Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Imports of Certain Textile and Apparel Goods from Mexico or the United States Customs Duty Remission Order

Version of section 3 from 2006-03-22 to 2020-06-30:

  •  (1) The remission granted under section 2 applies only to an amount not exceeding the annual quantitative limits for each of the goods referred to in that section that are set out in Schedules 6.B.1, 6.B.2 and 6.B.3 to Appendix 6 of Annex 300-B to Chapter Three of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

  • (2) Remission under section 2 is granted on the condition that the importer or owner of the goods provides to a customs officer, at the request of the officer,

    • (a) at the time that the goods are accounted for under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Customs Act or are the subject of an application for a refund of the customs duty, a certificate issued pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act and the Import Certificate Regulations, identifying the quantity available for purposes of remission or refund pursuant to Annex 300-B to Chapter Three of the North American Free Trade Agreement;

    • (b) at the time that the goods are accounted for under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Customs Act or are the subject of an application for a refund of the customs duty, a written declaration, in English or French, indicating that the certification referred to in subparagraph (c)(i) is in the possession of the importer or owner; and

    • (c) at the time that the goods are released, or at any other time after the importer or owner provides the declaration referred to in paragraph (b),

      • (i) a certification of the exporter, in English, French or Spanish, in the form set out in the schedule, accompanied by a copy of the applicable invoice or sales agreement, and

      • (ii) if the certification is in Spanish, an English or French translation of the certification.

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