Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/2009-231)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2010-07-08. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Subsection 1(1) and section 2)

In this schedule, all grid coordinates are in metres (m) and refer to the 1927 North American Datum (1974 adjustment), Zone 18, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. Grid coordinates have been computed using a combined average scale factor of 0.9996160.

In this schedule, all elevation values are in metres (m) and refer to the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum — CGVD28.

PART 1Description of the Airport Reference Points

The airport reference points A and B, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheet 13, dated February 20, 1996, are points that may be located by:

For airport reference point A

commencing at the intersection of the centrelines of runways 07L-25R and 14-32, having grid coordinates of 447 841.99 E and 5 018 054.69 N;

thence northwesterly along the centreline of runway 14-32, 975.36 m to a point;

thence northeasterly and perpendicular to the centreline of runway 14-32, 304.80 m to the airport reference point A, having grid coordinates of 447 243.76 E and 5 018 882.67 N.

For airport reference point B

commencing at the intersection of the centrelines of runways 07L-25R and 14-32, having grid coordinates of 447 841.99 E and 5 018 054.69 N;

thence southeasterly along the centreline and projected centreline of runway 14-32, 1 737.36 m to a point;

thence northeasterly and perpendicular to the projected centreline of runway 14-32, 304.80 m to the airport reference point B, having grid coordinates of 449 415.16 E and 5 017 258.42 N.

PART 2Description of the Take-off/Approach Surfaces

The elevation of a take-off/approach surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of that take-off/approach surface.

The elevation of a take-off/approach surface centreline is calculated from the elevation of the abutting end of the strip surface, increasing at the constant ratios as provided herein.

The take-off/approach surfaces, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 1 to 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 to 22 and 24 to 40 dated February 20, 1996, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip surfaces associated with runways 07R-25L, 07L-25R, 07C-25C, 14-32, and 04-22. The take-off/approach surfaces are described as follows:

  • (a) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (b) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (c) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (d) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (e) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 616.390 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (f) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 616.390 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (g) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface having a length of 600.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 50.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface being the boundary between the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec lying between the intersections of the lateral limits of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 with the boundary between the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec;

  • (h) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 60.000 m measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary line drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; thence continuing upward at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 290.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (i) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 04 end of the strip surface associated with runway 04-22, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 25.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 2 500.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 280.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 100.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface; and

  • (j) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 22 end of the strip surface associated with runway 04-22, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 25.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 2 500.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 280.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and a height of 100.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface.

PART 3Description of the Outer Surface

The outer surface, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 1 to 4, 6 to 20 and 22 to 24, dated February 20, 1996, is an imaginary surface established at a constant elevation that is 45.000 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference points, except that, where that surface is less than 9.000 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is located at 9.000 m above the surface of the ground. The limit of the outer surface is described as follows:

All those lands situate in the City of Ottawa, formerly in the Cities of Ottawa, Nepean and Gloucester;

commencing at the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa (see Sheet 20);

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27 (see Sheet 19);

thence westerly along the production of the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 4 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front to the intersection with the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 4 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 24);

thence southerly along the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 4 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front;

thence southwesterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and the Gore Concession to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Gore Concession, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 23);

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 27 and 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 26 and 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 25, 24, 23 and 22, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the easterly production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, in Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19, also known as River Road (see Sheet 22);

thence in a northerly direction along the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19, also known as River Road, to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 16, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 17);

thence westerly across Regional Road Number 19, also known as River Road, along the southern boundary of Lot 16, Concession 1 Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Gloucester, to the high water mark on the east bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal;

thence westerly in a straight line across the Rideau River and Rideau Canal to the intersection of the high water mark on the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal and the southern boundary of Lot 15, Concession 1 Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence in a northerly direction along the high water mark on the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal to the intersection with the northern boundary of Lot 15, Concession 1 Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Nepean;

thence westerly along the northern boundary of Lot 15, Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the western limit of Leikin Drive, according to a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as 4M-821;

