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  1. Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health Regulations - SOR/87-612 (Section 15.7)
    Regulations Made Under Part II of the Canada Labour Code Respecting Occupational Safety and Health of Employees Employed on or in Connection with Exploration or Drilling for, or the Production, Conservation, Processing or Transportation of, Oil or Gas in Canada Lands, as Defined in the Canada Oil and Gas Act
    •  (1) Where mobile equipment is used in circumstances where it may turn over, it shall be fitted with a rollover protection device that meets the standards set out in CSA Standard B352-M1980, Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Eathmoving, Forestry, Industrial and Mining Machines, the English version of which is dated September 1980 and the French version of which is dated April 1991.


  2. Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health Regulations - SOR/87-612 (Section 13.10)
    Regulations Made Under Part II of the Canada Labour Code Respecting Occupational Safety and Health of Employees Employed on or in Connection with Exploration or Drilling for, or the Production, Conservation, Processing or Transportation of, Oil or Gas in Canada Lands, as Defined in the Canada Oil and Gas Act
    • [...]

    • (2) The components of a fall-protection system shall meet the following standards:

      • (a) CSA Standard Z259.1-1976, Fall-Arresting Safety Belts and Lanyards for the Construction and Mining Industries, the English version of which is dated November 1976, as amended to May 1979 and the French version of which is dated April 1980;


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