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  1. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



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    • 8 Country Island National Wildlife Area

      All that certain island, piece or parcel of land situated at Country Island, County of Guysborough, Province of Nova Scotia, shown as Parcel CI-R (Country Island Remainder) on Department of Public Works and Government Services Plan S-6549 titled “Plan of Survey of Parcel A, Subdivision of Country Island, and Showing Parcel CI-R (Country Island Remainder), Land Granted to H. M. in right of Canada”, dated February 4, 2020, as signed by H. James McIntosh, Nova Scotia Land Surveyor, said Parcel CI-R being more particularly described as follows:


      Beginning at the intersection of the western and northern boundaries of Parcel A at Point 1, said point being at coordinates north 4 995 577.556 metres and east 24 496 638.732 metres, as shown on the above mentioned plan;

      Thence north 88°00′00″ east along the northern boundary of Parcel A, 40.000 metres to the eastern boundary of Parcel A;

      Thence south 02°00′00″ east along the eastern boundary of Parcel A, 40.000 metres to the southern boundary of Parcel A;


    • 9 Isle Haute National Wildlife Area

      All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated at Isle Haute, County of Cumberland, Province of Nova Scotia, shown as Parcel IH-R (Isle Haute Remainder) on Department of Public Works and Government Services Plan S-6551 titled “Plan of Survey of Parcel A, Subdivision of Isle Haute, and Showing Parcel IH-R (Isle Haute Remainder), Land Granted to H. M. in right of Canada”, dated February 7, 2020, as signed by H. James McIntosh, Nova Scotia Land Surveyor, said Parcel IH-R being more particularly described as follows:


      Beginning at the intersection of the northeastern and southeastern boundaries of Parcel A at Point 3, said point being at coordinates north 5 012 429.799 metres and east 25 460 351.299 metres as shown on the above mentioned plan;


      Thence north 65°38′00″ east along the northwestern boundary of Parcel A, 61.000 metres to the northeastern boundary of Parcel A;

      Thence south 24°22′00″ east along the northeastern boundary of Parcel A, 61.000 metres to the Place of Beginning.


    • 10 St. Paul Island National Wildlife Area

      All that certain lot, piece, parcel of land and land covered by water commonly known as St. Paul Island, having an approximate centroid coordinate of north 5 231 500.000 metres and east 715 750.000 metres, situated in the Gulf of St. Lawrence off the northeastern coast of Cape North, County of Victoria, Cape Breton Island, Province of Nova Scotia.



    • 1 Tintamarre National Wildlife Area

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      • (2) Hog Lake Unit

        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Hog Lake Section, near Midgic, in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown on Department of Public Works Plan S-172, dated February 27, 1973, and titled “Plan of Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, Hog Lake Section, Showing Properties Required by Department of Environment, (C.W.S.)”, as signed by Jean-Louis Veilleux, registered February 28, 1973, as plan number 8009, said lands being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at a point (P1A) situated on a southeastern boundary of lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm and on a Northeastern boundary of lands now or formerly of the estate of David Wheaton and at the most northern corner of the hereinafter described lands, as shown on the above mentioned plan, said point (P1A) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 372.81 feet and north 807 662.96 feet;

        Thence 150°03′05″, a distance of 1434.760 feet to a point (2A), said point (2A) having grid coordinate values of east 1 562 089.08 feet and north 806 219.78 feet;

        Thence 114°57′57″, a distance of 684.83 feet to a point (13A), said point (13A) having grid coordinate values of east 1 562 709.92 feet and north 806 130.73 feet;

        Thence 165°14′22″, a distance of 1632.37 feet to a point (P12) situated on a northwestern boundary of lands now or formerly of H.M. in right of the Province of New Brunswick, said point (P12) having grid coordinate values of east 1 563 125.82 feet and north 804 552.23 feet;

        Thence 210°34′46″, a distance of 2128.60 feet to a point (14-1), said point (14-1) having grid coordinate values of east 1 526 042.91 feet and north 802 719.64 feet;

        Thence 270°39′50″, a distance of 1282.66 feet to a point (P16), said point (P16) having grid coordinate values of east 1 560 760.34 feet and north 802 734.50;

        Thence continuing 270°39′50″, a distance of 647.95 feet to a point (P15), said point (P15) having grid coordinate values of east 1 560 112.43 fee and north 802 742.00 feet;

        Thence continuing 270°39′50″, a distance of 580.05 feet to a point (P14) situated on an eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, said point (P14) having grid coordinate values of east 1 559 532.42 feet and north 802 748.72 feet;

        Thence along the said eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 16°35′27″, a distance of 3273.17 feet to a point (P11), said point (P11) having grid coordinate values of east 1 560 467.03 feet and north 805 885.62 feet;

        Thence 113°06′12″, a distance of 442.01 feet to a point (P17), said point (P17) having grid coordinate values of east 1 560 873.59 feet and north 805 712.18 feet;

        Thence 09°46′23″, a distance of 970.24 feet to a point (P6) situated on a southern boundary of lands now or formerly of said Ivan Trenholm, said point (P6) having grid coordiante values of east 1 561 038.29 feet and north 806 668.34 feet;

        Thence along the said southern boundary of lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 113°38′05″, a distance of 214.59 feet to a point (P5), said point (P5) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 234.88 feet and north 806 582.31 feet;

        Thence along a southern boundary of said lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 118°38′24″, a distance of 205.49 feet to a point (P4), said point (P4) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 438.04 feet and north 806 551.44 feet;

        Thence along an eastern boundary of said lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 09°16′37″, a distance of 340.06 feet to a point (P3), said point (P3) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 492.86 feet and north 806 887.05 feet;

        Thence along a northeastern boundary of said lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 328°00′06″, a distance of 669.43 feet to a point (P2), said point (P2) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 138.13 feet and north 807 454.77 feet;

        Thence along the first said southeastern boundary of lands now or formerly of Ivan Trenholm, 48°23′05″, a distance of 290.89 feet to a point (P1), said point (P1) having grid coordinate values of east 1 561 355.61 feet and north 807 647.96 feet;


      • (3) Towers Goose Unit


        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Towers Goose Lake Section, near Midgic, in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel “A” on Department of Public Works Plan S-520, dated September 26, 1978, and titled “Plan Showing Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, Towers Goose Lake Section”, as signed by James C. Henderson, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, registered December 27, 1978 as instrument number 11931, said Parcel “A” being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at a point (40) situated on a southeastern boundary of lands now or formerly of A.B. Copp and on a southwestern boundary of lands now or formerly claimed by Herman Estabrooks and at the most northern corner of the hereinafter described Parcel “A”, said point (40) having grid coordinate values of east 1 557 485.08 feet and north 810 994.97 feet;


        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Towers Goose Lake Section, near Midgic, in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel “B” on Department of Public Works Plan S-520, dated September 26, 1978, and titled “Plan Showing Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, Towers Goose Lake Section”, as signed by James C. Henderson, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, registered December 27, 1978 as instrument number 11931, said Parcel “B” being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at an iron pin (2) situated on a southeastern boundary of lands now or formerly of Alder T. Estabrooks and on a marsh line, as shown on the above mentioned plan, said iron pin (2) being 91°21′18″, a distance of 1168.05 feet from New Brunswick Grid Monument No. 21120, said iron pin (2) having grid coordinate values of east 1 558 842.36 feet and north 814 866.47 feet;


        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Towers Goose Lake Section, near Midgic, in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel “E” on survey plan dated January 28, 1980 and titled “Subdivision Plan of John Kay Jr. Estate Subdivision, Located South East of N.B. Route No. 940”, as signed by James C. Henderson, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, registered August 22, 1980 as Plan No. 12994.


      • (4) Coles Island Marsh Unit

        All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, being situated at Coles Island Marsh in the Parish of Sackville, County of Westmorland, Province of New Brunswick, shown on Department of Transport Plan MT-0299, dated November 13, 1968 and titled “Plan Showing Land Required by Canada Department of Agriculture at Coles Island Marsh”, registered August 6, 1969 as instrument number 6577 in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Westmorland, said lands being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at a survey marker situated at the intersection of the easterly limits of an unnumbered road passing through the Tantramar East and Coles Island Marshes, with the southerly bank of a creek, said creek forming at this point the boundary between the Tantramar East and Coles Island Marsh;

        Thence north 40°45′51″ east, a distance of 160.63 feet along the above mentioned creek to a survey marker;

        Thence continuing along the said creek, north 76°56′14″ east, a distance of 167.76 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence continuing along the said creek, north 60°18′48″ east, a distance of 86.25 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence continuing along the said creek, north 33°04′34″ east, a distance of 114.02 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence south 43°29′36″ east, a distance of 766.59 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence north 45°40′42″ east, a distance of 593.95 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence south 43°35′48″ east, a distance of 386.67 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence north 46°25′30″ east, a distance of 454.32 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence south 43°20′36″ east, a distance of 243.02 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence north 43°43′12″ east, a distance of 275.39 feet to a survey marker situated on the southerly bank of a creek, said creek forming at this point the boundary between the La Coupe and Coles Island Marsh;

        Thence along the said creek, south 66°36′43″ east, a distance of 774.52 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence continuing along the said creek, south 54°31′33″ east, a distance of 838.49 feet to a survey marker;

        Thence continuing along the said creek, south 46°04′55″ east, a distance of 144.04 feet to a survey marker;


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    • 3 Shepody National Wildlife Area


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      • (3) New Horton Unit

        All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Ninthly as follows:


        Seventhly, all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situated at Upper New Horton, Parish of Harvey, County of Albert, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel 03-3 on Public Works and Government Services Canada Plan S-4813, dated April 10, 2003, as signed by Shane S. Flanagan, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, said Parcel 03-3 being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at a survey marker (87) situated on an easterly boundary of lands now or formerly of Edward Bennett (PID 05030051) and on a southerly boundary of lands now or formerly of Charles Wesley Gillies and Jennifer Gillies (PID 05014733), as shown on the above mentioned plan, said survey marker (87) having grid coordinate values of east 2 639 641.992 metres and north 7 410 364.811 metres;


        Eighthly, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated at Upper New Horton, Parish of Harvey, County of Albert, Province of New Brunswick, shown as Parcel 03-4 on Public Works and Government Services Canada Plan S-4813, dated April 10, 2003, as signed by Shane S. Flanagan, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, said Parcel 03-4 being more particularly described as follows:

        Beginning at a survey marker (86) situated on a northerly boundary of lands now or formerly of Victor C. Stone and Janet E. Stone (PID 00631440) and at the most westerly corner of the hereinafter described Parcel 03-4 and on the westerly limit of the New Horton Marsh, as shown on the above mentioned plan, said survey marker (86) having grid coordinate values of east 2 639 317.256 metres and north 7 409 846.450 metres;


    • 4 Cape Jourimain National Wildlife Area

      In the County of Westmorland, in the Parish of Botsford,

      All those parcels of land more particularly described as follows:


      Lot 96-1 as shown on Survey Plan of Strait Crossing Development Inc. located on the north side of Highway 955 and on the east side of Trenholm Road No. 1, surveyed by Kenneth F. MacDonald, N.B.L.S., a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records as FB 34121 and containing about 64 hectares.


