Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Official Residences Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-4)

Act current to 2025-02-17

SCHEDULE III(Sections 4 and 6)

All that parcel of land, of irregular figure, being part of lot No. 19-A, Range VII, according to the official plan and book of reference for the Township of Hull, Registry Division of Gatineau, Province of Quebec, which is more fully described as follows, to wit: —

Commencing at a point (hereinafter called the point of commencement) located on the Southern side of a Public Road, at a distance of two hundred forty-one feet and one tenth (241.1′) measured on a bearing South eighty-six degrees forty-six minutes West (S.86°46′W.) from the intersection of said Southern side of a Public Road with the dividing line between lots Nos. 18-A and 19-A; thence, on a bearing South eighty-two degrees fifteen minutes West (S.82°15′W.), a distance of four hundred sixty-one feet and seven tenths (461.7′) to a point; thence, on a bearing South zero degree fifty-eight minutes East (S.0°58′E.), a distance of three hundred eighty-seven feet and four tenths (387.4′) to a point; thence, on a bearing North eighty-eight degrees thirty-seven minutes East (N.88°37′E.), a distance of four hundred nineteen feet and two tenths (419.2′) to a point; thence, on a bearing North forty-two degrees forty-five minutes East (N.42°45′E), a distance of fifty feet and six tenths (50.6′) to a point; thence, on a bearing North zero degree twenty-two minutes West (N.0°22′W), a distance of four hundred two feet and three tenths (402.3′) to the point of commencement.

The above described parcel of land contains an area of four acres and thirty-one hundredths of an acre (4.31 acs.), more or less, and is bounded as follows: towards the North by a Public Road, towards the East, South-East, South and West by part of the same lot No. 19-A.

The directions referred to are astronomical and the distances in feet, English measure.

  • R.S., c. 20(2nd Supp.), s. 8

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