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  1. Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-93 (SCHEDULE V)


    Fish Sanctuaries

    Column I Column II
    Item Description Close Time
    • (3) The waters of that part of Newboro Lake known as Old Iron Mine Bay in the townships of North Crosby and South Crosby in the geographic County of Leeds, and described as follows: Commencing at the most southwesterly extremity of Lot 25 in Concession VI in the Township of South Crosby; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the most southerly extremity of Knowlton Island; thence continuing southwesterly in a straight line to the most southeasterly extremity of Bobbs Island; thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along the high-water mark on the easterly and northerly shores of Bobbs Island to its intersection with the southeasterly production of the southwesterly limit of Lot 2 in Concession VII in the Township of North Crosby; thence northwesterly along that production to the northerly shore of Newboro Lake; thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the high-water mark on the northerly shore of Newboro Lake to the place of beginning.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (48) The waters of that part of Sutton Bay of Lake Timiskaming lying within the limits of a line described as follows: beginning at the most southerly tip of Dawson Point in the geographic Township of Harris in the Territorial District of Timiskaming; thence in a straight line to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence northerly along that interprovincial boundary to the easterly tip of Rempnouix Island; thence westerly along the high-water mark of the southerly shore of that island to the most southwesterly tip; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the high-water mark of the most southerly tip of land occurring at Lot 9, Concession V, in the geographic Township of Harris; thence westerly and southerly along the high-water mark to the place of beginning.

    Mar. 15 to June 15
    • (39) The waters of Hoodoo Bay of Oba Lake and Hoodoo Creek in the townships of Carney and Simpson in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark on Hoodoo Bay at the southwestern corner of the Algoma Central Railway trestle; thence southeasterly and easterly along that high-water mark to its intersection with the high-water mark of the western bank of Hoodoo Creek; thence upstream along the high-water mark of that creek to the top of the first falls; thence across Hoodoo Creek at the top of the first falls to the high-water mark on its opposite bank; thence downstream along the high-water mark to its intersection with the high-water mark of Hoodoo Bay; thence northwesterly along the high-water mark of Hoodoo Bay to the northeastern corner of the Algoma Central Railway trestle; thence southwesterly along that trestle to the place of beginning.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (42) The waters of Black Fish Creek and Murray Lake in the Township of Copenace in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the confluence of the waters along the westerly bank of Black Fish Creek with the waters along the southeasterly shore of a bay of Murray Lake; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the water’s edge of the bay in Murray Lake to its intersection with the southern shore of Murray Lake; thence north 45° east to the water’s edge on the westernmost extremity of an unnamed island; thence northeasterly along the water’s edge of the northwestern shore of that island; thence north 45° east to the water’s edge on the eastern shore of the bay in Murray Lake; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the water’s edge of that bay to the water’s edge on the eastern bank of Black Fish Creek; thence southeasterly along the water’s edge of that creek, a distance of 91.44 m; thence south 45° west to the water’s edge on the western bank of Black Fish Creek; thence northwesterly along the water’s edge of that creek to the place of beginning.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (55) The waters of the Little Abitibi River and Montreuil Lake in the Township of Swartment in the Territorial District of Cochrane described as follows: Commencing at the narrows at the northern end of Pierre Lake at latitude 49°32′50″N.; thence northwesterly to Montreuil Lake, thence southwesterly to and including that portion of Montreuil Lake lying east of longitude 80°47′W.

    Apr. 15 to June 30
    • (65) The waters of Fungus Lake located in the Township of Dahl in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark on the southeastern corner of the bridge on the access road crossing Fungus Creek; thence following the high-water mark southeasterly for a distance of 300 m; thence southwesterly out of Fungus Lake at a distance of 200 m from the mouth of Fungus Creek to reach the high-water mark on the opposite shore of Fungus Lake; thence northerly following the high-water mark 300 m to the southwestern corner of the bridge at the road; thence easterly across Fungus Creek to the place of beginning.

    Mar. 15 to June 15
    • (69) The waters of the Tatnall River between Tatnall Lake and Oba Lake located in the townships of Carney and martin in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark on the southeastern shore of Oba Lake at a point 200 m from the mouth of the Tatnall River; thence northeasterly along the high-water mark of the southern shore of Oba Lake and the southern shore of Tatnall River, a distance of 3,500 m; thence across the Tatnall River to the high-water mark on the northern shore of the Tatnall River; thence southwesterly along the high-water mark of the northern shore of the said River, a distance of 3,500 m to a point on the northeastern shore of Oba Lake 200 m north of the mouth of the Tatnall River; thence southerly at a distance of 200 m from the mouth of Tatnall River to the point of beginning.

    Mar. 15 to June 15
    • (31) All those waters of Granite River and Saganaga Lake, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, being more particularly described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with the base of the Saganaga Falls on the Granite River; thence northerly along the said International Boundary a distance of 400 m; thence east astronomically 40 m, more or less, to the intersection with a line drawn north astronomically from a point in the water’s edge at the most northerly extremity of the shore of a small island near the mouth of the Granite River; thence south astronomically along that said line and its southerly production to the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Saganaga Lake; thence in a general westerly and southerly direction following along the water’s edge of Saganaga Lake and Granite River to a point distant 200 m from the top of the said Saganaga Falls; thence southwesterly to the said International Boundary along a line drawn perpendicular to the said International Boundary; thence northerly along the said International Boundary to the place of beginning.

    Apr. 1 to May 31


  2. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE B : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    Consists of that part of the City of Laval lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said city and Papineau Avenue (Athanase-David Bridge); thence southeasterly along said avenue to the easterly production of des Lacasse Avenue; thence southwesterly along said production and des Lacasse Avenue to des Laurentides Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to the southeasterly limit of the City of Laval.


    Consists of:

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    • (d) that part of the City of Gatineau comprising the sectors of Masson-Angers, Buckingham and that part lying northeasterly of the sector of Gatineau described as follows: commencing at the intersection of 6th Rang Road and Montée Paiement; thence southerly along Montée Paiement to Highway 50 (Outaouais Highway); thence generally easterly along said highway to Montée Mineault; thence generally southerly along Montée Mineault to Mongeon Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Maloney Boulevard East; thence westerly along said boulevard to the Blanche River; thence generally westerly following said river to du Cheval-Blanc Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue, Notre-Dame Street and its production (Parc des Pêcheurs) to the north shoreline of McLaurin Bay; thence generally easterly along said shoreline to the southerly limit of the City of Gatineau (Ottawa River).


    Consists of:


    Consists of:


    Consists of that part of the City of Gatineau described as follows: commencing at the intersection of 6th Rang Road and Montée Paiement; thence southerly along Montée Paiement to Highway 50 (Outaouais Highway); thence generally easterly following said highway to Montée Mineault; thence generally southerly along Montée Mineault to Mongeon Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Maloney Boulevard East; thence westerly along said boulevard to the Blanche River; thence generally westerly along said river to du Cheval-Blanc Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue, Notre-Dame Street and its production (Parc des Pêcheurs) to the north shoreline of McLaurin Bay; thence generally easterly along said shoreline to the Blanche River; thence generally southeasterly along said river to the Ottawa River (southerly limit of the City of Gatineau); thence westerly along said river and the southerly limit of said city to the Gatineau River; thence northwesterly along said river to the westerly limit of said city and du Pont Avenue (Alonzo-Wright bridge); thence generally northerly and easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    • (a) that part of the borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly limit of the City of Montréal and the southeasterly production of Haig Avenue; thence northwesterly along said production and said avenue to Hochelaga Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Langelier Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to Sherbrooke Street East; thence northeasterly along said street to the power transmission line located between du Trianon Street and Des Groseilliers Street; thence northwesterly along said transmission line to the westerly limit of said borough; thence generally southwesterly and northwesterly along said limit to Beaubien Street East; thence southwesterly along said street to Langelier Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to the westerly limit of the borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve; and


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    • (d) that part of the borough of Saint-Léonard lying northwesterly and northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said borough and Bombardier Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Langelier Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard and its production to the northwesterly limit of the borough of Saint-Léonard.


    Consists of:

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    • (c) that part of the City of L’Assomption lying northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said city and the Québec-Gatineau Railway; thence southwesterly along said railway to a point at approximate latitude 45°52′19″N and longitude 73°26′46″W; thence northwesterly to the westerly limit of said city at the intersection of du Roy Road and Montée Saint-Gérard.


    Consists of:


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    • (b) that part of the borough of LaSalle lying southeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the borough of Le Sud-Ouest and the former Canadian Pacific railway (westerly of Jean-Chevalier Street); thence southwesterly along said former railway to Dollard Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to De La Vérendrye Boulevard; thence westerly along said boulevard to Airlie Street; thence northwesterly along said street to 90th Avenue; thence southwesterly along said avenue and its production to the southerly limit of the City of Montréal; and


    • (a) that part of the borough of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal lying northeasterly and southeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said borough and Christophe-Colomb Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Saint-Grégoire Street; thence northeasterly along said street to De Brébeuf Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Laurier Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Christophe-Colomb Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Rachel Street East; thence southwesterly along said street to Saint-Denis Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Duluth Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue and Duluth Avenue West to du Parc Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to the southeasterly limit of the borough of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal (Sherbrooke Street West); and
    • (b) that part of the borough of Ville-Marie lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said borough and De Bleury Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Viger Avenue West; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Robert-Bourassa Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to the southerly limit of said borough; including Île Sainte-Hélène and Île Notre-Dame.


    Consists of that part of the City of Laval lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly limit of the City of Laval and the southeasterly production of 83rd Avenue; thence northwesterly along said production and said avenue to Samson Boulevard; thence northeasterly along said boulevard to Curé-Labelle Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to Saint-Martin Boulevard West; thence southwesterly along said boulevard and its production to Highway 13 (Chomedey Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway to the northwesterly limit of the City of Laval; including Taillefer Island.


    Consists of:


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    • (c) that part of the borough of Vieux-Longueuil lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said borough and the northwesterly production of de Châteauguay Street; thence southeasterly along said production and de Châteauguay Street to Perreault Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Notre-Dame-de-Grâces Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Coteau-Rouge Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Notre-Dame-de-Grâces Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Curé-Poirier Boulevard West; thence northeasterly along said boulevard to de Chambly Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the southeasterly limit of the borough of Vieux-Longueuil (Vauquelin Boulevard).


    • (a) that part of the borough of Saint-Hubert lying northwesterly and northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of the City of Longueuil and Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard; thence westerly along said boulevard to the northerly production of Moreau Street; thence generally southerly along said production and Moreau Street to Latour Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Gaétan-Boucher Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along said railway to the northerly limit of the borough of Saint-Hubert; and
    • (b) that part of the borough of Le Vieux-Longueuil lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said borough and the northwesterly production of de Châteauguay Street; thence southeasterly along said production and de Châteauguay Street to Perreault Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Notre-Dame-de-Grâces Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Coteau-Rouge Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Notre-Dame-de-Grâces Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Curé-Poirier Boulevard West; thence northeasterly along said boulevard to Chambly Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the southeasterly limit of the borough of Vieux-Longueuil (Vauquelin Boulevard).


