Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


SCHEDULE(Section 1 and subsection 2(1))Habitat Necessary for the Recovery of the Western Chorus Frog





































































of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, province of Quebec, and the parts of lots described as follows:

PARCEL 1 — Part of lot 4 802 622

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO (Pt. lot 4 802 622), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 4 802 622, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 and lot 1 914 135 measuring twenty-two metres and fifty-four hundredths (22.54 m) in this limit along direction of 56°53′12″, towards the northeast, by the lot 2 698 288 measuring fifteen metres and twenty-four hundredths (15.24 m) in this limit along direction of 146°53′08″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 698 288 measuring five metres and fifty-nine hundredths (5.59 m) in this limit along direction of 56°53′13″, towards the northeast, by the lot 4 802 083 measuring one hundred thirty-six metres and sixty hundredths (136.60 m) in this limit along direction of 124°15′10″, towards the northeast, by the lot 4 802 083 measuring thirty metres and four hundredths (30.04 m) in this limit along direction of 122°13′55″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring fifteen metres and seventy-four hundredths (15.74 m) in this limit along direction of 223°02′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring two hundred nineteen metres and forty-one hundredths (219.41 m) in this limit along direction of 123°30′02″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 681 754 measuring ten metres and seventy-three hundredths (10.73 m) in this limit along direction of 211°40′33″, towards the southwest, by part of lots 1 914 118 and 1 914 130 measuring two hundred sixty-nine metres and thirty-nine hundredths (269.39 m) in this limit along direction of 304°33′42″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring ten metres and eight hundredths (10.08 m) in this limit along direction of 39°11′21″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring twenty-two metres and forty-five hundredths (22.45 m) in this limit along direction of 301°33′16″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring nine metres and five hundredths (9.05 m) in this limit along direction of 225°55′00″, towards the southwest, by parts of lot 1 914 130 measuring one hundred sixteen metres and fifteen hundredths (116.15 m) in this limit along direction of 304°33′49″.

Containing an area of five thousand five hundred two square metres and six tenths (5 502.6 m2).

PARCEL 2 — Part of lot 1 914 130

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (Pt. lot 1 914 130), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 4 802 622, towards the southeast, measuring three metres and seventy-five hundredths (3.75 m) along a direction of 124°33′49″ to the point of beginning, bounded: towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 one hundred twelve metres and forty hundredths (112.40 m) in this limit along direction of 124°33′49″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring four metres and ninety-nine hundredths (4.99 m) in this limit along direction of 225°55′00″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring one hundred three metres and thirty-nine hundredths (103.39 m) in this limit along direction of 305°46′12″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring eight metres and fifty hundredths (8.50 m) in this limit along direction of 323°11′19″.

Containing an area of four hundred six square metres and four tenths (406.4 m2).

PARCEL 3 — Part of lot 1 914 130

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (Pt. lot 1 914 130), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 1 914 130, bounded: towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring two metres and fifty-eight hundredths (2.58 m) in this limit along direction of 214°33′36″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring one hundred eight metres and sixty-eight hundredths (108.68 m) in this limit along direction of 303°38′42″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring four metres and thirty-three hundredths (4.33 m) in this limit along direction of 39°11′21″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring one hundred eight metres and thirty-two hundredths (108.32 m) in this limit along direction of 124°33′42″.

Containing an area of three hundred seventy-four square metres (374.0 m2).

PARCEL 4 — Part of lot 1 914 118

One (1) parcel of land of triangular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (Pt. lot 1 914 118), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 1 914 118, bounded: towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring one hundred sixty-one metres and seven hundredths (161.07 m) in this limit along direction of 124°33′42″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring one hundred sixty-one metres and nine hundredths (161.09 m) in this limit along direction of 303°38′37″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 130 measuring two metres and fifty-eight hundredths (2.58 m) in this limit along direction of 34°33′36″.

Containing an area of two hundred seven square metres and six tenths (207.6 m2).

PARCEL 5 — Part of lot 1 914 118

One (1) parcel of land of triangular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (Pt. lot 1 914 118), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 4 681 754, bounded: towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring one metre and eighty-six hundredths (1.86 m) in this limit along direction of 213°51′57″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring sixty-three metres and three hundredths (63.03 m) in this limit along direction of 303°38′42″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 681 754 measuring sixty-three metres and seven hundredths (63.07 m) in this limit along direction of 121°57′13″.

Containing an area of fifty-eight square metres and seven tenths (58.7 m2).

PARCEL 6 — Part of lot 4 681 754

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 4 681 754), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 4 681 754, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 802 622 measuring ten metres and seventy-three hundredths (10.73 m) in this limit along direction of 31°40′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 681 754 measuring one hundred seventy-one metres and three hundredths (171.03 m) in this limit along direction of 123°30′02″, towards the southeast, by the lot 4 541 902 measuring nine metres and thirty hundredths (9.30 m) in this limit along direction of 211°40′33″, towards the southwest, by parts of lot 1 914 118 measuring one hundred metres and eighty-eight hundredths (100.88 m) in this limit along direction of 301°57′13″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring seventy metres and seventeen hundredths (70.17 m) in this limit along direction of 304°33′37″.

Containing an area of one thousand eight hundred seventy-two square metres and six tenths (1 872.6 m2).

PARCEL 7 — Part of lot 2 095 171

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-ONE (Pt. lot 2 095 171), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 095 404, bounded: towards the southeast, by the lot 2 095 404 and part of lot 2 095 403 measuring one hundred fifty-two metres and twenty-eight hundredths (152.28 m) in this limit along direction of 221°40′30″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 095 171 measuring seven metres and thirteen hundredths (7.13 m) in this limit along direction of 326°25′38″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 095 171 measuring one hundred forty-nine metres and seventy hundredths (149.70 m) in this limit along direction of 41°37′17″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 095 171 measuring seven metres and eight hundredths (7.08 m) in this limit along direction of 125°30′34″.

Containing an area of one thousand fifty-one square metres and eight tenths (1 051.8 m2).

PARCEL 8 — Part of lot 2 095 403

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THREE (Pt. lot 2 095 403), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 2 095 404, bounded: towards the northeast, by parts of lot 2 094 167 measuring one hundred ninety-five metres and thirty-eight hundredths (195.38 m) in this limit along direction of 125°30′47″, towards the south, by lots 2 095 401, 2 095 402, 2 095 405 and 2 095 409 to 2 095 416 measuring two hundred forty-six metres and sixteen hundredths (246.16 m) in this limit along direction of 262°24′38″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 095 403 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 326°25′38″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 095 171 measuring one hundred forty metres and fifteen hundredths (140.15 m) in this limit along direction of 41°40′30″, towards the north, by the lot 2 095 404 measuring eighteen metres and seven hundredths (18.07 m) in this limit along direction of 83°15′16″.

Containing an area of twenty thousand eight hundred thirty-three square metres and two tenths (20 833.2 m2).

PARCEL 9 — Part of lot 2 094 167

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 2 094 167), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 2 094 167, bounded: towards the southwest, by lots 2 095 277 (Abbaye Street), 2 095 416, and part of the lot 2 095 403 measuring one hundred seventy-four metres and eighty-four hundredths (174.84 m) in this limit along direction of 305°30′47″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring one hundred ninety-one metres and eight hundredths (191.08 m) in this limit along direction of 85°18′30″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring ninety-seven metres and seventy-four hundredths (97.74 m) in this limit along direction of 75°45′17″, towards the west, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring fifty-one metres and seventy hundredths (51.70 m) in this limit along direction of 5°06′10″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring eighteen metres and ninety-two hundredths (18.92 m) in this limit along direction of 66°22′07″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring thirty-five metres and eleven hundredths (35.11 m) in this limit along direction of 126°30′26″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring thirteen metres and twenty-four hundredths (13.24 m) in this limit along direction of 114°10′53″, towards the northeast, by a part of lot 2 094 169 measuring ninety-five metres and thirty hundredths (95.30 m) in this limit along direction of 124°51′35″, towards the southeast, by a part of lot 2 094 181 measuring forty-five metres and seventeen hundredths (45.17 m) in this limit along direction of 230°11′57″, towards the southeast, by the lot 2 094 201 measuring thirty-one metres and eighty-eight hundredths (31.88 m) in this limit along direction of 246°51′41″, towards the southeast, by lots 2 094 202 and 2 094 204 measuring seventy-three metres and sixty-four hundredths (73.64 m) in this limit along direction of 239°40′55″, towards the south, by lots 2 094 206, 2 094 207, 2 094 179 and 5 375 133 measuring one hundred sixty-one metres and six hundredths (161.06 m) in this limit along direction of 255°15′48″.

