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  1. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)
    Wildlife Area Regulations



    • [...]

    • 7 Big Glace Bay Lake National Wildlife Area


      All that certain parcel of land and land covered with water situated in the vicinity of Big Glace Bay Lake and lying partly in the Town of Glace Bay and within the County of Cape Breton, Province of Nova Scotia and being comprised of that land and land covered with water shown on a plan titled “Showing Lands to be Expropriated by the Province of Nova Scotia for the Purpose of Encouraging the Development of Industry within the Province of Nova Scotia”, signed by Walter E. Servant, P.L.S., dated July 15, 1964, said plan being recorded October 29, 1964 as Expropriation Plan GB138 and which said lands may be more particularly described as follows:


      Thence S44°51.2′E for a distance of 4468.7 feet to the northeastern corner of a water lot granted to Caledonia Coal Mining Company and Clyde Coal Mining Company;



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