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  1. Region of Waterloo International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/2006-78 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer surface, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22, dated April 30, 2003 is an imaginary surface established at a constant elevation of 45.000 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point except that, where that surface is less than 9.000 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is located at 9.000 m above the surface of the ground. The boundary of the outer surface is described as follows:


    commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

    thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 105 to the northwest corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

    thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 86 to the northeast corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 09);

    thence southerly along the limits of Lots 86, 87, 88, 89 and 127, German Company Tract to the southeast corner of Lot 127, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 16);

    thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 127 to the northwest corner of Lot 128, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;


    thence northerly along the centreline of the Grand River to the intersection of the centreline of the Grand River with the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 21);

    thence westerly along the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53 and along the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, with the easterly limit of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);


    thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeastern and southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) to the intersection of the southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) with the eastern limit of Lot 107, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 07 and 08);

    thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 107 to the northwest corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich;

    thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 105 to the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, being the point of commencement (see Sheet 08).


    The outer limit of the land in respect of which these Regulations apply, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 1 to 27, dated April 30, 2003, is described as follows:

    All those lands situate in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Wilmot, now in the Township of Wilmot, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Guelph, now in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa, in the County of Wellington, in the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the Township of Puslinch, in the County of Wellington and in the geographic Township of Guelph and the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the City of Guelph and described as follows:

    commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

    thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 105 to the northwest corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

    thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 86 to the northeast corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 09);

    thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 86 and 87, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the eastern limit of Lot 87, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, with the northwestern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 09);


    thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 253°14′46″, to the intersection of the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport with the eastern limit of Lot 88, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 05, 12, 11, 10, 09 and 16);

    thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lots 88, 89 and 127, German Company Tract, to the southeast corner of Lot 127, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 16);

    thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 127 to the northwest corner of Lot 128, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;


    thence northerly along the centreline of the Grand River to the intersection of the centreline of the Grand River with the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 21);

    thence westerly along the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53 and along the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, with the eastern limit of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);


    thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeastern and southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) to the intersection of the southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) with the eastern limit of Lot 107, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 07 and 08);

    thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 107 to the northwest corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich;

    thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 105 to the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, being the point of commencement (see Sheet 08).


  2. Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany in Force April 1, 1988 - SI/88-127

    Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany


    the Federal Republic of Germany,


    • (1) For the purposes of this Agreement,

      • (a)  territory means,

        as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, the territory in which the legislation specified in Article 2(1)(a) applies; and,


      • (b)  national means,

        as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, a German citizen within the meaning of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) of the Federal Republic of Germany; and,


      • (c)  legislation means,

        as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, the laws, regulations and other general legislative acts related to the branches of social security specified in Article 2(1)(a);


      • (d)  competent authority means,

        as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesminister für Arbeit und Sozialordnung); and,


      • (e)  institution means,

        as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, the institution or authority responsible for the application of the legislation specified in Article 2(1)(a); and,



    • (1) Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, it shall apply:

      • (a) as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, to the legislation concerning:



    • [...]

    • (2) In paragraph (1) and in Articles 7 to 10, “legislation” means,

      as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, the legislation described in Article 2(1)(a) insofar as it relates to mandatory pension coverage, and,



    When, but for the application of this Article, a person employed as a member of the crew of a seagoing ship would be subject to the legislation of both Contracting States, only the German legislation shall apply in respect of that employment if the ship is entitled to fly the flag of the Federal Republic of Germany, and only the legislation of Canada shall apply in any other case.


    For the purposes of the Old Age Security Act of Canada:

    • (a) if a person, other than a member of the crew of a seagoing ship, is subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada during any period of residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, that period shall be considered as a period of residence in Canada for that person as well as for his spouse and dependants who reside with him and who are not subject to the German legislation regarding mandatory pension coverage;

    • (b) if a person, other than a member of the crew of a seagoing ship, is subject to the German legislation regarding mandatory pension coverage during any period of residence in the territory of Canada, that period shall not be considered as a period of residence in Canada for that person or for his spouse or dependants who reside with him and who are not subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada by reason of employment or self-employment;


    The following shall apply as regards the Federal Republic of Germany:

    • (a) The periods of coverage to be taken into account under Article 12 shall be assigned to that branch of insurance whose institution is responsible for determining entitlement to a pension if only German legislation is applied. If, according to the foregoing, the Miners’ Pension Insurance is the competent institution, periods of coverage completed under the legislation of Canada shall be taken into account for the Miners’ Pension Insurance only if they were completed in a mining enterprise in underground operations.

