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  1. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



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    • 6 Baie de L’Isle-Verte National Wildlife Area

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      • (2) In the municipality of Cacouna, a part of Block 2 of the official cadastre of the parish of Cacouna, Registration Division of Témiscouata, being parcel 4 shown on plan AM-99-8640 prepared by Public Works and Government Services Canada and dated April 13, 1999.

        Less part of said Block 2 containing 149.4 m2 as shown on plan D2000-8730 prepared by Public Works and Government Services Canada and dated January 27, 2000.

        Less a part of said Block 2 bounded toward the northwest, the northeast and the southwest by a part of Block 2 and toward the southeast by a part of lot 111, containing an area of 256.9 m2, being parcel 10 shown on a plan prepared by Laval Ouellet, QLS on January 11th 2011 under number 4153 of his records.


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    • 3.1 Long Point National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in the geographic township of South Walsingham, county of Norfolk, formerly in the regional municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, described as all of Long Point Block Number One; the part of Block Number two and part of Block Number three being designated as Part 1 on Plan 37R-11160 as registered in the Land Registry Office of Norfolk County; Block Number Four; Lots One, Two and Three in Block Number Five; Block Number Six; Lots One to Eleven in Block Number Seven; Block Number Eight; Block Number Nine; Block Number Ten; Block Number Eleven; Block Number Twelve, save and except that part of Block Number Twelve designated as Part 1 on Plan No. 37R-1354 as registered in the Land Registry Office of Norfolk County; part of Block Number Sixteen, being designated as Part 1 on Plan 37R-1303 in the Land Registry Office of Norfolk County, and whole of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of Plan 37R-2507 at said Land Registry Office, as said parts are patented by said instrument No. 390158 and identified therein as Parcels “B” and “BB”. Together with all the lands adjacent to the said Lots and Blocks on Long Point that on the 4th day of May, 1866 lay outside the traverse lines of survey of the outline of Long Point, shown on a plan of survey by James Black, Provincial Land Surveyor dated the 24th day of April, 1856;

      Saving and excepting from the above described Lots, Blocks and Parts, a strip of land along the water’s edge of Lake Erie and Long Point Bay, having a depth of 132 feet from said water’s edge; said strip being excepted for fishing purposes, but reserving always free access across the same in the rear thereof as set out in the original grant from the Crown for the said Lots and Blocks;


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    • 6 Wellers Bay National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in the County of Prince Edward, in the township of Hillier, being more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:


      Secondly, that parcel described as part of lot 13, Stinson Block in a deed between Charles Henry Twells and His Majesty the King in right of Canada, registered in said Office as 8585;

      Thirdly, that parcel described as part of lot 13, Stinson Block in a deed between Norman Keith Kent and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, registered in said Office as 9320; said parcels containing together about 100 acres.


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    • 3 Columbia National Wildlife Area

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      • (3) Spillimacheen Unit


        All those parcels more particularly described under Firstly to Fifthly as follows:

        Firstly, that parcel being the whole of Block “D” of District Lot 9004 as shown on Plan 17Tr1, deposited in the Crown Land Registry at Victoria containing about 32.4 hectares;



  2. Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/99-123 (SCHEDULE)



    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to the most eastern corner of Block G, as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Number 43) as plan M-219;

    thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeastern limit of Block G, and continuing in a general northwesterly direction along the southwestern limit of Blocks G and H, as shown on plan M-219, to the intersection of the southwestern limit of Block H with the northwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street;


    thence in a general northeasterly direction along the production southwesterly and along the northwestern limit of Morning Star Drive, as shown on plan 752, to the most eastern corner of Block K on plan 752, being now Peel Condominium Plan No. 40;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across Darcel Avenue, as shown on plan 752, to the most southern corner of Block G as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as plan number 710;


    thence southeasterly along the northeastern limit of plan 946 to the most eastern corner of Block S, as shown on plan 946, and continuing on the production of the northeastern limit of Block S to its intersection with the western limit of the Indian Line Road, established by an Act entitled An Act to establish the true location of the allowance for Road between the Municipalities of Toronto Gore and Etobicoke (Victoria 22, 1858, Chapter 59), and being the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Toronto Gore and Etobicoke;


