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  1. Prospector’s Assistance Terms and Conditions Order - SOR/81-145 (SCHEDULE I / ANNEXE I : Application for Prospectors’ Assistance / Demande d’aide aux prospecteurs)
    Order Respecting Terms and Conditions for the Providing of Assistance to Prospectors in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories



    To the Mining Recorder (Yukon Territory — Northwest Territories)Mining District


    (Territory/Province)hereby apply for financial assistance for the purpose of conducting bona fide prospecting activity in theMining District of the Yukon Territory/Northwest Territories for the fiscal year 19 to


  2. Prospector’s Assistance Terms and Conditions Order - SOR/81-145 (Section 7)
    Order Respecting Terms and Conditions for the Providing of Assistance to Prospectors in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories

     A Prospectors’ Assistance Board is hereby established for the Northwest Territories consisting of

    • (a) the Supervising Mining Recorder for the Northwest Territories, who shall be Chairman of the Board;

    • (b) the Regional Mining Engineer;

    • [...]

    • (d) not more than two other members, to be appointed by the Director from among the nominees of mining or prospecting associations that are active in the Northwest Territories and acceptable to the Director.

  3. Prospector’s Assistance Terms and Conditions Order - SOR/81-145 (Section 6)
    Order Respecting Terms and Conditions for the Providing of Assistance to Prospectors in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories

     A Prospectors’ Assistance Board is hereby established for the Yukon Territory consisting of

    • (a) the Supervising Mining Recorder for the Yukon Territory, who shall be Chairman of the Board;

    • (b) the Regional Mining Engineer;

    • [...]

    • (d) not more than two other members, to be appointed by the Director from among the nominees of mining or prospecting associations that are active in the Yukon Territory and acceptable to the Director.

  4. Prospector’s Assistance Terms and Conditions Order - SOR/81-145 (Section 4)
    Order Respecting Terms and Conditions for the Providing of Assistance to Prospectors in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories
    •  (1) Every prospector requesting financial assistance under this Order, shall, prior to June 1 of the fiscal year for which he is requesting assistance, submit to the Mining Recorder for the area in which he intends to prospect


    • (2) Each Mining Recorder shall forward all applications submitted to him pursuant to subsection (1) to the Board with his recommendations.

  5. Prospector’s Assistance Terms and Conditions Order - SOR/81-145 (Section 12)
    Order Respecting Terms and Conditions for the Providing of Assistance to Prospectors in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories

     The Chairman of the Board, the appropriate Regional Mining Engineer and the appropriate Regional Geologist constitute a Review Committee in their respective territories and shall


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