      Those parcels of land being more particularly described under Firstly, Secondly and Thirdly as follows:



      All that parcel commencing at a point, said point being a survey marker situated on the easterly limit and the northerly limit of Parcel 92-2 as shown on Department of Supply and Services and of Public Works Plan S-2971, dated October 19, 1992, amended July 30, 1993, signed by D. E. Black, N.B.L.S., said point being shown on said plan as No. 9040 and said point having coordinates of East 505 184.913 metres and North 762 940.682 metres;



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    • 6 Baie de L’Isle-Verte National Wildlife Area

      • (1) In the municipality of L’Isle-Verte, all those designated lots and parts of lots including the undesignated river lots of the parish of Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-l’Île-Verte in the registration division of Témiscouata and which may be more particularly described under Firstly to Fifthly as follows:


        Less, a part of said lot 79 bounded toward the south-east by another part of lot 79 (Road No. 132), toward the south-west by lot 81 and toward the north-west and the north-east by other parts of lot 79; measuring 6.20 metres toward the south-east, 10.84 metres toward the south-west, 6.20 metres toward the north-west and 10.82 metres toward the north-east; containing about 66.0 m².

        Less, a part of said lot 272 bounded toward the south-east by another part of lot 272 (Road No. 132), toward the south-west by lot 273, toward the north-west and the north-east by other parts of lot 272; measuring 22.43 metres toward the south-east, 38.94 metres toward the south-west, 20.12 metres toward the north-west and 47.53 metres toward the north-east; containing about 869.9 m².


    • 1 Big Creek National Wildlife Area

      • (1) Big Creek Unit

        Being all those parcels of land, in the regional municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, in the township of Norfolk, formerly in the geographic township of South-Walsingham, County of Norfolk, particularly described under Firstly to Fifthly as follows:


        Fourthly, the reserve two chains in width inland from the water’s edge of Lake Erie in the marsh in front of said lots 10, 11 and 12, concession B, said lots 13 and 14, concession A and in the marsh lying east of the marsh in front of said lot 14;


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    • 5 St. Clair National Wildlife Area

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      • (2) Bear Creek Unit

        Being all those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:

        Firstly, all those parcels being parts of lots 18, 19 and 20, in concession 16, in the County of Kent, in the Township of Dover east, designated as parts 1, 3, 5 and 6 in the deed registered in the Land Registry Office for the registration division of the County of Kent at Chatham as Instrument No. 419841; said parcels are shown on a plan deposited in said registry office as Number 24R-3414; said parcels containing together about 46.53 hectares.


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    • 7 Wye Marsh National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in the County of Simcoe, in the township of Tay, more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:

      Firstly, those portions of the east and west halves of lot 15, concession 3 transferred to Crown Canada by Provincial Order in Council OC-3973/67 dated September 14, 1967;

      Secondly, that portion of the east half of lot 15, concession 3 shown as Part 1 on a plan of survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe (51) as Plan 51R-1584;

      Thirdly, those portions of the east halves of lots 15 and 16 and of the road allowance between said lots, concession 3 shown as Part 1 on a plan of survey deposited in said Office as Plan 51R-2429; said portions containing together about 116 acres.


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    • 2 Rockwood National Wildlife Area

      Being all that parcel of land, in township 15, range 3, east of the principal meridian, that part of the northwest quarter of section 17 lying westerly of the westerly limit of drainage ditch right-of-way according to a plan deposited in the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg as 2720; said part containing 74.26 acres, more or less.



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    • 4 St-Denis National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land in township 37, range 1, west of the third meridian, all of section 28, and the east half of section 29;


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    • 7 Raven Island National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land in township 40, range 21, west of the second meridian, legal subdivisions 3, 5, 6 and 11 of section 17, the east half of legal subdivision 4 of said section 17, those parts of Raven Island included in legal subdivisions 7, 10 and 15 of said section 17 which are not covered by any of the waters of Lenore Lake, (the natural boundaries of said parts are as determined by survey dated September 20, 1906 as stated in Certificate of Title No. 82-H-03380 in the Land Titles Office for the Humboldt Land Registration District at Humboldt), the east half of legal subdivision 12 of said section 17, the east half and the southwest quarter of legal subdivision 14 of said section 17.


    • 8 Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area

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      • (4) East Unit



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    • 2 Meanook National Wildlife Area


      Less that part being described as follows; commencing at a point on the east boundary of the northwest quarter of section 12, said point being distant 96.01 metres southerly from the northeast corner of said northwest quarter section; thence southerly along the east boundary of said northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence westerly along a line parallel to the north boundary of said northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence northerly along a line parallel to said east boundary, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence easterly along a line parallel to the said north boundary of the northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement. Said part containing an area of 4.55 hectares;

      And less a road right-of-way, said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows; commencing at a point on the north boundary of the northwest quarter of section 12, said point being distant 60.96 metres, more or less, westerly from the northeast corner of said northwest quarter section; thence southerly along a line parallel to the east boundary of said northwest quarter section to a point on the north boundary of the aforesaid described part; thence westerly along the north boundary of said part, a distance of 12.19 metres to a point; thence northerly along a line parallel to the said east boundary of the northwest quarter section to a point on the north boundary of said northwest quarter section; thence easterly along said north boundary of the northwest quarter section to the point of commencement.



    • 1 Alaksen National Wildlife Area


      All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:


      Secondly, that parcel being the whole of Parcel F of District Lots 190, 192A, 193, 194, 597 and 598, as shown on Reference Plan 57378 deposited in the land title office at New Westminster, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as Plan 79512, containing about 283.15 hectares save and except thereout:

      That part of Parcel F, lying south of Robertson Slough, being more particularly described as:

      Commencing at an iron post at the southeast corner of the 43.6 acre parcel shown on Plan 10429, deposited in said office; thence west, following the south boundary of said 43.6 acre parcel, a distance of 487.75 metres more or less to an iron post shown on Plan 10429, deposited in said office; thence on a bearing of 28°06′30″ a distance of 152.22 metres more or less to an iron post; thence on a bearing of 352°12′30″ a distance of 146.12 metres more or less to an iron post; thence due east a distance of 121.92 metres more or less to an iron post; thence due south a distance of 60.96 metres more or less to an iron post; thence due east a distance of 213.82 metres more or less to an iron post; thence on a bearing of 40°21′00″ a distance of 121.15 metres more or less to an iron post; thence on a bearing of 105°47′00″ a distance of 22.50 metres more or less to an iron post; thence due south, following the east boundary of said 43.6 acre parcel, a distance of 304.29 metres more or less to the point of commencement.


    • 2 Widgeon Valley National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in New Westminster District, in township 41, east of the Coast Meridian according to a plan of said township approved and confirmed by E. Deville, Surveyor General, April 25, 1913, the southwest quarter and legal subdivisions 2, 7, 11 and 14 of section 12, said quarter and legal subdivision including the bed of any lake or stream lying therein and containing together 308.8 acres, more or less.

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    • 5 Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in Similkameen Division, Yale District and in Kettle River Assessment District, being more particularly described as follows:

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      • (b) C. of T. No. F5547F dated 24 February, 1971. Firstly: That portion of that part of District Lot 292, outlined red on plan “B” 3130, shown as Parcel “A” on plan “A” 1226, outlined green on plan “M” 8265. Secondly: That portion of those parts of District Lots 292 and 647 “S” shown outlined red on plan “B” 3130, lying to the west of plan “A” 1266 and to the east of plan “A” 1533, shown outlined green on plan “M” 8265. Subject to charges Numbers R.W.73986E and R.W.73987E both dated 4 April, 1958.

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      • (d) C. of T. No. K13596F dated 27 March, 1975. That part of Sub-Lot 15, District Lot 2710, which lies east of the easterly boundary of the right-of-way of the Okanagan Water Power Company as said right-of-way is shown on Plan “A” 413. Less, the southerly 55.9 chains thereof measured along the easterly boundary of said Lot.

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      • (j) C. of T. No. M21527F dated 19 April, 1977. Those parts of District Lots 292 and 647 “S” included within the boundaries of Plan “B” 3130. Less, 1) those portions thereof contained within the boundaries of plan “A” 1533 and contained within the red boundaries of plan “A” 1266; 2) that portion of that part of District Lot 292 shown as Parcel “A” on plan “A” 1266 outlined green on plan “M” 8265; and 3) that portion of those parts of District Lots 292 and 647 “S” lying to the west of plan “A” 1266 and to the east of plan “A” 1533 shown outlined green on plan “M” 8265. Subject to charges Nos. R.W.73987E dated 23 April, 1978, M.76706E dated 31 October, 1958.



    • 1 Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area


      That certain parcel of land shown as Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area on Appendix B Maps, Sheets 23, 46, 47, 48 and 49 of the Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement dated the 29th day of May 1993 between the Teslin Tlingit Council, the Government of Canada and the Government of the Yukon; said maps recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 75204; said parcel being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence east along latitude 60°15′11″ to its intersection with longitude 132°29′02″;


      Thence east along latitude 60°16′10″ to the easterly bank of the Nisutlin River at approximate longitude 132°33′25″;



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    • 4 Nanuit Itillinga National Wildlife Area

      Being all that parcel, on Bathurst Island and adjoining waters, being more particularly described as follows:


      Commencing at a point near Rapid Point having coordinates 8 421 000 north and 540 000 east; thence southerly to a point having coordinates 8 412 000 north and 537 600 east; thence southwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 406 700 north and 531 300 east; thence southeasterly to a point near Black Point having coordinates 8 401 500 north and 545 500 east; thence southerly to a point having coordinates 8 373 800 north and 545 700 east; thence southeasterly to a point having coordinates 8 368 700 north and 549 200 east; thence southwesterly to a point near Brooman Point having coordinates 8 367 000 north and 548 000 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 372 000 north and 542 500 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 380 000 north and 541 600 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 383 300 north and 536 200 east; thence westerly to a point having coordinates 8 383 300 north and 472 600 east; thence northwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 384 900 north and 470 900 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 386 100 north and 470 800 east; thence northeasterly to a point having coordinates 8 388 100 north and 475 600 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 398 600 north and 476 400 east; thence southwesterly to a point having coordinates 8 390 000 north and 440 000 east; thence northerly to a point having coordinates 8 410 000 north and 440 000 east; thence easterly to a point having coordinates 8 410 000 north and 500 000 east; thence northeasterly to the point of commencement.


  2. Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - SOR/2002-222 (SCHEDULE 2)


    Tailings Impoundment Areas

    Column 1 Column 2
    Item Water or Place Description
    1 Anderson Lake, Manitoba

    Anderson Lake located at 54°51′ north latitude and 100°0′ west longitude near the town of Snow Lake, Manitoba. More precisely, the area bounded by

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    • (b) the control dam built at the east end of Anderson Lake.