Containing an area of thirty-five thousand eight hundred ninety-four square metres and eight tenths (35 894.8 m2).

PARCEL 10 — Part of lot 2 094 169

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE (Pt. lot 2 094 169), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 2 094 169, bounded: towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring ninety-five metres and thirty hundredths (95.30 m) in this limit along direction of 304°51′35″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring forty-one metres and thirty-two hundredths (41.32 m) in this limit along direction of 114°10′53″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring sixty-three metres and ninety-two hundredths (63.92 m) in this limit along direction of 92°02′53″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring thirty-two metres and sixty hundredths (32.60 m) in this limit along direction of 63°19′19″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring seventy-two metres and forty-three hundredths (72.43 m) in this limit along direction of 226°27′33″.

Containing an area of one thousand eight hundred sixty square metres and one tenth (1 860.1 m2).

PARCEL 11 — Part of lot 2 094 169

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE (Pt. lot 2 094 169), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 2 094 169, bounded: towards the south, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring eight metres and forty-six hundredths (8.46 m) in this limit along direction of 277°16′45″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring twenty metres and fifty-eight hundredths (20.58 m) in this limit along direction of 306°18′11″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring two metres and eighty-four hundredths (2.84 m) in this limit along direction of 50°27′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring twenty-seven metres and thirty-one hundredths (27.31 m) in this limit along direction of 123°28′16″.

Containing an area of seventy-nine square metres and four tenths (79.4 m2).

PARCEL 12 — Part of lot 2 094 181

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE (Pt. lot 2 094 181), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 2 094 181, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 167 measuring forty-five metres and seventeen hundredths (45.17 m) in this limit along direction of 50°11′57″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring seventy-two metres and forty-three hundredths (72.43 m) in this limit along direction of 46°27′33″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring forty-five metres and eighty-six hundredths (45.86 m) in this limit along direction of 72°50′25″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring twenty-two metres and seventy-three hundredths (22.73 m) in this limit along direction of 47°20′34″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring sixteen metres and twenty-five hundredths (16.25 m) in this limit along direction of 314°08′49″, towards the south, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring seven metres (7.00 m) in this limit along direction of 264°25′35″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring nineteen metres and thirty-nine hundredths (19.39 m) in this limit along direction of 49°44′12″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring fifty metres and thirty-two hundredths (50.32 m) in this limit along direction of 124°14′04″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring twenty-eight metres and eight hundredths (28.08 m) in this limit along direction of 226°25′30″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring twenty-one metres and sixty-four hundredths (21.64 m) in this limit along direction of 176°27′37″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring twenty-eight metres and one hundredth (28.01 m) in this limit along direction of 88°46′18″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 094 181 measuring thirty-six metres and fifty-four hundredths (36.54 m) in this limit along direction of 186°59′57″, towards the south, by lots 2 094 192, 2 094 196, 2 094 197, 2 347 425, 2 094 199 and 2 094 198 measuring one hundred eighty metres and ninety hundredths (180.90 m) in this limit along direction of 262°26′59″, towards the south, by the lot 2 094 201 measuring eleven metres (11.00 m) in this limit along direction of 258°33′20″.

Containing an area of ten thousand five hundred eleven square metres and eight tenths (10 511.8 m2).

PARCEL 13 — Part of lot 2 866 290

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY (Pt. lot 2 866 290), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 866 290, bounded: towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 866 291 measuring sixty-five metres and eighty-five hundredths (65.85 m) in this limit along direction of 118°05′26″, towards the northeast, by the lot 2 860 538 measuring nineteen metres and forty-three hundredths (19.43 m) in this limit along direction of 152°23′18″, towards the south, by part of lot 2 866 290 measuring forty-one metres and ninety-four hundredths (41.94 m) in this limit along direction of 258°55′20″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 866 290 measuring thirty-six metres and eighty-three hundredths (36.83 m) in this limit along direction of 143°02′05″, towards the south, by the lot 2 860 537 measuring twenty-two metres and seventy-eight hundredths (22.78 m) in this limit along direction of 252°48′50″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 094 227, 2 094 226, 2 614 417, 2 094 224, 2 094 223 and 2 614 418 measuring one hundred twenty-five metres and eighty-six hundredths (125.86 m) in this limit along direction of 304°14′18″, towards the southeast, by the lot 2 614 418 measuring seven metres and sixty-nine hundredths (7.69 m) in this limit along direction of 206°37′07″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 094 222 and 2 094 195 measuring twenty-six metres and seventy-two hundredths (26.72 m) in this limit along direction of 304°14′08″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring one hundred four metres and thirteen hundredths (104.13 m) in this limit along direction of 82°33′23″.

Containing an area of seven thousand forty-seven square metres and two tenths (7 047.2 m2).

PARCEL 14 — Part of lot 2 866 291

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY-ONE (Pt. lot 2 866 291), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 866 290, bounded: towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring one hundred eighty-seven metres and seventy-four hundredths (187.74 m) in this limit along direction of 82°33′23″, towards the south, by part of lot 2 866 291 measuring one hundred fifty metres and fifty-nine hundredths (150.59 m) in this limit along direction of 257°55′03″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 866 291 measuring thirty metres and fifty-eight hundredths (30.58 m) in this limit along direction of 141°07′26″, towards the southwest, by a part of lot 2 866 290 measuring sixty-five metres and eighty-five hundredths (65.85 m) in this limit along direction of 298°05′26″.

Containing an area of one thousand five hundred thirty-seven square metres and three tenths (1 537.3 m2).

PARCEL 15 — Part of lot 2 094 172

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO (Pt. lot 2 094 172), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 2 094 172, bounded: towards the south, by part of lots 2 860 550, 2 866 291 and 2 866 290 measuring three hundred fifty-three metres and fifty-four hundredths (353.54 m) in this limit along direction of 262°33′23″, towards the southwest, by parts of lot 2 094 181 measuring one hundred sixty-five metres and twenty hundredths (165.20 m) in this limit along direction of 304°14′04″, towards the southeast, by parts of lot 2 094 181 measuring twenty-two metres and seventy hundredths (22.70 m) in this limit along direction of 229°44′12″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 094 169 measuring twenty-seven metres and thirty-one hundredths (27.31 m) in this limit along direction of 303°28′16″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring four metres and sixty-one hundredths (4.61 m) in this limit along direction of 50°27′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring eighteen metres and thirty-four hundredths (18.34 m) in this limit along direction of 125°21′30″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring twenty-five metres and three hundredths (25.03 m) in this limit along direction of 58°47′59″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring ninety-two metres and seventy-eight hundredths (92.78 m) in this limit along direction of 122°53′13″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 094 172 measuring three hundred forty-seven metres and sixty-four hundredths (347.64 m) in this limit along direction of 83°06′30″, towards the northeast, by the lot 1 914 411 measuring seventy-eight metres (78.00 m) in this limit along direction of 124°29′04″.

Containing an area of nineteen thousand seven hundred ninety-three square metres and one tenth (19 793.1 m2).

PARCEL 16 — Part of lot 1 914 402

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWO (Pt. lot 1 914 402), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 1 914 402, bounded: towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 402 measuring seven metres and five hundredths (7.05 m) in this limit along direction of 303°28′27″, towards the north, by part of lot 1 914 402 measuring one hundred ninety-six metres and seventy hundredths (196.70 m) in this limit along direction of 82°58′56″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 402 measuring twenty-nine metres and nineteen hundredths (29.19 m) in this limit along direction of 31°27′07″, towards the west, by part of lot 1 914 402 measuring one hundred eighty-two metres and thirty-five hundredths (182.35 m) in this limit along direction of 352°26′22″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 094 171 measuring six metres and twenty-three hundredths (6.23 m) in this limit along direction of 62°56′35″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring two hundred nine metres and ninety-nine hundredths (209.99 m) in this limit along direction of 172°31′54″, towards the south, by the lot 1 914 411 measuring two hundred fifteen metres and twenty-six hundredths (215.26 m) in this limit along direction of 262°28′46″.

Containing an area of two thousand one hundred eighty-one square metres and two tenths (2 181.2 m2).

