Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Order Respecting the First Legislative Assembly of Nunavut (SOR/98-380)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

SCHEDULEElectoral Districts

(Section 2)

  • 1 

    Premising that the 110th meridian of longitude, in part, forms the boundary between Nunavut and the Northwest Territories for description purposes.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the northern limits of Canada; thence south along the 110th meridian of longitude in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 110th meridian of longitude with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 74°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 103rd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 103rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 72nd parallel of latitude; thence east along the 72nd parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 91st meridian of longitude; thence south along the 91st meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 71°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 71°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 82nd meridian of longitude; thence north along the 82nd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 74°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the boundary between Greenland and Canada (Lat. 74°15′ N; Long. 71°00′ W approx.); thence northerly along the boundary between Greenland and Canada to the point of intersection with the 60th meridian of longitude at the 82°13′ parallel of latitude; thence north along the 60th meridian of longitude to the point of commencement (the northern limits of Canada); it being understood that all islands lying within the portion of Nunavut bounded as above are included in the Electoral District of Quttiktuq.

  • 2 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 70th parallel of latitude with the 110th meridian of longitude; thence westerly, southerly and southeasterly along the Nunavut — Northwest Territories boundary to the point of intersection with the 110th meridian of longitude (Lat. 65°10′ N approx.; Long. 110°00′ W); thence north along the 110th meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.

  • 3 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 110th meridian of longitude with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude; thence south along the 110th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the Nunavut — Northwest Territories boundary (Lat. 65°10′ N approx.; Long. 110°00′ W); thence southeasterly along the Nunavut — Northwest Territories boundary to the point of intersection with the 102nd meridian of longitude at the 64°14′ parallel of latitude, approximately; thence north along the 102nd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 65th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 65th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 102°30′ meridian of longitude; thence north along the 102°30′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection, in the Queen Maud Gulf, with the 68°45′ parallel of latitude; thence northeasterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 100th meridian of longitude with the 69°20′ parallel of latitude in the Victoria Strait; thence north along the 100th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 72nd parallel of latitude; thence west along the 72nd parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 103rd meridian of longitude; thence north along the 103rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 74°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 4 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 100th meridian of longitude with the 72nd parallel of latitude; thence south along the 100th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 69°20′ parallel of latitude in the Victoria Strait; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 102°30′ meridian of longitude with the 68°45′ parallel of latitude in the Queen Maud Gulf; thence south along the 102°30′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence north along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 69th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 69th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 91st meridian of longitude; thence north along the 91st meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 72nd parallel of latitude; thence west along the 72nd parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 5 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 91st meridian of longitude with the 71°15′ parallel of latitude; thence south along the 91st meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 69th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 69th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence south along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 66th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 66th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 80th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 80th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 68th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 68th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 85th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 85th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 71°15′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 71°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 6 

    Premising that the 102nd meridian of longitude, in part, forms the boundary between Nunavut and the Northwest Territories for description purposes.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 67th parallel of latitude with the 102°30′ meridian of longitude; thence south along the 102°30′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 65th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 65th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 102nd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 102nd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°20′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 62°20′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence north along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 7 

    Premising that the 102nd meridian of longitude, in part, forms the boundary between Nunavut and the Northwest Territories and that the 60th parallel of latitude forms the boundary between Nunavut and the Province of Manitoba for description purposes.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 62°20′ parallel of latitude with the 102nd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 102nd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 60th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 60th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the western shoreline of Hudson Bay (Lat. 60°00′ N; Long. 94°49′ W approx.); thence southeasterly along the shore of Hudson Bay to the point of intersection with the 90th meridian of longitude (Lat. 57°02′ N approx.; Long. 90°00′ W); thence north along the 90th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 61°28′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 61°28′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence north along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°20′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 62°20′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 8 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 66th parallel of latitude with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence south along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 63rd parallel of latitude; thence east along the 63rd parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 90th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 90th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°20′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 62°20′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 84th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 84th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 61°28′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 61°28′ parallel of latitude to a point on the eastern shore of Hudson Bay, being the most northern point of Point Bernier, Province of Quebec (Lat. 61°28′ N; Long. 78°50′ W approx.); thence northwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 63rd parallel of latitude with the 80th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 80th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 66th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 66th parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 9 

