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  1. Assessable Activities, Exceptions and Executive Committee Projects Regulations - SOR/2005-379 (SCHEDULE 1 : Activities and Specific Exceptions)


    PART 5


    Column 1 Column 2
    Item Activity Specific Exception
    8 Other than in a national park, national park reserve, national historic site and on Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, taking, possessing or capturing and releasing of wildlife, other than a bird, for scientific or educational purposes Other than in a national park, national park reserve, national historic site and on Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, taking, possessing or capturing and releasing of wildlife, other than a bird, for scientific or educational purposes as part of any program, plan or study approved by the member of the Executive Council of Yukon responsible for the environment or, in the case of a local population of a species of wildlife that inhabits the settlement land of a first nation, approved by that first nation, on condition that before final approval by that member or the first nation, as the case may be, a version of the program, plan or study was reviewed in accordance with either a final agreement by the Fish and Wildlife Management Board or a Renewable Resources Council, or the Agreement, as defined in subsection 90(1) of the Act, by the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope)
    9 On other than Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, culling from a population of a species of wildlife, or destroying an entire population of a species of wildlife, for the purpose of protecting or enhancing the population levels of another species of wildlife On other than Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, culling from a population of a species of wildlife, or destroying an entire population of a species of wildlife, for the purpose of protecting or enhancing the population levels of another species of wildlife as part of any program, plan or study approved by the member of the Executive Council of Yukon responsible for the environment or, in the case of a local population of a species that inhabits the settlement land of a first nation, approved by that first nation, on condition that before final approval by that member or the first nation, as the case may be, a version of the program, plan or study was reviewed in accordance with either a final agreement by the Fish and Wildlife Management Board or a Renewable Resources Council, or the Agreement, as defined in subsection 90(1) of the Act, by the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope)
    10 On Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, taking or destroying a plant, mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird, fish, insect or invertebrate, of a species that is wild by nature, in accordance with a management plan approved by that Minister
    15 On other than Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, an activity that threatens, either directly or through the alteration of habitat, the continued existence of a population of a species of plant, mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird, fish, insect or invertebrate, that is wild by nature in an ecoregion delineated on a map deposited with the Board for the purpose of this item by the Regional Director General, Yukon Region of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on August 29, 2005 On other than Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, an activity that threatens, either directly or through the alteration of habitat, the continued existence of a population of a species of plant, mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird, fish, insect or invertebrate, that is wild by nature in an ecoregion delineated on a map deposited with the Board for the purpose of this item by the Regional Director General, Yukon Region of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on August 29, 2005, as part of any program, plan or study approved by the member of the Executive Council of Yukon responsible for the environment or, in the case of a local population of a species that inhabits the settlement land of a first nation, approved by that first nation, on condition that before final approval by that member or the first nation, as the case may be, a version of the program, plan or study was reviewed in accordance with either a final agreement by the Fish and Wildlife Management Board or a Renewable Resources Council, or the Agreement, as defined in subsection 90(1) of the Act, by the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope)

    PART 8

    Contaminants and Waste

    Column 1 Column 2
    Item Activity Specific Exception
    2 Removing, destroying or containing, or any other activity intended to reduce the exposure of human beings, animals and plants to, materials containing a contaminant found on a contaminated site

    On other than Crown land administered by a Minister of the Government of Canada, removing, destroying or containing, or any other activity intended to reduce the exposure of human beings, animals and plants to, materials containing a contaminant found on a contaminated site if


    PART 9


    Column 1 Column 2
    Item Activity Specific Exception
    1 Drilling, operation, modification, decommissioning or abandonment of, or other activity in relation to, a well for the extraction of groundwater
    • [...]

    • (2) On Crown land or settlement land in a municipality — including those settlement lands encircled by the municipality — a local advisory area, or a mapped community, drilling a well that is for the extraction of groundwater for domestic purposes

    • (3) On Crown land or settlement land, drilling a well that is for the extraction of groundwater using power-driven machinery that has an operating weight of 500 kg or less, excluding the weight of drill rods or stems, bits, pumps and any other ancillary equipment