    Consists of that part of the City of Laval described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Papineau Avenue (Athanase-David Bridge); thence southeasterly along said avenue to the easterly production of des Lacasse Avenue; thence southwesterly along said production and said avenue to des Laurentides Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to Highway 440 (Jean-Noël-Lavoie Highway); thence southwesterly along said highway to Highway 13 (Chomedey Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway to the northwesterly limit of the City of Laval; thence generally northeasterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the City of Montréal comprising that part of the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce lying northwesterly of Jean-Talon Street West and that part lying southwesterly and northwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of de la Côte-des-Neiges Road and the northwesterly limit of said borough; thence southeasterly along said road to de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Victoria Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Queen-Mary Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Décarie Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to de la Côte-Saint-Luc Road; thence southwesterly and westerly along said road to the southwesterly limit of the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.


    Consists of:

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    • (c) that part of the City of Longueuil lying southeasterly and northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly limit of the City of Longueuil and Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard; thence westerly along said boulevard to the northerly production of Moreau Street; thence southerly and southwesterly along said production and Moreau Street to Latour Street; thence southeasterly and southerly along said street to Gaétan-Boucher Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to the Canadian National Railway; thence southeasterly along said railway and the right-of-way of the former Canadian National Railway (running parallel along Maricourt Boulevard and its production) to the southeasterly limit of the City of Longueuil.


    Consists of:


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    • (b) that part of the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce lying northeasterly and southeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of the City of Westmount and Roslyn Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Queen-Mary Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Victoria Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Côte-des-Neiges Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Jean-Talon Street West; thence northeasterly along said street to the northerly limit of the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce; and
    • (c) that part of the borough of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal lying northwesterly and southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said borough and Christophe-Colomb Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Saint-Grégoire Street; thence northeasterly along said street to De Brébeuf Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Laurier Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Christophe-Colomb Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Rachel Street East; thence southwesterly along said street to Saint-Denis Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Duluth Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue and Duluth Avenue West to the southwesterly limit of the borough of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal (du Parc Avenue).


    Consists of that part of the City of Montréal comprising that part of the borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension lying southeasterly and southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said borough (between Provencher Boulevard and 24th Avenue) and Highway 40 (Métropolitaine Highway); thence southwesterly along said highway to 24th Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Jarry Street East; thence southwesterly along said street and Crémazie Boulevard East to the westerly limit of the borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension (Papineau Avenue).


    Consists of the Regional County Municipality of L’Assomption, excepting the City of L’Épiphanie, the Parish Municipality of Saint-Sulpice and that part of the City of L’Assomption lying northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said city and the Québec-Gatineau Railways; thence southwesterly along said railway to a point at approximate latitude 45°52′19″N and longitude 73°26′46″W; thence northwesterly to the westerly limit of said city at the intersection of du Roy Road and Montée Saint-Gérard.


    • (a) the borough of Saint-Léonard, excepting that part lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said borough and Bombardier Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Langelier Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard and its production to the westerly limit of the borough of Saint-Léonard; and
    • (b) that part of the borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension lying northwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said borough (between Provencher Boulevard and 24th Avenue) and Highway 40 (Métropolitaine Highway); thence southwesterly along said highway to 24th Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Jarry Street East; thence southwesterly along said street and Crémazie Boulevard East to the southwesterly limit of the borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension.


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    • (b) that part of the City of Montréal described as follows: commencing at the intersection of du Mont-Royal Avenue and du Parc Avenue; thence southeasterly along du Parc Avenue and De Bleury Street to Viger Avenue West; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Robert-Bourassa Boulevard; thence generally southeasterly along said boulevard and Bonaventure Highway to Bridge Street; thence easterly along said street and Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard to the easterly limit of the City of Montréal; thence generally southerly along said limit to the southwesterly limit of the City of Brossard; thence westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the easterly production of Brault Street with the northerly shoreline of the St. Lawrence River; thence northeasterly along said shoreline to the northeasterly limit of the borough of Verdun; thence northwesterly along said limit to Atwater Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to the Lachine Canal; thence southwesterly along said canal to Highway 15 (Décarie Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway to Notre-Dame Street West; thence generally northeasterly along said street to Atwater Avenue; thence generally northerly along said avenue to René-Lévesque Boulevard West; thence easterly along said boulevard to the northeasterly limit of the City of Westmount; thence northwesterly along said limit to the intersection of Tupper Street with Atwater Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Sherbrooke Street West; thence northeasterly along said street to Côte-des-Neiges Road; thence generally westerly along said road to Cedar Avenue; thence northeasterly along said avenue to a pedestrian crossing at approximate latitude 45°29′43″N and longitude 73°35′29″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the intersection of Remembrance Road and Camillien-Houde Way; thence generally northerly along said way to the northwesterly limit of the borough of Ville-Marie; thence generally northeasterly and northwesterly along said limit to Mont-Royal Boulevard; thence generally easterly along said boulevard and du Mont-Royal Avenue to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Laval described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 440 (Jean-Noël-Lavoie Highway) and des Laurentides Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to the southeasterly limit of said city; thence generally southwesterly along said limit to its intersection and the southeasterly production of 83rd Avenue; thence northwesterly along said production and said avenue to Samson Boulevard; thence northeasterly along said boulevard to Curé-Labelle Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to Saint-Martin Boulevard West; thence southwesterly along said boulevard and its production to Highway 13 (Chomedey Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway to Highway 440 (Jean-Noël-Lavoie Highway); thence northeasterly along said highway to the point of commencement.

  3. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE A : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    Consists of that part of the Province of Prince Edward Island lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northern boundary of said province with the northeastern corner of the Fire District of Tyne Valley located east of Hog Island; thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of said fire district to the eastern limit of the Fire District of Miscouche; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said fire district to the northern limit of the Rural Municipality of Sherbrooke; thence generally southerly along the limit of said rural municipality to Barbara Weit Road (Route 180); thence generally easterly along said road to Waterview Road (Route 120); thence southerly along said road to Veterans Memorial Highway (Route 2); thence easterly along said highway to Wilmot Valley Road (Route 120); thence southerly along said road to Blue Shank Road (Route 107); thence easterly along said road to MacMurdo Road (Route 120); thence generally southerly along said road to Route 1A (Read Drive); thence southeasterly and southerly along said route to the northern limit of the Rural Municipality of Bedeque and Area; thence easterly, southerly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said rural municipality to Route 1A (Read Drive); thence southerly along said route to Route 10 (North Carleton Road Extension); thence southerly and southwesterly along said route to the southern limit of the Fire District of Kinkora; thence generally southwesterly along the limit of said fire district to the southwestern boundary of the Province of Prince Edward Island in the Northumberland Strait.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Prince Edward Island lying easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northern boundary of said province with the northeastern corner of the Fire District of Tyne Valley located east of Hog Island; thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of said fire district to the eastern limit of the Fire District of Miscouche; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said fire district to the northern limit of the Rural Municipality of Sherbrooke; thence generally southerly along the limit of said rural municipality to Barbara Weit Road (Route 180); thence generally easterly along said road to Waterview Road (Route 120); thence southerly along said road to Veterans Memorial Highway (Route 2); thence easterly along said highway to Wilmot Valley Road (Route 120); thence southerly along said road to Blue Shank Road (Route 107); thence easterly along said road to MacMurdo Road (Route 120); thence generally southerly along said road to Route 1A (Read Drive); thence southeasterly and southerly along said route to the northern limit of the Rural Municipality of Bedeque and Area; thence easterly, southerly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said rural municipality to Route 1A (Read Drive); thence southerly along said route to Route 10 (North Carleton Road Extension); thence southerly and southwesterly along said route to the southern limit of the Fire District of Kinkora; thence generally southwesterly along the limit of said fire district to the southwestern boundary of the Province of Prince Edward Island in the Northumberland Strait.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the County of Kings lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point where Turner Brook flows into the Bay of Fundy at approximate latitude 45°08′38″N and longitude 64°50′14″W; thence southeasterly along said brook to Long Point Road; thence generally southerly along said road to Highway 221; thence southwesterly along said highway to the continuation of Long Point Road; thence generally southerly along said road to Highway 1 (Evangeline Trail); thence westerly along said highway to Aylesford Road; thence generally southerly, southeasterly and southerly along said road to the southerly limit of said county.


    Consists of:

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    • (c) that part of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point in the Cabot Strait on the northerly limit of said regional municipality at approximate latitude 46°10′41″N and longitude 59°45′09″W; thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said strait and Morien Bay (passing through the channel at Phalens Bar) to the mouth of Black Brook Morien; thence generally westerly along said brook to Morrison Brook; thence generally westerly along said brook to an unnamed road at latitude 46°06′20″N and longitude 59°55′47″W; thence westerly in a straight line to a point in John Allen Lake at latitude 46°07′01″N and longitude 59°58′42″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the intersection of Broughton Road and an unnamed road at latitude 46°07′06″N and longitude 59°59′42″W; thence generally westerly along said unnamed road and Cowbay Road to a power transmission line at latitude 46°07′29″N and longitude 60°07′19″W; thence generally southwesterly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 46°03′27″N and longitude 60°11′57″W; thence southerly and westerly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 46°02′59″N and longitude 60°12′22″W; thence southwesterly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 45°59′41″N and longitude 60°16′29″W; thence generally northwesterly along said transmission line to Portage Brook; thence generally northeasterly along said brook to Blacketts Lake; thence generally northeasterly along said lake and the Sydney River to Highway 125 (Peacekeepers Way); thence northwesterly and northerly along said highway to a point at latitude 46°11′16″N and longitude 60°18′13″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point on an unnamed road at approximate latitude 46°11′32″N and longitude 60°18′36″W; thence northwesterly along said unnamed road and Ross Road to Johnstons Brook; thence northeasterly and generally northwesterly along said brook to Mirror Cove; thence northerly and northeasterly along said cove and St. Andrews Channel to the Little Bras d’Or Channel; thence generally northerly along said channel to its mouth in the Cabot Strait; thence northerly in a straight line to a point on the northerly limit of said regional municipality at latitude 46°20′12″N and longitude 60°16′16″W.