PARCEL 17 — Part of lot 1 914 412

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWELVE (Pt. lot 1 914 412), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 1 914 412, bounded: towards the west, by a part of lot 1 914 402 measuring two hundred nine metres and ninety-nine hundredths (209.99 m) in this limit along direction of 352°31′54″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 094 171 measuring twenty-nine metres and thirty-two hundredths (29.32 m) in this limit along direction of 65°08′41″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 094 171 measuring three metres and ninety-seven hundredths (3.97 m) in this limit along direction of 54°47′25″, towards the northeast, by the lot 1 916 230 (De Guise Street) measuring twenty-two metres and forty-three hundredths (22.43 m) in this limit along direction of 123°31′17″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring forty metres and fifteen hundredths (40.15 m) in this limit along direction of 117°10′50″, towards the north, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring nine metres and nine hundredths (9.09 m) in this limit along direction of 91°04′33″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring one hundred thirteen metres and eighty-five hundredths (113.85 m) in this limit along direction of 171°42′44″, towards the north, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring one hundred sixty-three metres and thirty-three hundredths (163.33 m) in this limit along direction of 81°57′09″, towards the west, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring one hundred thirty-four metres and thirty-six hundredths (134.36 m) in this limit along direction of 351°21′31″, towards the south, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring one hundred sixty-seven metres and forty hundredths (167.40 m) in this limit along direction of 261°08′16″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 412 measuring thirty-one metres and eighty-four hundredths (31.84 m) in this limit along direction of 305°14′10″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 916 230 (De Guise Street) measuring thirty-six metres and fifty-seven hundredths (36.57 m) in this limit along direction of 33°34′02″, towards the north, by the lot 1 914 404 measuring thirty-eight metres and twenty-one hundredths (38.21 m) in this limit along direction of 78°55′03″, towards the north, by the lot 1 914 404 measuring thirty-two metres and thirty-six hundredths (32.36 m) in this limit along direction of 70°08′17″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 914 404 measuring twenty-six metres and sixty-six hundredths (26.66 m) in this limit along direction of 65°38′50″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 914 404 measuring twenty-six metres and twenty-three hundredths (26.23) in this limit along direction of 65°17′50″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 914 404 measuring thirty-six metres and sixty-two hundredths (36.62 m) in this limit along direction of 59°32′32″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 914 401 measuring sixty metres and thirty-eight hundredths (60.38 m) in this limit along direction of 55°43′53″, towards the northeast, by the lot 1 914 401 measuring one hundred twenty-six metres and fifty-two hundredths (126.52 m) in this limit along direction of 123°44′19″, towards the southeast, by lots 4 437 651 to 4 437 655 and 4 708 859 measuring seventy-nine metres and fifty-nine hundredths (79.59 m) in this limit along direction of 211°13′34″, towards the northeast, by lots 4 708 859 and 4 437 662 to 4 437 668 measuring ninety-five metres and six hundredths (95.06 m) in this limit along direction of 123°20′48″, towards the northwest, by the lot 4 437 662 measuring twenty-nine metres and fifty hundredths (29.50 m) in this limit along direction of 31°28′02″, towards the southeast, by the lot 2 268 355 measuring in this limit, one hundred fifty-three metres and twenty-four hundredths (153.24 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred seventy-five metres (275.00 m), towards the south, by the lot 1 914 411 measuring three hundred fifty-two metres and thirty-seven hundredths (352.37 m) in this limit along direction of 262°28′46″.

Containing an area of seventy-seven thousand three hundred ninety-five square metres and six tenths (77 395.6 m2).

PARCEL 18 — Part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road)

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE (Pt. lot 2 268 359), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 2 268 359, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 2 268 355 measuring in this limit, one hundred fifty-four metres and ninety-seven hundredths (154.97 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred seventy-six metres (276.00 m), towards the northwest, by the lot 2 268 356 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring three metres and ninety-seven hundredths (3.97 m) in this limit along direction of 33°17′57″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring thirty-two metres and fifty-nine hundredths (32.59 m) in this limit along direction of 184°33′12″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring twenty-seven metres and fifty-four hundredths (27.54 m) in this limit along direction of 196°03′59″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring twenty-two metres and seventy-two hundredths (22.72 m) in this limit along direction of 201°18′21″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring thirty-two metres and seventy-six hundredths (32.76 m) in this limit along direction of 206°04′06″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 268 359 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring twenty-six metres and eighty-seven hundredths (26.87 m) in this limit along direction of 212°56′57″, towards the southeast, by the lot 2 663 956 (Saint-Jose Road) measuring fourteen metres and ninety-one hundredths (14.91 m) in this limit along direction of 219°00′29″, towards the south, by the lot 1 914 411 measuring four metres and sixty-nine hundredths (4.69 m) in this limit along direction of 262°28′46″.

Containing an area of five hundred seventy square metres and one tenth (570.1 m2).

PARCEL 19 — Part of lot 1 917 423

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE (Pt. lot 1 917 423), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 1 917 423, bounded: towards the north, by lots 5 138 116, 5 138 118, 3 352 498 to 3 352 509, 2 494 062, 2 994 277, 3 105 757 to 3 105 760, 3 105 769 (Charles-Yelle Street) and lot 3 105 756 measuring five hundred eighty metres and seventy-one hundredths (580.71 m) in this limit along direction of 82°28′46″, towards the northeast, by the lot 3 967 066 measuring one hundred ninety-four metres and sixty-seven hundredths (194.67 m) in this limit along direction of 123°41′35″, towards the south, by the lot 3 381 764 and part of lot 5 491 746 measuring three hundred sixty-two metres and thirty-six hundredths (362.36 m) in this limit along direction of 262°28′45″, towards the west, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring seventeen metres and seven hundredths (17.07 m) in this limit along direction of 344°20′01″, towards the south, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring seventy-nine metres and sixty-seven hundredths (79.67 m) in this limit along direction of 261°15′38″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring twenty-six metres and twenty-one hundredths (26.21 m) in this limit along direction of 302°05′23″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring forty-five metres and three hundredths (45.03 m) in this limit along direction of 217°20′59″, towards the south, by lots 1 914 367, 1 914 379 to 1 914 392 and 1 914 394 measuring two hundred eighty-five metres and fifty-four hundredths (285.54 m) in this limit along direction of 262°28′44″, towards the northwest, by the lot 1 914 399 measuring two metres and forty-four hundredths (2.44 m) in this limit along direction of 37°11′41″, towards the southwest, by lots 1 914 398 and 1 914 399 measuring fifty-four metres and eighty-nine hundredths (54.89 m) in this limit along direction of 304°53′01″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring one hundred twenty-nine metres and seventy-one hundredths (129.71 m) in this limit along direction of 38°55′17″.

Containing an area of eighty-eight thousand four hundred twenty-eight square metres and three tenths (88 428.3 m2 ).

PARCEL 20 — Part of lot 5 491 746

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED NINETY-ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY-SIX (Pt. lot 5 491 746), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 5 491 746, bounded: towards the east, by the lot 3 381 764 measuring one hundred eighty-six metres (186.00 m) in this limit along direction of 172°28′45″, towards the southeast, by the lot 3 381 764 measuring in this limit, sixty-eight metres and ten hundredths (68.10 m) along a curve with a radius of one hundred fifteen metres (115.00 m), towards the southwest, by the lot 2 268 409 and part of lot 2 731 024 measuring one hundred eighty-five metres and sixty-three hundredths (185.63 m) in this limit along direction of 304°18′14″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 491 746 measuring sixty-seven metres and eighteen hundredths (67.18 m) in this limit along direction of 37°30′23″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 491 746 measuring thirty-four metres and sixty-six hundredths (34.66 m) in this limit along direction of 344°20′01″, towards the north, by part of lot 1 917 423 measuring one hundred fifty-nine metres and eighty-eight hundredths (159.88 m) in this limit along direction of 82°27′59″.

Containing an area of twenty-nine thousand five hundred forty square metres and eight tenths (29 540.8 m2).