    15 Sandy Pond, Newfoundland and Labrador

    Sandy Pond, located at 47°25′33″ north latitude and 53°46′52″ west longitude, on the Avalon Peninsula, approximately 3 km east southeast of the town of Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights, Newfoundland and Labrador. More precisely, the area bounded by


    20 The unnamed headwater pond of an unnamed tributary of East Creek, Ontario An unnamed headwater pond of an unnamed tributary of East Creek, located at 50°02′17″ north latitude and 79°40′57″ west longitude, approximately 145 km northeast of the town of Cochrane, Ontario.
    21 A portion of an unnamed tributary to East Creek, Ontario A portion of an unnamed tributary to East Creek, Ontario, located approximately 145 km northeast of the town of Cochrane, Ontario. More precisely, a 2.3-km portion of the tributary extending northwards and downstream from the outlet of the unnamed headwater pond referred to in item 20, to the centre of a dam constructed at 50°02′43″ north latitude and 79°40′20″ west longitude.
    33 An unnamed pond east of Lake Bernadette, Quebec, and a portion of its outlet An unnamed pond located at 49°48′43″ north latitude and 74°04′01″ west longitude and a portion of its outlet extending from the mouth of the outlet located at 49°48′47″ north latitude and 74°03′59″ west longitude for a distance of 190 m northwards and downstream from that mouth.
    42 Portions of an unnamed creek, Quebec

    Two portions of an unnamed creek located approximately 15 km northwest of the town of Sept-Îles, Quebec. More precisely,

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    • (b) the east portion of the creek extending for a distance of 267 m from the point located at 50°15′19.58″ north latitude and 66°29′45.99″ west longitude to the point located at 50°15′14.18″ north latitude and 66°29′45.19″ west longitude and covering 0.0555 ha.

    61 East Beaver Pond, Ontario East Beaver Pond, located at 47°32′19.24″ north latitude and 81°55′14.03″ west longitude, approximately 20 km from the community of Gogama, Ontario.
    76 An unnamed pond located approximately 7 km east of Timmins, Ontario An unnamed pond located at 48°25′13.16″ north latitude and 81°13′36.68″ west longitude, approximately 7 km east of Timmins, Ontario.
    77 All waters located within the area described in column 2, located approximately 7 km east of Timmins, Ontario The waters located within an area located approximately 7 km east of Timmins, Ontario. More precisely, the area bounded by 10 straight lines connecting 10 points starting at the point located at 48°26′15.702″ north latitude and 81°12′06.872″ west longitude to the point located 105 m north at 48°26′18.910″ north latitude and 81°12′05.184″ west longitude to the point located 60 m east at 48°26′18.424″ north latitude and 81°12′02.372″ west longitude to the point located 67 m north at 48°26′20.533″ north latitude and 81°12′01.530″ west longitude to the point located 61 m east at 48°26′20.256″ north latitude and 81°11′58.592″ west longitude to the point located 97 m south at 48°26′17.146″ north latitude and 81°11′59.179″ west longitude to the point 124 m west at 48°26′18.175″ north latitude and 81°12′05.036″ west longitude to the point located 49 m south at 48°26′16.656″ north latitude and 81°12′05.782″ west longitude to the point located 9 m east at 48°26′16.566″ north latitude and 81°12′05.357″ west longitude to the point located 40 m south at 48°26′15.346″ north latitude and 81°12′05.933″ west longitude and ending at the point located 22 m west at 48°26′15.702″ north latitude and 81°12′06.872″ west longitude.
    79 All waters located within the area described in column 2, located approximately 13 km northwest of Fermont, Quebec The waters located within an area located approximately 13 km northwest of Fermont, Quebec. More precisely, the area bounded by four straight lines connecting four points starting at the point located at 52°49′37.429″ north latitude and 67°16′46.925″ west longitude to the point located 969.96 m east at 52°49′38.194″ north latitude and 67°15′55.125″ west longitude to the point located 2553.10 m southeast at 52°48′40.608″ north latitude and 67°14′17.352″ west longitude to the point located 2199.44 m southwest at 52°47′55.614″ north latitude and 67°15′48.342″ west longitude to the point located 3332.29 m northwest at 52°49′37.429″ north latitude and 67°16′46.925″ west longitude.
    81 All waters located within the area described in column 2, located approximately 10 km northeast of Marathon, Ontario The waters located within an area located approximately 10 km northeast of the town of Marathon, Ontario. More precisely, the area bounded by six straight lines connecting six points starting at the point located at 48°47′56.14″ north latitude and 86°18′27.43″ west longitude to the point located 797 m east at 48°47′56.19″ north latitude and 86°17′48.26″ west longitude to the point located 393 m south at 48°47′44.11″ north latitude and 86°17′54.44″ west longitude to the point located 480 m west at 48°47′40.81″ north latitude and 86°18′17.41″ west longitude to the point located 722 m southwest at 48°47′19.25″ north latitude and 86°18′31.12″ west longitude to the point located 435 m west at 48°47′18.87″ north latitude and 86°18′52.38″ west longitude and ending at the point located 1260 m northeast at 48°47′56.14″ north latitude and 86°18′27.43″ west longitude.


  3. Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/99-123 (SCHEDULE)



    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence northwesterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concession 2 North of Dundas Street and Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Toronto, in the City of Mississauga, to the most southern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence southwesterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 East of Hurontario Street, to the most eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of Lot 1 to the most southern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence continuing southwesterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 East of Hurontario Street, to the most eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to the most eastern corner of Block G, as shown on a plan of subdivision registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Number 43) as plan M-219;

    thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeastern limit of Block G, and continuing in a general northwesterly direction along the southwestern limit of Blocks G and H, as shown on plan M-219, to the intersection of the southwestern limit of Block H with the northwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to its intersection with the limit between the East and West halves of Lot 1;

    thence northwesterly along the limit between the East and West halves of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to the most western corner of the East half of Lot 11;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 11, in Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to its most northern corner;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 East of Hurontario Street to the most western corner of Lot 11, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 East of Hurontario Street to the most western corner of Lot 12, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 12, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street, to its intersection with the limit between the East and West halves of Lot 12;

    thence northwesterly along the limit between the East and West halves of Lots 13, 14 and 15, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street, to the most western corner of the East half of Lot 15, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 15, in Concession 3 East of Hurontario Street, to its most northern corner;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 East of Hurontario Street to the most western corner of Lot 15, in Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 15, in Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street, to its most northern corner;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 East of Hurontario Street to the most western corner of Lot 15, in Concession 5 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 15, in Concession 5 East of Hurontario Street, to its most northern corner;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6 East of Hurontario Street to the most western corner of Lot 15, in Concession 6 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of Lot 15, in Concession 6 East of Hurontario Street, to its most western corner;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concession 6 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Toronto, and Concession 7 Southern Division, in the geographic Township of Toronto Gore, both Townships now in the City of Brampton, to the most western corner of Lot 15, in Concession 7 Southern Division;


    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Plan No. 21-005 94-138, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, dated July 31, 1995, is described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 North of Dundas Street (now within Burnhamthorpe Road East) to the southern corner of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street;


    thence northwesterly along the production of the southwestern limit of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street, across the road allowance between Concession 2 North of Dundas Street and Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street to a point in the northwestern limit of the road allowance;


    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Toronto and Chinguacousy (now within Steeles Avenue) to the southern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Chinguacousy;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street, to its intersection with the western production of the southern limit of Peel Village Parkway, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 679;


    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Clarence Street as shown on registered plan 521, to its intersection with the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Chinguacousy;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 East of Hurontario Street, to the eastern corner of Lot 6, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Lot 6, in Concessions 2, 3 and 4 East of Hurontario Street, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 6 in Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street with the southeastern production of the northeastern limit of Central Park Drive, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 857;


    thence southeasterly along the limit between the East and West halves of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division, to the southern corner of the East half of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of the East half of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division, to its eastern corner;


    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 North of Dundas Street (now within Burnhamthorpe Road East) to the southern corner of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street;


    thence northwesterly along the production of the southwestern limit of Lot 10, in Concession 2 North of Dundas Street, across the road allowance between Concession 2 North of Dundas Street and Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street, to a point in the northwestern limit of the road allowance;

    thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between Concession 2 North of Dundas Street and Concession 2 East of Hurontario Street (now within Eglinton Avenue) to the eastern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 1 West of Hurontario Street;


    thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Toronto and Chinguacousy (now within Steeles Avenue), to the southern corner of Lot 1, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Chinguacousy;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Lot 1, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street, to its intersection with the western production of the southern limit of Peel Village Parkway, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 679;


    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Clarence Street, as shown on registered plan 521, to its intersection with the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Chinguacousy;

    thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 East of Hurontario Street to the eastern corner of Lot 6, in Concession 1 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Lot 6, in Concessions 2, 3 and 4 East of Hurontario Street, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 6, in Concession 4 East of Hurontario Street, with the southeastern production of the northeastern limit of Central Park Drive, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 857;

    thence northwesterly along the southeastern production of the northeastern limit of Central Park Drive, and northwesterly and northeasterly along the eastern limit of Central Park Drive, as shown on plan 857, and along the production of the eastern limit, to its intersection with the southwestern limit of the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 East of Hurontario Street;

    thence northeasterly in a straight line across the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 East of Hurontario Street to the southeastern limit of Central Park Drive, as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 866;


    thence southeasterly along the northeastern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Chinguacousy and Toronto Gore to the eastern corner of Lot 6, in Concession 6 East of Hurontario Street, in the geographic Township of Chinguacousy, in the City of Brampton;


    thence southeasterly along the limit between the East and West halves of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division, to the southern corner of the East half of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division;

    thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of the East half of Lot 3, in Concession 9 Northern Division, to its eastern corner;


  4. Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-93 (SCHEDULE V)


    Fish Sanctuaries

    Column I Column II
    Item Description Close Time
    • (1) The waters of that part of Lake Erie in the townships of Delhi and Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, being composed of all the waters of Inner Bay of Long Point Bay, including all waters joining said Inner Bay lying within the following limits: commencing at the intersection of the water’s edge of Inner Bay of Long Point Bay with the westerly limit of Lot 1, Concession B, as shown on the plan of the Township of Charlotteville; thence northerly along that westerly limit to the intersection with the easterly limit of the right-of-way of Haldimand-Norfolk Region Road Number 16; thence northerly along that easterly limit to the intersection with the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the travelled road known locally as Front Road; thence easterly along that southerly limit across Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Concession B, as shown on the plan of the Township of Charlotteville, to the intersection with the northwesterly production of a line joining a control survey monument, indexed with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as station 008750128, located on the northerly extremity of Pottahawk Point, 42°36′35.76073″N., 80°17′10.00336″W. and a control survey monument, indexed with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as station 008750127, located on the lands of the Turkey Point Marina, 42°39′57.40627″N., 80°19′52.25129″W.; thence southeasterly along the northwesterly production and the line to the said control survey monument on Pottahawk Point; thence south astronomically to the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Long Point; thence westerly along that water’s edge to the intersection with a line drawn on a course of south 26°00′ east from the place of beginning; thence north 26°00′ west along that line to the place of beginning.

    May 15 to the Friday preceding the last Saturday in June
    • (2) The waters of that part of Lake Erie in the City of Port Colborne in the Regional Municipality of Niagara lying within the following limits: commencing at the most southerly point in the water’s edge along the shore of Cassaday Point 42°52’1.79”N., 79°13’4.8”W.; thence south astronomically 500 m into Lake Erie to a point at 42°51’45.71”N., 79°13’4.19”W.; thence east astronomically 1 km to a point at 42°51’46.72” N., 79°12’14.73”W.; thence northerly in a straight line to a point at 42°52’17.66”N., 79°12’15.88”W.; along the water’s edge to the place of beginning.