    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Plan No. 21-005 94-138, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, dated July 31, 1995, is described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Bloor Street, as established by plans 719 and 729 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43), to the southeastern corner of Block B, plan 729;

    thence continuing southwesterly along the southwestern production of the southeastern limit of Block B, plan 729, to its intersection with the northeastern limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 1 North of Dundas Street, in the geographic Township of Toronto, in the City of Mississauga;


    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Bloor Street, as established by plans 775, 722, 719, and 729, all registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43), to the southeastern corner of Block B, plan 729;

    thence continuing southwesterly along the southwestern production of the southeastern limit of Block B, plan 729, to its intersection with the northeastern limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, in Concession 1 North of Dundas Street, in the geographic Township of Toronto, in the City of Mississauga;


    thence easterly in a straight line across Torbram Road to the most western corner of Block 8, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 43M-875;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Block 8 on registered plan 43M-875 to the northern corner of Block 8, also being a point on the western limit of Block 13 on plan 43M-875;

    thence northerly and northeasterly along the western and northwestern limits of Block 13 on plan 43M-875 to the northeastern corner of Block 13;

    thence northeasterly and easterly along the northwestern and northern limits of Blocks 1, 7, 3, 6 and 2 on plan 43M-875 to the most northeastern corner of Block 2, also being the northwestern corner of Chrysler Drive as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 43M-874;


    thence northerly and northeasterly along the western and northwestern limits of Block 1 on registered plan 43M-874 to the most northern corner of Block 1, also being the most western corner of Block 6 on plan 43M-874;

    thence northeasterly and easterly along the northwestern and northern limits of Block 6 on registered plan 43M-874 to the most northern corner of Block 6, also being the western corner of Block 5 on plan 43M-874;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Block 5 on registered plan 43M-874 to the northern corner of Block 5;

    thence northeasterly along the northeasterly production of the northwestern limit of Block 5 on plan 43M-874 to the intersection with the southwestern limit of the original road allowance (now within Airport Road) between the geographic Townships of Chinguacousy and Toronto Gore, both now in the City of Brampton;


  3. National Parks of Canada Lease and Licence of Occupation Regulations - SOR/92-25 (SCHEDULE V : Jasper Agreement Lands)


    Emergency Services Facility

    • Block 6, Lots 10 and 11


    • Block 40, Lot 19
    • Block 41, Lot 23
    • Block 40, Lot 27

    Parking Lots

    • Block 8, Lots 8 and 9
    • Block 6, Lots 12 to 15 and part of closed road
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    • Parking Lot (East side of Connaught Drive in Block 5)
    • Block 3, Lots 12 to 15
    • Parking Lot (East side of Connaught Drive by Block 1)

    Other Lots and Parcels (unsurveyed parcels)

    • Block 39, Lot 12 (Reserve behind Stone Mountain)
    • Block 39, Lot 5 (Reserve between housing on the northwest portion of Cabin Creek Drive)
    • Block 39, Lot 2 (Reserve between housing on the northwest portion of Cabin Creek Drive)
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    • Block 44, Mobile Home Subdivision Reserve
    • Snipes Hill — between Lodgepole Street and Willow Avenue behind Block 45
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    • Walkway on north side of lane Blocks 12 and 25
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    • Block 36, Lots 31 and 32
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    • Block 101, Lot 15 (Road and Grass Shoulder)
    • Block 101, Lot 16 (Road and Grass Shoulder)
    • Block 102, Lot 15 (Road and Grass Shoulder)
    • Block 102, Lot 16 (Road and Grass Shoulder)
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    • Green area between the Cabin Creek riparian right of way and the back of Lots 28 to 59 in Block 42
    • Reserve land including land for the walkway north of Block 38, which land abuts the Cabin Creek riparian right of way
    • Green area behind Block 38 bounded by the Cabin Creek riparian right of way and the CN right of way


  4. La Ronge Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/87-603 (SCHEDULE)



    The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Public Works Canada La Ronge Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1882, dated July 5, 1985, is described as follows:


    THENCE, southwesterly along the said northwesterly limit to its intersection with the production northwesterly of the northeasterly limit of Lot 23, Block 29, Registered Plan 80PA03018;