    • (b) For purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit payable under German legislation through the application of Article 12:

      • (i) a month ending on or before December 31, 1965, which is recognized as a month of residence under the Old Age Security Act of Canada shall be considered as a month of contributions under German legislation;

      • (ii) a year commencing on or after January 1, 1966, in which a contribution has been made under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as twelve months of contributions under German legislation;

      • (iii) a month commencing on or after January 1, 1966, which is recognized as a month of residence under the Old Age Security Act of Canada and in relation to which no contribution has been made under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a month of contributions under the German legislation.

    • (c) The pension computation base (Rentenbemessungsgrundlage) shall be determined solely on the basis of the periods of coverage to be considered under German legislation.

    • [...]

    • (f) With regard to the termination of a miner’s compensation benefit (Knappschaftsausgleichsleistung) for a miner who has given up employment as a miner, a Canadian mining enterprise shall be considered equivalent to a German mining enterprise.


    The following shall apply as regards benefits payable under the Old Age Security Act of Canada:

    • (a) For purposes of determining eligibility for a pension or a spouse’s allowance payable under the Old Age Security Act through the application of Article 12, a period of residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, after the age at which periods of residence in Canada are creditable for purposes of that Act, shall be considered as a period of residence in the territory of Canada.


    The following shall apply as regards benefits payable under the Canada Pension Plan:

    • (a) For purposes of determining eligibility for benefits payable under the Canada Pension Plan through the application of Article 12, a year including at least three months of coverage under German legislation shall be considered as a year for which contributions have been made under the Canada Pension Plan.


    • (1) The institutions, associations of German institutions, and authorities of the Contracting States shall provide mutual assistance to each other in the application of the legislation specified in Article 2(1) and in the implementation of this Agreement, in the same manner in which they apply their own legislation. With the exception of any cash expenditures relating thereto, such assistance shall be provided free of charge.


    The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and a province of Canada may conclude understandings concerning any social security matter within provincial jurisdiction in Canada insofar as those understandings are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.


    This Agreement shall also apply to Land Berlin, provided that the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany does not make a contrary declaration to the Government of Canada within three months of the date of entry into force of this Agreement.


    • [...]

    • (3) With the entry into force of this Agreement, the following shall be terminated:

      • (a) the Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Canada Concerning the Pension Insurance of Persons of Non-German Nationality Locally Employed at Official Missions and Posts of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada, signed on December 19, 1969; and

      • (b) the Convention on Social Security between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada, signed on March 30, 1971.


    Final Protocol to the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany

    At the time of the signing of the Agreement on Social Security concluded this day between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany, the plenipotentiaries of both Contracting States stated that they were in agreement on the following points:

    • [...]

    • 2 With reference to Article 2 of the Agreement:

      • (a) Part II of the Agreement shall not apply to the Steelworkers’ Supplementary Insurance and to the Farmers’ Old Age Assistance of the Federal Republic of Germany.

      • (b) Where under German legislation both the conditions for the application of the Agreement and the conditions for the application of any other convention or supranational arrangement are satisfied, the German institution shall disregard that other convention or supranational arrangement when applying the Agreement.

      • (c) Article 2(2) and the preceding subparagraph shall not apply if the social security legislation, which arises for the Federal Republic of Germany from international treaties or supranational laws or is designed to implement them, contains provisions relating to the apportionment of insurance burdens.

      • (d) The Agreement shall apply to laws and regulations which extend the existing legislation of Canada to other categories of beneficiaries or other types of benefits only if no objection on the part of Canada has been communicated to the Federal Republic of Germany within three months of notification of such laws or regulations.

    • 3 With reference to Article 4 of the Agreement:

      • [...]