PARCEL 21 — Part of lot 2 731 024

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND TWENTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 2 731 024), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 731 024, bounded: towards the northeast, by the lot 3 381 764 and part of lot 5 491 746 measuring one hundred ninety-one metres and seventeen hundredths (191.17 m) in this limit along direction of 124°18′14″, towards the southeast, by lots 3 381 764, 3 379 218, 3 119 538 and 3 119 547 measuring eighty-eight metres and sixty-one hundredths (88.61 m) in this limit along direction of 240°37′26″, towards the southeast, by lots 3 119 543 to 3 119 546 measuring one hundred thirteen metres and eighty-seven hundredths (113.87 m) in this limit along direction of 219°23′00″, towards the southeast, by the lot 2 706 256 measuring fifty-five metres and nineteen hundredths (55.19 m) in this limit along direction of 211°09′13″, towards the south, by the lot 2 706 259 (Pompidou Boulevard) measuring four metres and seven hundredths (4.07 m) in this limit along direction of 271°18′26″, towards the south, by the lot 2 706 259 (Pompidou Boulevard) measuring in this limit, seventeen metres and twenty-seven hundredths (17.27 m) along a curve with a radius of thirty metres (30.00 m), towards the southwest, by the lot 2 706 259 (Pompidou Boulevard) measuring ninety-three metres and seventy-two hundredths (93.72 m) in this limit along direction of 304°16′27″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 731 024 measuring fourteen metres and eight hundredths (14.08 m) in this limit along direction of 32°51′19″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 731 024 measuring twenty-one metres and thirty-eight hundredths (21.38 m) in this limit along direction of 314°31′42″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 268 402 measuring twelve metres and ten hundredths (12.10 m) in this limit along direction of 34°31′21″, towards the southwest, by the lot 2 268 402 measuring ten metres (10.00 m) in this limit along direction of 304°35′15″, towards the northwest, by lots 2 268 397 to 2 268 399 and 2 268 403 to 2 268 409 measuring two hundred twenty-five metres (225.00 m) in this limit along direction of 34°18′18″.

Containing an area of thirty-eight thousand five hundred four square metres (38 504.0 m2).

PARCEL 22 — Part of lot 3 281 303

One (1) parcel of land of triangular figure known and designated as a part of lot THREE MILLION TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THREE (Pt. lot 3 281 303), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 3 281 303, bounded: towards the northeast, by the lot 1 914 106 measuring thirty-four metres and eighty-three hundredths (34.83 m) in this limit along direction of 123°28′25″, towards the south, by part of lot 3 281 303 measuring sixty-eight metres and twenty-five hundredths (68.25 m) in this limit along direction of 254°11′56″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring fifty-two metres and sixty-two hundredths (52.62 m) in this limit along direction of 44°05′30″.

Containing an area of nine hundred square metres and eight tenths (900.8 m2).

PARCEL 23 — Part of lot 5 221 625

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE (Pt. lot 5 221 625), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 5 221 625, bounded: towards the southwest, by the lot 3 379 221 measuring twenty-four metres and ninety-two hundredths (24.92 m) in this limit along direction of 303°35′31, towards the northeast, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring fifteen metres and sixty-three hundredths (15.63 m) in this limit along direction of 115°38′43, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring nineteen metres and seventy hundredths (19.70 m) in this limit along direction of 33°30′22″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring two metres and ten hundredths (2.10 m) in this limit along direction of 342°58′29″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring in this limit, sixty-four metres and one hundredth (64.01 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred twenty metres (220.00 m), towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring thirty-nine metres and seven hundredths (39.07 m) in this limit along direction of 44°28′08, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring in this limit, seventeen metres and eighty-four hundredths (17.84 m) along a curve with a radius of thirty metres (30.00 m), towards the southeast, by the lot 1 914 106 and part of lot 3 281 303 measuring one hundred thirty-nine metres and sixty-seven hundredths (139.67 m) in this limit along direction of 224°05′30″.

Containing an area of one thousand eighty-six square metres and one tenth (1 086.1 m2)

PARCEL 24 — Part of lot 5 221 624

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 5 221 624), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 5 221 624, bounded: towards the northeast, by the lot 5 221 622 measuring twenty-three metres and forty-two hundredths (23.42 m) in this limit along direction of 123°21′10″, towards the southeast, by the lot 1 914 106 measuring two metres and twelve hundredths (2.12 m) in this limit along direction of 224°05′30″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring in this limit, seventeen metres and eighty-four hundredths (17.84 m) along a curve with a radius of thirty metres (30.00 m), towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring thirty-nine metres and seven hundredths (39.07 m) in this limit along direction of 224°28′08″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 625 measuring in this limit, sixty-four metres and one hundredth (64.01 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred twenty metres (220.00 m), towards the west, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring nine metres and ninety-four hundredths (9.94 m) in this limit along direction of 342°58′29″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring eleven metres and forty five hundredths (11.45 m) in this limit along direction of 300°33′28″, towards the south, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring one metre and ninety-three hundredths (1.93 m) in this limit along direction of 255°59′54″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring in this limit, sixty-four metres and one hundredth (64.01 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred metres (200.00 m), towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring thirty-eight metres and eighty-nine hundredths (38.89 m) in this limit along direction of 44°28′08″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring in this limit fourteen metres and sixty-three hundredths (14.63 m) along a curve with a radius of fifty metres (50.00 m).

Containing an area of two thousand three hundred forty-nine square metres and nine tenths (2 349.9 m2).

PARCEL 25 — Part of lot 5 221 624

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 5 221 624), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 5 221 624, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring nineteen metres (19.00 m) in this limit along direction of 66°14′47″, towards the southeast, by a part of lot 5 221 624 measuring ten metres and fifty hundredths (10.50 m) in this limit along direction of 219°04′25″, towards the south, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring seven metres and eighty-seven hundredths (7.87 m) in this limit along direction of 258°46′19″, towards the southwest, by the lot 3 581 313 measuring three metres and sixty-seven hundredths (3.67 m) in this limit along direction of 303°35′31″.

Containing an area of fifty-five square metres and seven tenths (55.7 m2).

PARCEL 26 — Part of lot 5 221 626

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX (Pt. lot 5 221 626), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 5 221 626, bounded: towards the north, by the lot 3 967 066 measuring one hundred six metres and ten hundredths (106.10 m) in this limit along direction of 70°08′11″, towards the northwest, by the lot 3 967 066 measuring fifty-five metres and thirty-one hundredths (55.31 m) in this limit along direction of 52°44′01″, towards the north, by the lot 3 967 066 measuring two metres and forty-eight hundredths (2.48 m) in this limit along direction of 75°45′46″, towards the northeast, by the lot 5 221 627 measuring two metres and seventeen hundredths (2.17 m) in this limit along direction of 123°21′10″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring in this limit, fourteen metres and sixty-three hundredths (14.63 m) along a curve with a radius of fifty metres (50.00 m), towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring thirty-eight metres and eighty-nine hundredths (38.89 m) in this limit along direction of 224°28′08″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring in this limit, sixty-four metres and one hundredth (64.01 m) along a curve with a radius of two hundred metres (200.00 m), towards the south, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring nine metres and sixty-three hundredths (9.63 m) in this limit along direction of 255°59′54″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 626 measuring four metres and thirty-eight hundredths (4.38 m) in this limit along direction of 219°04′25″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 221 624 measuring nineteen metres (19.00 m) in this limit along direction of 246°14′47″, towards the southwest, by lots 3 581 312 and 3 581 313 measuring thirty-four metres and five hundredths (34.05 m) in this limit along direction of 303°35′31″.

Containing an area of two thousand four hundred thirty-two square metres and one tenth (2 432.1 m2).

PARCEL 27 — Part of lot 3 899 653

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot THREE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-NINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE (Pt. lot 3 899 653), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 3 899 653, bounded: towards the southeast, by the lot 3 967 049 measuring nineteen metres and thirty-three hundredths (19.33 m) in this limit along direction of 223°34′48″, towards the south, by the lot 3 907 045 measuring two hundred forty-eight metres and sixty-seven hundredths (248.67 m) in this limit along direction of 272°50′05″, towards the west, by the lot 3 899 604 measuring one metre and thirty-one hundredths (1.31 m) in this limit along direction of 3°12′15″, towards the west, by part of lot 3 899 653 measuring fourteen metres and fifty-eight hundredths (14.58 m) in this limit along direction of 4°19′15″, towards the north, by lots 3 444 608 to 3 444 613 and 3 444 615 to 3 444 620 measuring two hundred sixty metres and eighty-six hundredths (260.86 m) in this limit along direction of 93°06′26″.

Containing an area of three thousand eight hundred ninety-four square metres (3 894.0 m2).

PARCEL 28 — Part of lot 1 916 226

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX (Pt. lot 1 916 226), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 3 446 835, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 3 446 835 measuring in this limit, eighty-eight metres and one hundredth (88.01 m) along a curve with a radius of one thousand one hundred thirty-five metres (1 135.00 m), towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 916 224 measuring seven metres and ten hundredths (7.10 m) in this limit along direction of 123°23′53″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 916 226 (Highway 30) measuring eighty-eight metres and eighteen hundredths (88.18 m) in this limit along direction of 209°11′47″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 916 226 (Highway 30) measuring seven metres and ten hundredths (7.10 m) in this limit along direction of 304°57′06″.