    PART 13


    Column 1 Column 2
    Item Activity Specific Exception
    8 On other than Crown land and settlement land, the construction, operation, modification, decommissioning or abandonment of a storage tank system for petroleum products On other than Crown land and settlement land, the construction, operation, modification, decommissioning or abandonment of a storage tank system for petroleum products if its capacity is, and in the case of a modification remains, 100 000 L or less
    9 On Crown land or settlement land, the establishment of a petroleum fuel storage facility On Crown land or settlement land, the establishment of a petroleum fuel storage facility that has more than one container and a capacity of 4000 L or less
    10 On Crown land or settlement land, the storage of petroleum fuel in a container On Crown land or settlement land, the storage of petroleum fuel in a container that has a capacity of 2000 L or less
    11 On Crown land or settlement land, hydraulic prospecting, moving earth or clearing land using a stationary power-driven machine other than a power saw


    12 On Crown land or settlement land, moving earth or clearing land using a self-propelled power-driven machine



    On Crown land or settlement land, levelling, grading, clearing, cutting or snow ploughing of


    • (1) On Crown land or settlement land, levelling, grading, clearing, cutting or snow ploughing of


    15 On Crown land or settlement land, other than an Indian reserve, the extraction of sand, gravel, stone, marl, loam, clay or volcanic ash

    On Crown land or settlement land, other than an Indian reserve, the extraction


    18 On Crown land or settlement land, cutting standing or fallen trees or removing fallen or cut trees On Crown land or settlement land, other than an Indian reserve and Crown land administered by the Minister of National Defence, cutting 1000 m3 or less of standing or fallen trees or removing that amount of fallen or cut trees
    26 On Crown land administered by a Minister of the Government of Canada other than in a national park, national park reserve and national historic site, the construction, operation, modification, decommissioning or abandonment of a structure, facility or installation
    31 On Crown land or settlement land, application of a control product to control pests or diseases that threaten forest resources


  2. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



    • [...]

    • 3 Shepody National Wildlife Area


      • [...]

      • (2) Mary’s Point Unit

        All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Tenthly as follows:


        Tenthly, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated at Mary’s Point, Parish of Harvey, County of Albert, and Province of New Brunswick, and being more particularly described as follows:


        Being and intended to be those same lands as described in Transfer 24051402, dated June 21, 2007, from The Nature Conservancy of Canada to Crown Canada, Environment, registered June 26, 2007.


    • 1 Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area

      All those parcels of land, in the parishes of Saint-Joachim and Saint-Tite, in the Registration Division of Montmorency and described under Firstly to Seventhly as follows:

      Firstly, those two parcels of land lying within the Federal Crown Lands and being southwesterly of line OQ1 to OQ2 to 56 as shown on Plan 61025 recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa; said two parcels described under First and Second as follows:



    • [...]

    • 3.1 Long Point National Wildlife Area


      Saving and excepting from the above described Lots, Blocks and Parts, a strip of land along the water’s edge of Lake Erie and Long Point Bay, having a depth of 132 feet from said water’s edge; said strip being excepted for fishing purposes, but reserving always free access across the same in the rear thereof as set out in the original grant from the Crown for the said Lots and Blocks;


    • [...]

    • 7 Wye Marsh National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in the County of Simcoe, in the township of Tay, more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:

      Firstly, those portions of the east and west halves of lot 15, concession 3 transferred to Crown Canada by Provincial Order in Council OC-3973/67 dated September 14, 1967;



    • [...]

    • 5 Tway National Wildlife Area


      NOTE: All mines, minerals and mineral oils within the area herewith described are reserved to the Crown in right of the Province of Saskatchewan excepting those mines, minerals and mineral oils within the area included within the most easterly 402.336 metres of the said northeast quarter of said section 4 in said township 44.

    • [...]

    • 7 Raven Island National Wildlife Area


      NOTE: The minerals within the area herewith described are reserved to the Crown in right of the Province of Saskatchewan.

    • 8 Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area

      • [...]

      • (2) Saline Creek Unit

        Being all those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:

        Firstly, certificate of title No. 90-H-08591 registered September 26, 1990. The northeast and southeast quarters of section 4, township 29, range 23, west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan.

        Except: 0.22 hectare (0.55 acre) for roadway on Plan P5396. Minerals in the Crown.

        Secondly, certificate of title No. 68-H-03222 registered May 30, 1968. The southeast quarter of section 2 in township 29, in range 23, west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan. Minerals in the Crown.


      • (3) West Unit

        Being, all those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly and Secondly as follows:


        Secondly, certificate of title No. 67-S-08371 registered April 21, 1967. The northeast quarter of section 26, township 28, range 24, west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan. Minerals in the Crown.


