Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations (SOR/96-118)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2020-10-06. Previous Versions

PART IVOperations and Maintenance Offshore (continued)

Manual, Plans and Programs for Offshore Installations (continued)

 Every mobile offshore platform shall be certified in accordance with the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.

 Every operator of an offshore installation shall at all times operate the installation in accordance with limitations imposed by the certificate of fitness and by these Regulations and in accordance with the operations manual.

 Every operator of an offshore installation shall develop and implement an inspection and monitoring, a maintenance and a weight control program.

Repair, Replacement and Modification of Offshore Installations

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no holder of a certificate of fitness in respect of an offshore installation shall make any repair, replacement or modification to the installation, or bring on board any equipment, that could affect the strength, stability, integrity, operability or safety of the installation, without the approval of the Chief and the certifying authority.

  • (2) In an emergency, the operator of an offshore installation may repair or modify the installation when the manager of the installation considers that the delay required to comply with subsection (1) would endanger personnel or the environment.

  • (3) Where an operator makes a repair or modification to an installation pursuant to subsection (2), the operator shall immediately notify the Chief and the certifying authority.

  • (4) The operator of an offshore installation shall notify the certifying authority and the Chief immediately if the operator notices any deterioration of the installation that could impair the safety of the installation or damage the environment.

  • SOR/2009-315, s. 101(F)

Remedial Action

 Where an inspection reveals conditions that threaten the integrity of the foundation or platform of an offshore installation, the operator shall take remedial action to restore the integrity of the installation to the satisfaction of the certifying authority.

  • SOR/2009-315, s. 101(F)

PART VRecords and Reporting


 The international system of units (SI) shall be used for recording the data and preparing the reports required by these Regulations.

Report of Loss, Emergency or Accident

  •  (1) Every operator shall inform the Chief, by the most rapid and practical means, of any situation or event involving any danger or accident to a person or property, including loss of life, a missing person, serious injury to a person, an imminent threat to safety of personnel or the public, fire, explosion, loss of well control, hydrocarbon or toxic fluid spills, or significant damage to a pipeline, equipment or an installation.

  • (2) Every operator shall submit a full written report to the Chief of any situation or event referred to in subsection (l) as soon as practicable.

  • (3) Every operator shall inform the Chief by the most rapid and practical means, at least twenty-four hours before any of the following events is scheduled to take place, of the time and place and the nature of the event:

    • (a) start of tow out of an installation;

    • (b) any lift at a production site in excess of 500 tonnes; and

    • (c) the up-ending or setting on bottom of an installation.

PART VIOffences

 The contravention of any of the provisions of Parts IV and V is an offence under the Act.


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