Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Load Line Regulations (SOR/2007-99)

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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 3(Paragraph 17(1)(d))Load Line Marks — Diamond Load Lines


  • 1 Words and expressions used in this Schedule and defined in section 1 of Schedule 1 have the same meaning as in that section.

    Deck Line

  • 2 The upper edge of the deck line shall

    • (a) pass through the point where the continuation outwards of the upper surface of the freeboard deck intersects the outer surface of the shell, as illustrated in Figure 1; or

    • (b) be placed above or below the position established in paragraph (a).

Load Line Diamond

    • 3 (1) A right-angled diamond as illustrated in Figure 2 shall be marked amidships below the deck line on each side of the vessel.

    • (2) The diamond shall be

      • (a) marked with lines 25 mm wide with an outside diagonal measurement of 380 mm;

      • (b) intersected by a horizontal line that is 540 mm long and 25 mm wide and that has the midpoint of its upper edge coinciding with the midpoint of the diamond; and

      • (c) placed so that its centre is at a distance below the upper edge of the deck line equal to the summer freeboard referred to in subsection 8(1) of Schedule 2.

Load Lines

    • 4 (1) Horizontal lines, to be known as fresh water load lines, indicating the assigned fresh water freeboards, shall be marked as illustrated in Figure 2. Each line shall be 230 mm long and 25 mm wide and extend forward of and at right angles to a vertical line that is 25 mm wide.

    • (2) The vertical line referred to in subsection (1) shall be placed 660 mm forward of the vertical diagonal of the load line diamond.

    • (3) The midsummer fresh water load line shall be placed so that its upper edge marks the assigned midsummer fresh water freeboard and the letters “MS” shall be marked forward of this line.

    • (4) The summer fresh water load line shall be placed so that its upper edge marks the assigned summer fresh water freeboard and the letter “S” shall be marked forward of this line.

    • (5) The intermediate fresh water load line shall be placed so that its upper edge marks the assigned intermediate fresh water freeboard and the letter “I” shall be marked forward of this line.

    • (6) The winter fresh water load line shall be placed so that its upper edge marks the assigned winter fresh water freeboard and the letter “W” shall be marked forward of this line.

    • (7) If an open-hopper dredge has been assigned a dredging freeboard, the dredging fresh water load line shall be placed directly below the deck line so that its upper edge marks the assigned dredging fresh water freeboard and the letters “WD” shall be marked forward of this line.

    • (8) If a vessel has been assigned salt water freeboards, salt water load lines shall be marked as illustrated in Figure 2. Each line shall be 230 mm long and 25 mm wide, extend abaft the vertical line, be placed so that its upper edges mark the appropriate assigned salt water freeboards and be marked with letters in the same fashion as for the fresh water load lines but placed abaft the salt water load lines.

    • (9) If salt water load lines are marked, the letters “SW” shall be marked above these lines and the letters “FW” shall be marked above the fresh water load lines.

Details of Marking

  • 5 All load line marks shall be permanently marked on both sides of the vessel in white or yellow on a dark background or in black on a light background.

    Figure 1 Diagram with arrows and measurements showing the Upper Surface of Freeboard Deck.
    Figure 2 Diagram with arrows and measurements showing the Assigned Summer Freshwater Freeboard.

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