    Consists of that part of the Halifax Regional Municipality described as follows: commencing at a point in St. Margarets Bay on the westerly limit of the Halifax Regional Municipality at latitude 44°35′24″N and longitude 63°59′50″W; thence generally northeasterly along said bay, Head Harbour and Head Bay to the mouth of the Northeast River; thence northerly along said river to St. Margarets Bay Road (Highway 3); thence generally southeasterly along said road to Hammonds Plains Road (Highway 213); thence generally northeasterly along said road to Stillwater Lake; thence generally northerly along said lake to the mouth of the East River at approximate latitude 44°43′31″N and longitude 63°50′51″W; thence generally easterly along said river to a point at latitude 44°43′43″N and longitude 63°49′37″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 44°43′41″N and longitude 63°49′34″W; thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 44°44′26″N and longitude 63°48′37″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of Yankeetown Road and Hammonds Plains Road; thence easterly along Hammonds Plains Road to the northwesterly boundary of Wallace Hills Indian Reserve No. 14A; thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Hammonds Plains Road; thence generally easterly along said road to Highway 102 (Bicentenial Highway); thence southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along said highway to Hemlock Ravine; thence northeasterly along said ravine to the Bedford Basin; thence generally easterly along said basin to a point at approximate latitude 44°41′33″N and longitude 63°38′16″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the southernmost shoreline of Fairview Cove at approximate latitude 44°39′49″N and longitude 63°37′51″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the Bedford Highway (Highway 2) off-ramp situated north of Main Avenue; thence easterly along said highway to Windsor Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Connaught Avenue (Highway 111); thence southerly and southeasterly along said avenue to Bayers Road (Highway 102); thence southwesterly along said road to East Perimeter Road; thence southerly and southwesterly along said road to Mumford Road; thence southeasterly along said road to an unnamed service lane situated northwesterly of Leppert Street; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along said service lane and Philip Street to Chebucto Road; thence southwesterly along said road to St. Margarets Bay Road at the Armdale Rotary; thence generally westerly along said road to Prospect Road (Highway 333); thence generally southerly along said road to Mills Drive; thence southerly in a straight line to the northwesternmost extremity of Narrow Lake at latitude 44°34′30″N and longitude 63°40′40″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the mouth of an unnamed brook and the Pennant River at approximate latitude 44°31′35″N and longitude 63°39′12″W; thence generally southerly along said river, The Two Lakes and the Pennant River to the easterly shoreline of Ragged Lake at approximate latitude 44°30′30″N and longitude 63°39′27″W; thence generally southeasterly along said shoreline and the Pennant River to the northwesternmost extremity of Grand Lake; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the mouth of an unnamed stream at Pennant Bay at approximate latitude 44°28′02″N and longitude 63°40′19″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point in Pennant Bay at latitude 44°27′19″N and longitude 63°41′01″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point in the Atlantic Ocean on the southerly limit of said regional municipality at latitude 44°25′20″N and longitude 63°42′19″W; thence generally westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said regional municipality to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the County of Kings lying easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point where Turner Brook flows into the Bay of Fundy at approximate latitude 45°08′38″N and longitude 64°50′14″W; thence southeasterly along said brook to Long Point Road; thence generally southerly along said road to Highway 221; thence southwesterly along said highway to the continuation of Long Point Road; thence generally southerly along said road to Highway 1 (Evangeline Trail); thence westerly along said highway to Aylesford Road; thence generally southerly, southeasterly and southerly along said road to the southerly limit of said county.


    Consists of that part of the Halifax Regional Municipality described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said regional municipality with Highway 102 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence southerly and southwesterly along said highway to an unnamed brook at approximate latitude 44°50′47″N and longitude 63°34′13″W; thence southerly along said brook to Holland Brook; thence generally southerly along said brook to Soldier Lake; thence generally southerly along said lake to a point at approximate latitude 44°48′18″N and longitude 63°34′15″W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point in Three Mile Lake at latitude 44°48′33″N and longitude 63°29′39″W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 44°48′31″N and longitude 63°25′52″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 44°44′03″N and longitude 63°24′22″W; thence easterly in a straight line to the northerly production of Walker Street; thence southerly along said production, Walker Street, Bell Street and Mineville Road to Highway 107; thence generally westerly along said highway and Highway 7 (Main Street) to Highway 107 (Forest Hills Extension); thence northwesterly along said highway to Barrys Run at approximate latitude 44°43′01″N and longitude 63°31′51″W; thence generally westerly along said run to Lake Charles; thence westerly in a straight line to a point in Lake Charles at latitude 44°42′55″N and longitude 63°32′51″W; thence westerly in a straight line to a point on Highway 118 at latitude 44°42′55″N and longitude 63°33′15″W; thence southerly along said highway to Highway 111 (Highway of Heroes); thence northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along said highway and the A. Murray MacKay Bridge to the Halifax Harbour; thence generally northwesterly along said harbour and the Bedford Basin to a point at latitude 44°41′33″N and longitude 63°38′16″W; thence generally westerly to the mouth of the Hemlock Ravine; thence southwesterly along said ravine to Highway 102 (Bicentennial Highway); thence northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly along said highway to Hammonds Plains Road (Highway 213); thence generally westerly along said road to the northeasterly boundary of Wallace Hills Indian Reserve No. 14A; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the northeasterly and northwesterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Hammonds Plain Road; thence westerly along said road to Yankeetown Road; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 44°44′26″N and longitude 63°48′37″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to latitude 44°43′41″N and longitude 63°49′34″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point in the East River at latitude 44°43′43″N and longitude 63°49′37″W; thence generally westerly along said river to the northernmost point of Stillwater Lake; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the mouth of Pockwock River at Wrights Lake; thence northerly in a straight line to the westernmost extremity of Ponhook Cove along its westerly shoreline in Pockwock Lake; thence generally northerly along the westerly shoreline of said lake to the northerly limit of said regional municipality; thence generally northeasterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (c) that part of the Halifax Regional Municipality lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said regional municipality with the westerly shoreline of Pockwock Lake; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to the westernmost extremity of Ponhook Cove in Pockwock Lake; thence southerly in a straight line to the mouth of the Pockwock River at Wrights Lake; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the mouth of East River at the northernmost extremity of Stillwater Lake; thence generally southerly along said lake to Hammonds Plains Road (Highway 213); thence southwesterly along said road to St. Margarets Bay Road (Highway 3); thence generally northwesterly along said road to the Northeast River; thence southerly along said river to Head Bay; thence generally southwesterly along said bay, Head Harbor and St. Margarets Bay to the westerly limit of said regional municipality at approximate latitude 44°35′24″N and longitude 63°59′50″W.


    Consists of that part of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality described as follows: commencing at a point in the Cabot Strait on the northerly limit of said regional municipality at approximate latitude 46°10′41″N and longitude 59°45′09″W; thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said strait and Morien Bay (passing through the channel at Phalens Bar) to the mouth of Black Brook Morien; thence generally westerly along said brook to Morrison Brook; thence generally westerly along said brook to an unnamed road at latitude 46°06′20″N and longitude 59°55′47″W; thence westerly in a straight line to a point in John Allen Lake at latitude 46°07′01″N and longitude 59°58′42″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the intersection of Broughton Road and an unnamed road at latitude 46°07′06″N and longitude 59°59′42″W; thence generally westerly along said unnamed road and Cowbay Road to a power transmission line at latitude 46°07′29″N and longitude 60°07′19″W; thence generally southwesterly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 46°03′27″N and longitude 60°11′57″W; thence southerly and westerly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 46°02′59″N and longitude 60°12′22″W; thence southwesterly along said transmission line to a transmission line at latitude 45°59′41″N and longitude 60°16′29″W; thence generally northwesterly along said transmission line to Portage Brook; thence generally northeasterly along said brook to Blacketts Lake; thence generally northeasterly along said lake and the Sydney River to Highway 125 (Peacekeepers Way); thence northwesterly and northerly along said highway to a point at latitude 46°11′16″N and longitude 60°18′13″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point on an unnamed road at approximate latitude 46°11′32″N and longitude 60°18′36″W; thence northwesterly along said unnamed road and Ross Road to Johnstons Brook; thence northeasterly and generally northwesterly along said brook to Mirror Cove; thence northerly and northeasterly along said cove and St. Andrews Channel to the Little Bras d’Or Channel; thence generally northerly along said channel to its mouth in the Cabot Strait; thence northerly in a straight line to a point on the northerly limit of said regional municipality at latitude 46°20′12″N and longitude 60°16′16″W; thence generally easterly along the northerly limit of said regional municipality to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the City of Quinte West lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said city (Wallbridge-Loyalist Road) and Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway); thence southwesterly along said highway to the Trent River; thence generally northerly along said river to the southwesterly production of Harrington Road; thence northeasterly along said production and Harrington Road to McMullen Road; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along said road to Collins Lane; thence northwesterly along said lane and Collins Road to Frankford Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Flyboy Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Fish and Game Club Road; thence southwesterly along said road and its production to the Trent River (west of Bata Island); thence generally northeasterly and generally southwesterly along said river to a point at approximate latitude 44°14′54″N and longitude 77°38′23″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the northwesterly limit of said city; and


    Consists of that part of the City of Brampton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Bovaird Drive East and Highway 410; thence southeasterly along said highway to Etobicoke Creek; thence generally westerly along said creek to Steeles Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue and Steeles Avenue West to McLaughlin Road South; thence northwesterly along said road and McLaughlin Road North to the Canadian National Railway; thence westerly along said railway to Chinguacousy Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Bovaird Drive West; thence northeasterly along said drive and Bovaird Drive East to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

    • (a) that part of the City of Brampton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said city (Mayfield Road) and Torbram Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Sandalwood Parkway East; thence southwesterly along said parkway to Dixie Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Bovaird Drive East; thence southwesterly along said drive to Hurontario Street; thence northwesterly along said street to Wanless Drive; thence southwesterly along said drive to the former Orangeville-Brampton Railway; thence northwesterly along said railway to the northwesterly limit of said city (Mayfield Road); thence generally northeasterly along said limit to the point of commencement; and


    Consists of that part of the City of Brampton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 410 and the southeasterly limit of said city; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the southeasterly and southwesterly limits of said city to Bovaird Drive West; thence northeasterly along said drive to Mississauga Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Williams Parkway; thence northeasterly and generally northerly along said parkway to Chinguacousy Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly along said railway to McLaughlin Road North; thence southeasterly along said road and McLaughlin Road South to Steeles Avenue West; thence northeasterly along said avenue and Steeles Avenue East to Etobicoke Creek; thence generally easterly along said creek to Highway 410; thence southeasterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Brampton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Hurontario Street and Bovaird Drive West; thence southwesterly along said drive to Chinguacousy Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Williams Parkway; thence generally southerly and southwesterly along said parkway to Mississauga Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Bovaird Drive West; thence southwesterly along said drive to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along the southwesterly and northwesterly limits of said city to the former Orangeville-Brampton Railway; thence southeasterly along said railway to Wanless Drive; thence northeasterly along said drive to Hurontario Street; thence southeasterly along said street to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the Town of Milton lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly limit of said town (Lower Base Line West) and Regional Road 25; thence northwesterly along said road, Ontario Street South and Ontario Street North to Steeles Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Martin Street; thence northwesterly along said street and Regional Road 25 to the northerly limit of said town (5 Side Road).