thence southerly along the western limit of Leikin Drive to the northern limit of Crestway Drive, as shown on registered plan 4M-821;

thence westerly and southerly along the northern limit of Crestway Drive to the western boundary of registered plan 4M-821, also being a point in the eastern boundary of a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as 4M-905 (see Sheet 16);

thence northerly along the eastern boundary of registered plan 4M-905 to the northeast corner of registered plan 4M-905;

thence westerly along the northern boundary of registered plan 4M-905 to the northwest corner of registered plan 4M-905;

thence along the production westerly of the northern boundary of registered plan 4M-905 to the intersection with the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 15 and 16, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 16, in Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 20, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 20 and 21, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 21, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 11);

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 25 and 26, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 6);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front to the intersection with the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 30, Concession A Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 30 and 31, in Concession A Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 31, Concession A Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 32, Concession A Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 1);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 32, Concession A Rideau Front, to a point in the western limit of Block B as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plan 521472;

thence northerly along the western limit of Blocks B and A in registered plan 521472 to the northwesterly corner of Block A in registered plan 521472, also being a point in the southeastern limit of Meadowlands Drive;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Meadowlands Drive, as shown on registered plan 521472, to the northeastern corner of Block E in registered plan 521472;

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Block E in registered plan 521472 to the most northern corner of Carleton Condominium Plan No. 5;

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Carleton Condominium Plan No. 5 to the northern limit of Carleton Condominium Plan No. 5;

thence easterly along the northern limit of Carleton Condominium Plan No. 5, to the northeastern corner, also being a point on the western limit of Chesterton Drive as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plan 495960;

thence easterly in a straight line across Chesterton Drive to the northwestern corner of Lot 29 in registered plan 495960;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of plans registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plans 495960, 495961 and 289002, to the northeastern corner of registered plan 289002 (see Sheet 2);

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of registered plan 289002 across the allowance for road between Concession A Rideau Front and Concession B Rideau Front, also known as Fisher Avenue, to a point in the western boundary of registered plan 455, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence northerly along the western boundary of registered plan 455 to the northwestern corner of registered plan 455, also being a point on the division line between Lots 33 and 34 in Concession B Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of registered plan 455, also being the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of registered plan 455, also being a point in the western limit of King’s Highway Number 16 also known as Prince of Wales Drive;

thence easterly in a straight line across King’s Highway Number 16, also known as Prince of Wales Drive, to the northwestern corner of registered plan 435, also being on the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean;

thence easterly along the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the intersection with the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal;

thence in a southerly direction along the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal to the intersection with the production westerly of the northern boundary of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, and its production westerly to the northeastern corner of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot A, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of registered plan M-24 (see Sheet 3);

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-24 to the southwesterly corner of registered plan M-24, also being the northwestern corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-35 to the southwestern corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 1 in registered plan 198;

thence easterly and northerly along the northern and western limit of Lot 1, registered plan 198, to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the southern boundary of Lot 1, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, also being a point in the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front to the intersection with the production westerly of the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front and along the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 6, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 4);

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 10, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 10 and Lot 11, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 11, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 15, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 9);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 15 and Lot 16 in Concession 4 Rideau Front to the northeastern corner of Lot 16, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 20, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheets 10 and 15);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 20 and Lot 21 in Concession 4 Rideau Front to the northeastern corner of Lot 21, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 25, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 20);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 25 and Lot 26, in Concession 4 Rideau Front to the northeastern corner of Lot 26, Concession 4 Rideau Front; and

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the city of Ottawa, being the point of commencement.

PART 4Description of the Strip Surfaces

The elevation of a strip surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of that strip surface.

The elevation of the strip surface centreline between the strip surface end and the closest strip surface threshold is equal to the elevation of the strip surface end. The elevation of the strip surface centreline between the strip surface thresholds is calculated using a constant ratio between the elevations of the strip surface thresholds or between the elevations of the points along the runway centreline as provided herein.