    June 1 to July 15
    • (4) The waters of that part of Gravelly Bay of Lake Erie in the City of Port Colborne in the Regional Municipality of Niagara lying northerly and westerly of the following lines: commencing at the southeasterly corner of the breakwater on the east side of Welland Canal; thence east astronomically 500 m into Lake Erie to a point at 42°52’7.9”N., 79°14’9.87”W.; thence northerly in a straight line to the intersection of the water’s edge of Lake Erie at 42°52’32.48”N., 79°14’10.81”W., and following the water’s edge westerly, including the inlet, north of Nickel’s Beach, contained in Lot 26, Concession 1, as shown on the plan of the Township of Humberstone, to the place of beginning.

    June 1 to July 15
    • (5) The waters of that part of Lake Erie in the Town of Fort Erie in the Regional Municipality of Niagara lying within the following limits: commencing at a point starting from Stonemill Road at 42°52’31.47”N., 78°59’57.76”W. extending 750 m south into Lake Erie to 42°52’11.17”N., 78°59’57.11”W.; then moving east astronomically by 1.25 km to a point at 42°52’12.49”N., 78°58’ 46.02”W.; then northward towards Rosehill Road. to 42°52’46.83”N., 78°58’47.12”W. and following the water’s edge westerly to the place of the beginning.

    June 1 to July 15
    • (7) The waters of that part of the Thames River in the counties of Elgin, Kent and Middlesex extending easterly from the east side of the Keil Drive Bridge, also known as the Parry Bridge, in the City of Chatham to the west side of the Middlemiss Bridge at the junction of County Road Number 9 in the County of Middlesex and County Road Number 14 in the county of Elgin.

    Mar. 15 to Apr. 15
    • (30) The waters of that part of the Sydenham River in the Township of Derby in the County of Grey known as Artificial Spawning Channel Number Two described as follows: the waters of a channel beginning at the stone control structure located on the east side of the Sydenham River 55 m, more or less, upstream from the North Grey/Sauble Conservation Authority Bridge located on Lot 12, Concession I in the Township of Derby; thence downstream in a northerly direction a distance of 155 m, more or less, to the point where the said channel re-enters the main channel of the Sydenham River.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (48) The waters of that part of Whitemans Creek and its tributaries from East Quarter Town Line Road in the Township of Burford downstream to the confluence of the Grand River.

    October 1 to the Friday preceding the last Saturday in April
    • (50) The waters of that part of the Sydenham River, in the City of Owen Sound and in the geographic Township of Derby, from the base of Inglis Falls downstream to a line drawn due east from the north end of the bridge known locally as either the Chinese or the Rainbow Bridge to the point of land marked by a permanent steel post marker affixed to the shore of the Sydenham River in Harrison Park.

    Sept. 1 to Sept. 30
    • (18) The waters of those parts of Lovesick Lake in the townships of Harvey and Smith, in the County of Peterborough, described as follows:

      FIRSTLY: That part of Lovesick Lake lying easterly of the east gate of Lovesick Lock of the Trent Canal system and of the east face of the two dams constructed at the south end of Wolf Island to a line drawn southerly from the shore of Wolf Island to the shore of Millage Island and being parallel to and 100 m in perpendicular distance from the east gate of Lovesick Lock.

      SECONDLY: That part of Lovesick Lake lying easterly of the east face of the two dams constructed at the southerly end of Millage Island, the northerly dam known as Grey Duck Dam and the southerly dam known as Sunset Dam, to a line drawn southerly from the shore of Millage Island to the southerly shore of Lovesick Lake and being parallel to and 100 m in perpendicular distance from the east face of the northerly dam.

      THIRDLY: That part of Lovesick Lake lying easterly of the east face of the dam constructed between Wolf Island and Grey Duck Island, known as South Black Duck Dam, and a line drawn northerly from the shore of Wolf Island to the shore of Grey Duck Island parallel to and 100 m in perpendicular distance from the east face of the dam.

      FOURTHLY: That part of Lovesick Lake lying easterly of the east face of the dam constructed at the north end of Grey Duck Island, known as North Black Duck Dam, and a line drawn northerly from the shore of Grey Duck Island to the northerly shore of Lovesick Lake and being parallel to and 100 m in perpendicular distance from the east face of the dam.

    The last Saturday in April to the Friday following the second Saturday in May
    • (12) The waters of that part of the Ottawa River, Madawaska River and Mississippi River described as follows: waters of the Madawaska River lying downstream of the Arnprior Generating Station to its confluence with the Ottawa River; waters of the Ottawa River bounded by a line drawn from Dochart Creek to the lighthouse (45°27′03″N., 76°21′02″W.), then east following the inter-provincial boundary to the south end of the CNR bridge at Lavergne Point in the geographic township of West Carleton; and the waters of the Mississippi River downstream from the Generating Station at the town of Galetta.

    March 1st to the Friday before the third Saturday in May
    • (11) The waters of that part of the Mississippi River in the Township of Drummond in the County of Lanark, the east limit of which is an imaginary line drawn parallel to and 79.2 m in perpendicular distance measured easterly from the centreline of Main Street abutting Lot 1, as shown on Plan No. 124 registered in the Registry Office for the South Riding of the County of Lanark, the west limit of which is an imaginary line drawn parallel to and 240.8 m in perpendicular distance measured westerly from the centreline of Main Street abutting Lot 1 as shown on that plan.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (12) The waters of that part of the Mississippi River in the Township of Drummond in the County of Lanark, the west limit of which is an imaginary line drawn parallel to and 79.2 m in perpendicular distance measured easterly from the centerline of Main Street abutting Lot 1 as shown on Plan No. 124 registered in the Registry Office for the South Riding of the County of Lanark, the east limit of which is an imaginary line drawn perpendicularly from the lot line between lots 21 and 22, Concession IX, in the Township of Drummond, where it intersects with the westerly shore of Mississippi Lake, then easterly to a point where the perpendicular line intersects the adjacent shore.

    Mar. 1 to the first Monday in June
    • (2) The waters of that part of the Ottawa River bounded on the north by the Lake Temiscaming dam that forms part of Highway 63 (Ontario) and Highway 101 (Quebec) and bounded on the south by a line drawn due east from the southernmost point of land at the mouth of Fournier Creek in the geographic Township of Poitras.

    April 1 to June 15
    • (3) The waters of that part of the Ottawa River, Madawaska River and Mississippi River described as follows: waters of the Madawaska River lying downstream of the Arnprior Generating Station to its confluence with the Ottawa River; waters of the Ottawa River bounded by a line drawn from Dochart Creek to the lighthouse (45°27′03″N., 76°21′02″W.), then east following the inter-provincial boundary to the south end of the CNR bridge at Lavergne Point in the geographic township of West Carleton; and the waters of the Mississippi River downstream from the Generating Station at the town of Galetta.

    March 1st to the Friday before the third Saturday in May
    • (27) The waters of Trout Lake (Latitude 45°35′N., Longitude 80°10′W.), in the geographic Township of East Burpee, in the Territorial District of Parry Sound.

    Jan. 1 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May
    • (49) The waters of that part of the South Muskoka River in the Town of Bracebridge in the District Municipality of Muskoka extending downstream from the base of the South Muskoka Falls to its confluence with the North Muskoka River, including the waters of that part of the North Muskoka River in the Town of Bracebridge in the District Municipality of Muskoka extending from the Bracebridge Falls Dam downstream beyond the confluence of the South Muskoka River to the green-lighted buoy labelled as E.E.I. located in the mouth of the river, also including the secondary channel known as the Gap (UTM coordinates northing 4987000 and easting 627000) from the Muskoka River to the red-lighted buoy, labelled as E.C.2.

    Apr. 1 to the Friday preceding the second Saturday in June
    • (51) The waters of Chartier lake and those parts of the Pickerel and Kimikong rivers in Lots 13 to 20, Concession I and II in the Township of East Mills in the Territorial District of Parry Sound.

    Mar. 16 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May
    • (52) The waters of Dobbs Lake and that portion of the Little Pickerel River in Lots 1 and 2, Concession IV in the Township of Pringle and Lots 1 to 3, Concession IV in the Township of East Mills in the Territorial District of Parry Sound.

    Mar. 16 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May
    • (144) The waters of that part of the Ottawa River, Madawaska River and Mississippi River described as follows: waters of the Madawaska River lying downstream of the Arnprior Generating Station to its confluence with the Ottawa River; waters of the Ottawa River bounded by a line drawn from Dochart Creek to the lighthouse (45°27′03″N., 76°21′02″W.), then east following the inter-provincial boundary to the south end of the CNR bridge at Lavergne Point in the geographic township of West Carleton; and the waters of the Mississippi River downstream from the Generating Station at the town of Galetta.

    March 1st to the Friday before the third Saturday in May
    • (1) The waters of that part of Shallow Bay of Georgian Bay of Lake Huron lying northerly, northwesterly and northeasterly of a line drawn on a course of north 81°27′ west astronomic from a point on the easterly shore of Shallow Bay distant 192.9 m measured on a course of south 31°26′ east from a point at Latitude 46°00′N., Longitude 81°56′W.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (78) The waters of that part of East Davignon Creek and its tributaries lying within the geographic Township of Korah, in the Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie, in the Territorial District of Algoma.

    Apr. 15 to June 15
    • (133) The waters of Trout Lake lying between the high-water mark along the west side of Poplar Island in East Ferris Township in the Territorial District of Nipissing, from the northwest tip of the island (46°19.0469′N., 79°21.8990′W.) extending to the southwest tip of the island (46°18.8287′N., 79°21.7497′W.) and a line 30 m in perpendicular distance from the high-water mark of the island.