    All plans referred to in this description are deposited in the Land Titles Office for the Northwest Territories Land Registration District in Yellowknife.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 63rd parallel of latitude with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence east along the 63rd parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 90th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 90th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°48′30″ parallel of latitude; thence west in a straight line to the eastern corner of Lot 660, Plan 2629; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 660, Plan 2629, and the eastern boundary of Lot 234, Lot 233, Lot 232, Lot 231, Lot 230, Lot 229 and Lot 228, Plan 1282, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the northern corner of Lot 228, Plan 1282; thence continuing northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the northern point of deflection of the splay at the eastern corner of Lot 207, Plan 1282; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 207, Lot 208, Lot 209, Lot 210, Lot 211 and Lot 212, Plan 1282, to the eastern corner of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 103 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the northeastern corner of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence northwesterly and westerly along the splay and northern boundary of Lot 103 to a point of deflection on the northern boundary of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence continuing westerly in a straight line approximately 24.5 m across the road right-of-way to a point of deflection on the eastern boundary of Lot 48, Plan 603; thence northeasterly and northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 48, Lot 46, Lot 38, Lot 12 and Lot 11 to the northeastern corner of Lot 11, Plan 603; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 544, Plan 2542; thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 544 and Lot 545, Plan 2542, of Lot 32, Plan 603, and of Lot 542, Plan 2542, to the southwestern corner of Lot 542, Plan 2542; thence northerly along the western boundary of Lot 542 to the northwestern corner of Lot 542, Plan 2542; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the eastern corner of Lot 659, Plan 2628; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of Lot 659 to the northern corner of Lot 659, Plan 2628; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern corner of Lot 1001, Quad 55K/16, Plan 1614; thence westerly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 62°48′30″ parallel of latitude with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence north along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of commencement.

  • 10 

    All plans referred to in this description are deposited in the Land Titles Office for the Northwest Territories Land Registration District in Yellowknife.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 62°48′30″ parallel of latitude with the 93°10′ meridian of longitude; thence south along the 93°10′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 61°28′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 61°28′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 90th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 90th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°48′30″ parallel of latitude; thence west in a straight line to the eastern corner of Lot 660, Plan 2629; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 660, Plan 2629, and the eastern boundary of Lot 234, Lot 233, Lot 232, Lot 231, Lot 230, Lot 229 and Lot 228, Plan 1282, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the northern corner of Lot 228, Plan 1282; thence continuing northwesterly across the road right-of-way to the northern point of deflection of the splay at the eastern corner of Lot 207, Plan 1282; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 207, Lot 208, Lot 209, Lot 210, Lot 211 and Lot 212, Plan 1282, to the eastern corner of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 103 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the northeastern corner of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence northwesterly and westerly along the splay and northern boundary of Lot 103 to a point of deflection on the northern boundary of Lot 103, Plan 1108; thence continuing westerly in a straight line approximately 24.5 m across the road right-of-way to a point of deflection on the eastern boundary of Lot 48, Plan 603; thence northeasterly and northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 48, Lot 46, Lot 38, Lot 12 and Lot 11 to the northeastern corner of Lot 11, Plan 603; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 544, Plan 2542; thence west along the southern boundary of Lot 544 and Lot 545, Plan 2542, of Lot 32, Plan 603, and of Lot 542, Plan 2542, to the southwestern corner of Lot 542, Plan 2542; thence northerly along the western boundary of Lot 542 to the northwestern corner of Lot 542, Plan 2542; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the eastern corner of Lot 659, Plan 2628; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of Lot 659 to the northern corner of Lot 659, Plan 2628; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern corner of Lot 1001, Quad 55K/16, Plan 1614; thence westerly in a straight line to the point of commencement.

  • 11 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 71°15′ parallel of latitude with the 85th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 85th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 68th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 68th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 80th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 80th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 73rd meridian of longitude; thence north along the 73rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 71°15′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 71°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 12 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 74°15′ parallel of latitude with the 82nd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 82nd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 71°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 71°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 73rd meridian of longitude; thence north along the 73rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 74°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 13 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 74°15′ parallel of latitude with the 73rd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 73rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 64th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 64th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 66th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 66th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the boundary between Canada and Greenland (Lat. 66°00′ N; Long. 57°45′ W approx.); thence northerly along the boundary to the point of intersection with the 74°15′ parallel of latitude (Lat. 74°15′ N; Long. 71°00′ W approx.); thence west along the 74°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 14 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 67th parallel of latitude with the 73rd meridian of longitude; thence south along the 73rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 65th parallel of latitude; thence east along the 65th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 70th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 70th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 64°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 64°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the boundary between Canada and Greenland (Lat. 64°15′ N; Long. 57°45′ W approx.); thence northerly along the boundary to the point of intersection with the 66th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 66th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 64th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 64th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 15 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 67th parallel of latitude with the 80th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 80th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 63rd parallel of latitude; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the eastern shore of Hudson Bay, being the most northern point of Point Bernier, Province of Quebec (Lat. 61°28′ N; Long. 78°50′ W approx.); thence easterly along the south shore of Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay to the point where the shoreline intersects with the 65°30′ meridian of longitude (Lat. 59°45′ N approx.; Long. 65°30′ W); thence north along the 65°30′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 61°15′ parallel of latitude; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 63°12′ parallel of latitude with the 68°15′ meridian of longitude; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 64°15′ parallel of latitude with the 70th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 70th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 65th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 65th parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 73rd meridian of longitude; thence north along the 73rd meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 67th parallel of latitude; thence west along the 67th parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 16 