Containing an area of five hundred seventy-two square metres and nine tenths (572.9 m2).

PARCEL 29 — Part of lot 1 916 224

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 1 916 224), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 3 967 058, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 3 967 058 measuring fifty-nine metres and thirteen hundredths (59.13 m) in this limit along direction of 25°28′03″, towards the northwest, by lot 3 967 058 and 3 967 061 measuring five hundred forty-nine metres and forty hundredths (549.40 m) in this limit along direction of 23°58′31″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 916 224 (Highway 30) measuring seven metres and eleven hundredths (7.11 m) in this limit along direction of 117°28′28″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 916 224 (Highway 30) measuring five hundred forty-nine metres and five hundredths (549.05 m) in this limit along direction of 203°58′31″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 916 224 (Highway 30) measuring fifty-nine metres and twenty-one hundredths (59.21 m) in this limit along direction of 205°28′03″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 916 224 (Highway 30) measuring ninety-eight hundredths of a metre (0.98 m) in this limit along direction of 209°11′47″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 916 226 measuring seven metres and ten hundredths (7.10 m) in this limit along direction of 303°23′53″.

Containing an area of four thousand three hundred twenty-two square metres (4 322.0 m2 ).

PARCEL 30 — Part of lot 2 663 964

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 2 663 964), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 663 964, bounded: towards the northeast, by a part of lot 1 916 226 measuring forty-five metres and ninety-two hundredths (45.92 m) in this limit along direction of 121°57′13″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring seven metres and fifty-one hundredths (7.51 m) in this limit along direction of 237°35′53″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring twenty-two metres and twenty-two hundredths (22.22 m) in this limit along direction of 301°52′10″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring one hundred forty-six metres and thirty-two hundredths (146.32 m) in this limit along direction of 234°39′03″, towards the west, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring ten metres and eighty-two hundredths (10.82 m) in this limit along direction of 339°40′54″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring thirty-four metres and three hundredths (34.03 m) in this limit along direction of 32°17′37″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 3 630 341 measuring in this limit, ninety-seven metres and nine hundredths (97.09 m) along a curve with a radius of six thousand one hundred twenty metres and fifty-two hundredths (6 120.52 m), towards the northwest, by parts of lot 1 914 118 measuring thirteen metres and thirty-six hundredths (13.36 m) along a curve with a radius of six thousand one hundred twenty metres and fifty-two hundredths (6 120.52 m).

Containing an area of three thousand two hundred ninety-three square metres and two tenths (3 293.2 m2).

PARCEL 31 — Part of lot 3 630 341

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot THREE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE (Pt. lot 3 630 341), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 3 630 341, bounded: towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring in this limit, ninety-seven metres and nine hundredths (97.09 m) along a curve with a radius of six thousand one hundred twenty metres and fifty-two hundredths (6 120.52 m), towards the northwest, by part of lot 3 630 341 measuring eighty-eight metres and ninety-five hundredths (88.95 m) in this limit along direction of 32°17′37, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring thirty-eight metres and thirty-seven hundredths (38.37 m) in this limit along direction of 121°57′13.

Containing an area of one thousand six hundred ninety-four square metres and two tenths (1 694.2 m2).

PARCEL 32 — Part of lot 1 916 226

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX (Pt. lot 1 916 226), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 663 964, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 4 541 898 measuring in this limit, eight metres and three hundredths (8.03 m) along a curve with a radius of six thousand one hundred twenty metres and fifty-two hundredths (6 120.52 m), towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 916 226 measuring forty-six metres and sixty-three hundredths (46.63 m) in this limit along direction of 120°42′58″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 916 226 measuring nine metres and twenty-four hundredths (9.24 m) in this limit along direction of 237°35′53″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring forty-five metres and ninety-two hundredths (45.92 m) in this limit along direction of 301°57′13″.

Containing an area of three hundred sixty square metres and one tenth (360.1 m2).

PARCEL 33 — Part of lot 1 914 118

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (Pt. lot 1 914 118), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 1 914 118, bounded: towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 663 964 measuring in this limit, six metres (6.00 m) along a curve with a radius of six thousand one hundred twenty metres and fifty-two hundredths (6 120.52 m), towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring one hundred eighty-two metres and thirty-four hundredths (182.34 m) in this limit along direction of 302°53′19″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring two metres and forty-nine hundredths (2.49 m) in this limit along direction of 31°40′33″, towards the northeast, by the lot 4 541 898 and part of lots 4 541 899 and 4 600 775 measuring one hundred eighty-four metres and seventy-eight hundredths (184.78 m) in this limit along direction of 121°57′13″.

Containing an area of seven hundred thirty-two square metres and six tenths (732.6 m2).

PARCEL 34 — Part of lot 4 541 899

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-NINE (Pt. lot 4 541 899), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 4 541 899, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 600 775 measuring seven metres and twenty-five hundredths (7.25 m) in this limit along direction of 31°40′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 541 899 measuring twenty-six metres and ninety hundredths (26.90 m) in this limit along direction of 122°03′21″, towards the south, by the lot 4 541 898 measuring ten metres and ninety-three hundredths (10.93 m) in this limit along direction of 260°43′06″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring eighteen metres and sixty-four hundredths (18.64 m) in this limit along direction of 301°57′13″.

Containing an area of one hundred sixty-four square metres and seven tenths (164.7 m2).

PARCEL 35 — Part of lot 4 600 775

One (1) parcel of land of trapezoidal figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE (Pt. lot 4 600 775), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 4 600 775, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 4 541 902 measuring seven metres and forty-four hundredths (7.44 m) in this limit along direction of 31°40′33″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 600 775 measuring one hundred four metres and thirty-nine hundredths (104.39 m) in this limit along direction of 122°03′21″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 541 899 measuring seven metres and twenty-five hundredths (7.25 m) in this limit along direction of 211°40′33″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 118 measuring one hundred four metres and thirty-nine hundredths (104.39 m) in this limit along direction of 301°57′13″.

Containing an area of seven hundred sixty-six square metres and seven tenths (766.7 m2).

PARCEL 36 — Part of lot 1 914 112

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWELVE (Pt. lot 1 914 112), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 1 914 112, bounded: towards the northwest, by lots 2 706 276 and 2 863 788 to 2 863 791 measuring one hundred metres and seven hundredths (100.07 m) in this limit along direction of 42°01′16, towards the northwest, by lots 2 863 791, 2 863 792 and 2 863 811 measuring eighty metres and seven hundredths (80.07 m) in this limit along direction of 39°37′34″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring seventy-nine metres and one hundredth (79.01 m) in this limit along direction of 123°11′35″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring one hundred seventy metres and fifty-six hundredths (170.56 m) in this limit along direction of 124°07′28″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring one hundred thirty-nine metres and seventy-nine hundredths (139.79 m) in this limit along direction of 123°06′23″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring ninety-two metres and seventy-six hundredths (92.76 m) in this limit along direction of 217°39′17″, towards the south, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring ninety-five metres and one hundredth (95.01 m) in this limit along direction of 269°03′55″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring twenty-nine metres and fifty-seven hundredths (29.57 m) in this limit along direction of 219°53′03″, towards the southwest, by lots 4 625 628 and 4 681 716 to 4 681 719 measuring one hundred fourteen metres and fifty hundredths (114.50 m) in this limit along direction of 303°34′59″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring sixteen metres and twenty-four hundredths (16.24 m) in this limit along direction of 50°38′10″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring nineteen metres and thirteen hundredths (19.13 m) in this limit along direction of 60°44′33″, towards the west, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring eighteen metres and twelve hundredths (18.12 m) in this limit along direction of 18°37′26″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring sixteen metres and ninety-seven hundredths (16.97 m) in this limit along direction of 331°52′52″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring nineteen metres and forty-four hundredths (19.44 m) in this limit along direction of 296°39′41″, towards the south, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring sixteen metres and twenty-three hundredths (16.23 m) in this limit along direction of 256°02′11″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring fifteen metres and ninety-seven hundredths (15.97 m) in this limit along direction of 198°29′59″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring nineteen metres and eighty-five hundredths (19.85 m) in this limit along direction of 166°25′43″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring fifteen metres and thirty hundredths (15.30 m) in this limit along direction of 199°43′49″, towards the southwest, by the lot 4 681 715 measuring thirteen metres and twenty-five hundredths (13.25 m) in this limit along direction of 303°34′59″, towards the southwest, by lots 4 681 715 and 4 802 030 to 4 802 034 measuring one hundred eighty-two metres and fifty-nine hundredths (182.59 m) in this limit along direction of 302°39′09″.