      • (4) East Unit

        Being all those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:

        Firstly, certificate of title No. 77-03562 registered April 21, 1977. The whole of section 23, in township 28, in range 23, west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan.


        Excepting Secondly: All mines and minerals, as the said mines and minerals were reserved by Transfer registered as No. 77-H-03562 as to the northwest and southwest quarters. Minerals in the Crown as to the northeast and southeast quarters.



    • 1 Alaksen National Wildlife Area


      All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:


      Thirdly, that parcel being the southwest portion of District Lot 192A, as shown on the sketch with Crown Grant 8345F deposited in said office, containing about 30.4 hectares, save and except thereout: Parcel A on Reference Plan 1079 deposited in said office and that part containing 0.15 acre more or less on said Reference Plan 1079; and that part as shown on the plan attached with the By-law filed as 15778 in said office; and that part as shown on Reference Plan 10429 deposited in said office.

    • [...]

    • 3 Columbia National Wildlife Area

      • [...]

      • (2) Brisco Unit


        All those parcels more particularly described under Firstly to Secondly as follows:

        Firstly, that parcel being the whole of District Lot 1907 as shown on Plan 9Tr1-Kootenay, deposited in the Crown Land Registry at Victoria containing about 87.89 hectares;


      • (3) Spillimacheen Unit


        All those parcels more particularly described under Firstly to Fifthly as follows:

        Firstly, that parcel being the whole of Block “D” of District Lot 9004 as shown on Plan 17Tr1, deposited in the Crown Land Registry at Victoria containing about 32.4 hectares;


    • [...]

    • 5 Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in Similkameen Division, Yale District and in Kettle River Assessment District, being more particularly described as follows:

      • [...]

      • (l) C. of T. No H22504F dated 10 May, 1973. Firstly: District Lots 189 “S”, 498 “S” and 1499 “S”. Secondly: district Lot 497 “S” as shown on Crown Grant 118. Subject to Charges Nos. R.W.70032E dated 17 June, 1957, M.70342E dated 4 July, 1957, R.W.71885E dated 22 October, 1957, R.W.71887E dated 22 October, 1951, and M76706E dated 31 October, 1958.



  3. Regulations Amending the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations - SOR/2023-280 (SCHEDULE)





    Marginal note:Person indebted

    7 A reference to “person who is indebted to the Government” or “person who is indebted to the Crown” under any incorporated law is to be read as to include a reference to a person who is indebted to the Government of Alberta, the Crown in right of Alberta, His Majesty in right of Canada or the First Nation.


    Definition of Act



    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Property in records

    40 For greater certainty, the property in any record relating to historic resources prepared by the Crown in right of Alberta is vested in the Crown in right of Alberta.


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Public highway

    44 The definition public highway in clause 1(1)(l) of the Act is to be read without reference to the words “owned by the Crown or a local authority”.


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Crown

    70 A reference to “Crown” in subsection 50(3) of the Act is to be read as including a reference to “Crown in right of Canada”.


  4. Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations - SOR/2007-79 (SCHEDULE 2 : Adaptations)



    Marginal note:Person indebted

    7 A reference to “person who is indebted to the Government” or “person who is indebted to the Crown” under any incorporated law is to be read as to include a reference to a person who is indebted to the Government of Alberta, the Crown in right of Alberta, His Majesty in right of Canada or the First Nation.


    Definition of Act



    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Property in records

    40 For greater certainty, the property in any record relating to historic resources prepared by the Crown in right of Alberta is vested in the Crown in right of Alberta.


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Public highway

    44 The definition public highway in clause 1(1)(l) of the Act is to be read without reference to the words “owned by the Crown or a local authority”.


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Crown

    70 A reference to “Crown” in subsection 50(3) of the Act is to be read as including a reference to “Crown in right of Canada”.


  5. Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations - SOR/96-263 (SCHEDULE I : Animals Listed as Fauna and Plants Listed as Flora in the Appendices to the Convention)


















    II Crowned pigeons Gouras


    I Black crowned crane Grue couronnée


    I Red-crowned Japanese crane Grue du Japon


    I Lilac-crowned Amazon parrot Amazone à couronne lilas


    I Red-crowned parakeet Perruche à front rouge


    II Red-crowned roofed turtle Tortue


    II Crowned river turtle Tortue de rivière




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