    May 15 to July 31
    • (136) The waters of Montreal River and Bunny Creek (47°22′N., 84°04′W.) in McParland Township in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: The bay on the Montreal River north of a line extending from the point about 400 m south of the mouth of Bunny Creek northeast to the point about 600 m east of the mouth of Bunny Creek; and Bunny Creek upstream about 800 m to the top of the first rapids.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (9) The waters of Nagagamisis Lake and River in the geographic Township of Elgie in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: Commencing at a point in the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Elgie distant 5.2 km easterly along the northerly boundary from the northwesterly corner thereof; thence due south 1.2 km; thence due east approximately 2.5 km; thence due north 1.2 km, more or less, to the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Elgie; thence westerly along that northerly boundary 2.5 km, more or less, to the place of beginning.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (12) The waters of the Minisinakwa River in the geographic townships of Noble, Togo and Mattagami lying between the Minisinakwa River Dam in the geographic Township of Noble and a line drawn east astronomically from the most easterly point in the northerly shore of a bay where the Stetham Creek joins the Minisinakwa River in the geographic Township of Mattagami and the waters of the Nabakwasi River in the geographic Township of Togo in the Territorial District of Sudbury.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (29) The waters of those parts of the Floodwood River and of Little Abitibi Lake in the geographic Township of McQuibban, in the Territorial District of Cochrane, described as follows: that part of the Floodwood River lying between the east boundary of the geographic Township of McQuibban and Little Abitibi Lake and that part of Little Abitibi Lake lying northerly of the hereinafter described lines: Commencing at the intersection of the south boundary of the geographic Township of McQuibban with the water’s edge along the easterly shore of Little Abitibi Lake; thence westerly along the said south boundary to the intersection with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of an unnamed island in Little Abitibi Lake known locally as Big Island; thence north 73° west magnetically a distance of 713 m, more or less, to the intersection with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of Little Abitibi Lake.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (38) The waters of Wabatongushi Narrows of Wabatongushi Lake in the geographic Township of Challener in the Territorial District of Algoma described as follows: commencing at the high-water mark at the southwesterly corner of the bridge on Dubreuil’s haul road crossing the Narrows of Wabatongushi Lake; thence in a southwesterly and southerly direction along the high-water mark on the westerly shore of the Narrows a distance of 914.4 m; thence east astronomically to the high-water mark on the easterly shore of the Narrows; thence in a northeasterly and northerly direction along that high-water mark to a point distant 274.3 m measured northerly thereon from the said bridge; thence due west astronomically to the high-water mark on the westerly shore of the Narrows; thence southeasterly along that high-water mark to the place of beginning.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (42) The waters of Black Fish Creek and Murray Lake in the Township of Copenace in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: Commencing at the confluence of the waters along the westerly bank of Black Fish Creek with the waters along the southeasterly shore of a bay of Murray Lake; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the water’s edge of the bay in Murray Lake to its intersection with the southern shore of Murray Lake; thence north 45° east to the water’s edge on the westernmost extremity of an unnamed island; thence northeasterly along the water’s edge of the northwestern shore of that island; thence north 45° east to the water’s edge on the eastern shore of the bay in Murray Lake; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the water’s edge of that bay to the water’s edge on the eastern bank of Black Fish Creek; thence southeasterly along the water’s edge of that creek, a distance of 91.44 m; thence south 45° west to the water’s edge on the western bank of Black Fish Creek; thence northwesterly along the water’s edge of that creek to the place of beginning.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (54) All that portion of the Little Abitibi River in the Township of McQuibban in the Territorial District of Cochrane from the junction of that river with the Abitibi-Price Access Road, known locally as Pierre Lake Road, northwesterly, to and including that portion of Pierre Lake lying east of longitude 80°39′30″W.

    Apr. 15 to June 30
    • (55) The waters of the Little Abitibi River and Montreuil Lake in the Township of Swartment in the Territorial District of Cochrane described as follows: Commencing at the narrows at the northern end of Pierre Lake at latitude 49°32′50″N.; thence northwesterly to Montreuil Lake, thence southwesterly to and including that portion of Montreuil Lake lying east of longitude 80°47′W.

    Apr. 15 to June 30
    • (67) The waters of White Lake (48°47′N., 85°37′W.) and the White River located at Mobert in Laberge Township in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay described as follows: the bay of White Lake south of a line from the northeast corner of Regan Point east to the eastern shore of White Lake at the road from the new Mobert subdivision; and the White River from White Lake upstream about 700 m to the bridge on Mobert Road.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (68) The waters of White Lake, the Shabotik River, and the Kwinkwaga River (48°51′N., 85°31′W.) located in Atikameg Township in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay described as follows: the part of Shabotik Bay in White Lake east of a line extending from the point on the south shore of Shabotik Bay about 850 m southwest of the mouth of the Shabotik River north to the west tip of the low island along the north shore of Shabotik Bay about 1050 m northwest of the mouth of the Shabotik River; the Shabotik River from White Lake upstream to the top of the first rapids about 350 m above the confluence with the Kwinkwaga River; the Kwinkwaga River from the Shabotik River upstream to Atikameg Lake; and including all tributary waters to the top of the first rapids or obstruction to fish.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (71) The waters of McKee Creek at 57 Bay of Dog Lake located in the Township of Stover in the Territorial District of Sudbury described as follows: Commencing at the high-water mark at a point on the northern shore of 57 Bay, 200 m east of the mouth of McKee Creek; thence northerly along the high-water mark of 57 Bay and McKee Creek, a distance of 300 m; thence westerly across McKee Creek to the high-water mark on the opposite shore; thence southerly along the high-water mark, a distance of 300 m to a point 200 m west of the mouth of McKee Creek on the shore of 57 Bay; thence easterly at a distance of 200 m from the mouth of McKee Creek to the place of beginning.

    Mar. 15 to June 15
    • (83) The waters of Noisy Creek between Kabinakagami Lake in Lizar Township and the east boundary of Lizar Township, all in the Territorial District of Algoma.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (91) The waters of Horwood Lake in the Township of Dale described as follows: Commencing at a line drawn from a point on the east shore of that lake at 47°55′19.644″N., 82°18′38.154″W. to a point on the west shore of that lake at 47°55′20.208″N., 82°18′31.277″W.; thence, in a southerly direction to a point on the west shore of the Woman River at 47°49′39.311″N., 82°18′37.707″W., Marion Township; thence to a point on the east shore of the Woman River at 47°49′39.344″N., 82°17′41.542″W.; thence to a point on the west shore of the Rush River at 47°49′39.948″N., 82°17′41.542″W.; thence to a point on the east shore of the Rush River at 47°49′39.995″N., 82°17′37.455″W. and thence to the point of beginning.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (92) The waters of Horwood Lake in the Township of Horwood lying between a point on the west shore of that lake at 47°59′N., 82°15′W. and a point on the east shore of that lake at 47°59′N., 82°15′W.; thence, in a southerly direction to a point on the creek flowing out of Great Pike Lake at 47°59′N., 82°15′W.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (93) The waters of Horwood Lake in the Township of Horwood commencing at a line drawn across the mouth of the Swayze River from a point on the west shore of that river at 47°58′56.313″N., 82°21′8.512″W. to a point on the east shore of that river at 47°58′52.784″N., 82°20′24.181″W.; thence, in a southwesterly direction along the Swayze River to the most westerly boundary of Horwood Township at 47°56′51.062″N., 82°24′30.141″W.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (94) The waters of Horwood Lake in the Township of Horwood commencing at a line drawn across the mouth of Marl Creek from a point on the west shore of that creek at 48°02′11.069″N., 82°21′39.589″W. to a point on the east shore of that creek at 48°02′8.755″N., 82°21′18.810″W.; thence, in a southwesterly direction along Marl Creek to the most westerly boundary of Horwood Township at 47°00′3.570″N., 82°24′24.231″W.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (96) The waters of Horwood Lake in Keith Township commencing at a line drawn across the bay that enters into Hoodoo Lake from a point on the west shore of that bay at 48°06′25.584″N., 82°19′29.487″W. to a point on the east shore of that bay at 48°06′21.543″N., 82°19′29.487″W.; thence, in a northerly and northwesterly direction covering all of Hoodoo Lake to a point at the northeast corner of Hoodoo Lake where the creek enters that lake, at 48°07′36.790″N., 82°17′55.439″W.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (97) The waters of Kenogaming Lake in the geographic Township of Kenogaming from a point at the top of the rapids of the creek that flows east from Kaneki Lake at 48°06′00.31″N, 81°56′01.39″W., downstream to a line drawn from a point on the north shore of Kenogaming Lake at 48°06′10.42″N., 81°55′08.5″W. to a point on the south shore of that lake at 48°06′04.84″N., 81°55′08.22″W.

    Apr. 1 to June 14
    • (99) The waters of Waterhen Creek in Ossian Township from the culvert crossing of the Pontiac-McVittie Road east to the mouth of the creek as it flows into Labyrinth Lake.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (100) The waters of Racine Lake, North East Judicial Region, beginning at Latitude 48°00′25″., Longitude 83°19′50″W. where the northern boundary of Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, D’Arcy Township, crosses Racine Lake and including all waters of the lake southward to the first rapids in Lot 10, Concession 3, D’Arcy Township at 47°57′25″N., 83°20′10″W.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (113) The waters of Kwinkwaga Lake (48°48′N., 85°20′W.) and Kwinkwaga River located in Flood Township in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay and Johns Township in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The bay of Kwinkwaga Lake east of a line extending from the point about 300 m north of the mouth of the Kwinkwaga River southwest to the point about 500 m west of the mouth of the Kwinkwaga River; and the Kwinkwaga River from Kwinkwaga Lake upstream about 1300 m to the widening in the river.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (114) The waters of Picnic Lake and Tukanee Creek (48°36′N., 85°15′W.) located in Hunt Township in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The bay on the southeast corner of Picnic Lake south of a line extending from the point on the east shore of the lake about 200 m northeast at the culverts of Highway 631 northwest to the point on the south shore about 200 m north of the culverts at Highway 631 including the bay known as Little Picnic Lake; and Tukanee Creek from Picnic Lake upstream about 500 m to the first pond above the small bridge.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (115) The waters of Ruthie Lake (48°42′N., 85°14′W.) and its tributaries located in Common Township in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The south bay of Ruthie Lake south of a line extending from the point on the east shore about 320 m north of the south end of the lake west to the east point of the island in the south bay and from the west point of that island west to the point on the west shore of the lake about 450 m northwest of the south end of the lake; the tributary at the southeast corner of the lake upstream to the top of the first rapids; and the tributary at the southwest corner of the lake upstream to John Lake.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (116) The waters of Crayfish Lake (48°16′N., 85°05′W.) and its tributaries located in Killins Township in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The two small bays at the south end of Crayfish Lake south of a line extending due east and due west through the tip of the peninsula about 200 m northwest of the inlet from West Kabenung Lake; all the tributary waters from West Kabenung Lake to Crayfish Lake; and the tributary about 200 m west of the inlet from West Kabenung Lake from Crayfish Lake to the small lake about 150 m upstream.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (117) The waters of Kabenung Lake and Ruthelda Creek (48°18′N., 84°57′W.) located in Dahl Township in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The narrow bay on the northeast corner of Kabenung Lake northeast of a line extending from the point on the north shore about 400 m southwest of the crossing at Highway 17 southwesterly to the point on the east shore about 400 m southwest of the crossing at Highway 17; and Ruthelda Creek upstream to the top of the first rapids about 700 m east of the crossing at Highway 17.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (118) The waters of Dibben Bay (48°33′N., 84°13′W.) of Wabatongushi Lake and Dibben Creek in the Townships of Simpson, Moorehouse and Challener in the Territorial District of Algoma, described as follows: The part of Wabatongushi Lake northeast of a line extending from the point on the northeast shore about 1300 m west of the mouth of Dibben Creek, southeast to a point on the east shore about 1200 m southwest of Dibben Creek, and Dibben Creek from Wabatongushi Lake upstream about 4 km to Dibben Lake, and including the creek connecting Dibben Creek and the unnamed lake due north of Dibben Lake.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (120) The waters of Banana Lake in the Township of Dalmas, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying south of a line drawn between a point on the west shore at 47°42′02″N., 83°37′24″W., and a point on the east shore at 47°41′57″N., 83°37′10″W.

