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  1. Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-93 (SCHEDULE IV : Division of Waters)



    • 22 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Rainy River, Kenora and Thunder Bay lying within a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the seventh base line with the interprovincial boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba; THENCE southerly along the interprovincial boundary to its intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America; THENCE in a general southwesterly direction along the international boundary to its intersection with the meridian of Longitude 92°30′W.; THENCE north along that meridian to its intersection with the water’s edge of Wild Potato Lake; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Wild Potato Lake to its intersection with the southerly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A; THENCE in a general easterly direction along the southern boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to its intersection with the water’s edge of Partridge Crop Lake; THENCE easterly along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Partridge Crop Lake and the Seine River to its intersection with the southerly limit of Highway Number 11; THENCE easterly along that southerly limit to its intersection with a line drawn south astronomic from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE north along that line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the third base line; THENCE westerly along that base line to its intersection with the fifth meridian line; THENCE northerly along that meridian line to its intersection with a line drawn west astronomic from the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE east along that line to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of the geographic Townships of Grummett, Cathcart, McNevin and Corman to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Corman; THENCE northerly along the westerly boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to the southwest corner of Block No. 6 of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway grant; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of that Block to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that Block to its intersection with the water’s edge and westerly limit of Moberly Lake; THENCE in a general northeasterly direction along the water’s edge and westerly limit of Moberly Lake, Little Metionga Lake, Metionga Lake, Brightsand Lake, Harmon Lake, Wapikaimaski Lake, Antler Lake, McEwen Lake and the Brightsand River to its intersection with the water’s edge and easterly limit of the Allan Water River; THENCE in a straight line to the intersection of the centreline of the Canadian National Railway Right of Way with the water’s edge and westerly limit of the Allan Water River; THENCE westerly along that centreline to its intersection with the water’s edge of the Vermilion River; THENCE in a general northwesterly direction following the southerly and westerly shore of Lac Seul to the intersection of the seventh base line with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of Lac Seul; THENCE westerly along the seventh base line to the place of beginning; Together with the waters of Beynon Lake (48°51′N., 92°09′W.), Mount Lake (49°02′N., 92°10′W.), Roughstone Lake (49°01′N., 92°16′W.), Silvertip Lake (49°03′N., 92°16′W.), Ricemere Lake (49°04′N., 92°16′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°11′N., Longitude 92°15′W., Dibble Lake (49°13′N., 92°00′W.), Nora Lake (49°12′N., 91°50′W.), Campus Lake (49°12′N., 91°43′W.), Fish (East Campus) Lake (49°11′N., 91°40′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°37′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., 91°28′W., Kathleen Lake (49°12′N., 91°23′W.), Gulliver Lake (49°10′N., 91°19′W.), Portage Lake (49°12′N., 91°15′W.), Cloven Lake (49°12′N., 91°12′W.), Lower Scotch Lake (49°12′N., 91°06′W.), Rye Lake (49°12′N., 91°02′W.), Kawaweogama Lake (50°12′N., 90°10′W.) and Selwyn Lake (49°55′N., 85°48′W.), and including the waters on the islands of Nipigon Bay including Vert, St. Ignace and Simpson; EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the waters in Divisions 30 and 32.


    • 32 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Kenora and Rainy River within the area described as follows:

      BEGINNING on the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America at its intersection with the meridian line at Longitude 92°30′W.; THENCE north along that meridian line to its intersection with the water’s edge of Wild Potato Lake; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Wild Potato Lake to its intersection with the southerly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the southern boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to its intersection with the water’s edge of Partridge Crop Lake; THENCE easterly along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Partridge Crop Lake and the Seine River to its intersection with the southerly limit of Highway Number 11; THENCE easterly along that southerly limit to its intersection with a line drawn south astronomic from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE north along that line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the third base line; THENCE westerly along that base line to its intersection with the fifth meridian line; THENCE northerly along that meridian line to its intersection with a line drawn west astronomic from the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE east along that line to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of the geographic Townships of Grummett, Cathcart, McNevin and Corman to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Corman; THENCE southerly along the westerly boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to its intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America; THENCE in a general westerly and northwesterly direction along the international boundary to the place of beginning; Together with the waters of: Duff Lake (48°29′N., 92°29′W.); Kemp Lake (48°29′N., 92°30′W.); Calm Lake (48°46′N., 92°04′W.); Roman Lake (49°00′N., 92°08′W.); Side Lake (49°09′N., 92°17′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°02′N., Longitude 92°13′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°02′N., Longitude 92°14′W.; Kenoshay Lake (49°11′N., 92°07′W.); Pine Lake (49°12′N., 92°05′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., 91°59′W.; White Otter Lake (49°07′N., 91°52′W.); Halfmoon Lake (49°10′N., 91°48′W.); Elsie Lake (49°11′N., 91°45′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°33′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°31′W.; Adele Lake (49°11′N, 91°21′W.); Pyramid Lake (49°08′N., 90°58′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°05′N., Longitude 90°57′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°58′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°57′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°54′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; Union Lake (48°49′N., 90°58′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°47′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; all waters within the boundaries of Quetico Provincial Park, including the waters of Mack Lake (48°24′N., 91°00′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°23′N., Longitude 90°58′W., District Lake (48°22′N., 90°58′W.), Saganagons Lake (48°17′N., 90°58′W.), Moose Bay Lake (48°17′N., 90°57′W.) and Admit Lake (48°15′N., 90°58′W.); EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the waters of Divisions 21 and 22.


