. 1]
- new plant
new plant means a plant that did not commence commercial production before March 31, 1977 and that commences commercial production on or after that date; (nouvel établissement)
- operating day
operating day means a period of 24 consecutive hours or part thereof during which the plant is in operation; (jour d’exploitation)
- owner
owner of a plant means the owner or operator or his authorized representative; (propriétaire)
- plant
plant includes facilities intended primarily for the slaughtering, dressing, processing or edible or inedible rendering of any meat or poultry products and associated livestock holding and receiving facilities and truck washing areas but does not include facilities
(a) where only edible oils are produced,
(b) where only hides are processed, or
(c) where no slaughtering is performed and the entire finished product is retailed to the public on the premises; (établissement)
- poultry integrated plant
poultry integrated plant includes any plant that slaughters and dresses poultry; (abattoir de volailles)
- processing plant
processing plant includes any plant that is not an integrated plant and that performs operations subsequent to slaughtering and dressing but does not include rendering plants; (établissement de préparation)
- raw material
raw material means the material that is received at a rendering plant for processing and used to produce a finished product and includes blood, bones, fat, grease, offal, feathers and waste meat and poultry products; (matières premières)
- red meat integrated plant
red meat integrated plant includes any plant that slaughters and dresses meat other than poultry; (abattoir de bétail)
- rendering plant
rendering plant includes any plant that performs operations solely for the purpose of edible or inedible rendering of meat or poultry products, with or without oil refining; (fondoir)
- saleable material
saleable material includes dressed carcasses, processed meats, inedible offal, hides and rendered or renderable products that are produced by a plant; (produit vendable)
- slaughtering day
slaughtering day means a period of 24 consecutive hours or part thereof during which slaughtering takes place; (jour d’abattage)
- storm water
storm water means water run-off that results from precipitation of any kind that falls on a plant or that passes over or through the plant; (eaux pluviales)
- total suspended matter
total suspended matter means the non-filterable residue that results from the operation of a plant, that is contained in the effluent from that plant. (matières totales en suspension)
(2) and (3) [Repealed, SOR/95-428, s. 1]
- SOR/95-428, s. 1
3 (1) Subject to subsection (2), these Regulations apply to every new plant and every expanded plant.
(2) Where a plant becomes an expanded plant, these Regulations apply to the expanded plant on the first day of the month following the month in which the plant became an expanded plant.
Substances Prescribed as Deleterious Substances
4 For the purpose of the definition deleterious substance in subsection 34(1) of the Act, the following substances resulting from the operations of a plant to which these Regulations apply are hereby prescribed as deleterious substances:
(a) biochemical oxygen demanding matter;
(b) total suspended matter; and
(c) grease.
- SOR/95-428, s. 2
Authorized Deposit of Deleterious Substances
5 Subject to these Regulations, the owner of a plant of a class set out in Column I of Schedule I may deposit a deleterious substance prescribed by section 4 if
(a) the actual daily deposit of each deleterious substance, determined in accordance with subsection 11(1), does not exceed the authorized daily deposit of that substance for that class of plant as set out in Column III of that Schedule;
(b) the average daily deposit of each deleterious substance during an equivalent month, determined in accordance with subsection 11(2), does not exceed the authorized average daily deposit of that substance for that class of plant as set out in Column IV of that Schedule; and
(c) the pH of each composite sample of effluent, determined in accordance with subsection 9(3), is between 6.0 and 9.0.
Additional Conditions of Authorization
6 The owner of a plant shall, for each type of effluent deposited by the plant,
(a) install and maintain facilities, including sampling connections and flow measuring devices, of such type as the Minister may in writing approve for sampling and analysing effluents for the purpose of enabling the Minister to determine whether the owner is complying with the limits of authorized deposits prescribed by section 5;
(b) take a composite sample on the regular basis prescribed by section 8;
(c) analyse the sample referred to in paragraph (b) in accordance with section 9;
(d) measure the flow in accordance with section 10;
(e) determine the actual and average daily deposits of each deleterious substance in accordance with section 11; and
(f) conduct the acute lethality test on a composite sample from a plant referred to in Column I of Schedule II at the frequency set out opposite that plant in Column II thereof.