    Aug. 24 to Dec. 31
    • (121) The waters of the Goldie River in the Township of Delmage, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying east of a narrowing of the Goldie River at 48°04′08″N., 83°51′26″W., and extending downstream to a point at 48°04′57″N., 83°51′03″W.

    March 1 to June 14
    • (122) The waters of Delmage Bay in the Township of Delmage, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying east of a line drawn from a point on the south shore of that bay at 48°04′36″N., 83°51′24″W. to a point on the north shore of that bay at 48°04′49″N., 83°51′13″W.; thence in a southerly direction along the west side of the railway tracks to a point where Delmage Bay enters the Goldie River at 48°04′14″N., 83°50′53″W.

    March 1 to June 14
    • (126) The waters of Borden Lake located in the Township of Cochrane, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying north of a line drawn between a point on the east shore at 47°51′58″N., 83°16′55″W., and a point on the west shore at 47°51′58″N., 83°17′25″W.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (127) The waters of Borden Lake located in the Township of Cochrane, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying east of a line drawn between a point on the south shore of Grout Bay at 47°51′23″N., 83°13′25″W., and a point on the north shore of Grout Bay at 47°51′55″N., 83°13′32″W.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (129) The waters of Nagasin Lake in the Township of Caouette, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying northeast of a line drawn between a point on the north shore at 47°45′44″N., 83°33′51″W., and a point on the east shore at 47°45′40″N., 83°33′44″W., including all of the remaining portions of Bird Bath Bay.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (131) The waters of Wenebegon Lake and Wenebegon River in the Townships of Langlois and Lynch, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, lying north of a line drawn between a point on the west shore at 47°26′13″N., 83°06′13″W., and a point on the east shore at 47°26′13″N., 83°05′18″W., extending up the Wenebegon River to a point at 47°27′25″N., 83°08′12″W.

    April 1 to June 14
    • (179) The waters of the northeast corner of Edna Lake (47°05′N., 81°13′W.) north of a line drawn due east from a point at the center of the island in Edna Lake to the shore of that lake and east of a line drawn due north from the same center point of the same island to the north shore of the lake, and including the waters of Thor Lake (47°08′N., 81°17′W.) and the Vermillion River from the point where the Vermillion River enters Edna Lake and extending 400 m into Thor Lake; all in the Territorial District of Sudbury.

    March 15 to June 15
    • (4) The waters of that part of Greenwater Creek and that part of Upper Shebandowan Lake in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, bounded on the east by the dam on Greenwater Creek and on the west by two lines drawn on a course of south 45°00′ east from the most northeasterly and from the most southwesterly shores of an unnamed island situated 150 m northwesterly from the mouth of Greenwater Creek, to intersect the shore of Upper Shebandowan Lake.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (5) The waters of that part of the Kashabowie River and that part of Upper Shebandowan Lake in the geographic Township of Haines, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, bounded by the dam at the outlet of Kashabowie Lake and by two lines positioned in Upper Shebandowan Lake described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of a line drawn on a course of west astronomic from the most southerly point on the shore of Pernu Island with the northerly shore of Upper Shebandowan Lake; thence east astronomically to a point 100 m east of the most easterly shore of Pernu Island; thence north astronomically to the intersection with the northerly shore of Upper Shebandowan Lake.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (31) All those waters of Granite River and Saganaga Lake, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, being more particularly described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with the base of the Saganaga Falls on the Granite River; thence northerly along the said International Boundary a distance of 400 m; thence east astronomically 40 m, more or less, to the intersection with a line drawn north astronomically from a point in the water’s edge at the most northerly extremity of the shore of a small island near the mouth of the Granite River; thence south astronomically along that said line and its southerly production to the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Saganaga Lake; thence in a general westerly and southerly direction following along the water’s edge of Saganaga Lake and Granite River to a point distant 200 m from the top of the said Saganaga Falls; thence southwesterly to the said International Boundary along a line drawn perpendicular to the said International Boundary; thence northerly along the said International Boundary to the place of beginning.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (32) All those waters of Little North Lake, Pine River and Little Gunflint Lake, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, which said waters are bound on the east by a line drawn perpendicular to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America, through a point on the northerly shore of Little North Lake, which said point is distant 120 m measured easterly along the said shore from the outlet of the said lake, and on the west by a line drawn perpendicular to the said International Boundary through a point on the northerly shore of Little Gunflint Lake which said point is distant 150 m measured westerly along the said shore from the outlet of Pine River at Little Gunflint Lake.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (33) All those waters of Maligne River and Curran Bay of Saganaga Lake, in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, which said waters are bound on the east by the top of the Maligne River Rapids and on the west by a line drawn northeasterly from a point in the water’s edge at the most northeasterly extremity of a peninsula of land on the southwesterly shore of the said Curran Bay to the nearest point on the northeasterly shore thereof, which said peninsula is distant 800 m, more or less, from the top of the said rapids.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (34) The waters of Gapen’s Pool (49°01′N., 88°15′W.), consisting of that part of the Nipigon River lying east of a line drawn north from the eastern shore abutment of Highways Number 11 and 17 bridge to the westernmost tip of a point of land on the eastern shore of the outflow from Lake Helen.

    The first Tuesday following Labour Day to the Friday preceding the fourth Saturday in May
    • (52) The waters of that part of the Nipigon River downstream of the Alexander Dam lying east of a line drawn south from the Alexander Dam log chute to the northernmost tip of the point of land on the east shore of the Nipigon River in the Township of Purdom in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay.

    The first Tuesday following Labour Day to the Friday preceding the fourth Saturday in May
    • (8) The waters of that part of Cedar Lake (formerly known as East Cedar Lake) and the Cedar River lying northerly of the geographic Township of Wauchope in the Territorial District of Kenora, extending 2 250 m northeasterly of a bridge across the southerly part of Cedar Lake and southerly of the said bridge to the northerly extremity of an unnamed lake which is 301.8 m southerly of Louise Rapids on the Cedar River.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (41) The waters of that part of Eagle Lake (49°42′N., 93°13′W.) in the unsurveyed portion of the Territorial District of Kenora, described as follows: bounded on the south by a line drawn west astronomically from the point of land known as Bear Point in the narrowest section of Bear Narrows, bounded on the west by the shorelines of Eagle Lake and of Froghead Bay, bounded on the east by the shorelines of Eagle Lake and the bay known as Rice Bay, and bounded on the north by a line drawn from the shoreline of Eagle Lake at the point on the north side of the entrance to Froghead Bay extending northeast to the shoreline of Eagle Lake at the southern boundary of the Eagle Lake Indian Reserve.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (42) The waters of that part of Eagle Lake (49°42′N., 93°13′W.) and an unnamed lake known locally as Violet Lake in the unsurveyed portion of the Territorial District of Kenora, lying within lines described as follows: bounded on the west by a line drawn north and south astronomically across the unnamed bay of Eagle Lake adjacent to the inflow from Violet Lake at a point distant 750 m measured west astronomically from the bottom of the rapids known as One Mile Rapids, bounded on the north and south by the shorelines of Eagle Lake, Violet Lake and the unnamed creek between One Mile Rapids and the rapids known as Two Mile Rapids, and bounded on the east by a line drawn north and south astronomically across the outlet of Violet Lake at a point distant 250 m measured east astronomically from the top of Two Mile Rapids.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (47) The waters of that part of Ord Lake known as Puzzle Bay in the unsurveyed portion of the Territorial District of Kenora and described as follows: all the waters of Puzzle Bay south of a line drawn east and west astronomically across the unnamed narrows at Latitude 50°08′18″N.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (50) The waters of that part of Meridian Bay of Eagle Lake (49°42′N., 93°13′W.) in the unsurveyed portion of the Territorial District of Kenora lying south of a line drawn east and west astronomically across the said Bay at Latitude 49°38′N.

    Apr. 1 to May 31
    • (63) The waters of Rat River Bay of Rainy Lake from the narrows and small island at the entrance to Rat River Bay, upstream to and including the first rapids of both the West Branch Rat River and the East Branch Rat River.

    19.01 The waters of that part of Perrault Falls and Wabaskang Lake in the unsurveyed portion of the Territorial District of Kenora lying between the bridge on Highway 105 in the Town of Perrault Falls and a line drawn east and west astronomically across the narrows at the inflow to Wabaskang Lake at a distance of 500 m measured northeast astronomically from the aforementioned bridge. April 1 to May 31
    • (3) The waters of Spawning Creek from Spawning Lake to Spawning Bay, Spawning Bay and that part of Loon Bay of Lake Temagami north of a line drawn from east to west from the southernmost point of island number 1022 in the geographic townships of Briggs and Joan in the Territorial District of Nipissing.

    Mar. 16 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May
    • (4) The waters of that part of Kokoko Bay lying north of a line drawn from east to west across that bay from the northernmost point of island number 1063 in Lake Temagami in the geographic Township of Joan in the Territorial District of Nipissing.

    Mar. 16 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May
    • (1) The waters of Lake Nipissing in the Township of Himsworth North lying east of the northerly projection of the eastern boundary of Lot 9, Concession XXIV and south of a line joining this projection, where it meets Lake Nipissing, to the northwest tip of Burford Point and the mouth of the Wistiwasing River.

    Mar. 16 to May 31 and Oct. 1 to Nov. 30
    • (2) The waters of the Sturgeon River and Lake Nipissing in the Township of Springer in the Territorial District of Nipissing lying between the bridge that forms part of Highway Number 17 and a line drawn southerly from the east boundary of Lot 8, Concession C, to an unnamed island at the mouth of the Sturgeon River and westerly from the northwesterly extremity of that island to the westerly shore of the Sturgeon River as shown on the plan of the Township of Springer.

    Mar. 16 to the Friday preceding Victoria Day and Oct. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (7) The waters of that part of the Chukuni River and Hoyles Bay of Red Lake, situated at approximately 51°09′30″N., 93°45′30″W., in the geographic Townships of McDonough and Bateman, in the Territorial District of Kenora, Patricia Portion, lying between the first narrows of Little Vermilion Lake at the beginning of the outflow of the Chukuni River, and then downstream to include Hoyles Bay of Red Lake, marked by a line drawn from the northwest point of East Narrows, then due west to the peninsula on the west shore of Hoyles Bay.

    April 15 to May 31
    • (8) The waters of that part of Golden Creek and East Bay of Red Lake, situated at approximately 51°10′30″N., 93°40′30″W., in the geographic Township of Bateman, in the Territorial District of Kenora, Patricia Portion, lying between the Pine Ridge Road and a line drawn northwest from the first point of land immediately west of Pindar Creek to a point on the opposite shore of East Bay.

    April 15 to May 31
    • (10) The waters of Ranger Lake, Ranger Creek and the north portion of Gullrock Lake in the geographic Township of Ranger, in the Territorial District of Kenora, Patricia Portion, marked by a line drawn from a point of land on the west shore of Gullrock Lake, approximately 51°02′N., 94°35′W., running southeasterly to the point of land at 51°01′30″N., 93°34′50″W., on the east shore.

    April 15 to May 31
    • (11) The waters of that part of the unnamed creek situated in a small bay east of the southernmost narrows, at the south end of Kagiano Lake, from the first obstruction to fish to 200 m out from the creek mouth into Kagiano Lake.