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 62°20′ parallel of latitude with the 90th meridian of longitude; thence south along the 90th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the southern shore of Hudson Bay (Lat. 57°02′ N approx.; Long. 90°00′ W); thence easterly, southerly and northerly along the shores of Hudson Bay and James Bay, being parts of the boundaries of the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, to the most northern point of Point Bernier, Province of Quebec (Lat. 61°28′ N; Long. 78°50′ W approx.); thence west along the 61°28′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the 84th meridian of longitude; thence north along the 84th meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 62°20′ parallel of latitude; thence west along the 62°20′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 17 

    All plans referred to in this description are deposited in the Land Titles Office for the Northwest Territories Land Registration District in Yellowknife.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 64°15′ parallel of latitude with the 70th meridian of longitude; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of the 63°12′ parallel of latitude with the 68°15′ meridian of longitude; thence northerly in a straight line to the most southern point of Lot 636, Plan 1586, identified as point 57; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 636, a road right-of-way and Lot 637, Plan 1586, to the southern corner of Lot 685, Plan 1707, identified as point 19; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 685, Lot 686, Lot 687, Lot 688, Lot 689 and Lot 690, Plan 1707, to the most southern corner of Lot 793, Plan 1827, identified as point 6; thence northwesterly and northerly along the southwestern and western boundary of Lot 793 and Lot 734, Plan 1827, to the most southern corner of Lot 274, Plan 642; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western boundary of Lot 274 to the most northern point of Lot 274, Plan 642; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay of the road intersection as shown on Plan 642; thence northwesterly in a straight line approximately 18.3 m across the road right-of-way to a point of deflection on the eastern boundary of Lot 12, Plan 576; thence southwesterly and westerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 12, the southern boundary of Lot 10 and Lot 9, Plan 576, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 9, Plan 576; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 13, Plan 674; thence westerly along the southern boundary of Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 15 and Lot 16, Plan 674, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Plan 674; thence continuing westerly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Plan 674; thence westerly and northwesterly along the southern boundary of Lot 27 and the southwestern boundary of Lot 5 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the western corner of Lot 5, Plan 674; thence continuing northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 56, Plan 674; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 56, a utility lot right-of-way and Lot 57 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the western corner of Lot 57, Plan 674; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 66, Plan 674; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of Lot 66 to the most western point of deflection at the northwestern corner of Lot 66, Plan 674; thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 68, Plan 674; thence easterly along the southern boundary of Lot 68 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 68, Plan 674; thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 67, Plan 674; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of Lot 67 to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the eastern corner of Lot 67, Plan 674; thence continuing northeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the eastern point of deflection of the splay of the road intersection, Plan 674; thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay of the road intersection as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 410; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the road right-of-way to the northern point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 411; thence northerly approximately 146.76 m along the western boundary of the road right-of-way to a point of deflection of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 338; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern point of Lot 7, Block 206, Plan 2658, identified as point 115; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern point of Lot 1, Block 202, Plan 2721, identified as point 21; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the most northern corner of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 406; thence northerly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 64°15′ parallel of latitude with the 68°15′ meridian of longitude; thence west along the 64°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of commencement.

