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  1. Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1036 (SCHEDULE)
    Regulations Prescribing Migratory Bird Sanctuaries and Providing for their Control and Management



    3 George C. Reifel Bird Sanctuary

    In the Province of British Columbia all that parcel of land near the mouth of the Fraser River being more particularly described as follows:

    COMMENCING at a point on the northerly ordinary low water mark of Reifel Island due south of the westerly extremity of Harlock Island, as said Islands are shown on map sheet 92 G/3b of the National Topographic Series; THENCE, due south (astronomic) to the centre line of Ewen Slough; THENCE, easterly along said centre line to the northerly production of the easterly boundary of the Department of National Defence property, being the boundary of length 999.8 feet shown on Reference Plan 10429 deposited in the Land Registry Office at New Westminster, a copy of which is of record number 53181 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa; THENCE, southerly along said production to the northerly bank of Robertson Slough; THENCE, easterly along said northerly bank and the northerly boundary of the Department of National Defence access road to the westerly boundary of Robertson Road, as said Robertson Road is shown on said plan; THENCE, southerly along said westerly boundary to the southerly boundary of the Department of National Defence access road; THENCE, westerly along said southerly boundary to said easterly boundary of the Department of National Defence property; THENCE, southerly along the easterly boundary of said property to the southeasterly corner thereof; THENCE, westerly along the southerly boundary of said property, according to said plan, and the westerly production of the southerly boundary to the northerly or right bank of Robertson Slough; THENCE, westerly along said right bank about 3,000 feet to the point where the Slough forks; THENCE, due west to a point 8,250 feet due west from the sea dyke along the westerly side of Westham Island; THENCE, on a bearing of N. 47°00′ E., a distance of 3,700 feet; THENCE, on a bearing of N. 17°00′ E., a distance of 2,940 feet; THENCE, on a bearing of N. 31°00′ E., to the northeasterly side of South Jetty, as said Jetty is shown on said map; THENCE, southeasterly along said northeasterly side of South Jetty to the ordinary low-water mark of Reifel Island; THENCE, northeasterly and southeasterly along said low-water mark to the point of commencement; said bearings being astronomic and referred to the meridian through the point of commencement.


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