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  1. Rules of the Court of Appeal of Alberta as to Criminal Appeals - SI/77-174 (FORM “A”)
    Rules of the Court of Appeal of Alberta as to Criminal Appeals
    • 839 In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

    • 840 (1) These Rules shall apply to appeals to the Court under:


    • (3) In all matters not provided for by these Rules, the Rules of Court respecting civil appeals shall apply, mutatis mutandis, save that there shall be no cross-appeal, and Rule 509 shall not apply.

    S. 607(2)

    (5) (i) Any time prescribed by these Rules within which an appeal is to be taken may be extended by an Appellate judge or the Court before or after the expiration thereof, and any other time may similarly be extended or shortened.


    • (2) An application for leave to appeal to the Court shall be made by the filing of a notice of appeal, pursuant to these Rules, and no further notice is required.

    • (4) An application for leave to appeal to an Appellate judge shall be made by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to these Rules, and by filing with the registrar contemporaneously, or thereafter, a notice of motion. Such notice shall be served on the respondent not less than two (2) clear days before the return of the motion, unless otherwise ordered.

    • 860D A sufficient number of copies of these Rules shall be prepared by the registrar at Calgary (Edmonton) and sent to every keeper of a Provincial Gaol in Alberta, and to the wardens of the Penitentiary at Prince Albert, and the Penitentiary at Drumheller, and such other penal institutions in Alberta as may be operated by the Government of Canada, and the registrar shall also send to the said keepers and wardens a copy of sections 603, 607, 610 and 612 of the Criminal Code for any convicted person in his custody who requests the same.

    • 860E These Rules shall come into force on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1978, on which date the Rules respecting criminal appeals to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Alberta heretofore in force cease to be in force, without prejudice to any proceedings under the said Rules which may have been taken prior to the 1st day of January, A.D. 1978.






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