The strip surfaces, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 18, dated February 20, 1996, are imaginary surfaces associated with an airport runway that are prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in a particular direction. The strip surfaces are described as follows:

  • (a) the strip surface associated with proposed runway 07R-25L is 300.000 m in total width, being 150.000 m on either side of the centreline of the proposed runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the southwest of threshold 07R and ends 60.000 m to the northeast of threshold 25L, having a total length of 2 559.000 m. The 07R end of the strip surface has an elevation of 100.000 m and the 25L end of the strip surface has an elevation of 105.000 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 07R to threshold 25L is 57°56′36″. Threshold 07R has grid coordinates of 447 897.32 E and 5 016 543.09 N and threshold 25L has grid coordinates of 449 963.64 E and 5 017 837.10 N. There are no additional points between thresholds, along proposed runway 07R-25L, that control the elevation of the proposed runway centreline;

  • (b) the strip surface associated with proposed runway 07C-25C is 732.780 m in total width, being 366.390 m on either side of the centreline of the proposed runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the southwest of threshold 07C and ends 60.000 m to the northeast of threshold 25C, having a total length of 3 001.370 m. The 07C end of the strip surface has an elevation of 100.000 m and the 25C end of the strip surface has an elevation of 105.000 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 07C to threshold 25C is 57°56′36″. Threshold 07C has grid coordinates of 447 545.67 E and 5 016 976.87 N and threshold 25C has grid coordinates of 449 986.76 E and 5 018 505.59 N. The points between thresholds, along proposed runway 07C-25C, that control the elevation of the proposed runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway Centreline (m)Elevation of Point (m)
    107C1 116.12112.20
  • (c) the strip surface associated with existing and proposed runway 07L-25R is 300.000 m in total width, being 150.000 m on either side of the centreline of the existing and proposed runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the southwest of threshold 07L and ends 60.000 m to the northeast of threshold 25R, having a total length of 3 167.540 m. The 07L end of the strip surface has an elevation of 111.900 m and the 25R end of the strip surface has an elevation of 108.900 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 07L to threshold 25R is 57°56′36″. Threshold 07L has grid coordinates of 447 093.05 E and 5 017 585.68 N and threshold 25R has grid coordinates of 449 674.92 E and 5 019 202.56 N. The points between thresholds, along existing and proposed runway 07L-25R, that control the elevation of the existing and proposed runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway Centreline (m)Elevation of Point (m)
    307L1 234.01113.50
    407L1 584.01114.10
    507L1 984.01113.30
  • (d) the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 is 300.000 m in total width, being 150.000 m on either side of the centreline of the runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the northwest of threshold 14 and ends 60.000 m to the southeast of threshold 32, having a total length of 3 167.870 m. The 14 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 107.000 m and the 32 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 111.700 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 14 to threshold 32 is 127°47′50″. Threshold 14 has grid coordinates of 446 196.46 E and 5 019 285.58 N and threshold 32 has grid coordinates of 448 636.14 E and 5 017 460.65 N. The points between thresholds, along proposed runway 14-32, that control the elevation of the proposed runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway Centreline (m)Elevation of Point (m)
    2141 205.74113.50
    3141 405.74114.00
    4141 805.74113.50
    5142 055.74113.50
    6142 205.74113.10
    7142 866.86112.20
  • (e) the strip surface associated with runway 04-22 is 60.000 m in total width, being 30.000 m on either side of the centreline of the runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the south of threshold 04 and ends 60.000 m to the north of threshold 22, having a total length of 1 048.820 m. The 04 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 105.800 m and the 22 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 102.000 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 04 to threshold 22 is 25°51′38″. Threshold 04 has grid coordinates of 445 977.19 E and 5 019 248.76 N and threshold 32 has grid coordinates of 446 382.17 E and 5 020 084.24 N. The points between thresholds, along proposed runway 04-22, that control the elevation of the proposed runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway Centreline (m)Elevation of Point (m)

PART 5Description of the Transitional Surfaces

The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting a strip surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of the abutting strip surface.

