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  1. Order Respecting the Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Lands in the Northwest Territories (Ezodziti, N.W.T.) - SI/2002-154 (Section 3)
    Order Respecting the Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Lands in the Northwest Territories (Ezodziti, N.W.T.)

     For greater certainty, section 2 does not apply to

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    • (c) the granting of a lease under the Canada Mining Regulations to a person with a recorded claim where the lease covers an area within the recorded claim;

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    • (g) the granting of a surface lease under the Territorial Lands Act to a holder of a recorded claim under the Canada Mining Regulations or of an interest under the Canada Petroleum Resources Act where the surface lease is required to allow the holder to exercise rights under the claim or interest; or

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