- environmental baseline studies
environmental baseline studies means a description of selected environmental attributes that existed before mineral exploration or mining development and that are used to establish a benchmark from which to measure changes to the environment. Selected environmental attributes include meteorologic, hydrologic and hydro-geologic attributes, surface water and groundwater quality, aquatic resources, soil profiling, ecosystems, wildlife and wildlife habitat, cultural heritage and archaeology. (études environnementales de base)
- mine
mine means an undertaking that produces or has produced minerals or processed minerals from lands within the Nunavut Mining District referred to in section 2, and includes the depreciable assets that are located in Nunavut and used in connection with the undertaking. (mine)
- mineral
mineral means amber and any naturally occurring inorganic substance, including frac sand, found in the Nunavut Mining District referred to in section 2, excluding material the taking of which is regulated under the Territorial Quarrying Regulations. (minéral)
- mining property
mining property means
- mining reclamation trust
mining reclamation trust means a trust that is established for a mine and that is created
(b) as a condition of
- Mining Recorder
Mining Recorder means the person designated by the Minister as the Mining Recorder. (registraire minier)
- mining royalty valuer
mining royalty valuer means a person acting on the Minister’s behalf for the purpose of ascertaining the value of minerals or processed minerals produced from a mine. (évaluateur des redevances minières)
- owner
owner , in respect of a recorded claim, leased claim, mine or mining property, means any person with a legal or beneficial interest in the recorded claim, leased claim, mine or mining property. (propriétaire)
- prospecting permit
prospecting permit means a prospecting permit issued under the Nunavut Mining Regulations as they read immediately before November 1, 2020. (permis de prospection)
- Supervising Mining Recorder
Supervising Mining Recorder means the person designated by the Minister as the Supervising Mining Recorder. (registraire minier en chef)
- undeducted balance
undeducted balance means
(c) in respect of a mining reclamation trust contribution allowance, the total of all contributions made to the mining reclamation trust, less any allowances previously claimed. (fraction non amortie)