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  1. Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada - SOR/2002-156 (Section 22)
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
    • [...]

    • (2) The style of cause in an application for leave to appeal shall name, followed by their status in the court appealed from,

      • (a) as an applicant, each party bringing the application for leave to appeal;

      • (b) as a respondent, each party against whom the applicant brings the application for leave to appeal — including, in Quebec, a mis-en-cause — and who was adverse in interest to the applicant in the court appealed from; and

      • (c) as an intervener,


    • (3) The style of cause in an appeal shall name, followed by their status in the court appealed from,

      • (a) as an appellant, each party bringing the appeal;

      • (b) as a respondent, each party against whom the appellant brings the appeals — including, in Quebec, a mis-en-cause — and who was adverse in interest to the appellant in the court appealed from; and

      • (c) as an intervener,


    • (3.1) The style of cause in a motion shall follow the style of cause for the application for leave to appeal or the appeal, as the case may be, and may be abbreviated to name only the first applicant and respondent, or the first appellant and respondent, as the case may be.

    • (4) A motion may be brought under Rule 18 to include in the style of cause as a party any other person who was a party, mis-en-cause or an intervener in the court appealed from and who must be a party to the proceedings to give effect to a judgment of the Court.


  2. Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada - SOR/2002-156 (Section 65)
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
    •  (1) If, after leave to appeal has been granted, an appellant fails to serve and file a notice of appeal within the time set out in paragraph 58(1)(b) of the Act or the time extended under subsection 59(1) of the Act, the Registrar may send a notice of intention in Form 65 to the appellant and copies of it to all other parties, and a judge may dismiss the appeal as abandoned if the time for serving and filing the notice of appeal is not extended by a judge on motion.

    • (2) If, after the notice of appeal has been filed, an appellant has not served and filed their record and factum within the time set out in Rule 35, a respondent may make a motion to a judge for the dismissal of the appeal as abandoned or the Registrar may send a notice of intention in Form 65 to the appellant and copies of it to all other parties, and a judge may dismiss the appeal as abandoned if the time for serving and filing the materials is not extended by a judge on motion.

    • (3) The motion for an extension of time referred to in subrules (1) and (2) must be served and filed within 20 days after the service of the respondent’s motion for dismissal or the receipt of the Registrar’s notice of intention, as the case may be.


  3. Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada - SOR/2002-156 (Section 33)
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
    •  (1) A notice of appeal under paragraph 60(1)(a) of the Act shall

      • [...]

      • (b) in the case of an appeal under paragraph 691(1)(a) or (2)(a) or (b), 692(3)(a) or 693(1)(a) of the Criminal Code, cite the legislative provision that authorizes the appeal, set out the questions of law, including the question of law on which the dissenting judgment of the court appealed from is, in whole or in part, based, and include as a schedule to the notice of appeal a copy of the information or indictment, the judgment and the reasons for judgment of the court appealed from; and

      • (c) in the case of all other appeals for which leave to appeal is not required, cite the legislative provision that authorizes the appeal and include as a schedule to the notice of appeal a copy of the judgment and the reasons for judgment of the court appealed from.

    • (2) In the case of an appeal that raises an issue in respect of the constitutional validity or applicability of a statute, regulation or common law rule, or the inoperability of a statute or regulation, a notice of constitutional question in Form 33B shall be filed by the appellant, as a schedule to the notice of appeal, or by the respondent, if the issue has been raised by the respondent, within 30 days after leave to appeal has been granted or after the filing of the notice of appeal in respect of an appeal for which leave is not required.

    • (3) On the same day as the notice of constitutional question is filed, a copy of it shall be served by email on all other parties to the appeal and on any attorney general who is not already a party to the appeal together with hyperlinks to



  4. Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada - SOR/2002-156 (Section 25)
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
    •  (1) An application for leave to appeal shall be bound and consist of the following, in the following order:

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      • (b) beginning with the court of first instance or the administrative tribunal, as the case may be, and ending with the court appealed from,

        • (i) copies of the reasons, if any, for the respective judgments of the lower courts, as issued by the lower courts,

        • (ii) copies of all formal judgments or orders, as signed and entered, and

      • (c) a memorandum of argument divided as follows:



  5. Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada - SOR/2002-156 (Section 18)
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
    •  (1) A person may be added or substituted as a party on motion before a judge or the Registrar that sets out the reasons for the addition or substitution.

    • (2) Subject to subrule (5), no person shall be added or substituted as a party without the person’s consent being filed with the Registrar.

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    • (4) Parties added or substituted shall be served with all documents provided for in these Rules, and any time periods shall begin as provided for in the order unless a judge or the Registrar otherwise orders.

    • (4.1) A party who is named in the style of cause can be removed on the consent of the applicant or the appellant, as the case may be, or on motion before a judge or the Registrar that sets out the reasons for the removal.


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