      • (b) The German legislation which guarantees participation of the insured and of employers in the organs of self-government of the institutions and their associations, as well as in the adjudication of social security matters, shall remain unaffected.

      • (c) Canadian nationals who reside outside the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be entitled to voluntary coverage under German Pension Insurance if they have made valid contributions to the latter for at least sixty calendar months, or if they were entitled to voluntary coverage under transitional legislation which was in force before October 19, 1972. This shall also apply to persons specified in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of Article 3 who reside in the territory of Canada. Canadian nationals and refugees within the meaning of subparagraph (b) of Article 3 who reside in the territory of Canada shall also be entitled to voluntary coverage under German Pension Insurance if, under the provisions of the Convention on Social Security between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada of March 30, 1971, they paid a voluntary contribution to German Pension Insurance at the latest on the day preceding the entry into force of the Agreement.

    • 4 With reference to Article 5 of the Agreement:

      • (a) Article 5 shall apply, as appropriate, to cash benefits payable under German Accident Insurance to beneficiaries who are Canadian nationals and who reside in the territory of a province of Canada, provided that the laws of that province regarding statutory accident insurance provide for payment of corresponding cash benefits to German nationals who reside in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. This shall apply, as appropriate, with regard to the persons specified in subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of Article 3 who reside in Canada in the territory of one of that country’s provinces, provided that the laws of that province regarding statutory accident insurance provide for the payment of corresponding cash benefits to the persons specified in subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of Article 3, who reside in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

      • (b) German legislation regarding cash benefits based on periods of coverage completed under laws other than federal law shall not be affected.

      • (c) German legislation regarding cash benefits in respect of occupational accidents (including occupational diseases) for which the injured party was not insured under federal law at the time the accident occurred shall not be affected.

      • (d) German legislation regarding medical, occupational and supplementary rehabilitation benefits provided by a pension insurance institution shall not be affected.

      • (e) Article 5 shall not apply to a person who resides in Canada with regard to a pension under the German legislation governing occupational disability, general disability or reduced capacity for gainful employment as a miner, if the occupational disability, the general disability or the reduced capacity for gainful employment as a miner is not due solely to the person’s state of health.

    • [...]

    • 7 With reference to Article 9 of the Agreement:

      • (a) When a German national is employed in the territory of Canada by the government or other public employer of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German legislation shall apply for the duration of the employment as though it were employment in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, unless the legislation of Canada is applicable as described in Article 9.

      • [...]

      • (c) Article 9 of the Agreement and subparagraphs (a) and (b) above shall apply correspondingly to a person who is employed as a private servant by a member or employee of an official German representation in Canada.

    • 8 With reference to Article 10 of the Agreement:

      • (a) As regards the Federal Republic of Germany, a person who is not employed in its territory shall be deemed to be employed at the place where he had his last previous employment. If he was not previously employed in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, he shall be deemed to be employed at the place where the competent German authority is domiciled.

    • 9 With reference to Article 12 of the Agreement:

      • (a) Article 12 shall apply, as appropriate, to benefits which are granted under German legislation at the discretion of an institution.

      • (b) As regards the granting of supplementary benefits under the German legislation governing Miners’ Pension Insurance, periods of coverage completed under the legislation of Canada shall not be taken into account.

      • (c) Periods of contributions to the Canada Pension Plan in respect of employment or self-employment shall be equivalent to periods of employment or self-employment subject to mandatory coverage that are required under German legislation for a claim to a retirement pension before the age of 65 or to an occupational or a general disability pension.

    • 10 With reference to Article 13 of the Agreement:

      • (a) In applying German legislation governing the calculation of pensions, in particular the provisions concerning the higher assessment for periods of contribution in cases where a prescribed minimum number of years of coverage has been completed, or in cases where a person has been in employment subject to mandatory coverage for a prescribed period and has received remuneration in kind throughout that period, periods of coverage completed in Canada or similar employment in Canada shall not be taken into account.

      • [...]

      • (c) Where under German legislation a provision on the payment of pro rata benefits enters into force, subparagraphs (d) and (e) of Article 13 shall no longer apply from the date of entry into force of such a provision.

    • [...]