  2. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after August 25, 2004 - SI/2003-154 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    Consisting of that part of the Province of Alberta lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the east boundary of said province with the southerly limit of Lakeland County; thence generally westerly and generally southwesterly along said limit to the south boundary of Tp 65; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 65 to the southerly limit of Lakeland County; thence generally westerly along said limit to the southerly limit of Athabasca County No. 12; thence generally southwesterly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said county to the south boundary of Tp 65; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 65 to the west boundary of R 7 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 7 W 5 to the south boundary of Tp 68; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 68 to the west boundary of R 18 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 18 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 80; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 80 to the west boundary of R 13 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 13 W 5 to the southerly boundary of Woodland Cree Indian Reserve No. 228; thence generally northerly along the southerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the west boundary of R 13 W 5 (on the most northerly boundary of said Indian reserve); thence north along the west boundary of R 13 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 88; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 88 to the west boundary of R 6 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 6 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 96; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 96 to the Fifth Meridian; thence north along said meridian to the westerly boundary of Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada; thence northerly, westerly and northerly along said boundary to the north boundary of said province.


  3. Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1036 (SCHEDULE)



    1 Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

    Parcel 1

    The unsubdivided portion of the southeast quarter section 12, township 24, range 1, west of the fifth meridian lying between the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways and the main channel of the Bow River.


  4. Springbank Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 115 (SCHEDULE)



    COMMENCING at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of Section one (1), Township twenty-five (25), Range four (4), west of the Fifth Meridian in the Province of Alberta; THENCE, northerly along the western boundaries of the east halves of Sections one (1) and twelve (12) to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the said Section twelve (12); THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of the said northeast quarter and its production across the road allowance to the northwest corner of Section seven (7), Township twenty-five (25), Range three (3), West of the Fifth Meridian; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the southwest quarter of Section eighteen (18) and its production across the road allowance to intersect the southern limit of right-of-way plan 4851 J.K.; THENCE, easterly along the said southern limit of said plan 4851 J.K. to intersect the western boundary of the east half of the said Section eighteen (18); THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the said east half and its production across the said right-of-way plan 4851 J.K. to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section eighteen (18); THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of the said quarter section and its production across the road allowance to the southwest corner of Section twenty (20); THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the southwest quarter of the said Section to the northwest corner of said quarter; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundaries of the south halves of Sections twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) and their productions across the road allowance to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the said Section twenty-one (21); THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of said quarter to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE, easterly along the northern boundary of the northwest quarter of Section fifteen (15) and its production across the road allowance to the northeast corner of said quarter section; THENCE, northerly along the eastern boundary of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-two (22) to the northwesterly corner of Block “C”, plan 7410359; THENCE, easterly following the northerly limit of said Block “C” to the northeasterly corner thereof; THENCE, southeasterly in a straight line to the northwesterly corner of lot twenty-two (22) of said Plan 7410359; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeastern limit of said lot to the northeasterly corner thereof; THENCE, southerly along the eastern limits of lots twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23) to the southeasterly corner of said lot twenty-three (23); THENCE, southeasterly in a straight line to the northeasterly corner of lot twenty-four (24) of said plan 7410359; THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of said lot and its production to intersect the southern limit of right-of-way plan 4851 J.K.; THENCE, easterly along the said southern limit of said right-of-way and its production across Plan 7410370 to the intersection of said southern limit with the eastern boundary of the southwest quarter of section fourteen (14); THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundaries of the said southwest quarter fourteen (14) and the west halves of Sections eleven (11) and two (2) of said township and range and the east boundary of the west half of Section thirty-five (35), Township twenty-four (24), Range three (3), West of the Fifth Meridian, and their production across road allowances intersecting the northern limit of road plan 3461 J.K.; THENCE, westerly along the northern limit of said road plan and its production across the road allowance to intersect the eastern boundary of the southeast quarter of Section thirty-four (34); THENCE, southerly along the Eastern boundary of the northeast quarter of Section twenty-seven (27) and its production across said road plan 3461 J.K. to the southeast corner of said quarter section; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said northeast quarter section to the southwest corner thereof; THENCE, southerly along the eastern limits of lots thirteen (13) and five (5) and their production across the road as said lots and road are shown on plan 731549 to the southern limit of said plan; THENCE, southerly along the eastern boundary of the southwest quarter of said Section twenty-seven (27) to the southeast corner of said quarter; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundaries of the said southwest quarter of said Section twenty-seven (27) and the south halves of Sections twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) and their productions across road allowances to the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of said Section twenty-nine (29); THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the said southwest quarter to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE, westerly along the southern boundary of the north half of Section thirty (30) and its production across the road allowance to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said Section thirty (30); THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the said northwest quarter to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the southeast quarter of Section thirty-six (36), Township twenty-four (24), Range four (4), West of the Fifth Meridian and its production across the road allowance to the southwest corner of said southeast quarter; THENCE, northerly along the western boundary of the east half of said Section thirty-six (36) and its production across the road allowance to the point of commencement.


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