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  1. Asbestos Mines and Mills Release Regulations - SOR/90-341 (Section 3)
    Regulations Respecting the Release into the Ambient Air of Asbestos from Asbestos Mines and Mills
    • [...]

    • (2) The concentration of asbestos fibres referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) shall be measured dry and undiluted, under normal operating conditions, in accordance with the applicable method described in Standard Reference Methods for Source Testing: Measurements of Emissions of Asbestos from Mining and Milling Operations; Department of Fisheries and Environment Report EPS-1-AP-75-1 dated December 1976, as amended from time to time.

    • (3) The concentration of asbestos fibres referred to in paragraph (1)(c) shall be measured dry and undiluted, under normal operating conditions, in accordance with the method described in Standard Reference Methods for Source Testing: Measurement of Emissions of Asbestos from Asbestos Mining and Milling Operations Method S-3 Sampling of Drill Baghouse Exhaust Emissions, Department of Fisheries and the Environment Canada Report EPS-1-AP-75-1A dated March 1978, as amended from time to time.


  2. Asbestos Mines and Mills Release Regulations - SOR/90-341
    Regulations Respecting the Release into the Ambient Air of Asbestos from Asbestos Mines and Mills


    Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, pursuant to subsection 34(1)Footnote ** of the Canadian Environmental Protection ActFootnote *, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of National Health and Welfare, and after the federal-provincial advisory committee has been provided an opportunity to render its advice under section 6 of the Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the Asbestos Mining and Milling National Emission Standards Regulations, C.R.C., c. 405, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting the release into the ambient air of asbestos from asbestos mines and mills, in substitution therefor.


  3. Asbestos Mines and Mills Release Regulations - SOR/90-341 (Section 7)
    Regulations Respecting the Release into the Ambient Air of Asbestos from Asbestos Mines and Mills
    •  (1) Where, pursuant to section 5, the Minister requests samples of gas streams released into the ambient air from a mine or mill and such related information as will enable the Minister to cause analyses to be made of the concentration of asbestos fibres in the gas streams, the owner or operator of the mine or mill shall obtain the samples at regular six month intervals in accordance with the appropriate method described in Standard Reference Methods for Source Testing: Measurement of Emissions of Asbestos from Mining and Milling Operations; Department of Fisheries and Environment Report EPS-1-AP-75-1 dated December 1976, as amended from time to time and shall forthwith submit the samples and related information to the Minister.


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