    • 12 With reference to Article 24(4) of the Agreement:

      If, in relation to German legislation, a subsidy for health insurance premiums has previously been paid but, because of the termination of the Convention of March 30, 1971, the requirements for payment of such a subsidy are no longer fulfilled, the subsidy shall continue to be paid in accordance with German transitional legislation governing cases where eligibility for the subsidy ceased to exist on January 1, 1983.

    • 13 In the implementation of the Agreement, German legislation, to the extent that it contains more favourable provisions for persons who have suffered because of their political attitude, or for reasons of their race, religion, or ideology, shall not be affected.

    DONE at Bonn on November 14, 1985, in two copies in the English, French and German languages, each text being equally authentic.


  3. Proclamation Giving Notice that the Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany Comes Into Force on December 1, 2003 - SI/2003-173

    Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement on Social Security of 14 November 1985 Between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany



    DESIRING to adjust the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany signed at Bonn on 14 November 1985, hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”, to the present circumstances,


    • [...]

      • (a) 
        In subparagraph (1)(a), the words “the territory in which the legislation specified in Article 2(1)(a) applies” are replaced by the words “the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany”.
    • [...]

      • [...]

        • “as regards the Federal Republic of Germany, to the legislation concerning:


    • [...]

    • [...]

      • “(c) 
        For the calculation of pensions, earnings points shall be determined solely on the basis of the periods of coverage completed under German legislation.
      • (d) 
        Where under German legislation entitlement to a benefit is conditional upon the fact that a given number of mandatory contributions has been paid within a specified period (reference period) and where that legislation provides that this period is extended by periods of receipt of benefits or periods of child raising, this reference period shall also be extended by periods of receipt of invalidity or old-age pensions under the legislation of Canada or benefits on account of sickness, unemployment or industrial injury (except pensions) under the laws of Canada or the laws of a province of Canada and by periods of child raising in Canada.
    • [...]

      • “(a)
        • (i) 
          For purposes of determining eligibility for an Old Age Security pension or an allowance under the Old Age Security Act through the application of Article 12, a period of coverage under the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, or a period of residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, after the age at which periods of residence in Canada are creditable for purposes of that Act, shall be considered as a period of residence in the territory of Canada.
        • (ii) 
          In the application of subparagraph (a)(i), a period of residence prior to 3 October 1990 in the territory specified in Article 3 of the Treaty on the establishment of German Unity of 31 August 1990 shall be considered as a period of residence in the territory of Canada.
    • [...]

    • [...]

      • “The second sentence shall also apply to decisions of courts and notifications issued in connection with the implementation of the GermanLaw Governing War Victims’ Assistance (Gesetz über die Versorgung der Opfer des Krieges) and those laws which declare the first-mentioned law to be applied accordingly.”
    • [...]

    • [...]

      • [...]

        • Where, under the provisions of the Agreement regarding mandatory coverage, a person is subject to German legislation, German provisions relating to mandatory coverage for unemployment insurance shall also apply in the same manner to that person and his or her employer.”
    • [...]

    • [...]

      • [...]

        • (a) 
          A person shall be considered to be subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada during a period of presence or residence in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany only if that person makes contributions pursuant to the plan concerned during that period by reason of employment or self-employment.
        • (b) 
          A person shall be considered to be subject to the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany during a period of presence or residence in the territory of Canada only if that person makes mandatory contributions pursuant to that legislation during that period by reason of employment or self-employment.”
    • [...]

      • “(b) 
        Mandatory contributions to the Canada Pension Plan in respect of employment or self-employment shall be equivalent to mandatory contributions in respect of employment or self-employment required under German legislation for a claim to an old age pension before the age of 65 or to a pension on account of reduced earning capacity.”
    • [...]

    • [...]

      • “12A
        • [...]

          • - 
            belonged to the German language and cultural group,
          • [...]