Method of Collecting Composite Samples
7 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a composite sample shall be obtained by collecting effluent discharged from a plant during an operating day
(a) continually during a sampling period of 24 hours at a rate in proportion to the flow rate of the effluent discharged; or
(b) in such a manner that equal volumes of effluent are delivered into a receptacle at equal intervals not longer than one hour during a sampling period of 24 hours.
(2) In the case of
(a) a red meat integrated plant producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually, or
(b) a poultry integrated plant producing less than 2 500 tonnes of finished product annually,
a composite sample shall be obtained by collecting effluent discharged from the plant in such a manner that a minimum of four equal volumes of effluent are delivered into a receptacle at equal intervals during a sampling period of not less than four hours during which slaughtering is performed.
(3) In the case of a processing plant producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually, a composite sample shall be obtained by collecting effluent discharged from the plant in such a manner that a minimum of four equal volumes of effluent are delivered into a receptacle at equal intervals during a sampling period of not less than four hours during which processing is performed.
Frequency of Sampling and Analysis
8 The sampling referred to in paragraph 6(b) shall be made
(a) once every equivalent month in the case of
(i) red meat integrated plants producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually,
(ii) processing plants producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually, and
(iii) poultry integrated plants producing less than 2 500 tonnes of finished product annually;
(b) once a week in the case of
(i) red meat integrated plants producing between 500 and 10 000 tonnes of finished product annually,
(ii) processing plants producing more than 500 tonnes of finished product annually,
(iii) poultry integrated plants producing between 2 500 and 7 000 tonnes of finished product annually, and
(iv) all rendering plants;
(c) twice a week in the case of
(i) red meat integrated plants producing more than 10 000 tonnes of finished product annually, and
(ii) poultry integrated plants producing more than 7 000 tonnes of finished product annually.
Analytical and Other Test Methods
9 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 6(c), the concentration in milligrams per litre of a substance described in an item of Schedule III, in each composite sample, shall be determined using
(a) the test method set out in Column I and modified in Column II of that item; or
(b) any other method, approved in writing by the Minister, the results of which can be confirmed by the method referred to in paragraph (a).
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 6(c), procedures pertaining to sampling, preservation and storage of samples and prevention of interference relating to the test methods referred to in paragraph (1)(a), as outlined in the general sections of the publication Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 14th Edition (1975), published jointly by the American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation, shall be adhered to.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph 6(c), the pH of a composite sample shall be determined using
(a) the test method prescribed by section 424 of the publication referred to in subsection (2); or
(b) any other method, approved in writing by the Minister, the results of which can be confirmed by the method referred to in paragraph (a).
(4) For the purposes of paragraph 6(f), the acute lethality test shall be conducted using
(a) the procedure for the 96-hour acute lethality static test described in Schedule IV; or
(b) any other method, approved in writing by the Minister, the results of which can be confirmed by the method referred to in paragraph (a).
Flow Measurement
10 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purpose of paragraph 6(d), the flow of each type of effluent deposited by a plant shall be measured and recorded continuously.
(2) In the case of
(a) a red meat integrated plant producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually,
(b) a poultry integrated plant producing less than 2 500 tonnes of finished product annually, or
(c) a processing plant producing less than 500 tonnes of finished product annually,
the flow of effluent may be determined by measuring the total quantity of water taken in daily by the plant or the total quantity of effluent deposited daily by the plant if the effluent is deposited as a single flow.
Calculation of Actual Deposit
11 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 6(e), the actual daily deposit per unit of production of each deleterious substance prescribed by section 4 shall be determined using the data obtained under subsection 9(1) and section 10 and shall be expressed
(a) in the case of integrated plants or processing plants, in terms of kilograms per tonne of finished product per day; and
(b) in the case of rendering plants, in terms of kilograms per tonne of raw material per day.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 6(e), the average daily deposit per unit of production during an equivalent month of each deleterious substance prescribed by section 4 shall be determined by calculating the average of the results obtained under subsection (1) and shall be expressed in the terms set out in that subsection.
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