    March 15 to June 15


  5. Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-93 (SCHEDULE IV : Division of Waters)



    • 6 The waters in the County of Victoria excepting that part lying north and east of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the east boundary of the said county and its intersection with the centreline of Highway 503; THENCE westerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the centreline of Highway 35; THENCE northerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the east boundary of the said county.



    • 7 The waters in the County of Hastings lying south of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the east boundary of the said county and its intersection with the centreline of Weslemkoon Lake Road; THENCE westerly and southerly following the said centreline to its intersection with the centreline of Highway Number 62; THENCE northerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the south boundary of the geographic Township of Limerick; THENCE westerly along the said south boundary to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Wollaston; THENCE westerly along the southern boundary of the said township to the northeast corner of the geographic Township of Methuen in the County of Peterborough; THENCE westerly along the northern boundry of said Township to its intersection with the centreline of Peterborough County Road 46; THENCE southerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the southern boundary of the geographic Township of Methuen; THENCE easterly along the said boundary to the west boundary of the County of Hastings; THENCE southerly along the said boundary including that part of Crowe Lake in the geographic Township of Belmont in the County of Peterborough and that part of the Trent River in the County of Northumberland lying downstream of the Trent-Severn Waterway Lock 9 at the head of Percy Reach to the boundary between the counties of Northumberland and Hastings; THENCE southerly, easterly and northerly along the boundary of Hastings County to the place of beginning; EXCEPTING the waters of Steenburg Lake; and EXCEPTING the waters described in Division 8; and including the waters of Grimsthorpe Lake in the Counties of Hastings and Lennox and Addington.


    • 8 The waters of Lake Ontario including the Niagara River downstream of Niagara Falls, the North Channel, and the Bay of Quinte; the waters in the County of Prince Edward; in that part of the Trent River south of dam Number 1; in that part of the Moira River south of the first dam, in the City of Belleville, upstream from Lake Ontario; in that part of the Salmon River south of the Shannonville Dam; in that part of the Napanee River south of the dam in the Town of Napanee; in that part of Millhaven Creek downstream of the first dam; and in that part of Lake Ontario lying west of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the Township of Ernestown in the County of Lennox and Addington; THENCE in a southwesterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Brother Islands; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most easterly extremity of Amherst Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most southwesterly extremity of Simcoe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Bell Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Long Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Bear Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE south 45° east astronomically to the intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States.


    • 9 The waters in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton; in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; in the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; in that part of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville lying east of the west boundary of the Township of Augusta and north and east of the south and west boundaries respectively of the Township of Wolford; in that part of the County of Frontenac lying southerly of the centreline of Highway Number 7, excepting the waters of Opinicon Lake in the townships of Bedford and Storrington and excepting the waters of Wolfe Lake in the Township of Bedford; in that part of the County of Lennox and Addington lying southerly of the centreline of Highway Number 7; the Rideau River lying between the east boundary of the Town of Smiths Falls and the east boundary of the Township of Montague, in the County of Lanark; excepting the waters described in Divisions 11, 12 and 12A.


    • 10 The waters in the County of Lanark excepting the Rideau River lying between the east boundary of the Town of Smiths Falls and the east boundary of the Township of Montague; in that part of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville lying west of the west boundary of the Township of Augusta and south and west of the south and west boundaries respectively of the Township of Wolford; including the waters of Opinicon Lake, Wolfe Lake and Silver Lake in the County of Frontenac; including the waters of White Lake, Brook Lake, Clyde Lake and Bartraw Lake in the County of Renfrew; and excepting the waters described in Division 11.


    • 11 The waters of the St. Lawrence River lying between the easterly boundary of the dam at the site of the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station; the waters in that part of the Cataraqui River (Rideau Canal) downstream of Kingston Mills Road (County Road 21) in the City of Kingston; and a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the Township of Ernestown in the County of Lennox and Addington; THENCE in a southwesterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Brother Islands; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most easterly extremity of Amherst Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most southwesterly extremity of Simcoe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Bell Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Long Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to the most westerly extremity of Bear Point on Wolfe Island; THENCE south 45° east astronomically to the intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States.


    • 15 The waters in the County of Renfrew excepting the waters described in divisions 10 and 12; the Madawaska River in the Township of North Canonto, in the County of Frontenac; in the County of Hastings north of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the east boundary of the said county and its intersection with the centreline of Weslemkoon Lake Road; THENCE westerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the centreline of Highway Number 62; THENCE northerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the south boundary of the Township of Limerick; THENCE westerly along the said boundary to the southeast corner of the Township of Wollaston; THENCE westerly along the south boundary of the said township to the western limit of the said county; INCLUDING the waters of Steenburg Lake and the geographic Township of Tudor in the County of Hastings.


      The waters in the County of Victoria north and east of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the east boundary of the said county and its intersection with the centreline of Highway Number 503; THENCE westerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the centreline of Highway Number 35; THENCE northerly along the said centreline to its intersection with the east boundary of the said county.

      The waters in the County of Haliburton excepting Algonquin Provincial Park as described in Division 13; in the District Municipality of Muskoka excepting the Severn River system and excepting waters described in Division 16; in the Territorial District of Parry Sound, excepting Lake Nipissing as described in Division 27 and excepting the waters described in Division 16; in the Territorial District of Manitoulin excepting the waters of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, the North Channel and Manitoulin Island as described in divisions 2, 16, 17 and 28, respectively; in the geographic Township of Spragge, in the Territorial District of Algoma, south of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the west boundary of the said township with the water’s edge of the North Channel of Lake Huron; THENCE northerly along the said west boundary to its intersection with the centreline of Highway Number 17; THENCE easterly along the said centreline to the east boundary of the said township; EXCEPTING the waters described in Division 2.

      The waters in the Territorial District of Sudbury south of the centreline of Highway Number 17 excepting the waters described in divisions 2, 16 and 27; in the Territorial District of Nipissing south of a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the water’s edge along the westerly bank of the Ottawa River with a line drawn east astronomically from the intersection of Highway Number 17 with Highway Number 533; THENCE west astronomically to the aforementioned intersection; THENCE westerly along the centreline of Highway Number 17 to its intersection with the west boundary of the geographic Township of Kirkpatrick; EXCEPTING Lake Nipissing as described in Division 27; EXCEPTING Algonquin Provincial Park as described in Division 13.


    • 16 The waters of the Nottawasaga River in the Town of Wasaga Beach, in the County of Simcoe, lying between the northerly edge of Main Street Bridge and the water’s edge of Nottawasaga Bay of Georgian Bay and the waters of Georgian Bay being that part of Lake Huron lying east of a line described as follows:



    • 20 The waters in the territorial districts of Cochrane, Kenora and Thunder Bay within the area described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the centreline of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way with the easterly boundary of the geographic Township of Bicknell; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE westerly along the northerly boundary of that township to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the parallel of Latitude 54°00′N.; THENCE west along that parallel to its intersection with the meridian of Longitude 89°00′W.; THENCE south along that meridian to its intersection with the parallel of Latitude 51°00′N.; THENCE east along that parallel to its intersection with a line drawn north astronomic from the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Gzowski; THENCE south along that line to the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Gzowski; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE southerly along the easterly boundary of that township to its intersection with the centreline of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; THENCE easterly along that centreline to its intersection with the westerly boundary of the geographic Township of Nakina; THENCE northerly along the westerly boundary of that township to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of that township to its intersection with the water’s edge of the main body of Cordingley Lake; THENCE northeasterly, easterly and southwesterly along the water’s edge of that lake to its intersection with the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Nakina; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE southerly along the eastern boundary of that township to its intersection with the water’s edge of Lower Twin Lake; THENCE northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly along the water’s edge of that lake to its intersection with the easterly boundary of the Township of Nakina; THENCE southerly along the easterly boundary of that township to its intersection with the centreline of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; THENCE easterly along that centreline and the centreline of the road bed of the former right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway to the place of beginning; together with the waters of the following lakes: Deeds Lake (50°22′N., 87°28′W.), Phillips Lake (50°28′N., 87°38′W.), Makoki Lake (50°43′N., 87°38′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 51°00′N., Longitude 87°42′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 51°00′N., Longitude 88°23′W., Jog Lake (50°24′N., 85°20′W.), Napken Lake (51°52′N., 85°20′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°21′N., Longitude 85°20′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°23′N., Longitude 85°20′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°26′N., 85°20′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 54°00′N., Longitude 86°15′W., Patte Lake (51°28′N., 89°00′W.), Shabaskwai Lake (51°15′N., 89°00′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°19′N., Longitude 89°00′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°27′N., Longitude 89°00′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°35′N., Longitude 89°00′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°42′N., Longitude 89°00′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°42′N., Longitude 89°00′W.and excluding the waters of Wunnumin Lake situated at approximate Latitude 52°55′N., Longitude 89°10′W.


    • 22 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Rainy River, Kenora and Thunder Bay lying within a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the seventh base line with the interprovincial boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba; THENCE southerly along the interprovincial boundary to its intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America; THENCE in a general southwesterly direction along the international boundary to its intersection with the meridian of Longitude 92°30′W.; THENCE north along that meridian to its intersection with the water’s edge of Wild Potato Lake; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Wild Potato Lake to its intersection with the southerly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A; THENCE in a general easterly direction along the southern boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to its intersection with the water’s edge of Partridge Crop Lake; THENCE easterly along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Partridge Crop Lake and the Seine River to its intersection with the southerly limit of Highway Number 11; THENCE easterly along that southerly limit to its intersection with a line drawn south astronomic from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE north along that line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the third base line; THENCE westerly along that base line to its intersection with the fifth meridian line; THENCE northerly along that meridian line to its intersection with a line drawn west astronomic from the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE east along that line to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of the geographic Townships of Grummett, Cathcart, McNevin and Corman to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Corman; THENCE northerly along the westerly boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to the southwest corner of Block No. 6 of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway grant; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of that Block to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that Block to its intersection with the water’s edge and westerly limit of Moberly Lake; THENCE in a general northeasterly direction along the water’s edge and westerly limit of Moberly Lake, Little Metionga Lake, Metionga Lake, Brightsand Lake, Harmon Lake, Wapikaimaski Lake, Antler Lake, McEwen Lake and the Brightsand River to its intersection with the water’s edge and easterly limit of the Allan Water River; THENCE in a straight line to the intersection of the centreline of the Canadian National Railway Right of Way with the water’s edge and westerly limit of the Allan Water River; THENCE westerly along that centreline to its intersection with the water’s edge of the Vermilion River; THENCE in a general northwesterly direction following the southerly and westerly shore of Lac Seul to the intersection of the seventh base line with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of Lac Seul; THENCE westerly along the seventh base line to the place of beginning; Together with the waters of Beynon Lake (48°51′N., 92°09′W.), Mount Lake (49°02′N., 92°10′W.), Roughstone Lake (49°01′N., 92°16′W.), Silvertip Lake (49°03′N., 92°16′W.), Ricemere Lake (49°04′N., 92°16′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°11′N., Longitude 92°15′W., Dibble Lake (49°13′N., 92°00′W.), Nora Lake (49°12′N., 91°50′W.), Campus Lake (49°12′N., 91°43′W.), Fish (East Campus) Lake (49°11′N., 91°40′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°37′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., 91°28′W., Kathleen Lake (49°12′N., 91°23′W.), Gulliver Lake (49°10′N., 91°19′W.), Portage Lake (49°12′N., 91°15′W.), Cloven Lake (49°12′N., 91°12′W.), Lower Scotch Lake (49°12′N., 91°06′W.), Rye Lake (49°12′N., 91°02′W.), Kawaweogama Lake (50°12′N., 90°10′W.) and Selwyn Lake (49°55′N., 85°48′W.), and including the waters on the islands of Nipigon Bay including Vert, St. Ignace and Simpson; EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the waters in Divisions 30 and 32.