Containing an area of sixty-three thousand one hundred ninety square metres and three tenths (63 190.3 m2).

PARCEL 37 — Part of lot 2 235 298

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT (Pt. lot 2 235 298), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 2 235 298, bounded: towards the northwest, by lots 2 863 807, 2 706 259, 2 863 816 and 3 119 559 to 3 119 562 measuring one hundred twenty-one metres and twenty-four hundredths (121.24 m) in this limit along direction of 32°40′40″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 235 298 measuring twenty-eight metres and eleven hundredths (28.11 m) in this limit along direction of 124°34′25″, towards the east, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring one hundred thirty-one metres and seventy-nine hundredths (131.79 m) in this limit along direction of 188°40′01″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 863 795 and 2 863 808 to 2 863 811 measuring eighty-one metres and seventy-two hundredths (81.72 m) in this limit along direction of 302°43′56″.

Containing an area of six thousand six hundred twenty square metres and two tenths (6 620.2 m2).

PARCEL 38 — Part of lot 1 914 114

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN (Pt. lot 1 914 114), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 1 914 114, bounded: towards the west, by part of lot 2 235 298 measuring one hundred thirty-one metres and seventy-nine hundredths (131.79 m) in this limit along direction of 8°40′01″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring three hundred seven metres and twenty-one hundredths (307.21 m) in this limit along direction of 124°34′25″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring one hundred nine metres and thirty-four hundredths (109.34 m) in this limit along direction of 212°36′51″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring one hundred thirty-six metres and thirty-six hundredths (136.36 m) in this limit along direction of 122°52′53″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 1 914 114 measuring six metres and forty-eight hundredths (6.48 m) in this limit along direction of 217°39′17″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring one hundred thirty-nine metres and seventy-nine hundredths (139.79 m) in this limit along direction of 303°06′23″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring one hundred seventy metres and fifty-six hundredths (170.56 m) in this limit along direction of 304°07′28″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 1 914 112 measuring seventy-nine metres and one hundredth (79.01 m) in this limit along direction of 303°11′35″.

Containing an area of thirty-three thousand five hundred sixty-two square metres and one tenth (33 562.1 m2).

PARCEL 39 — Part of lot 5 221 667

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 5 221 667) of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 5 221 667, bounded: towards the north, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring thirty metres and one hundredth (30.01 m) in this limit along direction of 77°01′46″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 5 221 667 measuring twenty-one metres and ninety hundredths (21.90 m) in this limit along direction of 126°05′07″, towards the southeast, by the lot 5 221 662 (De Palerme Boulevard) measuring in this limit, twenty-three metres and four hundredths (23.04 m) along a curve with a radius of one hundred twenty-five metres (125.00 m), towards the southwest, by the lot 5 619 712 measuring thirty-nine metres and twenty-two hundredths (39.22 m) in this limit along direction of 306°24′37″.

Containing an area of six hundred eighty-nine square metres and two tenths (689.2 m2).

PARCEL 40 — Part of lot 5 221 667

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 5 221 667) of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the east corner of lot 5 221 667, bounded: towards the southeast, by the lot 5 221 662 (De Palerme Boulevard) measuring in this limit, fifty-seven metres and forty-four hundredths (57.44 m) along a curve with a radius of one hundred twenty-five metres (125.00 m), towards the southwest, by part of lot 5 221 667 measuring seventeen metres and twenty-two hundredths (17.22 m) in this limit along direction of 305°53′23″, towards the north, by the lot 4 110 199 and part of lot 4 110 195 measuring sixty-six metres and seventy-seven hundredths (66.77 m) in this limit along direction of 77°01′46″.

Containing an area of three hundred seven square metres and nine tenths (307.9 m2).

PARCEL 41 — Part of lot 4 110 195

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE (Pt. lot 4 110 195), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 4 110 195, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 3 967 050 measuring three hundred sixty-four metres and sixty-two hundredths (364.62 m) in this limit along direction of 43°35′27″, towards the north, by the lot 5 491 747 measuring twenty-three metres and eighty-four hundredths (23.84 m) in this limit along direction of 100°10′15″, towards the north, by the lot 5 491 747 measuring twenty-five metres and three hundredths (25.03 m) in this limit along direction of 103°36′45″, towards the north by the lot 5 491 747 measuring thirty-two metres and thirty-five hundredths (32.35 m) in this limit along direction of 111°48′05″, towards the east, 1 916 224 measuring ninety-nine metres and six hundredths (99.06 m) in this limit along direction of 193°01′30″, towards the southeast, by the lot 4 110 199 measuring two hundred thirty-nine metres and sixty-nine hundredths (239.69 m) in this limit along direction of 213°38′52″, towards the south, by part of lot 5 221 667 measuring nine metres and six hundredths (9.06 m) in this limit along direction of 257°01′46″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring fourteen metres and twenty-three hundredths (14.23 m) in this limit along direction of 305°53′23″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring fifty-two metres and sixty-five hundredths (52.65 m) in this limit along direction of 5°37′37″, towards the south, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring ten metres and six hundredths (10.06 m) in this limit along direction of 272°41′14″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring sixty-six metres and seventy-eight hundredths (66.78 m) in this limit along direction of 305°09′34″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring seventy-six metres and thirty-six hundredths (76.36 m) in this limit along direction of 215°52′31″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring sixty-eight metres and ninety-five hundredths (68.95 m) in this limit along direction of 127°20′42″, towards the north, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring forty metres and fifty-eight hundredths (40.58 m) in this limit along direction of 74°28′38″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 4 110 195 measuring fifteen metres and thirty hundredths (15.30 m) in this limit along direction of 126°05′07″, towards the south, by the lot 5 619 712 and part of lot 5 221 667 measuring fifty-six metres and sixty-one hundredths (56.61 m) in this limit along direction of 257°01′46″, towards the southwest, by lots 5 596 689 to 5 596 691, 5 596 744 and 5 619 712 measuring one hundred twenty-three metres and nineteen hundredths (123.19 m) in this limit along direction of 305°14′51″.

Containing an area of forty-three thousand eight hundred ninety-four square metres and one tenth (43 894.1 m2).

PARCEL 42 — Part of lot 2 263 989

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE (Pt. lot 2 263 989), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 2 263 989, bounded: towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 667 634 measuring thirty metres and seventy-one hundredths (30.71 m) in this limit along direction of 205°03′26″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 263 989 measuring twenty-one metres and eighty-six hundredths (21.86 m) in this limit along direction of 299°26′38″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 264 154 measuring thirty-four metres and thirty-one hundredths (34.31 m) in this limit along direction of 63°03′59″, towards the northwest, by the lot 2 264 155 measuring two metres and eleven hundredths (2.11 m) in this limit along direction of 43°37′29″.

Containing an area of three hundred twenty-two square metres and six tenths (322.6 m2).

PARCEL 43 — Part of lot 5 667 634

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 5 667 634), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 5 667 634, bounded: towards the northeast, by the lot 5 626 193 measuring in this limit, twenty-seven metres and eighteen hundredths (27.18 m) along a curve with a radius of forty-five metres and sixty-one hundredths (45.61 m), towards the east, by the lot 5 626 193 measuring twenty-four metres and eighty-nine hundredths (24.89 m) in this limit along direction of 173°24′37″, towards the southeast, by the lot 5 818 893 and part of lots 5 626 190 and 5 788 503 measuring two hundred twenty metres and seventy hundredths (220.70 m) in this limit along direction of 203°01′39″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 5 667 634 measuring one hundred fifteen metres and thirty-three hundredths (115.33 m) in this limit along direction of 299°27′27″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 263 989 measuring thirty metres and seventy-one hundredths (30.71 m) in this limit along direction of 25°03′26″, towards the northwest, by lots 2 264 149 to 2 264 151 and 2 264 155 to 2 264 165 and 2 267 660 measuring two hundred thirty-two metres and three hundredths (232.03 m) in this limit along direction of 43°37′29″.

Containing an area of nineteen thousand five hundred twenty-seven square metres and nine tenths (19 527.9 m2).