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Hawthorne Road and Hunt Club Road; thence northeasterly along Hunt Club Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally easterly along said highway to the easterly limit of said city; thence generally southwesterly, northwesterly and generally northeasterly along the easterly, southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said city to the northeasterly production of Berry Side Road; thence southwesterly along said production, Berry Side Road and its southwesterly production, Constance Lake Road, Murphy Side Road and its southwesterly production and Holland Hill Road to Carp Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Craig’s Side Road; thence southwesterly along said road, Donald B. Munro Drive and Vaughan Side Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence easterly and southeasterly along said highway to Highway 7 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally southerly along said highway to Hazeldean Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Terry Fox Drive; thence generally southeasterly along said drive and northeasterly along Hope Side Road to Old Richmond Road; thence northerly along said road to West Hunt Club Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence generally southeasterly along said highway to Barnsdale Road; thence northeasterly along said road to the Rideau River (westerly of Long Island); thence generally northerly along said river (westerly of Nicolls Island) to Hunt Club Road; thence easterly along said road to Riverside Drive; thence southeasterly along said drive and Limebank Road to Leitrim Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Bowesville Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Earl Armstrong Road; thence northeasterly along said road to High Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Albion Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Rideau Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Bank Street; thence northwesterly along said street to Blais Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Hawthorne Road; thence northwesterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of York Mills Road and the Don River East Branch; thence generally southeasterly and southwesterly along said river to the Don River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to Pottery Road; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along said road to Bayview Avenue; thence northerly and northwesterly along said avenue to the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said railway to Beltline Trail at approximate latitude 43°41′26″N and longitude 79°22′15″W; thence northwesterly along said trail to Moore Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Bayview Avenue; thence northerly along said avenue to Eglinton Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Mount Pleasant Road; thence northerly along said road to Broadway Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue to Yonge Street; thence northerly along said street to Old York Mills Road; thence generally easterly along said road to York Mills Road; thence easterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express) and Dixon Road; thence easterly along said road to Kipling Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to The Westway; thence generally northeasterly and northerly along The Westway to Royal York Road; thence southerly along said road to Eglinton Avenue West; thence easterly along said avenue to the Humber River; thence generally southerly and easterly along said river to Dundas Street West; thence southwesterly along said street to Islington Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Mimico Creek; thence southeasterly along said creek to the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said railway to the westerly limit of said city (shoreline of Etobicoke Creek); thence generally northerly, northwesterly, northeasterly and northwesterly along said limit to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence generally northeasterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Hamilton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Highway 403 (Alexander Graham Bell Parkway); thence generally southerly and southwesterly along said highway to an electric power transmission line situated westerly of Chateau Court; thence southerly along said transmission line to the Niagara Escarpment; thence generally easterly, southerly and northeasterly along said escarpment to Red Hill Valley Parkway; thence generally northerly along said parkway to King Street East; thence northwesterly along said street to Parkdale Avenue South; thence northerly along said avenue and Parkdale Avenue North to Burlington Street East (Nikola Tesla Boulevard); thence westerly along said street to Strathearne Avenue; thence northerly along said avenue to Pier 24 Gateway; thence generally northeasterly along said gateway to the northeasterly shoreline of Hamilton Harbour; thence generally northwesterly along said shoreline to the northerly limit of said city; thence southwesterly, northwesterly and generally southwesterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the City of Quinte West lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said city (Wallbridge-Loyalist Road) and Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway); thence southwesterly along said highway to the Trent River; thence generally northerly along said river to the southwesterly production of Harrington Road; thence northeasterly along said production and Harrington Road to McMullen Road; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along said road to Collins Lane; thence northwesterly along said lane and Collins Road to Frankford Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Flyboy Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Fish and Game Club Road; thence southwesterly along said road and its production to the Trent River (west of Bata Island); thence generally northeasterly and generally southwesterly along said river to a point at approximate latitude 44°14′54″N and longitude 77°38′23″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the northwesterly limit of said city;


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Davidson’s Side Road and Carling Avenue; thence generally northeasterly and easterly along said avenue to Moodie Drive; thence southerly along said drive to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway, Queensway); thence northeasterly along said highway to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence southeasterly along said highway to West Hunt Club Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Old Richmond Road; thence southerly along said road to Hope Side Road; thence southwesterly along said road and generally northwesterly along Terry Fox Drive to Hazeldean Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Highway 7 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence northerly along said highway to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally northwesterly along said highway to Vaughan Side Road; thence northeasterly along said road, Donald B. Munro Drive and Craig’s Side Road to Carp Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Holland Hill Road; thence northeasterly along Holland Hill Road and its northeasterly production, Murphy Side Road, Constance Lake Road and its northeasterly production, Berry Side Road and its northeasterly production to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence southeasterly along said boundary to a point at approximate latitude 45°23′15″N and longitude 75°52′04″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the northwesterly endpoint of Davidson’s Side Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (g) that part of the Unorganized Area of Kenora lying easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of said unorganized area and a point at approximate latitude 51°31′11″N and longitude 86°32′53″W; thence northerly in a straight line to latitude 54°00′00″N; thence west to the Winisk River; thence generally northerly along said river to the southerly boundary of the Winisk Indian Reserve No. 90; thence southwesterly, northwesterly and northeasterly along the southeasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the Winisk River; thence generally northerly and easterly along said river to a point at approximate latitude 54°44′38″N and longitude 86°33′01″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the northerly limit of said unorganized area at approximate latitude 55°48′23″N and longitude 86°32′44″W;


    Consists of:

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    • (d) that part of the Unorganized Area of Kenora lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of said unorganized area and longitude 89°00′00″W; thence north to latitude 53°00′00″N; thence east to the westerly boundary of the Webequie Indian Reserve; thence generally northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to latitude 53°00′00″N; thence east to a point at longitude 86°33′08″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 54°00′00″N and longitude 86°33′09″W; thence westerly along said latitude to the Winisk River at approximate longitude 87°04′51″W; thence generally northerly along said river to the southerly boundary of the Winisk Indian Reserve No. 90; thence southwesterly, northwesterly and northeasterly along the southeasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the Winisk River; thence generally northerly and easterly along said river to a point at approximate latitude 54°44′38″N and longitude 86°33′01″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the northerly limit of said unorganized area at approximate latitude 55°48′23″N and longitude 86°32′44″W;


    Consists of that part of the City of Kitchener described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Fischer-Hallman Road; thence generally northeasterly and southeasterly along the northerly and easterly limits of said city to the southeasterly production of Woolner Trail; thence northwesterly along said production and said trail to Fairway Road North; thence generally southwesterly along said road and Fairway Road South to Highway 8; thence northwesterly along said highway to Highway 7/8 (Conestoga Parkway); thence southerly and southwesterly along said highway to Westmount Road East; thence generally northwesterly along said road and Westmount Road West to Highland Road West; thence southwesterly along said road to Fischer-Hallman Road; thence generally northwesterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

    • (a) that part of the City of Kitchener lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Fischer-Hallman Road; thence generally southeasterly along said road to Highland Road West; thence northeasterly along said road to Westmount Road West; thence generally southeasterly along said road and Westmount Road East to Highway 7/8 (Conestoga Parkway); thence southwesterly along said highway to Fischer-Hallman Road; thence southeasterly and southerly along said road to the southerly limit of said city; and


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the Town of Milton lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly limit of said town (Lower Base Line West) and Regional Road 25; thence northwesterly along said road, Ontario Street South and Ontario Street North to Steeles Avenue East; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Martin Street; thence northwesterly along said street and Regional Road 25 to the northerly limit of said town (5 Side Road).


    Consists of that part of the City of Mississauga described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Hurontario Street and Bristol Road West; thence southeasterly along said street to the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said railway to Confederation Parkway; thence southeasterly along said parkway to Dundas Street West; thence southwesterly along said street to the Credit River; thence generally northerly and northwesterly along said river to Highway 403; thence northeasterly along said highway to Creditview Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Bristol Road West; thence generally northeasterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Mississauga described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Etobicoke Creek and The Queensway East; thence southwesterly along The Queensway East and The Queensway West to Stillmeadow Road; thence northwesterly along said road to approximate latitude 43°34′17″N and longitude 79°37′34″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to Dundas Street West; thence northeasterly along said street to Confederation Parkway; thence northwesterly along said parkway to the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northeasterly along said railway to Hurontario Street; thence northwesterly along said street to Highway 403; thence northeasterly and northwesterly along said highway to Eglinton Avenue East; thence northeasterly along said avenue to Etobicoke Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said creek to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Mississauga described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Britannia Road West and Erin Mills Parkway; thence southeasterly along said parkway to Highway 403; thence northeasterly along said highway to the Credit River; thence generally southeasterly along said river to Dundas Street West; thence southwesterly along said street and Dundas Street East to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence generally northwesterly along said limit to Britannia Road West; thence northeasterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Mississauga described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Etobicoke Creek with The Queensway East; thence southwesterly along The Queensway East and The Queensway West to Stillmeadow Road; thence northwesterly along said road to approximate latitude 43°34′17″N and longitude 79°37′34″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to Dundas Street West; thence southwesterly along said street to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence southeasterly, northeasterly and generally northwesterly along the southwesterly, southeasterly and northeasterly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Mississauga described as follows: commencing at the intersection of northwesterly limit of said city and the Credit River; thence generally southeasterly along said river to Creditview Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Highway 403; thence southwesterly along said highway to Erin Mills Parkway; thence northwesterly along said parkway to Britannia Road West; thence southwesterly along said road to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence northwesterly and generally northeasterly along the southwesterly and northwesterly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway) and the Canadian National Railway; thence generally easterly along said railway to the Rideau River; thence generally southerly along said river to Barnsdale Road (passing west of Nicolls Island and Long Island); thence southwesterly along said road to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence generally northwesterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Regional Road 174 and Cardinal Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said creek to Innes Road; thence westerly along said road to Frank Kenny Road; thence generally southeasterly along said road to Wall Road; thence generally southwesterly along said road to Tenth Line Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail; thence westerly along said trail to a point at approximate latitude 45°25′22″N and longitude 75°31′43″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to Renaud Road at approximate latitude 45°25′28″N and longitude 75°31′47″W; thence northerly in a straight line to Navan Road at approximate latitude 45°26′02″N and longitude 75°31′59″W; thence westerly along said road to Blackburn Hamlet Bypass; thence northerly along said bypass to Innes Road; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway and St. Joseph Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to Regional Road 174; thence northeasterly along said road to Green’s Creek; thence generally northerly along said creek and its production to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec at approximate latitude 45°28′36″N and longitude 75°34′13″W; thence northeasterly along said boundary to a point at approximate latitude 45°30′44″N and longitude 75°28′54″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the mouth of Cardinal Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said creek to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Rideau River and Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway, Queensway); thence generally southwesterly along said river to Bank Street; thence southeasterly along said street to the Canadian National Railway (north of Johnston Road); thence southwesterly and southerly along said railway to the Rideau River; thence northerly along said river to the easterly production of Borden Side Road; thence westerly along said production to Prince of Wales Drive; thence southerly along said drive to Fisher Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Carling Avenue (eastbound); thence generally southwesterly along said avenue to Cole Avenue South (Clyde Avenue North); thence northwesterly along said avenue to Tillbury Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue and its westerly production to Golden Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Richmond Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Berkley Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to Tay Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Dominion Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue to a point at approximate latitude 45°23′32″N and longitude 75°45′35″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec at approximate latitude 45°23′45″N and longitude 75°46′21″W; thence generally northeasterly along said boundary to the northwesterly production of the Rideau Canal; thence southeasterly along said production and along said canal to the northeasterly production of Waverley Street; thence easterly along said production to the intersection of Nicholas Street and Greenfield Avenue; thence generally southeasterly along Nicholas Street to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway, Queensway); thence easterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Rideau River with Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway, Queensway); thence generally easterly and southeasterly along said highway to Hunt Club Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Hawthorne Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Blais Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Bank Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Rideau Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Albion Road; thence northwesterly along said road to High Road; thence westerly along said road to Earl Armstrong Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Bowesville Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Leitrim Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Limebank Road; thence northwesterly along said road and Riverside Drive to Hunt Club Road; thence westerly along said road to the Rideau River; thence generally northerly along said river to the Canadian National Railway (just south of Old Riverside Drive); thence northeasterly along said railway to Bank Street (north of Johnston Road); thence northwesterly along said street to the Rideau River; thence generally northerly along said river to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at a point on the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec at approximate latitude 45°28′36″N and longitude 75°34′13″W; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the mouth of Green’s Creek at approximate latitude 45°28′29″N and longitude 75°34′09″W; thence generally southerly along said creek to Regional Road 174; thence southwesterly along said road to St. Joseph Boulevard; thence northeasterly along said boulevard to Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of Innes Road and Blackburn Hamlet Bypass; thence generally southwesterly along said bypass and Innes Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence northwesterly and westerly along said highway to Nicholas Street; thence northwesterly along said street to Greenfield Avenue; thence westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the Rideau Canal and the northeasterly production of Waverley Street; thence generally northwesterly along said canal and its production to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence northeasterly and easterly along said boundary to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at a point on the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec at approximate latitude 45°23′45″N and longitude 75°46′21″W; thence easterly to a point on Dominion Avenue at latitude 45°23′32″N and longitude 75°45′35″W; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Tay Street; thence northeasterly along said street to Berkley Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Richmond Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Golden Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to the westerly production of Tillbury Avenue (at the beginning of Tillbury Avenue West); thence easterly along said production and Tillbury Avenue to Cole Avenue South; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Carling Avenue (eastbound); thence generally northeasterly along said avenue to Fisher Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Prince of Wales Drive; thence northerly along said drive to Borden Side Road; thence easterly along the easterly production of said road to the Rideau River; thence southeasterly along said river to the Canadian National Railway; thence generally westerly along said railway to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence westerly along said highway to Moodie Drive; thence northwesterly along said drive to Carling Avenue; thence westerly and southwesterly along said avenue to Davidson’s Side Road; thence northwesterly along said road to the endpoint of said road; thence northerly to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec at approximate latitude 45°23′15″N and longitude 75°52′04″W; thence generally southeasterly and northeasterly along said boundary to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec with the northwesterly production of Cardinal Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said production and said creek to Innes Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Frank Kenny Road; thence generally southeasterly along said road to Wall Road; thence generally southwesterly along said road to Tenth Line Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail; thence westerly along said trail to a point at approximate latitude 45°25′22″N and longitude 75°31′43″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to Renaud Road at approximate latitude 45°25′28″N and longitude 75°31′47″W; thence northerly in a straight line to Navan Road at approximate latitude 45°26′02″N and longitude 75°31′59″W; thence westerly along said road to Blackburn Hamlet Bypass; thence generally southwesterly along said bypass and Innes Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally southeasterly and easterly along said highway to the southeasterly limit of said city; thence generally northeasterly, northwesterly and westerly along the southeasterly, northeasterly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement;


