Peace River Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/85-188)
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Regulations are current to 2024-12-08
SCHEDULE(ss. 2 and 3)
PART IDescription of the Airport Reference Point
The airport reference point is a point lying perpendicularly distant 91.44 m northwesterly from a point on the centre line of runway 03-21 distant northeasterly 640.14 m from the 03 end of the said runway.
PART IIDescription of Outer Limits of Lands
The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Peace River Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1801, dated January 16, 1984, is described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the South boundary of the South West Quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township Eighty-Three (83), Range Twenty-Two (22), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian, said point being the intersection of the South boundary of said Quarter Section and the Easterly limit of Lot 4, as shown on a plan of survey of record in the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District as Number 802-2831; thence Easterly along the South boundaries of Sections Eighteen (18), Seventeen (17), and the South West Quarter of Section Sixteen (16), and the production intervening road allowances, to the South East corner of said Quarter Section; thence Northerly along the East boundary of the said Quarter Section to the North East corner thereof; thence Easterly along the South boundary of the North East Quarter of Section Sixteen (16) to the South East corner thereof; thence Northerly along the East boundary of the said Quarter Section to the North East corner thereof; thence Easterly across the road allowance and along the South boundary of the South West Quarter of Section Twenty-Two (22) to the South east corner thereof; thence Northerly along the East boundary of the West half of Sections Twenty-Two (22), Twenty-Seven (27), and Thirty-Four (34), all in Township Eighty-Three (83), Range Twenty-Two (22), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian, and the South West Quarter of Section Three (3), Township Eighty-Four (84), Range Twenty-Two (22), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian and their productions across the intervening road allowances to the North East corner of said Quarter Section; thence Westerly along the North boundary of the South West Quarter of Section Three (3), the North boundary of the South East Quarter of Section Four (4), and its production across the intervening road allowance to the North West corner of said Quarter Section; thence Northerly along the East boundary of the North West Quarter of Section Four (4) to the North East corner thereof; thence Westerly along the North boundaries of the North West Quarter of Section Four (4), Section Five (5), Section Six (6) of said Township Eighty-Four (84), Range Twenty Two (22), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian, and the North East Quarter of Section One (1), Township Eighty-Four (84), Range Twenty-Three (23), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian, and the productions across the intervening road allowances to the North West corner of said Quarter Section; thence Southerly along the West boundary of the North East Quarter of Section One (1) to the South West corner thereof; thence Westerly along the North boundary of the South West Quarter of Section One (1) to the North West corner thereof; thence Southerly along the West boundary of the South West Quarter of Section One (1) and its production across the road allowance to the North West corner of Section Thirty-Six (36), Township Eighty-Three (83), Range Twenty-Three (23), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian; thence Westerly across the road allowance and along the North boundary of the North East Quarter of Section Thirty-Five (35) to the North West corner thereof; thence Southerly along the West boundary of the East half of Sections Thirty-Five (35), Twenty-Six (26), Twenty-Three (23) and across intervening road allowance to an intersection with the North limit of road, as shown on plan 609 BM; thence Easterly along the North Limit of said road and its production across the road allowance to the intersection with the West boundary of Section Twenty-Four (24); thence Southerly across road plan 609 B.M. and along the West boundary of the North West Quarter of Section Thirteen (13) to the South West corner thereof; thence Easterly along the South boundary of the North half of Section Thirteen (13) and its production across the road allowance to the South West corner of the North West Quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Township Eighty-Three (83), Range Twenty-Two (22), West of the Fifth (5th) Meridian; thence Southerly along the West boundary of said Section Eighteen (18) to the most northerly corner of Lot Two (2) as shown on registered plan 8022831; thence South Easterly along the North Easterly limits of Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) as shown on registered Plan 8022831 to the point of commencement.
PART IIIDescription of the Approach Surfaces
The approach surfaces, shown on Peace River Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1801 dated January 16, 1984, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip associated with the runway designated 03-21 and are described as inclined planes having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to imaginary horizontal lines drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip 300 m measured vertically above the elevation at the ends of the strip and 15 000 m measured horizontally from the ends of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal lines being 2 400 m from the projected centre line.
PART IVDescription of the Outer Surface
The outer surface, shown on Peace River Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1801 dated January 16, 1984, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point except where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the imaginary surface is located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.
PART VDescription of the Strip
The strip associated with runway 03-21, as shown on Peace River Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1801 dated January 16, 1984, is 300 m in width, 150 m on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 644 m in length.
PART VIDescription of Each Transitional Surface
The transitional surfaces, shown on Peace River Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1801 dated January 16, 1984, are surfaces consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 7 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and centre line produced of the strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface.
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