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  1. Port Hardy Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/91-484 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer surface, shown on Port Hardy Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 2033-1 dated February 23, 1987, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the elevation of the airport reference point, except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the imaginary surface is located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.


  2. Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/99-123 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer surface, shown on Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Plan No. 21-005 94-138, Sheets 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49 and 50 dated July 31, 1995, is an imaginary plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the elevation of the airport reference point, except that, where that plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is an imaginary plane located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.


  3. Comox Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/80-803 (SCHEDULE)



    Being an imaginary surface consisting of:

    • [...]

    • (b) 
      when the common plane described in paragraph (a) is less than nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground, an imaginary surface located at nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground;


  4. Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/2009-231 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer surface, shown on Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Zoning Plan No. 06-006 94-128, Sheets 1 to 4, 6 to 20 and 22 to 24, dated February 20, 1996, is an imaginary surface established at a constant elevation that is 45.000 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference points, except that, where that surface is less than 9.000 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is located at 9.000 m above the surface of the ground. The limit of the outer surface is described as follows:


  5. Vancouver International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/80-902 (SCHEDULE)



    Being an imaginary surface consisting of

    • [...]

    • (b) where the common plane described in paragraph (a) is less than nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground, an imaginary surface located at nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground,




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