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Midland Avenue; thence generally southerly along said avenue to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence southwesterly along said highway to Highway 404; thence northerly along said highway to the northerly limit of said city; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express) and Midland Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to an electric power transmission line; thence southwesterly along said transmission line to the GO Transit rail line; thence southerly along said rail line to Eglinton Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Victoria Park Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to Sunrise Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue and its production to the Don River East Branch; thence generally northwesterly along said river to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence easterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and the Rouge River; thence generally southerly along said river to an electric power transmission line; thence westerly along said transmission line to Morningside Avenue; thence generally southeasterly along said avenue to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence westerly along said highway to East Highland Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said creek to Highland Creek; thence generally southerly along said creek and West Highland Creek to a point at approximate latitude 43°45′26″N and longitude 79°12′17″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the GO Transit rail line at latitude 43°45′13″N and longitude 79°12′17″W; thence easterly along said rail line to Kingston Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Guildwood Parkway (Cromwell Road); thence generally southerly along said parkway to a point at approximate latitude 43°44′49″N and longitude 79°12′16″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 43°44′24″N and longitude 79°12′27″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to Bellamy Ravine Creek at approximate latitude 43°43′40″N and longitude 79°13′03″W; thence easterly and southerly along said creek and its production to the southerly limit of said city (Lake Ontario); thence northeasterly, northerly and westerly along the southerly, easterly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the northerly limit of said city and the Rouge River; thence generally southerly along said river to an electric power transmission line; thence southwesterly along said transmission line to Morningside Avenue; thence generally southeasterly along said avenue to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence westerly along said highway to Midland Avenue; thence northerly along said avenue to the northerly limit of said city; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the GO Transit rail line and Kingston Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Guildwood Parkway (Cromwell Road); thence generally southerly along said parkway to a point at approximate latitude 43°44′49″N and longitude 79°12′16″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 43°44′24″N and longitude 79°12′27″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to Bellamy Ravine Creek at approximate latitude 43°43′40″N and longitude 79°13′03″W; thence easterly and southerly along said creek and its production to the southerly limit of said city (Lake Ontario); thence southwesterly along said limit to the southerly production of Nursewood Road; thence northerly along said production and Nursewood Road to Queen Street East; thence easterly along said street to Victoria Park Avenue; thence generally northerly along said avenue to Eglinton Avenue East; thence easterly along said avenue to the GO Transit rail line (easterly of McCowan Road); thence northeasterly along said rail line to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Humber River and an electric power transmission line lying northerly of Dundas Street West; thence generally northeasterly along said transmission line to the GO Transit rail line; thence generally southeasterly along said rail line to the northerly production of Atlantic Avenue; thence southerly along said production, Atlantic Avenue and its southerly production to the F.G. Gardiner Expressway; thence southwesterly along said expressway to the southeasterly production of Spencer Avenue; thence southeasterly along said production to the southerly limit of said city (Lake Ontario); thence generally westerly along said limit to the southeasterly production of the Humber River; thence generally northwesterly along said production and Humber River to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Bloor Street East and the Don River; thence generally southeasterly along said river to the Don Valley Parkway northbound; thence southwesterly along said parkway to the F.G. Gardiner Expressway; thence generally westerly along said expressway to Yonge Street; thence northerly along said street to Bloor Street East; thence generally easterly along said street to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Taylor Massey Creek and the northeasterly production of Coxwell Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said production and Coxwell Boulevard to Coxwell Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to Lake Shore Boulevard East; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the northerly shoreline of Ashbridges Bay at approximate latitude 43°39′43″N and longitude 79°18′55″W; thence generally southeasterly through said bay to its mouth (Lake Ontario); thence southerly in a straight line to the southerly limit of said city at approximate latitude 43°38′54″N and longitude 79°18′51″W; thence generally southwesterly along said limit to the southerly corner of said city (south of the Outer Harbour East Headland [Tommy Thompson Park]); thence northerly in a straight line to the mouth of the Eastern Channel; thence generally northwesterly along said channel, the Inner Harbour, the production of Parliament street and Parliament Street to the F.G. Gardiner Expressway; thence generally northeasterly along said expressway and Don Valley Parkway to the Don River; thence generally northerly and generally easterly along said river and the Don River East Branch to Taylor Massey Creek; thence generally easterly along said creek to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Bayview Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence southwesterly along said highway to the Don River West Branch; thence generally northwesterly along said river to Bathurst Street; thence northerly along said street to the northerly limit of said city; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Bathurst Street; thence generally southerly along said street to the Don River West Branch; thence generally southeasterly along said river to Highway 401 (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, Ontario 401 Express); thence southwesterly and westerly along said highway to Jane Street; thence northerly along said street to Sheppard Avenue West; thence easterly along said avenue to Black Creek; thence generally northwesterly along said creek to Grandravine Drive; thence generally easterly along said drive to Keele Street; thence northerly along said street to the northerly limit of said city; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Manitoba lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly boundary of said province with the 53rd parallel north; thence easterly along said parallel of latitude to the east boundary of Tp 46 R 19 W 1; thence south along said boundary to the south boundary of Tp 45; thence east along said boundary to the easterly shoreline of Lake Winnipegosis; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to the south boundary of Tp 36; thence east along said boundary to the west boundary of R 14 W 1; thence south along said boundary to the south boundary of Tp 35; thence east along said boundary to the west boundary of R 14 W 1; thence south along said boundary to the southerly shoreline of Lake Manitoba; thence generally southeasterly along the westerly shoreline of said lake to Provincial Trunk Highway 68; thence southeasterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of West Interlake; thence generally easterly and northerly along the westerly limits of said rural municipality and the Rural Municipality of Grahamdale (easterly shorelines of Lake Manitoba and Portage Bay) to the westerly boundary of Fairford Indian Reserve No. 50 on the shoreline of Portage Bay; thence generally northerly, generally westerly and generally southerly along said shoreline to the southerly tip of the shoreline into Lake Manitoba; thence generally northerly along said shoreline to a point at approximate latitude 51°42′10″N and longitude 99°05′27″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 51°47′54″N and longitude 99°05′20″W; thence easterly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 51°47′53″N and longitude 98°52′38″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Grahamdale; thence generally easterly, southerly and generally westerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the easterly boundary of the Obushkudayang Indian Reserve; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the easterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Provincial Road 513; thence westerly along said road to the northerly boundary of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve No. 48; thence westerly along said boundary to the westerly boundary of said Indian reserve; thence southerly along said boundary, its southerly production, the westerly boundary of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve No. 48 (Kostelnyk Road) and Fairford Road to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Grahamdale; thence generally westerly and generally southwesterly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to the westerly boundary of Fairford Indian Reserve No. 50 on the shoreline of Portage Bay; thence southerly along said limit and Portage Bay to the limit of the Rural Municipality of Grahamdale; thence generally southeasterly and easterly along the limit of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Fisher; thence generally northerly and easterly along the limit of said rural municipality and the northerly limit of the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton to the westerly shoreline of Washow Bay in Lake Winnipeg; thence generally southwesterly and northeasterly along said shoreline to the northeastern most point of Anderson Point; thence northeasterly in a straight line across Lake Winnipeg to a point on the easterly shoreline of said lake at latitude 51°26′36″N; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to the northerly boundary of the Fort Alexander Indian Reserve No. 3; thence southwesterly in a straight line across Traverse Bay to the intersection of the shoreline of said bay with the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Alexander; thence generally southerly and easterly along the limit of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Town of Powerview-Pine Falls; thence generally northerly and easterly along the limit of said town to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Alexander; thence generally easterly and southerly along the limit of said rural municipality to the north limit of Tp 16; thence east along said limit to the easterly boundary of the Province of Manitoba; excluding Manitou Island and Gunnlaugsson Island in the Lake Manitoba Narrows, belonging to the Rural Municipality of West Interlake.