The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting a take-off/approach surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of the abutting take-off/approach surface.

The transitional surfaces associated with runways 07L-25R, 07R-25L, 07C-25C and 14-32, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19, dated February 20, 1996, are imaginary inclined surfaces that extend upward and outward from the lateral limits of the abutting strip surface and the abutting take-off/approach surface rising at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 7.000 m measured horizontally and perpendicularly to the centreline of each strip surface and take-off/approach surface, to an intersection with the outer surface or with the transitional surface of an adjoining strip.

The transitional surfaces for runway 04-22, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 7, 8 and 12, dated February 20, 1996, are imaginary inclined surfaces that extend upward and outward from the lateral limits of the abutting strip surface and the abutting take-off/approach surface rising at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 7.000 m measured horizontally and perpendicularly to the centreline of each strip surface and take-off/approach surface, to an intersection with the outer surface or with the transitional surface of an adjoining strip.

PART 6Description of the Outer Limit of the Land in Respect of Which These Regulations Apply

The outer limit of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, sheets 1 to 40, dated February 20, 1996, is generally defined by the limit of the area covered by the take-off/approach surfaces, bird hazard zone, outer surface, strip surfaces and transitional surfaces, and is more particularly described as follows:

All those lands situate in the City of Ottawa, formerly in the Cities of Ottawa, Gloucester and Nepean, and formerly in the Towns of Osgoode and Goulbourne, described as follows:

commencing at the southeasterly corner of Lot 27, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, the Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa (see Sheet 20);

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32;

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 118°15′59″, to the northeasterly corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 462 127.98 E and 5 010 364.50 N (see Sheets 25, 26 and 27);

thence southerly along the eastern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 216°47′50″, to the southeastern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 459 253.96 E and 5 006 522.32 N;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 315°19′41″, to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheets 26, 25 and 24);

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front;

thence southwesterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and the Gore Concession to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Gore Concession, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 23);

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 27 and 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 26 and 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 25, 24, 23 and 22, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the easterly production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, in Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19, also known as River Road (see Sheet 22);

thence in a northerly direction along the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19 to the intersection with the southerly lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L (see Sheet 17);

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 229°24′45″, to the southwestern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 436 411.84 E and 5 006 519.68 N (see Sheets 22, 21, 28 and 32);

thence northerly along the western limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 327°56′36″, to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, on an azimuth of 229°24′45″, to the southwestern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 436 175.00 E and 5 006 770.14 N;

thence northerly along the western limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, on an azimuth of 327°56′36″, to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 229°24′45″, to the southwestern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 435 607.57 E and 5 007 562.27 N;

thence northerly along the western limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 327°56′36″, to the northwestern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 433 060.91 E and 5 011 628.82 N (see Sheet 31);

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 66°28′27″, to the intersection with the western boundary of Lot 20, Concession 1 Rideau Front, also being a point in the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa (see Sheets 30 and 16);

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of Lot 20, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 20 and 21, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 21, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 11);

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 25 and 26, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 6);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front to the intersection with the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 298°15′59″ to the northwestern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, being the intersection of the said southern lateral limit of the said take-off/approach surface with the boundary between the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec, situate within the Ottawa River (see Sheets 1, 33, 34 and 35);

thence northerly along the western limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 and along the boundary between the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 (see Sheet 36);

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 135°19′41″, to the intersection with the northern boundary of a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plan 495961 (see Sheets 37 and 1);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of plans registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plans 495961 and 289002, to the northeastern corner of registered plan 289002 (see Sheet 2);

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of registered plan 289002 across the allowance for road between Concession A Rideau Front and Concession B Rideau Front, also known as Fisher Avenue, to a point in the western boundary of registered plan 455, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence northerly along the western boundary of registered plan 455, to the northwestern corner of registered plan 455, also being a point on the division line between Lots 33 and 34 in Concession B Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of registered plan 455, also being the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of registered plan 455, also being a point in the western limit of King’s Highway Number 16, also known as Prince of Wales Drive;

thence easterly in a straight line across King’s Highway Number 16, also known as Prince of Wales Drive, to the northwestern corner of registered plan 435, also being on the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean;

thence easterly along the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the intersection with the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal;

thence in a southerly direction along the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal to the intersection with the production westerly of the northern boundary of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, and its production westerly to the northeastern corner of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot A, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of registered plan M-24 (see Sheet 3);

