Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (SOR/92-620)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-10-01. Previous Versions

  •  (1) An institutional head or a person responsible for a parole office may, in accordance with this section, set up a Citizen Advisory Committee that consists of members of the community in which the penitentiary or parole office is situated to promote and facilitate the involvement of members of the community in the operation of the Service.

  • (2) An institutional head or a person responsible for a parole office shall ensure that the Citizen Advisory Committee is representative of the community in which the penitentiary or parole office, as the case may be, is situated.

  • (3) No staff member or offender may be appointed to a Citizen Advisory Committee.

  • (4) A Citizen Advisory Committee

    • (a) may advise an institutional head or a person responsible for a parole office on any matter within the institutional head’s or person’s jurisdiction; and

    • (b) shall make itself available for discussions and consultations with the public, offenders, staff members and Service management.

  • (5) The institutional head or a person responsible for a parole office shall ensure that the members of the Citizen Advisory Committee that relates to the penitentiary or parole office have reasonable access, for the purpose of carrying out the functions of the Committee, to

    • (a) every part of the penitentiary or parole office;

    • (b) every staff member of the penitentiary or parole office;

    • (c) any offender in the penitentiary or under the supervision of the parole office; and

    • (d) any hearing, conducted under this Part or Part I of the Act, respecting an offender in the penitentiary or under the supervision of the parole office, if the offender consents to the access.

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