    Consists of:

    • (a) that part of the City of Winnipeg described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Red River with the northwesterly production of Leighton Avenue; thence southeasterly along said production and Leighton Avenue to Watt Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Roberta Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue to Raleigh Street; thence northeasterly along said street to McLeod Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue and Grassie Boulevard to Lagimodière Boulevard; thence northerly along said boulevard to Springfield Road; thence easterly along said road to the easterly limit of said city; thence generally southerly, easterly and westerly along said city limit to Plessis Road; thence northerly along said road to Camiel Sys Street; thence westerly along said street to De Baets Street; thence generally northwesterly along said street to Beghin Avenue; thence northerly along said avenue and Bournais Drive to the Canadian National Railway; thence westerly along said railway to Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southerly along said boulevard to the easterly production of Mission Street; thence westerly along said production and Mission Street to the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northerly and westerly along said railway to the Red River; thence generally northerly along said river to the point of commencement; and


    Consists of:

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    • (c) that part of the City of Winnipeg lying northerly and northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of said city with Springfield Road; thence westerly along said road to Lagimodière Boulevard; thence generally southerly along said boulevard to Grassie Boulevard; thence westerly and northwesterly along said boulevard and McLeod Avenue to Raleigh Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Roberta Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue and its northwest production to Watt Street; thence northeasterly along said street to Leighton Avenue; thence northwesterly along said avenue and its northwesterly production to the Red River; thence southerly along said river to the southeasterly production of McAdam Avenue; thence northwesterly along said production, McAdam Avenue and its intermittent production to Main Street; thence southerly along said street to Inkster Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to McPhillips Street; thence northeasterly along said street to Storie Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Pipeline Road; thence northerly along said road to the westerly limit of said city (near Mollard Road).


    Consists of that part of the City of Winnipeg described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Red River with the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence easterly, southeasterly and southerly along said railway to Mission Street; thence easterly along said street and its easterly production to Lagimodière Boulevard; thence northerly along said boulevard to the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly along said railway to Bournais Drive; thence southerly along said drive and Beghin Avenue to De Baets Street; thence southeasterly along said street to Camiel Sys Street; thence easterly along said street to Plessis Road; thence southerly along said road to the easterly limit of said city (south of St. Boniface Road); thence southerly, westerly and southwesterly along said limit to the Seine River; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on Four Mile Road at approximate latitude 49°47′22″N and longitude 97°03′20″W; thence southwesterly along said road to St. Anne’s Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to St. Mary’s Road; thence southerly along said road to River Road; thence southwesterly along said road and its production to the Red River at approximate latitude 49°49′00″N and longitude 97°07′22″W; thence generally northerly along said river to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (f) that part of the Province of Manitoba described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton with the southerly shoreline of Washow Bay in Lake Winnipeg; thence generally northeasterly along said shoreline to the northeasternmost point of Anderson Point; thence northeasterly in a straight line across Lake Winnipeg to the easterly shoreline of said lake at latitude 51°26′36″N; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to the northerly boundary of Fort Alexander Indian Reserve No. 3; thence southwesterly in a straight line across Traverse Bay to the intersection of the shoreline of said bay with the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Alexander; thence generally westerly and northerly along the shoreline of Lake Winnipeg to the northerly limit of the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton at approximate latitude 51°07′36″N; thence westerly and northerly along the limit of said municipality to the point of commencement;


    Consists of that part of the City of Winnipeg described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city with Pipeline Road; thence southerly along said road to Storie Road; thence southeasterly along said road to McPhillips Street; thence southwesterly along said street to Inkster Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said boulevard to Main Street; thence northerly along said street to McAdam Avenue; thence southeasterly along said avenue and its intermittent productions to the Red River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the southeasterly production of Burrows Avenue; thence northwesterly along said production and Burrows Avenue to Arlington Street; thence southwesterly along said street to the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said railway to the westerly limit of the City of Winnipeg (Brookside Boulevard); thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Winnipeg lying westerly and southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the Seine River with the easterly limit of said city; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on Four Mile Road at approximate latitude 49°47′22″N and longitude 97°03′20″W; thence southwesterly along said road to St. Anne’s Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence southwesterly along said boulevard to St. Mary’s Road; thence southerly along said road to River Road; thence southwesterly along said road and its production to the Red River at approximate latitude 49°49′00″N and longitude 97°07′22″W; thence generally westerly and northerly along said river to Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence generally southwesterly along said boulevard to a point at approximate latitude 49°48′36″N and longitude 97°11′28″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the westerly limit of said city (Brady Road) at latitude 49°48′02″N and longitude 97°13′10″W.


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the City of Winnipeg lying westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said city (Brookside Boulevard) and Notre Dame Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Airport Road; thence generally southerly along said road and its production to the westerly production of Dublin Avenue; thence easterly along said production to Sherwin Road; thence southerly along said road and its production to Wellington Avenue; thence generally westerly along said avenue to a point at approximate latitude 49°54′06″N and longitude 97°12′48″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 49°53′59″N and longitude 97°12′47″W; thence westerly in a straight line to a point at latitude 49°53′59″N and longitude 97°12′53″W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 49°53′59″N and longitude 97°12′54″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the northerly production of Ferry Road at latitude 49°53′59″N; thence southerly along said road and its intermittent productions to the Assiniboine River; thence generally easterly along said river to Kenaston Boulevard (at St. James Bridge); thence southerly along said boulevard to the Canadian National Railway; thence westerly along said railway to Shaftesbury Boulevard; thence southerly along said boulevard and McCreary Road to the southerly limit of said city (Wyper Road).


    Consists of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Regina described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of the Rural Municipality of Big Quill No. 308; thence generally southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Emerald No. 277; thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Ituna Bon Accord No. 246; thence easterly and generally southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Tullymet No. 216; thence southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Village of Goodeve; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Village of Fenwood; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the east boundary of Sec 8 Tp 23 R 7 W 2; thence south along said boundary and the east boundary of Sec 5 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 to the north boundary of Sec 32 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence east and south along the north and east boundaries of Sec 32 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the north boundary of Sec 28 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence east and south along the north and east boundaries of Sec 28 Tp 2 R 7 W 2 and the east boundary of Sec 21 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to Highway 10; thence generally southwesterly along said highway to Edward Street; thence northerly along said street to the southerly limit of the Village of Duff; thence easterly, northerly, southwesterly and southerly along the southerly, easterly, northwesterly and westerly limits of said village and its southerly production to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (G and K); thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (M); thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186; thence generally southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Wolseley No. 155; thence south along the east boundaries of secs 24, 13, 12 and 1 Tp 18 R 10 W 2 and secs 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 Tp 17 R 10 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 1 Tp 17 R 10 W 2; thence west along said boundary and the south boundaries of secs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Tp 17 R 10 W 2 to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Indian Head No. 156; thence westerly along the southerly limit of said rural municipality and the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of South Qu’Appelle No. 157 to the westerly limit of said rural municipality; thence westerly along Highway 48 and Fifth Base Line to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Edenwold No. 158; thence northerly along said limit to Highway 33; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the City of Regina; thence generally northerly along said limit to the Canadian Pacific Railway (at Tower Road); thence westerly along said railway to Albert Street; thence southerly along said street to Victoria Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue and its westerly production to Lewvan Drive; thence generally northerly along said drive to 1st Avenue North; thence westerly along said avenue to McCarthy Boulevard; thence generally northerly along said boulevard and McCarthy Boulevard North to Rochdale Boulevard; thence generally easterly along said boulevard to Pasqua Street North; thence northerly along said street to the unnamed road near the north boundary of Sec 24 Tp 18 R 20 W 2; thence easterly along said road to Highway 6; thence generally northerly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Cupar No. 218; thence generally northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Touchwood No. 248 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Mount Hope No. 279; thence northerly along Highway 6 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Big Quill No. 308; thence generally northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Saskatchewan described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the east boundary of said province and the northeast corner of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence south along the east boundary of said province to the Qu’Appelle River; thence generally westerly along said river to Crooked Lake; thence northerly and westerly along said lake to the easterly boundary of the Shesheep Indian Reserve No. 74A; thence generally northwesterly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian reserve and the easterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of Sakimay Indian Reserves nos. 74-12, 74-17 and 74-9 to Highway 47; thence southwesterly along said highway to the northerly boundary of Sakimay Indian Reserve No. 74-2; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the Qu’Appelle River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of McLeod No. 185; thence generally northerly along said limit to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the southerly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (M); thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the westerly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (G and K); thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the southerly production of the westerly limit of the Village of Duff; thence northerly, northeasterly, southerly and westerly along said production and the westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said village to Edward Street; thence southerly along said street to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the west boundary of Sec 22 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence north along said boundary and the west boundary of Sec 27 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 33 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence west and north along the south and west boundaries of Sec 33 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 4 Tp 23 R 7 W 2; thence west and north along the south and west boundaries of Sec 4 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 and the west boundary of Sec 9 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Village of Fenwood; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Village of Goodeve; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Stanley No. 215; thence northerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Garry No. 245; thence northerly along the westerly limit of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Foam Lake No. 276; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Elfros No. 307; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lakeside No. 338; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Spalding No. 368 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Pleasantdale No. 398; thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality and the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397 to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Bjorkdale No. 426; thence northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Arborfield No. 456 to the southerly limit of the Village of Zenon Park; thence generally northeasterly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said village to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Arborfield No. 456; thence northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 to the northerly limit of said rural municipality; thence northeasterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence generally southerly along the westerly limit of said rural municipality to the north boundary of Tp 45 (also the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Porcupine No. 395); thence east along said boundary to Highway 9; thence generally northerly along said highway to the westerly boundary of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation Indian Reserve No. 27A; thence generally southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 9; thence easterly and northeasterly along said highway to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (f) that part of the Municipal District of Vulcan County lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 23 and the southerly limit of said municipal district; thence generally northerly along said highway to a point on the easterly limit of the Town of Vulcan at approximate latitude 50°24′16″N and longitude 113°15′20″W; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the easterly limit of said town to Highway 23; thence generally northerly along said highway to its intersection with Highway 24; thence generally northerly and westerly along Highway 24 to an unnamed railway (southeast of the Hamlet of Mossleigh); thence southwesterly along said railway to Range Road 250; thence northerly along said road to Highway 24; thence westerly and generally northerly along said highway to the northerly limit of said municipal district; and