PARCEL 44 — Part of lot 5 788 503

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THREE (Pt. lot 5 788 503), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 5 788 503, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 667 634 measuring seventy-one metres and sixty-three hundredths (71.63 m) in this limit along direction of 23°01′39″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 190 measuring thirty-nine metres and eighty-two hundredths (39.82 m) in this limit along direction of 43°32′10″, towards the east, by part of lot 5 788 503 measuring twenty seven hundredths of a metre (0.27 m) in this limit along direction of 169°57′14″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 788 503 measuring thirty-three metres and ninety-one hundredths (33.91 m) in this limit along direction of 220°46′53″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 5 788 503 measuring thirty metres and twenty-two hundredths (30.22 m) in this limit along direction of 132°01′28″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 788 503 measuring thirty-nine metres and sixty-six hundredths (39.66 m) in this limit along direction of 229°40′44″, towards the southeast, by the lot 5 818 893 measuring thirty-three metres and one hundredth (33.01 m) in this limit along direction of 223°29′53″, towards the south, by the lot 5 818 893 measuring three metres and seven hundredths (3.07 m) in this limit along direction of 290°54′24″

Containing an area of one thousand three hundred ten square metres and nine tenths (1 310.9 m2).

PARCEL 45 — Part of lot 5 626 190

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY (Pt. lot 5 626 190), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north corner of lot 5 626 190, bounded: towards the east, by the lot 5 626 191 measuring twenty-three metres and twenty-three hundredths (23.23 m) in this limit along direction of 173°24′37″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 626 190 measuring twenty-five metres and eighty-eight hundredths (25.88 m) in this limit along direction of 213°41′02″, towards the east, by part of lot 5 626 190 measuring thirteen metres and thirty hundredths (13.30 m) in this limit along direction of 169°57′14″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 788 503 measuring thirty-nine metres and eighty-two hundredths (39.82 m) in this limit along direction of 223°32′10″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 667 634 measuring ninety-four metres and thirteen hundredths (94.13 m) in this limit along direction of 23°01′39″.

Containing an area of seven hundred twenty-two square metres and three tenths (722.3 m2).

PARCEL 46 — Part of lot 5 788 504

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOUR (Pt. lot 5 788 504), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the west corner of lot 5 788 504, bounded: towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring one hundred eighty-seven metres and forty-six hundredths (187.46 m) in this limit along direction of 43°32′10″, towards the east, by part of lot 5 788 504 measuring two hundred twenty-one metres and four hundredths (221.04 m) in this limit along direction of 200°50′13″, towards the south, by part of lot 5 788 504 measuring thirty-four metres and seventeen hundredths (34.17 m) in this limit along direction of 287°55′47″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 5 788 504 measuring twenty-eight metres and thirty-eight hundredths (28.38 m) in this limit along direction of 330°40′07″, towards the west, by the lot 5 626 184 measuring thirty-five metres and sixty-six hundredths (35.66 m) in this limit along direction of 353°24′37″.

Containing an area of nine thousand seventy-four square metres (9 074.0 m2).

PARCEL 47 — Part of lot 5 788 504

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOUR (Pt. lot 5 788 504), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 5 788 699, bounded: towards the north, by the lot 5 788 699 measuring forty-six metres and nineteen hundredths (46.19 m) in this limit along direction of 110°18′16″, towards the east, by part of lot 5 763 237 measuring two metres and seventy-one hundredths (2.71 m) in this limit along direction of 200°54′25″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 5 763 237 measuring sixty-five metres and twenty-nine hundredths (65.29 m) in this limit along direction of 245°17′13″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 788 504 measuring twenty metres and twenty-three hundredths (20.23 m) in this limit along direction of 19°35′22″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring twenty-eight metres and eighty-eight hundredths (28.88 m) in this limit along direction of 20°15′50″.

Containing an area of one thousand two hundred square metres and eight tenths (1 200.8 m2).

PARCEL 48 — Part of lot 5 626 192

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO (Pt. lot 5 626 192), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 5 626 192, bounded: towards the west, by the lot 5 626 191 measuring five metres and sixty-five hundredths (5.65 m) in this limit along direction of 353°24′37″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring eleven metres and thirty-three hundredths (11.33 m) in this limit along direction of 46°51′11″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring thirty-one metres and nine hundredths (31.09 m) in this limit along direction of 357°36′17″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring twenty-two metres and twenty-nine hundredths (22.29 m) in this limit along direction of 325°33′50″, towards the northwest, by the lot 5 626 194 measuring thirty-one metres and forty-four hundredths (31.44 m) in this limit along direction of 23°01′39″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring forty-four metres and sixteen hundredths (44.16 m) in this limit along direction of 55°32′28″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring one hundred sixteen metres and sixty-eight hundredths (116.68 m) in this limit along direction of 42°26′10″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring seventy metres and sixty-one hundredths (70.61 m) in this limit along direction of 41°34′24″, towards the west, by part of lot 5 626 192 measuring twenty-four metres and twelve hundredths (24.12 m) in this limit along direction of 11°54′08″, towards the northwest, by lots 4 779 816 to 4 779 818 and part of lot 4 779 819 measuring forty-one metres and eighty-four hundredths (41.84 m) in this limit along direction of 43°35′27″, towards the east, by the lot 5 788 699 and part of lot 5 788 504 measuring one hundred sixty-nine metres and thirty-four hundredths (169.34 m) in this limit along direction of 200°15′50″, towards the southeast, by parts of lot 5 788 504 measuring two hundred seven metres and seventy-four hundredths (207.74 m) in this limit along direction of 223°32′10″.

Containing an area of twelve thousand nine hundred fifty-seven square metres and nine tenths (12 957.9 m2).

PARCEL 49 — Part of lot 5 763 237

One (1) parcel of land of trapezoidal figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 5 763 237), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 5 798 685, bounded: towards the east, by the lot 5 798 685 measuring twenty-four metres and two hundredths (24.02 m) in this limit along direction of 200°53′15″, towards the south, by part of lot 5 763 237 measuring four metres and seventeen hundredths (4.17 m) in this limit along direction of 290°54′25″, towards the west, by the lot 5 788 699 measuring twenty-four metres and two hundredths (24.02 m) in this limit along direction of 20°54′25″, towards the north, by the lot 5 788 699 measuring four metres and thirty-seven hundredths (4.37 m) in this limit along direction of 110°54′25″.

Containing an area of one hundred square metres (100.0 m2).

PARCEL 50 — Part of lot 4 779 819

One (1) parcel of land of triangular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETEEN (Pt. lot 4 779 819), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 4 779 819, bounded: towards the southwest, by part of lot 4 779 819 measuring forty-two metres and forty-five hundredths (42.45 m) in this limit along direction of 332°50′13″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 779 820 measuring seventy-eight metres and eighty-three hundredths (78.83 m) in this limit along direction of 43°37′19″, towards the east, by the lot 5 788 699 measuring one hundred one metres and nine hundredths (101.09 m) in this limit along direction of 200°15′50″.

Containing an area of one thousand five hundred seventy-nine square metres and nine tenths (1 579.9 m2).

PARCEL 51 — Part of lot 4 779 820

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY (Pt. lot 4 779 820), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the south corner of lot 4 779 821, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring one hundred six metres and fifty-two hundredths (106.52 m) in this limit along direction of 43°37′18″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring eight metres and six hundredths (8.06 m) in this limit along direction of 114°05′00″, towards the east, by the lot 5 788 699 measuring forty-two metres and thirty-five hundredths (42.35 m) in this limit along direction of 200°15′50″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 4 779 819 measuring seventy-eight metres and eighty-three hundredths (78.83 m) in this limit along direction of 223°37′19″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 4 779 820 measuring twenty-five metres and eighty-two hundredths (25.82 m) in this limit along direction of 332°50′13″.

Containing an area of two thousand four hundred thirty square metres and three tenths (2 430.3 m2).