    • 22.1 The waters in the Territorial District of Kenora lying within a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the mouth of the Cedar River where it enters Rice Lake (which is part of the English River) at 50°34′07″N., 93°17′43″W.; THENCE in a northeasterly direction 7.5 km, crossing the Ontario Hydro Transmission Line right-of-way; THENCE southeasterly for 30.5 km following Highway 105, east of Goose Lake (50°34′02″N., 93°11′33″W.) to a point east of Dennis Lake; THENCE in an easterly direction for 2 km; THENCE east of an unnamed lake at 50°18′15″N., 93°01′15″W.; THENCE southerly for 2.5 km; THENCE in an easterly, southerly and westerly direction, following the height of land for approximately 25 km to a point between the east shore of Square Lake and the west shore of Gary Lake at 50°13′50″N., 92°59′12″W., continuing along the northeast shore of Thaddeus Lake; THENCE southwesterly 10 km, to a point west of Fawcett Lake; THENCE westerly 10 km to a point east of Moose Lake at 50°04′24″N., 93°01′54″W.; THENCE southerly 3 km, to a point northwest of Black Lake; THENCE southeasterly 3 km; THENCE southerly 2 km, west of Ladysmith Creek; THENCE westerly 4 km, south of the unnamed lakes at 50°02′23″N., 93°01′27″W. and 50°02′03″N., 93°02′15″W.; THENCE northwesterly 2.5 km, east of Meridian Lake; THENCE southerly 6 km, along the east side of Norse and Walsh Lakes; THENCE westerly 3.5 km, to a point east of Wauchope Lake; THENCE northerly 4 km and westerly 5 km, between the north shore of Affleck Lake and the south shore of Ross Lake; THENCE northerly and westerly 14 km, to a point south of an unnamed lake at 50°06′31″N., 93°18′50″W.; THENCE northwesterly 2 km; THENCE westerly 1 km, south of Mystery Lake; THENCE southerly 3 km; THENCE westerly 7.5 km, to a point south of an unnamed lake at 50°05′55″N., 93°21′06″W. and the southwest shores of Evening and Twilight Lakes; THENCE northerly 1 km; THENCE northeasterly 10 km, to a point southwest of Cliff Lake; THENCE northerly 4.5 km and northwesterly 4.5 km; THENCE northeasterly to a point north of King Lake at 50°10′55″N., 93°23′19″W.; THENCE northerly 2 km; THENCE southwesterly 2.5 km, north of Beaton Lake; THENCE southerly 2 km; THENCE westerly 2.5 km, south of two small unnamed lakes draining into Schultz Lake; THENCE northeasterly 2 km; THENCE northwesterly 1 km; THENCE southwesterly 2 km; THENCE northwesterly 8 km intercepting the Fleet Lake Road at approximately 50°13′48″N., 93°32′50″W.; THENCE northerly 10 km, east of Gabby Lake and west of an unnamed lake at 50°19′53″N., 93°05′35″W.; THENCE easterly 4 km; THENCE northeasterly 4.5 km, between the west shore of Aerobus Lake and the east shore of Bornite Lake; THENCE westerly 5 km, north of Bornite Lake; THENCE northwesterly 15 km, west of the unnamed lake at 50°17′25″N., 93°04′46″W., east of Toole Lake, west of Anishinabi Lake and between the unnamed lakes at 50°12′55″N., 93°01′08″W. and 50°16′21″N., 93°03′50″W.; THENCE northeasterly 6.5 km, south of Howard Lake and north of Halverson Lake; THENCE northerly 1 km; THENCE easterly 2.5 km; THENCE northeasterly 7 km; THENCE northerly 5 km to the place of beginning.


    • 25 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Cochrane and Kenora lying within a line described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the interprovincial boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec with the parallel of Latitude 50°00′N.; THENCE west along that parallel to its intersection with the water’s edge of the Kabinakagami River; THENCE southerly along the water’s edge and easterly limit of that river to the intersection with the centreline of the Canadian National Railway Right of Way in the geographic Township of Studholme; THENCE westerly along that centreline to its intersection with the easterly boundary of the geographic Township of Bicknell; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE westerly along the northerly boundary of that township to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the parallel of Latitude 54°00′N.; THENCE east along that parallel to its intersection with the water’s edge along the westerly shore of James Bay; THENCE in a general southwesterly direction along the water’s edge of James Bay to its intersection with the interprovincial boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec; THENCE southerly along the interprovincial boundary to the place of beginning; EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the waters of the following lakes: Jog Lake (50°24′N., 85°20′W.), Napken Lake (51°52′N., 85°20′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°21′N., Longitude 85°20′W., an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°23′N., Longitude 85°20′W. and an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 53°26′N., Longitude 85°20′W.


    • 32 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Kenora and Rainy River within the area described as follows:

      BEGINNING on the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America at its intersection with the meridian line at Longitude 92°30′W.; THENCE north along that meridian line to its intersection with the water’s edge of Wild Potato Lake; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Wild Potato Lake to its intersection with the southerly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A; THENCE in a general westerly direction along the southern boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to the southeast corner thereof; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 23A to its intersection with the water’s edge of Partridge Crop Lake; THENCE easterly along the water’s edge and southerly limit of Partridge Crop Lake and the Seine River to its intersection with the southerly limit of Highway Number 11; THENCE easterly along that southerly limit to its intersection with a line drawn south astronomic from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE north along that line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bennett; THENCE northerly along the easterly boundary of that township to the northeast corner thereof; THENCE north astronomic to the intersection with the third base line; THENCE westerly along that base line to its intersection with the fifth meridian line; THENCE northerly along that meridian line to its intersection with a line drawn west astronomic from the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE east along that line to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Grummett; THENCE easterly along the southerly boundary of the geographic Townships of Grummett, Cathcart, McNevin and Corman to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Corman; THENCE southerly along the westerly boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to its intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America; THENCE in a general westerly and northwesterly direction along the international boundary to the place of beginning; Together with the waters of: Duff Lake (48°29′N., 92°29′W.); Kemp Lake (48°29′N., 92°30′W.); Calm Lake (48°46′N., 92°04′W.); Roman Lake (49°00′N., 92°08′W.); Side Lake (49°09′N., 92°17′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°02′N., Longitude 92°13′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°02′N., Longitude 92°14′W.; Kenoshay Lake (49°11′N., 92°07′W.); Pine Lake (49°12′N., 92°05′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., 91°59′W.; White Otter Lake (49°07′N., 91°52′W.); Halfmoon Lake (49°10′N., 91°48′W.); Elsie Lake (49°11′N., 91°45′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°33′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°12′N., Longitude 91°31′W.; Adele Lake (49°11′N, 91°21′W.); Pyramid Lake (49°08′N., 90°58′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 49°05′N., Longitude 90°57′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°58′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°57′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°54′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; Union Lake (48°49′N., 90°58′W.); an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°47′N., Longitude 90°58′W.; all waters within the boundaries of Quetico Provincial Park, including the waters of Mack Lake (48°24′N., 91°00′W.), an unnamed lake situated at approximate Latitude 48°23′N., Longitude 90°58′W., District Lake (48°22′N., 90°58′W.), Saganagons Lake (48°17′N., 90°58′W.), Moose Bay Lake (48°17′N., 90°57′W.) and Admit Lake (48°15′N., 90°58′W.); EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom the waters of Divisions 21 and 22.


    • 33 The waters in the Territorial Districts of Cochrane and Thunder Bay described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the intersection of the high-water mark of Lake Superior with the westerly shore of the Pic River; THENCE westerly along that high-water mark to the confluence with the Nipigon River; THENCE northerly along the high-water mark on the easterly shore of the Nipigon River, Helen Lake and Jessie Lake to the Pine Portage dam; THENCE northerly along the high-water mark on the east shore of Forgan Lake and the east shore of the Nipigon River to the confluence with Lake Nipigon; THENCE northeasterly along that high-water mark to the westerly shore of the Pikitigushi River; THENCE west astronomically to the high-water mark along the westerly shore of the Nipigon River; THENCE northwesterly along that high-water mark to the westerly shore of the Pikitigushi River; THENCE northeasterly following that westerly shore to the northerly limit of the right of way of the Canadian National Railway; THENCE westerly along that limit to the 90th meridian; THENCE northerly along that meridian to the 51st parallel; THENCE easterly along that parallel to the northerly projection of the westerly boundary of the geographic Township of Gzowski; THENCE southerly along that projection to the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Gzowski; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of that Township to its northeast corner; THENCE southerly along the easterly boundary of that Township to its intersection with the centre line of the Canadian National Railway line; THENCE easterly along the centre line of the Canadian National Railway line to its intersection with the westerly boundary of the geographic Township of Nakina; THENCE northerly along the Township boundary; THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of that Township to the intersection with Cordingely Lake; THENCE northerly along the high-water mark of the said lake to the intersection of the northerly boundary of the geographic Township of Nakina with the northeast corner of that township; THENCE southerly along the easterly boundary of that Township to its intersection with Lower Twin Lake; THENCE easterly along the high-water mark of said lake to its intersection with the easterly boundary of the geographic Township of Nakina; THENCE southerly to the intersection of that boundary with the centre line of the old main line of the Canadian National Railway; THENCE easterly along the centre line of the Canadian National Railway line to the high-water mark along the westerly shore of the Otosawian River; THENCE southwesterly along that high-water mark to the intersection with the centre line of Highway ll; THENCE westerly along that centre line to its intersection with the centre line of Secondary Highway 625; THENCE southerly and southeasterly along that centre line to its intersection with the centre line of a road running westerly from the Village of Caramat; THENCE westerly along that centre line to its intersection with the high-water mark along the westerly shore of the Pic River; THENCE southerly along that high-water mark to the place of beginning.


    • 35 The waters of Lake Huron, within the area described as follows:

      BEGINNING at the Blue Water Bridge at Point Edward; THENCE northerly along the east shore of Lake Huron to the navigational light at Cape Hurd on the Bruce Peninsula; THENCE northwesterly in a straight line to the most southerly point along the shore of Hungerford Point on Manitoulin Island; THENCE westerly along the south shore of Manitoulin Island (including the waters of South Bay) to Latitude 45°55′N. at Mississagi Strait; THENCE westerly along Latitude 45°55′N. to the east shore of Cockburn Island; THENCE westerly along the south shore of Cockburn Island to Latitude 45°55′N.; THENCE westerly along Latitude 45°55′N. to its intersection with the international boundary between Canada and the UniteBlue Water Bridge at Point Edward.




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