    Consists of that part of the City of Calgary described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Shaganappi Trail NW and Symons Valley Parkway NW; thence easterly along said parkway to Symons Valley Road NW; thence southeasterly along said road to Stoney Trail NW (Highway 201); thence northeasterly along said trail to the northerly limit of the Community District of Hidden Valley; thence easterly, southerly and westerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said community district to West Nose Creek; thence generally southeasterly along said creek to Country Hills Boulevard NW; thence northeasterly along said boulevard and easterly along Country Hills Boulevard NE to Deerfoot Trail NE (Highway 2); thence generally southerly along said trail to 32 Avenue NE; thence westerly along said avenue to 9 Street NE; thence westerly in a straight line to the northerly limit of the Community District of Winston Heights/Mountview at approximate latitude 51°04′53″N and longitude 114°02′40″W; thence westerly, northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said community district to Edmonton Trail NE; thence southwesterly along said trail to 32 Avenue NE; thence westerly along said avenue, 32 Avenue NW and its intermittent productions to the easterly limit of the Community District of Cambrian Heights; thence westerly, generally northeasterly and generally northwesterly along the easterly and northerly limits of said community district to John Laurie Boulevard NW; thence generally northwesterly along said boulevard to Shaganappi Trail NW; thence generally southwesterly along said trail to Crowchild Trail NW (Highway 1A); thence northwesterly along said trail to Sarcee Trail NW; thence generally northerly along said trail to Stoney Trail NW (Highway 201); thence easterly along said trail to Shaganappi Trail NW; thence generally northerly along said trail to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Edmonton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and 97 Street NW (Highway 28, Canadian Forces Trail); thence southerly along said street to 167 Avenue NW; thence easterly along said avenue to 71 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to Ozerna Road NW; thence westerly along said road to 73 Street NW; thence generally southerly along said street and 161A Avenue NW to 73A Street NW; thence southeasterly along said street to a point at approximate latitude 53°37′19″N and longitude 113°27′17″W; thence generally southerly along the westerly limit of the Neighbourhood of Ozerna to 153 Avenue NW; thence easterly along said avenue to 66 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly and southeasterly along said railway to the easterly shoreline of the North Saskatchewan River; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the westerly limit of said city; thence generally easterly, generally northerly, westerly, generally southerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Edmonton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and 97 Street NW (Highway 28, Canadian Forces Trail); thence southerly along said street to 153 Avenue NW; thence westerly along said avenue to Castle Downs Road NW; thence southerly along said road to 137 Avenue NW; thence westerly along said avenue to 127 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to 132 Avenue NW; thence generally westerly along said avenue and northwesterly along 140 Street NW to approximate latitude 53°35′35″N and longitude 113°33’40”W; thence southwesterly in a straight line to St. Albert Trail NW (Highway 2) at approximate latitude 53°35′27″N and longitude 113°33′57″W; thence southeasterly along said trail to the Canadian National Railway; thence westerly and southwesterly along said railway to 156 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to 111 Avenue NW; thence westerly along said avenue and southwesterly along Mayfield Road NW to 170 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to 95 Avenue NW; thence westerly and southwesterly along said avenue to 178 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to 87 Avenue NW; thence westerly along said avenue to Anthony Henday Drive NW (Highway 216); thence southerly along said drive to Whitemud Drive NW; thence westerly along said drive to the westerly limit of said city at approximate latitude 53°30′44″N and longitude 113°42′48″W; thence northerly, generally northeasterly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Edmonton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said city and the westerly shoreline of the North Saskatchewan River; thence easterly in a straight line to the easterly shoreline of said river; thence generally northerly along said shoreline to the westerly production of Ellerslie Road SW; thence easterly along said production and said road to its intersection with Keswick Way SW; thence southerly in a straight line to the northerly limit of the Neighbourhood of Keswick; thence southerly along the easterly limit of said neighbourhood to the westerly production of Hiller Road SW; thence easterly along said production and said road to 170 Street SW; thence northerly along said street and northeasterly along Terwillegar Drive NW to Anthony Henday Drive NW (Highway 216); thence northwesterly along said drive to the easterly shoreline of the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly along said shoreline to Whitemud Creek; thence generally southerly along said creek to the westerly production of 39 Avenue NW; thence easterly along said production and said avenue to 121 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to Fairway Drive NW; thence easterly along said drive to 119 Street NW; thence northerly along said street to 40 Avenue NW; thence easterly along said avenue to 111 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to Blackmud Creek; thence generally southerly along said creek to Anthony Henday Drive NW (Highway 216); thence westerly along said drive to 111 Street SW; thence southerly along said street to Ellerslie Road SW; thence westerly along said road to the westerly limit of the Neighbourhood of Heritage Valley (Area); thence southerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Neighbourhood of Heritage Valley Town Centre (Area) to the northerly limit of the Neighbourhood of Desrochers (Area); thence westerly and generally southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of said neighbourhood to 41 Avenue SW; thence easterly along said avenue to the southerly limit of said city and Highway 2 (Queen Elizabeth II Highway); thence southwesterly, westerly and generally northeasterly along the southerly and westerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Edmonton described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said city and Whitemud Drive NW; thence easterly along said drive to Anthony Henday Drive NW (Highway 216); thence northerly along said drive to 87 Avenue NW; thence easterly along said avenue to 178 Street NW; thence northerly along said street to 95 Avenue NW; thence northeasterly and easterly along said avenue to 148 Street NW; thence southerly along said street to a point on the westerly limit of the Neighbourhood of River Valley Capitol Hill at approximate latitude 53°31′51″N and longitude 113°34′35″W; thence generally southeasterly along said limit to approximate latitude 53°31′39″N and longitude 113°33′32″W; thence easterly in a straight line to the easterly shoreline of the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said shoreline to Anthony Henday Drive NW (Highway 216); thence southeasterly along said drive to Terwillegar Drive NW; thence southwesterly along said drive and southerly along 170 Street SW to Hiller Road SW; thence westerly along said road and its westerly production to the easterly limit of the Neighbourhood of Keswick; thence northerly along said limit and its northerly production to Ellerslie Road SW; thence westerly along said road and its westerly production to the easterly shoreline of the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to approximate latitude 53°24′12″N and longitude 113°38′46″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the westerly limit of said city; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

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    • (f) that part of the Municipal District of Vulcan County lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 23 and the southerly limit of said municipal district; thence generally northerly along said highway to a point on the easterly limit of the Town of Vulcan at approximate latitude 50°24′16″N and longitude 113°15′20″W; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the easterly limit of said town to Highway 23; thence northerly along said highway to its intersection with Highway 24; thence generally northerly and westerly along Highway 24 to an unnamed railway (southeast of the Hamlet of Mossleigh); thence southwesterly along said railway to Range Road 250; thence northerly along said road to Highway 24; thence westerly and generally northerly along said highway to the northerly limit of said municipal district;


    Consists of:

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    • (b) that part of the Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the Province of Alberta and the northerly limit of the Elizabeth Metis Settlement; thence westerly along said limit to Range Road 420; thence westerly and northwesterly along Township Road 610 to Highway 897; thence southwesterly and westerly along said highway to the southeasterly corner of the Cold Lake Indian Reserve No. 149; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to a point on Highway 659 at approximate latitude 54°15′49″N and longitude 110°22′50″W; thence northwesterly and westerly along said highway to Range Road 452; thence northerly along said road to Township Road 614; thence generally westerly along said road, Highway 660 and Township Road 612 to the westerly limit of said municipal district;
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    • (f) Improvement District No. 24 (Wood Buffalo), excluding the area described as follows: commencing at a point on the westerly limit of said improvement district at approximate latitude 58°45′55″N and longitude 114°00′00″W; thence east in a straight line to the westerly boundary of Tp 112 R 22 W 4; thence south along said boundary to the northerly boundary of Tp 111; thence west along said boundary to a point on the westerly shoreline of the Peace River at approximate latitude 58°41′21″N and longitude 113°55′31″W; thence southwesterly along said shoreline to the westerly limit of said improvement district; thence northerly along said limit to the point of commencement;


    Consists of:

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    • (f) that part of the Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the Province of Alberta and the northerly limit of the Elizabeth Metis Settlement; thence westerly along said limit to Range Road 420; thence westerly and northwesterly along Township Road 610 to Highway 897; thence southwesterly and westerly along said highway to the southeasterly corner of the Cold Lake Indian Reserve No. 149; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to a point on Highway 659 at approximate latitude 54°15′49″N and longitude 110°22′50″W; thence northwesterly and westerly along said highway to Range Road 452; thence northerly along said road to Township Road 614; thence generally westerly along said road, Highway 660 and Township Road 612 to the westerly limit of said municipal district;


    Consists of:

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    • (h) that part of Improvement District No. 24 (Wood Buffalo) described as follows: commencing at a point on the westerly limit of said improvement district at approximate latitude 58°45′55″N and longitude 114°00′00″W; thence east in a straight line to the westerly boundary of Tp 112 R 22 W 4; thence south along said boundary to the northerly boundary of Tp 111; thence west along said boundary to a point on the westerly shoreline of the Peace River at approximate latitude 58°41′21″N and longitude 113°55′31″W; thence southwesterly along said shoreline to the westerly limit of said improvement district; thence northerly along said limit to the point of commencement;


    Consists of that part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising that part of the City of Burnaby described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said city with Highway 7 (Lougheed Highway); thence easterly along said highway to Lake City Way; thence northerly along said way, Arden Avenue and Greystone Drive to a transmission line at approximate latitude 49°16′03″N and longitude 122°56′14″W; thence generally northerly along said transmission line to Burnaby Mountain Parkway; thence easterly along said parkway and University Drive E to Gaglardi Way; thence generally southeasterly along said way to Broadway; thence easterly along Broadway to Stoney Creek; thence generally northerly and easterly along said creek to the easterly limit of said city; thence southerly along said limit to Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally northwesterly, southwesterly and westerly along said highway to the production of Burris Street; thence southwesterly along said production and Burris Street to Canada Way; thence southeasterly along said way to 10th Avenue; thence southwesterly along said avenue to Kingsway; thence generally westerly along Kingsway to Imperial Street; thence westerly along said street to the westerly limit of said city; thence northerly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    • (a) that part of the District Municipality of North Vancouver lying easterly and southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said district municipality and Lynn Creek; thence generally southerly along said creek to a point at approximate latitude 49°22′12″N and longitude 123°02′06″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on Mountain Highway at approximate latitude 49°21′31″N and longitude 123°02′08″W; thence southerly along said highway to Lynn Valley Road; thence southwesterly along said road to 29th Street East; thence westerly along said street to the limit of said district municipality, that being the northeast corner of the City of North Vancouver; and


    Consists of:


    Consists of:


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    • (b) that part of Electoral Area of Juan de Fuca (Part 2) lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of Electoral Area of Juan de Fuca (Part 1) and Electoral Area of Juan de Fuca (Part 2) at Jordan River; then northwesterly in a straight line to Uglow Creek at approximate latitude 48°27′12″N and longitude 124°04′12″W; thence generally southerly along said creek to West Coast Road; thence westerly along said road to Pete Wolf Creek; thence southeasterly along said creek to Juan de Fuca Strait; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the southerly limit of Electoral Area of Juan de Fuca (Part 2) at approximate latitude 48°21′22″N and longitude 124°10′33″W;


    Consists of:


    Consists of:


    Consists of:


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    • (c) that part of the City of Coquitlam described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of said city and Austin Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Schoolhouse Street; thence southerly along said street and its intermittent production to Woolridge Street; thence westerly in a straight line to a point on Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway) at approximate latitude 49°13′54″N and longitude 122°51′14″W; thence westerly along said highway to Brunette Avenue; thence southwesterly along said avenue to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limit of said city to the point of commencement.


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    • (b) that part of the District Municipality of North Vancouver lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said district municipality with Lynn Creek; thence generally southerly along said creek to a point at approximate latitude 49°22′12″N and longitude 123°02′06″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on Mountain Highway at approximate latitude 49°21′31″N and longitude 123°02′08″W; thence southerly along said highway to Lynn Valley Road; thence southwesterly along said road to 29th Street East; thence westerly along said street to the limit of said district municipality, that being the northeast corner of the City of North Vancouver;


    Consists of those parts of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising:

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    • (c) that part of the City of Coquitlam described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway) and Brunette Avenue; thence southwesterly along said avenue to the southwesterly limit of said city; thence generally southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limit of said city to Highway 7 (Lougheed Highway); thence northwesterly along said highway and Barnet Highway to Johnson Street; thence generally northerly along said street to a transmission line at approximate latitude 49°18′03″N and longitude 122°47′51″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 49°18′09″N and longitude 122°47′58″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 49°18′49″N and longitude 122°47′37″W; thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point at approximate latitude 49°19′08″N and longitude 122°47′21″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a transmission line at approximate latitude 49°19′42″N and longitude 122°47′18″W; thence northeasterly and easterly along said transmission line to Pipeline Road; thence generally northerly along said road to the northerly limit of said city; thence generally westerly, southerly, westerly and southerly along the limit of said city to Austin Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Schoolhouse Street; thence southerly along said street and its intermittent production to Woolridge Street; thence westerly in a straight line to a point on Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway) at approximate latitude 49°13′54″N and longitude 122°51′14″W; thence westerly along said highway to the point of commencement; and


    • [...]