    THENCE, southeasterly across Poirier Street and along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 23 to the westerly corner of Lot 25, Block 29, Registered Plan 80PA13345;

    THENCE, northeasterly along the northwesterly limits of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 29 to the northerly corner of Lot 27;

    THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of Lot 27 and its production across Finlayson Street and Parcel J, Registered Plan 70PA08594 to its intersection with the northwesterly limit of Block 38, Registered Plan 80PA19051;

    THENCE, northeasterly along the northwesterly limit Block 38 to the northerly corner of Lot 17;

    THENCE, southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of Lot 17, Block 38, to the easterly corner of Lot 17, Block 38;

    THENCE, northerly, easterly and southeasterly along the easterly, southerly and southwesterly limits of Lots 16 to 2 inclusive, Block 38, Registered Plan 78PA20750 and the intervening lane to the most southerly corner of the said Lot 2, Block 38;

    THENCE, northeasterly along the southeasterly limits of Lots 2 and 1, Block 38 to the easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 38;

    THENCE, southeasterly across Studer Street and along the northeasterly limit of Lot 2, Block 36, Registered Plan 78PA20750, to the easterly corner of Lot 2, Block 36;

    THENCE, northeasterly along the southeasterly limit of Block 36 to the most easterly corner of Lot 9, across Mowery Crescent and continuing northeasterly and easterly along the southeasterly and southerly limits of Block 18, Registered Plan 76PA24039 to the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 18;


    THENCE, southeasterly along the southwesterly limits of Blocks 18, 12 and across the intervening Mowery Crescent to the southerly corner of Lot 50, Block 12;


  5. Region of Waterloo International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/2006-78 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer surface, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22, dated April 30, 2003 is an imaginary surface established at a constant elevation of 45.000 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point except that, where that surface is less than 9.000 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is located at 9.000 m above the surface of the ground. The boundary of the outer surface is described as follows:


    thence southerly along the western limit of Lot 128 and its production southerly to the intersection of the production southerly of the western limit of Lot 128 with the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 16);

    thence westerly along the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, to the northeast corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

    thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

    thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 12 to the southwest corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession;


    thence northerly along the southeastern limit of Lot 304 to the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, to the most northerly corner of Lot 295, Registered Plan 1340, being also the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northerly along the eastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence westerly along the northern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the southeastern corner of Parcel Index

    Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);

    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554, being also partly the limits of Old Chicopee Trail, Daimler Drive and Old Chicopee Drive, to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 14);

    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22553, being also the limit of Old Chicopee Drive, to the southwestern corner of Parcel Index Block 22550, being also the production southwesterly of the southeastern limit of Edenbridge Drive, in the City of Kitchener;


    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Blocks 22535 and 22538, being also partly the limit of Heritage Drive to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index Block 22538, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22545, being also partly the limit of Lorraine Avenue to the intersection of the southern limit of Lorraine Avenue with the western limit of Lackner Boulevard, in the City of Kitchener;


    The outer limit of the land in respect of which these Regulations apply, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 1 to 27, dated April 30, 2003, is described as follows:

    All those lands situate in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Wilmot, now in the Township of Wilmot, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Guelph, now in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa, in the County of Wellington, in the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the Township of Puslinch, in the County of Wellington and in the geographic Township of Guelph and the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the City of Guelph and described as follows:


    thence southerly along the western limit of Lot 128 and its production southerly to the intersection of the production southerly of the western limit of Lot 128 with the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 16);

    thence westerly along the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block to the northeast corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

    thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

    thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 12 to the southwest corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession;


    thence northerly along the southeastern limit of Lot 304 to the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, to the most northerly corner of Lot 295, Registered Plan 1340, being also the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northerly along the eastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence westerly along the northern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554, being also partly the limit of Old Chicopee Trail, in the City of Kitchener, to the intersection of the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554 with the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 20);


    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Blocks 22535 and 22538, being also partly the limit of Heritage Drive, to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index Block 22538, in the City of Kitchener;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22545, being also partly the limit of Lorraine Avenue, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lorraine Avenue with the western limit of Lackner Boulevard, in the City of Kitchener;




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