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-24 to the southwesterly corner of registered plan M-24, also being the northwestern corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-35 to the southwestern corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 1 in registered plan 198;

thence easterly and northerly along the northern and western limit of Lot 1, registered plan 198, to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the southern boundary of Lot 1, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, also being a point in the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front to the intersection with the production westerly of the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front and along the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 6, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 4);

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R;

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 49°24′45″, to the northeastern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 461 160.41 E and 5 029 225.97 N (see Sheets 5, 38 and 39);

thence southerly along the eastern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 147°56′36″, to the southeastern corner of take-off/approach surface 25R, having grid coordinates of 463 707.06 E and 5 025 159.41 N (see Sheet 40);

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 246°28′27″, to the intersection with the eastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C;

thence southerly along the eastern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, on an azimuth of 147°56′36″, to the southeastern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 464 133.71 E and 5 024 279.12 N;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25C end of the strip surface associated with runway 07C-25C, on an azimuth of 246°28′27″, to the intersection with the eastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L;

thence southerly along the eastern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 147°56′36″, to the southeastern corner of the said take-off/approach surface, having grid coordinates of 463 995.77 E and 5 023 793.96 N;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 246°28′27″, to the intersection with the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheets 38 and 10);

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 20 in Concession 4 Rideau Front (see Sheet 15);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 20 and Lot 21, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 21, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 25, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 20);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 25 and Lot 26, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 26, Concession 4 Rideau Front; and

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the city of Ottawa, being the point of commencement.

PART 7Description of the Bird Hazard Zone

The bird hazard zone, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, sheets 1 to 26, 28 to 30, 33 and 36 to 38, dated February 20, 1996, comprises all lands, including public road allowances, adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport, described as follows:

All those lands situate in the City of Ottawa, formerly in the Cities of Ottawa, Gloucester and Nepean, and formerly in the Towns of Osgoode and Goulbourne, described as follows:

commencing at the southeasterly corner of Lot 27, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, the Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa (see Sheet 20);

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32;

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 118°15′59″, to the intersection with an arc having a radius of 8 000.000 m and centred on airport reference point B as described in Part 1, having grid coordinates of 456 434.00 E and 5 013 426.09 N (see Sheets 25 and 26);

thence southerly along the said arc to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, having grid coordinates of 454 632.03 E and 5 011 197.47 N;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 315°19′41″, to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheets 25 and 24);

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 3 Rideau Front;

thence southwesterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and the Gore Concession, to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Gore Concession, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Gore Concession;

thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 23);

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 27 and 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 26 and 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lots 25, 24, 23 and 22, Concession 2 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the easterly production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, in Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the production of the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 22, Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the intersection with the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19, also known as River Road (see Sheet 22);

thence in a northerly direction along the eastern limit of Regional Road Number 19 to the intersection with the southerly lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L (see Sheet 17);

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 229°24′45″ to the intersection with an arc having a radius of 8 000.000 m and centred on airport reference point A as described in Part 1, having grid coordinates of 442 960.16 E and 5 012 129.77 N (see Sheets 21 and 22);

thence northerly along the said arc to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, having grid coordinates of 440 362.93 E and 5 014 807.74 N (see Sheet 30);

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 66°28′27″, to the intersection with the western boundary of Lot 20, Concession 1 Rideau Front, also being a point in the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa (see Sheet 16);