    • (b) that part of the City of Vancouver described as follows: commencing at the intersection of 57th Avenue West and Cambie Street; thence southerly along said street and its production to the southerly limit of said city; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along said limit to the production of Angus Drive, that being a point in the Fraser River at approximate latitude 49°12′19″N and longitude 123°09′00″W; thence northerly and northeasterly along said production and Angus Drive to Marine Drive Southwest; thence northwesterly along said drive to Angus Drive; thence northerly and northwesterly along said drive and West Boulevard to 57th Avenue West; thence easterly along said avenue to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising that part of the City of Vancouver described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of the City of North Vancouver at approximate latitude 49°17′52″N and longitude 123°06′09″W; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on Waterfront Road West at approximate latitude 49°17′10″N and longitude 123°06′32″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the northerly end point of Cambie Street; thence southerly and southwesterly along said street to Dunsmuir Street; thence southeasterly and easterly along said street and Dunsmuir Viaduct to Main Street; thence southerly along said street to 2nd Avenue East; thence westerly and southwesterly along said avenue and 2nd Avenue West to Cambie Street; thence northerly along said street and Cambie Bridge to False Creek; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along said creek to the mouth of English Bay at approximate latitude 49°16′59″N and longitude 123°08′45″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the westerly limit of said city at approximate latitude 49°16′56″N and longitude 123°09′51″W; thence northerly, easterly, southeasterly and easterly along the limit of said city to the point of commencement.


    • [...]

    • (b) that part of the City of Vancouver lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of said city and Kingsway; thence westerly and northwesterly along Kingsway to Joyce Street; thence southwesterly along said street to 41st Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Knight Street; thence southerly along said street to 49th Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Fraser Street; thence southerly along said street and its production to the southerly limit of said city.


    Consists of that part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising that part of the City of Vancouver described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of said city and Kingsway; thence westerly and northwesterly along Kingsway to Joyce Street; thence southwesterly along said street to 41st Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Knight Street; thence southerly along said street to 49th Avenue East; thence westerly along said avenue to Main Street; thence northerly along said street to 16th Avenue East; thence easterly along said avenue to Knight Street; thence northerly along said street to 15th Avenue East; thence easterly along said avenue, its production and 16th Avenue East to Victoria Drive; thence northerly along said drive to 15th Avenue East; thence easterly along said avenue and its intermittent production to Nanaimo Street; thence northerly along said street to Grandview Highway South; thence generally easterly along said highway and Grandview Highway to the easterly limit of said city; thence southerly along said limit to the point of commencement.


  4. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



    • [...]

    • 7 Big Glace Bay Lake National Wildlife Area


      All that certain parcel of land and land covered with water situated in the vicinity of Big Glace Bay Lake and lying partly in the Town of Glace Bay and within the County of Cape Breton, Province of Nova Scotia and being comprised of that land and land covered with water shown on a plan titled “Showing Lands to be Expropriated by the Province of Nova Scotia for the Purpose of Encouraging the Development of Industry within the Province of Nova Scotia”, signed by Walter E. Servant, P.L.S., dated July 15, 1964, said plan being recorded October 29, 1964 as Expropriation Plan GB138 and which said lands may be more particularly described as follows:


      Thence southwesterly along the said curve a distance of 780.8 feet to the end of said curve;



    • 1 Tintamarre National Wildlife Area

      • [...]

      • (3) Towers Goose Unit


        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Towers Goose Lake Section, near Midgic, in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel “B” on Department of Public Works Plan S-520, dated September 26, 1978, and titled “Plan Showing Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, Towers Goose Lake Section”, as signed by James C. Henderson, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, registered December 27, 1978 as instrument number 11931, said Parcel “B” being more particularly described as follows:


        Thence southwesterly along the western boundary of lands now or formerly of Richard Hicks, 182°05′10″, a distance of 905.36 feet to an iron pin (7);

        Thence southwesterly along the western boundary lands now or formerly of Elmer Phinney, 184°30′43″, a distance of 559.06 feet to an iron pin (8);

        Thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of lands now or formerly of Roland Hicks, 196°48′45″, a distance of 79.51 feet to an iron pin (9);

        Thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of lands now or formerly of Milton Phinney, 202°11′10″, a distance of 266.56 feet to an iron pin (10);

        Thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of lands now or formerly of Sherman Richards, 215°38′44″, a distance of 285.29 feet to an iron pin (11);


        Thence southwesterly along the marsh line of the northwestern boundary of said lands now or formerly of Robert Richards, a distance of 800 feet, more or less, to an iron pin (13), said iron pin (13) being 209°11′47″, a distance of 778.89 feet from the last said point (12);


        Thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of lands now or formerly claimed by Herman Estabrooks, 229°17′20″, a distance of 1932.74 feet to a point (40) situated at the southeast corner of lands now or formerly of A.B. Copp;


    • [...]

    • 3 Shepody National Wildlife Area


      • [...]

      • (4) Grindstone Island Unit

        All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Secondly as follows:

        Firstly, all that certain piece or parcel of land situated at Grindstone Island, Parish of Harvey, County of Albert in the Province of New Brunswick abutted and bounded as follows, to wit:


        Thence southwesterly along the various courses of same to the Place of Beginning.



    • 1 Edéhzhíe National Wildlife Area


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 62°35′05″N and longitude 121°00′23″W;


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 62°29′44″N and longitude 121°42′20″W;


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 62°36′42″N and longitude 122°23′37″W;


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 62°38′24″N and longitude 122°51′33″W;

      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 62°37′49″N and longitude 122°57′38″W;


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 61°27′00″N and longitude 117°55′21″W;

      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the ordinary high water mark of the south shore of a first unnamed island in the Mackenzie River at approximate latitude 61°26′04″N and longitude 117°57′00″W ;


      Thence southwesterly in a straight line to the point of commencement;



    • 1 Akpait National Wildlife Area


      All that parcel in the vicinity of Akpait Fiord, including all land, water and islands and being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence southwesterly in Davis Strait along a geodesic line to a point at latitude 66°48′00″ N and longitude 61°20′00″ W;


    • 2 Ninginganiq National Wildlife Area


      All that parcel in the vicinity of Isabella Bay, including all land, water and islands and being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence southwesterly on Baffin Island along a geodesic line to a point at latitude 69°27′00.18″ N and longitude 67°54′05.06″ W;


    • 3 Qaqulluit National Wildlife Area


      All that parcel in the vicinity of Qaqaluit Island, including all land, water and islands and being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence southwesterly in Davis Strait along a geodesic line to a point at latitude 67°08′01.14″ N and longitude 62°12′15.74″ W;


      Thence southwesterly in Davis Strait along a geodesic line to a point at latitude 67°11′38.90″ N and longitude 62°26′01.70″ W;


    • 4 Nanuit Itillinga National Wildlife Area

      Being all that parcel, on Bathurst Island and adjoining waters, being more particularly described as follows:


      Commencing at a point near Rapid Point having coordinates 8 421 000 north and 540 000 east; thence southerly to a point having coordinates 8 412 000 north and 537 600 east; thence southwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 406 700 north and 531 300 east; thence southeasterly to a point near Black Point having coordinates 8 401 500 north and 545 500 east; thence southerly to a point having coordinates 8 373 800 north and 545 700 east; thence southeasterly to a point having coordinates 8 368 700 north and 549 200 east; thence southwesterly to a point near Brooman Point having coordinates 8 367 000 north and 548 000 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 372 000 north and 542 500 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 380 000 north and 541 600 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 383 300 north and 536 200 east; thence westerly to a point having coordinates 8 383 300 north and 472 600 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 384 900 north and 470 900 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 386 100 north and 470 800 east; thence northeasterly to a point having coordinates 8 388 100 north and 475 600 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 398 600 north and 476 400 east; thence southwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 390 000 north and 440 000 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 410 000 north and 440 000 east; thence easterly to a point having coordinates 8 410 000 north and 500 000 east; thence northeasterly to the point of commencement.


  5. Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/99-123 (SCHEDULE)



    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between the lettered lots to its intersection with the western boundary of the City of Etobicoke, also being the most eastern corner of Lot “A”, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street, in the geographic Township of Toronto, in the City of Mississauga;


    thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Lot “A” and Lot 1, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street, to the most eastern corner of Lot 1;

    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street, to the most southern corner of Lot 5;


    thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 East of Hurontario Street, to the most eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of Lot 1 to the most southern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to its intersection with the limit between the East and West halves of Lot 1;


    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Plan No. 21-005 94-138, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, dated July 31, 1995, is described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 24R on an azimuth of 234 degrees, 06 minutes, 22seconds, to its intersection with the northeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 24L;


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 24L on an azimuth of 234 degrees, 06 minutes, 22 seconds, to its intersection with the western limit of the road allowance between Concession “A” Fronting the Humber and Concession “B” Fronting the Humber (now within Islington Avenue);


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 33R on an azimuth of 225 degrees, 35 minutes, 18 seconds, to the southern corner of the approach surface for runway 33R, the UTM coordinates of which are E 620 500.26 and N 4 823 586.32;


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 33L on an azimuth of 225 degrees, 35 minutes, 18 seconds, to its southwestern corner, the UTM coordinates of which are E 619 334.74 and N 4 823 251.75;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Bloor Street, as established by plans 719 and 729 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43), to the southeastern corner of Block B, plan 729;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 North of Dundas Street (now within Burnhamthorpe Road East) to the southern corner of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance (now within Eglinton Avenue) to the eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 2, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street to the western corner of Lot 2, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street;


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 06R on an azimuth of 217 degrees, 02 minutes, 40 seconds, to the southern corner of the approach surface for runway 06R, the UTM coordinates of which are E 602 033.17 and N 4 822 370.25;


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 05R on an azimuth of 217 degrees, 02 minutes, 20 seconds, to the southwestern corner of the approach surface for runway 05R, the UTM coordinates of which are E 598 860.62 and N 4 823 750.17;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the approach surface for runway 06L at an azimuth of 234 degrees, 06 minutes, 22 seconds, to the intersection with the southeastern limit of the approach surface for runway 05R;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the approach surface for runway 24R at an azimuth of 217 degrees, 02 minutes, 40 seconds, to the intersection with the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concession “A” Fronting the Humber and Concession “B” Fronting the Humber, now within Islington Avenue;


    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Bloor Street, as established by plans 775, 722, 719, and 729, all registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43), to the southeastern corner of Block B, plan 729;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 North of Dundas Street (now within Burnhamthorpe Road East) to the southern corner of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concession 2 North of Dundas Street and Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street (now within Eglinton Avenue) to the eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street;


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 2, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street, to the western corner of Lot 2, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street;




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