          • - 
            had not acknowledged themselves to be ethnically German because they were Jewish,
          • and who left the areas of expulsion within the meaning of Article 1, paragraph 2, number 3, of the GermanFederal Law on Displaced Persons, may, upon application, pay retroactive voluntary contributions to the German pensions insurance system, provided that periods of contributions or periods of employment under the Foreign Pensions Law become creditable for these persons for the first time as a result of Article 17A of the Foreign Pensions Law. The retroactive voluntary contributions may only be paid for periods after attainment of age 16 and before attainment of age 65 and starting with the time the National Socialist sphere of influence was extended to what was then their homeland. Contributions shall only be permitted for periods that have not already been credited as periods of contributions according to German laws. An event giving rise to eligibility for benefits which occurs prior to the expiration of the time limit for the payment of retroactive contributions shall not preclude the payment of these retroactive contributions.
        • (b) 
          Retroactive voluntary contributions according to subparagraph (a) may not exceed the amount necessary to permit payment of benefits based on periods creditable under Article 17A of the Foreign Pensions Law in accordance with the statutory pension provisions on payment of benefits to eligible persons abroad that were applicable in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany - without the Acceding Territory (Beitrittsgebiet) - on 1 July 1990.
        • [...]

        • (d) 
          Contributions shall be paid in an amount of 43.19 Euro (84.48 Deutsche Mark) for each calendar month; for this purpose, the amount of retroactive voluntary contributions to be paid may be set off against the amount of any resulting benefits that are payable retroactively. For the computation of the insured person’s relevant German pension computation base, the values for the year 1994 shall be applied to the retroactively paid contributions.
        • (e) 
          For purposes of computing the benefit amount, the statutory pension provisions applicable within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany — without the Acceding Territory — on 1 July 1990, including the provisions on benefit payments to eligible persons abroad, shall be applied, together with this Agreement. The provisions on revaluation of pensions based on Personal Remuneration Points (Article 307 of Volume VI of the Social Law Code) shall be applied accordingly. The monthly amount of the benefit that is to be paid abroad shall be derived from the Pension Category Factor, as well as


        • [...]

        • (h) 
          An application to pay retroactive voluntary contributions according to this point must be filed within 24 calendar months following the entry into force of this point. The application must be filed with the social insurance institution to which the last German contribution was paid or deemed to have been paid, and which is competent for adjudicating the benefit claim. If the last German contribution was paid to an institution of the miners pensions insurance system, retroactive voluntary contributions may only be paid to the wage earners or salaried employees insurance system. The contributions shall be paid to the social insurance institution that is competent to accept and process the application.


    DONE at Toronto on the 27th day of August 2002, in two copies, in the English, French and German languages, each text being equally authentic.




  4. Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted - SOR/98-462 (SCHEDULE)



    95 Any firearm with a bore diameter of 20 mm or greater — other than one designed exclusively for the purpose of neutralizing explosive devices — including the

    • [...]

    • (z.052) German Anti-Tank Rifle GrB39;

    • (z.053) German Anti-Tank Rifle M41;

    • (z.054) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB38;

    • (z.055) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB39;

    • (z.056) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB41;

    • (z.057) German Mortar 1934 Granatwerfer;

    • (z.058) German Mortar Kurzer Granatewerfer 42;

    96 Any firearm capable of discharging a projectile with a muzzle energy greater than 10,000 joules — other than one referred to in item 12, 13, 14, 20, 22 or 30 of this Part or one designed exclusively for the purpose of neutralizing explosive devices — including the

    • [...]

    • (z.049) German Anti-Tank Rifle PzB42;


  5. Proclamations Certifying Who Are the High Contracting Parties to the Warsaw Convention - SI/85-25 (SCHEDULE I)



    The High Contracting Parties to the Convention and the Territories in respect of which they are respectively Parties (date on which the Convention came into force in respect of Parties is shown).

    High Contracting Parties to the Convention Territories in respect of which they are Parties Date Convention came into force in respect of Parties
    German Democratic Republic German Democratic Republic December 29, 1933
    Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of December 29, 1933


    The High Contracting Parties to the Protocol signed at The Hague on September 28, 1955 (date on which the Protocol came into force in respect of Parties is shown).

    High Contracting Parties to The Hague Protocol Territories in respect of which they are Parties Date Protocol came Into force in respect of Parties
    German Democratic Republic German Democratic Republic August 1, 1963
    Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of August 1, 1963




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