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  1. Output-Based Pricing System Regulations - SOR/2019-266 (SCHEDULE 1 : Industrial Activities and Output-based Standards)
    Output-Based Pricing System Regulations



    Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Industrial Activity Units of Measurement Output-based standard (CO2e tonnes/unit of measurement) Applicable Part of Schedule 3


    tonnes of isopropyl alcohol calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 3

    Transmission of processed natural gas by a facility referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition facility in subsection 1(1) of these Regulations

    Megawatt hours (MWh) 0.393 Part 5


    tonnes of white cement calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 7


    tonnes of dolomitic lime produced and lime kiln dust sold calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 8


    tonnes of speciality lime produced calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 8


    tonnes of glass calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 9
    10 Production of gypsum products that contain at least 70 weight percent of calcium sulphate dihydrate tonnes of gypsum products that contain at least 70 weight percent calcium sulphate dihydrate calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 10
    11 Production of mineral wool insulation, excluding glass wool insulation tonnes of mineral wool insulation calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 11
    18 Production of vaccines for human or animal use litres of vaccine Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 18


    tonnes of steel Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 20
    22 Production of metal tubes tonnes of metal tubes Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 22


    tonnes of copper anodes calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 23


    tonnes of copper cathodes calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 23


    tonnes of thermal coal calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 25


    kilograms of silver, platinum and palladium Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 26
    27 Calcining of coal to produce char Tonnes of char Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 27
    28 Production of activated carbon from coal Kilograms of activated carbon Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 28


    tonnes of ammonium phosphate Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 29


    tonnes of specialty product Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 36
    43 Production of alumina from bauxite Tonnes of alumina (Al2O3) equivalent Calculated in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations Part 43


  2. Output-Based Pricing System Regulations - SOR/2019-266 (SCHEDULE 2 : Content of Annual Report on Emissions and Production)
    Output-Based Pricing System Regulations



    2 Information with respect to the covered facility:

    • [...]

    • (b) its latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees or degrees, minutes and seconds, except for a covered facility referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of facility in subsection 1(1) of these Regulations;


    4 The quantities of CH4 and N2O that are subtracted under subsection 17(5) or 20(6) of these Regulations from the total CH4and N2O, expressed in tonnes, separately.


    7 If CO2 was captured, stored and deducted from the total quantity of GHGs under section 35 of these Regulations, the following information,

    • (a) a statement that indicates whether the CO2 was stored in accordance with the requirements set out in subsection 35(2) of these Regulations;

    • (b) the type of geological storage site used, among those set out in paragraph 35(2)(a) of these Regulations;


    8.1 If an output-based standard must be calculated for a specified industrial activity engaged in at the covered facility or recalculated under to section 39 of these Regulations, the following information in the annual report for the compliance period for which the standard is calculated,

    • [...]

    • (b) if a determination is made under subsection 37(2.1) of these Regulations, the methods for the projections and the projections bearing the stamp and signature of an engineer; and


    10 With respect to thermal energy that is sold or bought, in addition to the information required in section 12 of these Regulations:


    14 With respect to an electricity generation facility composed of a unit referred to in subsection 41(2) of these Regulations, a statement indicating whether solid fuel was used by the unit to generate electricity in 2018 and whether additional liquid or gaseous fuel was used in that same year, if that information is available.


    16 With respect to a covered facility referred to in section 36.2 or 41.2 of these Regulations, with respect to the units or equipment whose electricity generation capacity has been increased during a compliance period,


    17 With respect to an electricity generation facility referred to in section 41.1 of these Regulations, the total capacity and thermal energy to electricity ratio of each unit within the facility that generates electricity from gaseous fuels.


  3. Output-Based Pricing System Regulations - SOR/2019-266 (SCHEDULE 5 : Content of Verification Report)
    Output-Based Pricing System Regulations



    2 Information with respect to the covered facility:

    • [...]

    • (b) its latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees or degrees, minutes and seconds, except for a covered facility referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of facility in subsection 1(1) of these Regulations;

    3 Information with respect to the verification:

    • [...]

    • (e) a summary of the verification procedures conducted on the data and information supporting an annual report or a corrected report, including

      • [...]

      • (iii) the date of each visit conducted, for the purpose of section 51 of these Regulations;

    • [...]

    • (f.1) if section 36.2 of these Regulations applies to a covered facility, the electricity generation attributed to the capacity added to the equipment and the electricity generation attributed to the capacity of the equipment before the additional capacity was added, as described in the annual report or corrected report, as the case may be;

    • [...]

    • (h.1) if section 41.2 of these Regulations applies to an electricity generation facility or a covered facility referred to in paragraph (h), the electricity generated that is attributed to the capacity added to each unit as described in its annual report or corrected report, as the case may be:


    • (i) in the case of a covered facility that calculated an output-based standard in accordance with section 37 of these Regulations, the calculated output-based standard and the information associated with each term in the equation;

    • (j) a record of errors or omissions capable of influencing the assessment of the quantity of GHGs that are emitted from a covered facility during the applicable compliance period against its applicable GHG emissions limit, identified during the verification, in the data, information or methods used in the preparation of the annual report or corrected report, as the case may be, that indicates,

      • (i) with respect to each error and omission, if it may be quantified,

        • (A) in relation to GHG emissions, the number of CO2e tonnes to which the error or omission corresponds, the related percentage calculated in accordance with subparagraph 49(2)(a)(i), (b)(i) or (c)(i) of these Regulations and a statement indicating whether the error or omission results in an understatement or overstatement, and

        • (B) in relation to the production of a given type of product, the quantification of that error or omission, expressed in the applicable unit of measurement, the related percentage calculated in accordance with paragraph 49(2)(d) of these Regulations and a statement indicating whether the error or omission results in an understatement or an overstatement, and

      • (ii) with respect to the aggregate of the errors or omissions in relation to GHG emissions, that may be quantified, the net result of the errors and omissions expressed in CO2e tonnes, the related percentage calculated in accordance with subparagraph 49(2)(a)(ii), (b)(ii) or (c)(ii) of these Regulations and a statement indicating whether the net result is an understatement or an overstatement;

    • [...]

    • (l) a declaration, signed and dated by the lead verifier, stating that the requirements of section 50 of these Regulations have been complied with and that any real or potential conflicts of interest have been effectively managed;

    • [...]

    • (n) a verification opinion by the verification body containing

      • (i) determinations as to whether a material discrepancy exists with respect to the total quantity of GHGs and the total production from each specified industrial activity used in the calculation of the emissions limit in the annual report or corrected report, as the case may be, and whether the annual report or corrected report was prepared in accordance with these Regulations, and


  4. Output-Based Pricing System Regulations - SOR/2019-266 (Section 93)
    Output-Based Pricing System Regulations
    Marginal note:January 1, 2019
    •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (6), these Regulations are deemed to have come into force on January 1, 2019.

    • Marginal note:July 1, 2019

      (2) These Regulations apply in Yukon and Nunavut on July 1, 2019.

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:August 1, 2019

      (4) Subsection 45(2) of these Regulations comes into force on August 1, 2019.


  5. Output-Based Pricing System Regulations - SOR/2019-266 (Section 4)
    Output-Based Pricing System Regulations
    Marginal note:System components

     These Regulations set out


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