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 20, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 20 and 21, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 21, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 25, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 11);

thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lots 25 and 26, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the southwestern corner of Lot 26, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the original allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession 2 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean (see Sheet 6);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 27, in Concession 1 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of Lot 27, Concession 1 Rideau Front, across the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front to the intersection with the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of the allowance for road between Concession 1 Rideau Front and Concession A Rideau Front, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 298°15′59″, to the intersection with an arc having a radius of 8 000.000 m and centred on airport reference point A as described in Part 1, having grid coordinates of 440 071.92 E and 5 022 420.41 N (see Sheets 1 and 33);

thence northerly along the said arc to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, having grid coordinates of 441 397.02 E and 5 024 338.54 N (see Sheets 1 and 37);

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, on an azimuth of 135°19′41″, to the intersection with the northern boundary of a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as registered plan 495961 (see Sheets 37 and 1);

thence easterly along the northern boundary of plans registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ottawa-Carleton (Number 4) as plans 495961 and 289002, to the northeastern corner of registered plan 289002 (see Sheet 2);

thence easterly along the production of the northern boundary of registered plan 289002, across the allowance for road between Concession A Rideau Front and Concession B Rideau Front, also known as Fisher Avenue, to a point in the western boundary of registered plan 455, in the Geographic Township of Nepean, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence northerly along the western boundary of registered plan 455, to the northwestern corner of registered plan 455, also being a point on the division line between Lots 33 and 34, in Concession B Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of registered plan 455, also being the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the northeasterly corner of registered plan 455, also being a point in the western limit of King’s Highway Number 16 also known as Prince of Wales Drive;

thence easterly in a straight line across King’s Highway Number 16, also known as Prince of Wales Drive, to the northwestern corner of registered plan 435, also being a point on the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Nepean;

thence easterly along the division line between Lots 33 and 34, Concession B Rideau Front, to the intersection with the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal;

thence in a southerly direction along the high water mark of the west bank of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal to the intersection with the production westerly of the northern boundary of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 2 Rideau Front, and its production westerly to the northeastern corner of Lot A, Concession 2 Rideau Front;

thence easterly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Concession 2 Rideau Front and Concession 3 Rideau Front to the northwestern corner of Lot A, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot A, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the northwestern corner of registered plan M-24 (see Sheet 3);

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-24 to the southwestern corner of registered plan M-24, also being the northwesterly corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly along the western limit of registered plan M-35 to the southwestern corner of registered plan M-35;

thence southerly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 1 in registered plan 198;

thence easterly and northerly along the northern and western limit of Lot 1, registered plan 198 to the intersection with the southern boundary of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester;

thence easterly along the southern boundary of Lot 1, in Concession 3 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 1, Concession 3 Rideau Front, also being a point in the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front to the intersection with the production westerly of the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence easterly along the production across the allowance for road between Concession 3 Rideau Front and Concession 4 Rideau Front and along the southern boundary of the allowance for road between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 6, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 4);

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the intersection with the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R;

thence easterly along the northern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25R end of the strip surface associated with runway 07L-25R, on an azimuth of 49°24′45″, to the intersection with an arc having a radius of 8 000.000 m and centred on airport reference point B as described in Part 1, having the grid coordinates of 454 446.64 E and 5 023 474.13 N (see Sheets 5 and 38);

thence southerly along the said arc to the intersection with the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, having grid coordinates of 456 676.92 E and 5 020 607.70 N;

thence westerly along the southern lateral limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25L end of the strip surface associated with runway 07R-25L, on an azimuth of 246°28′27″, to the intersection with the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 10);

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front, to the southeastern corner of Lot 20, Concession 4 Rideau Front (see Sheet 15);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 20 and Lot 21, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 21, Concession 4 Rideau Front;

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 25, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester (see Sheet 20);

thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between Lot 25 and Lot 26, in Concession 4 Rideau Front, to the northeastern corner of Lot 26, Concession 4 Rideau Front; and

thence southerly along the western limit of the original allowance for road between Concessions 4 and 5 Rideau Front to the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Concession 4 Rideau Front, Geographic Township of Gloucester, now in the city of Ottawa, being the point of commencement.

Date modified: