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  1. Northern Pipeline Socio-Economic and Environmental Terms and Conditions for the Province of Alberta - SI/80-127


    IN THE MATTER OF a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity declared to have been issued on the 13th day of April, 1978, to Foothills Pipe Lines (Alta.) Ltd. pursuant to the said Act; and


    Whereas a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity dated the 13th day of April, 1978, is declared to have been issued pursuant to the Northern Pipeline Act to Foothills Pipe Lines (Alta.) Ltd. [hereinafter called “Foothills (Alta.)”] in respect of the pipeline defined in the said Act for that portion of the route in the Province of Alberta as more particularly set forth in ANNEX I of SCHEDULE I to the said Act;


    Now Therefore the Designated Officer, Northern Pipeline Agency, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 20(4) of the Northern Pipeline Act, hereby

    • (a) rescinds Condition 7 of Schedule III to the Act, insofar as it applies to Foothills (Alta.);

    • (b) rescinds those undertakings in respect of social and economic matters and environmental, fisheries and agricultural concerns deemed, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 21(2) of the Act, to be terms or conditions set out in Schedule III to the Act, insofar as they apply to Foothills (Alta.), except that undertaking referred to in item 7, under the heading “Compensation”, contained in “APPENDIX 5-2”, on page 9 of 41, Volume 3 of the REASONS FOR DECISION, NORTHERN PIPELINES, dated June, 1977, of the National Energy Board; and

    • (c) adds to the terms and conditions set out in Schedule III to the Act the terms and conditions annexed hereto and titled Northern Pipeline Socio-Economic and Environmental Terms and Conditions for the Province of Alberta to be applicable to Foothills (Alta.).


  2. Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Regulations - SOR/82-503 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,

    specified royalty provision

    specified royalty provision means

    • (a) the Experimental Project Petroleum Royalty Regulations of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 36/79),

    • (b) the Experimental Oil Sands Royalty Regulations of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 287/77),

    • (c) section 4.2 of the Petroleum Royalty Regulations of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 93/74),


  3. Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations - SOR/2008-120 (SCHEDULE 3 : Waters on Which Power-driven Vessels and Vessels Driven by Electrical Propulsion That Have an Aggregate Maximum Power Greater than 7.5 kW Are Prohibited)


    PART 1

    British Columbia

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Item Name Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or Description Local Name General Location Location Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System)
    3 Alpha Lake near Alta Lake


    4 Nita Lake near Alta Lake


    5 Unnamed lake Lost Lake near Alta Lake



  4. Income Tax Regulations - C.R.C., c. 945 (Section 1206)
    • [...]

    • (8) For the purposes of the definition qualified tertiary oil recovery project in subsection (1), a specified royalty provision means:

      • (a) the Experimental Project Petroleum Royalty Regulation of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 36/79);

      • (b) The Experimental Oil Sands Royalty Regulations of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 287/77);

      • (c) section 4.2 of the Petroleum Royalty Regulations of Alberta (Alta. Reg. 93/74);


  5. Radiocommunication Regulations - SOR/96-484 (SCHEDULE VI)


    Medium Congestion Zone

    Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column V Column VI Column VII Column VIII Column IX Column X Column XI
    Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates Geographical Coordinates
    Regional Area North Lat. West Long. North Lat.. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long. North Lat. West Long.
    1 Calgary, Alta. 51°13′ 114°18′ 51°13′ 113° 50′ 50°51′ 113°50′ 50°51′ 114°18′ - - - - - - - - - - - -
    4 Edmonton, Alta. 53° 45′ 113°45′ 53° 45′ 113° 10′ 53° 19′ 113°10′ 53° 19′ 113°45′ - - - - - - - - - - - -


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