  • 18 

    All plans referred to in this description are deposited in the Land Titles Office for the Northwest Territories Land Registration District in Yellowknife.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 68°15′ meridian of longitude with the 64°15′ parallel of latitude; thence east along the 64°15′ parallel of latitude to the point of intersection with the boundary between Greenland and Canada (Lat. 64°15′ N; Long. 57°45′ W approx.); thence southerly along the boundary between Greenland and Canada to meet the southern extremity of the boundary between Greenland and Canada (Lat. 61°00′ N; Long. 57°13.1′ W); thence southwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Cape Chidley (Lat. 60°22′30″ N approx.; Long. 64°25′ W approx.); thence southwesterly along the Northwest Territories — Newfoundland boundary to the point of intersection of the Northwest Territories — Newfoundland boundary with the northern shore of McLelan Strait on Killinek Island (Lat. 60°20′N approx.; Long. 64°25′ W approx.); thence southwesterly in a straight line across the McLelan Strait to the point of intersection with the provincial boundary between Quebec and Newfoundland (Labrador) (Lat. 60°18′ N approx.; Long. 64°33′ W approx.) and the southeastern shore of Ungava Bay; thence southerly along the southeastern shore of Ungava Bay to the point of intersection of the 65°30′ meridian of longitude with the southern shore of Ungava Bay (Lat. 59°45′ N approx.; Long. 65°30′ W); thence north along the 65°30′ meridian of longitude to the point of intersection with the 61°15′ parallel of latitude; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the point of intersection of the 63°12′ parallel of latitude with the 68°15′ meridian of longitude; thence northerly in a straight line to the most southern point of Lot 636, Plan 1586, identified as point 57; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 636, a road right-of-way and Lot 637, Plan 1586, to the southern corner of Lot 685, Plan 1707, identified as point 19; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 685, Lot 686, Lot 687, Lot 688, Lot 689 and Lot 690, Plan 1707, to the most southern corner of Lot 793, Plan 1827, identified as point 6; thence northwesterly and northerly along the southwestern and western boundary of Lot 793 and Lot 734, Plan 1827, to the most southern corner of Lot 274, Plan 642; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western boundary of Lot 274 to the most northern point of Lot 274, Plan 642; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way intersection as shown on Plan 642; thence northwesterly in a straight line approximately 18.3 m across the road right-of-way to a point of deflection on the eastern boundary of Lot 12, Plan 576; thence northerly and northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 12, Lot 11 and Lot 187, Plan 576, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the northern corner of Lot 187, Plan 576; thence continuing northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the northern point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 3, Plan 576; thence northwesterly 158.5 m along the northeastern boundary of Lot 3, Plan 576; thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 1, Plan 674; thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the southern boundary of Lot 1, Plan 674, to the southern corner of Lot 1, Plan 674, that point also being a point on the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 642; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 642 to the most western point of the road right-of-way intersection, that point also being a point on the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2104; thence southeasterly, southerly and southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2104 to the point of intersection with the most northwestern point of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2176, identified as point 25; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 30, Plan 2176, identified as point 780; thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way intersection, identified as point 355; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the point of intersection with the most northern point of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2163, identified as point 27; thence southeasterly and easterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the southeastern corner of Lot 11, Group 1087, Plan 1221; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 11, Group 1087, to the northeastern corner of Lot 11, Group 1087, Plan 1221; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern point of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 406; thence northerly in a straight line to the point of commencement.

  • 19 

    All plans referred to in this description are deposited in the Land Titles Office for the Northwest Territories Land Registration District in Yellowknife.

    Consisting of all that portion of Nunavut bounded as follows: Commencing at the most northern corner of a road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 406; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most northern corner of Lot 1, Block 202, Plan 2721, identified as point 21; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the most northern point of Lot 7, Block 206, Plan 2658, identified as point 115; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point of deflection on the western boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2215, identified as point 338; thence southerly in a straight line approximately 146.76 m to the northern point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way intersection, identified as point 411; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the western point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way, identified as point 410, that point also being a point on the northern boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 674; thence northwesterly, west and southwest along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the eastern point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way intersection; thence continuing southwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the easterly corner of Lot 67, Plan 674; thence southwest along the southeastern boundary of Lot 67 to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 67, Plan 674; thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 68, Plan 674; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of Lot 68 to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 68, Plan 674; thence southeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the most western point of deflection at the northwestern corner of Lot 66, Plan 674; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of Lot 66 to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 66, Plan 674; thence southeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the western corner of Lot 57, Plan 674; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 57, a utility lot right-of-way and Lot 56 to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southern corner of Lot 56, Plan 674; thence continuing southeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the western corner of Lot 5, Plan 674; thence southeasterly and easterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 5 and southern boundary of Lot 27 to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Plan 674; thence easterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Plan 674; thence easterly along the southern boundary of Lot 16, Lot 15, Lot 14 and Lot 13 to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 13, Plan 674; thence easterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 9, Plan 576; thence easterly and northeasterly along the southern boundary of Lot 9 and Lot 10 and the eastern boundary of Lot 12, Plan 576, to the southeastern corner of Lot 11, Plan 576; thence northerly and northwesterly along the eastern boundary of Lot 11 and the northeastern boundary of Lot 187, Plan 576, to the eastern point of deflection of the splay at the northern corner of Lot 187, Plan 576; thence continuing northwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the northern point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 3, Plan 576; thence northwesterly 158.5 m along the northeastern boundary of Lot 3, Plan 576; thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southeastern corner of Lot 1, Plan 674; thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the southern boundary of Lot 1, Plan 674, to the southern corner of Lot 1, Plan 674, that point also being a point on the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 642; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 642, to the most western point at the road right-of-way intersection, that point also being a point on the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2104; thence southeasterly, southerly and southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2104 to the point of intersection with the most northwestern point of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2176, identified as point 25; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the western point of deflection of the splay at the southwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 30, Plan 2176, identified as point 780; thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road right-of-way to the southern point of deflection of the splay of the road right-of-way intersection, identified as point 355; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the point of intersection with the most northern point of the road right-of-way as shown on Plan 2163, identified as point 27; thence southeasterly and easterly along the northern boundary of the road right-of-way to the southeastern corner of Lot 11, Group 1087, Plan 1221; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 11, Group 1087, to the northeastern corner of Lot 11, Group 1087, Plan 1221; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the point of commencement.

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