PARCEL 52 — Part of lot 4 611 534

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR (Pt. lot 4 611 534), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 2 264 351, bounded: towards the west, by the lot 2 264 351 measuring three metres and seventy hundredths (3.70 m) in this limit along direction of 4°00′44″, towards the west, by lots 2 264 351 and 2 264 352 measuring thirty-nine metres and eleven hundredths (39.11 m) in this limit along direction of 347°36′32″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 264 352 to 2 264 354 measuring fifty-one metres and forty hundredths (51.40 m) in this limit along direction of 292°52′29″, towards the southwest, by the lot 3 604 692 measuring eighteen metres and eleven hundredths (18.11 m) in this limit along direction of 329°35′23″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 264 323, 2 264 341, 2 775 988 to 2 775 991, 3 604 691 and part of lot 4 611 534 measuring one hundred twenty-five metres and ninety-four hundredths (125.94 m) in this limit along direction of 334°34′11″, towards the southwest, by lots 2 264 318 and 2 264 336 measuring thirty-six metres and seventy-seven hundredths (36.77 m) in this limit along direction of 307°31′01″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring fifty-eight metres and sixty-four hundredths (58.64 m) in this limit along direction of 39°47′27″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 49°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-nine metres and sixty-four hundredths (49.64 m) in this limit along direction of 58°58′05″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring twenty-eight metres and eighteen hundredths (28.18 m) in this limit along direction of 22°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 31°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 40°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring thirteen metres and thirty-five hundredths (13.35 m) in this limit along direction of 49°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring fifty-two metres and forty-one hundredths (52.41 m) in this limit along direction of 30°34′45″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 40°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 49°30′00″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring twenty-three metres and seventeen hundredths (23.17 m) in this limit along direction of 58°30′00″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring three hundred eighty-eight metres and two hundredths (388.02 m) in this limit along direction of 205°14′30″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring twenty-one metres and fifty-three hundredths (21.53 m) in this limit along direction of 166°46′30″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring thirty-five metres and eighty-seven hundredths (35.87 m) in this limit along direction of 163°15′07″, towards the east, by a part of lot 2 267 872 measuring thirty metres and thirty-nine hundredths (30.39 m) in this limit along direction of 168°33′12″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring twenty-nine metres and thirty hundredths (29.30 m) in this limit along direction of 188°22′03″, towards the east, by a part of lot 2 267 872 measuring forty metres and forty-eight hundredths (40.48 m) in this limit along direction of 164°54′46″, towards the southeast, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring forty-eight metres and seventy-eight hundredths (48.78 m) in this limit along direction of 202°52′29″.

Containing an area of forty-one thousand six hundred one square metres and five tenths (41 601.5 m2).

PARCEL 53 — Part of lot 2 267 872

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO (Pt. lot 2 267 872, of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 2 267 872, bounded: towards the southwest, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring twenty-one metres and one hundredth (21.01 m) in this limit along direction of 294°05′01″, towards the west, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring ten metres and six hundredths (10.06 m) in this limit along direction of 18°42′20″, towards the southwest, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring twenty-one metres and thirty-four hundredths (21.34 m) in this limit along direction of 303°19′46″, towards the west, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring two metres and twenty-eight hundredths (2.28 m) in this limit along direction of 345°58′52″, towards the west, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring twenty-nine metres and two hundredths (29.02 m) in this limit along direction of 355°43′31″, towards the west, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring sixteen metres and sixty-six hundredths (16.66 m) in this limit along direction of 356°35′56″, towards the southeast, by the lot 4 779 821 measuring twenty-six metres and twenty-four hundredths (26.24 m) in this limit along direction of 202°52′29″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring forty metres and forty-eight hundredths (40.48 m) in this limit along direction of 344°54′46″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring twenty-nine metres and thirty hundredths (29.30 m) in this limit along direction of 8°22′03″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring thirty metres and thirty-nine hundredths (30.39 m) in this limit along direction of 348°33′12″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring thirty-five metres and eighty-seven hundredths (35.87 m) in this limit along direction of 343°15′07″, towards the west, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring twenty-one metres and fifty-three hundredths (21.53 m) in this limit along direction of 346°46′30″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 4 611 534 measuring three hundred eighty-eight metres and two hundredths (388.02 m) in this limit along direction of 25°14′30″, towards the northwest, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring twenty-three metres and ninety-one hundredths (23.91 m) in this limit along direction of 58°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 67°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 76°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring one metre and eight hundredths (1.08 m) in this limit along direction of 85°30′00″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring six hundred thirty-one metres and seventy-four hundredths (631.74 m) in this limit along direction of 198°33′10″.

Containing an area of sixty-two thousand three hundred seven square metres and five tenths (62 307.5 m2).

PARCEL 54 — Part of lot 2 267 873

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE (Pt. lot 2 267 873), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 2 267 873, bounded: towards the west, by part of lot 2 267 872 measuring six hundred thirty-one metres and seventy-four hundredths (631.74 m) in this limit along direction of 18°33′10″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring five metres and sixteen hundredths (5.16 m) in this limit along direction of 85°30′00″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring three metres and one hundredth (3.01 m) in this limit along direction of 155°18′41″, towards the east, by a part of lot 2 776 122 measuring one hundred forty-two metres and fifty-two hundredths (142.52 m) in this limit along direction of 178°05′55″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring one hundred twenty-nine metres and eight-seven hundredths (129.87 m) in this limit along direction of 145°03′16″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring eighty-five metres and thirteen hundredths (85.13 m) in this limit along direction of 159°42′00″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring eighty three metres and ninety-four hundredths (83.94 m) in this limit along direction of 188°10′24″, towards the east, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring two hundred ninety-two metres and ninety-two hundredths (292.92 m) in this limit along direction of 202°15′32″, towards the southwest, by lots 4 779 821, 5 788 699, 5 798 686 and part of lot 4 779 820 measuring two hundred eleven metres and sixty hundredths (211.60 m) in this limit along direction of 294°05′00″.

Containing an area of one hundred five thousand six hundred thirteen square metres and seven tenths (105 613.7 m2).

PARCEL 55 — Part of lot 2 776 122

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO (Pt. lot 2 776 122), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 2 776 122, bounded: towards the west, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring two hundred ninety-two metres and ninety-two hundredths (292.92 m) in this limit along direction of 22°15′32″, towards the west, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring eighty-three metres and ninety-four hundredths (83.94 m) in this limit along direction of 8°10′24″, towards the west, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring eighty-five metres and thirteen hundredths (85.13 m) in this limit along direction of 339°42′00, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring one hundred twenty-nine metres and eighty-seven hundredths (129.87 m) in this limit along direction of 325°03′16″, towards the west, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring one hundred forty-two metres and fifty-two hundredths (142.52 m) in this limit along direction of 358°05′55″, towards the southwest, by part of lot 2 267 873 measuring three metres and one hundredth (3.01 m) in this limit along direction of 335°18′41″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring forty metres and eighty-four hundredths (40.84 m) in this limit along direction of 85°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 94°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 103°30′00″, towards the north, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 112°30′00″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring forty-seven metres and eight hundredths (47.08 m) in this limit along direction of 121°30′00″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring thirty metres and forty-four hundredths (30.44 m) in this limit along direction of 130°30′00″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring twenty-one metres and twenty-five hundredths (21.25 m) in this limit along direction of 121°30′00″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 776 122 measuring two metres and seventy-one hundredths (2.71 m) in this limit along direction of 130°30′00″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 775 900 measuring six hundred fifty-eight metres and thirty-four hundredths (658.34 m) in this limit along direction of 203°58′09″, towards the southwest, by the lot 5 798 686 measuring six metres and forty-seven hundredths (6.47 m) in this limit along direction of 294°05′00″.

Containing an area of sixty-thousand one hundred twenty-seven square metres and one tenth (60 127.1 m2).

PARCEL 56 — Part of lot 2 775 900

One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED (Pt. lot 2 775 900), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Laprairie, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 5 798 685, bounded: towards the northwest, by the lot 5 798 686 measuring sixty-eight metres and ninety-six hundredths (68.96 m) in this limit along direction of 23°59′00″, towards the northeast, by the lot 5 798 686 measuring twelve metres and ten hundredths (12.10 m) in this limit along direction of 113°58′27″, towards the northwest, by the lot 5 798 686 and part of the lot 2 776 122 measuring seven hundred fifty-three metres and eighty-nine hundredths (753.89 m) in this limit along direction of 23°58′09″, towards the northeast, by part of lot 2 775 900 (Highway 30) measuring seventeen metres and fifty-five hundredths (17.55 m) in this limit along direction of 130°30′00″, towards the southeast, by part of lot 2 775 900 (Highway 30) measuring seven hundred ninety metres and sixty-six hundredths (790.66 m) in this limit along direction of 204°03′49″, towards the south, by part of lot 2 775 900 (Highway 30) measuring thirty-eight metres and eighty hundredths (38.80 m) in this limit along direction of 249°24′38″.

Containing an area of thirteen thousand seven hundred ten square metres and two tenths (13 710.2 m2).

Directions mentioned in this technical description are in reference to the Quebec plane coordinate system, NAD83, zone 8; also, all dimensions are in reference to the International System of Units (SI).

The lots and part of lots described above are shown on a plan bearing number M2016-10268 of the Department of Public Works and Government Services.

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