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  1. Goose Bay Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/2001-518 (SCHEDULE)



    The airport zoning reference point is a point located at the intersection of the centre line projection of runway 08-26 and the easterly end of the strip associated with the approach surface to Runway 26. The reference point has grid coordinates of North 5 910 381.35 metres and East 377 749.17 metres and is shown on Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000.


    Each strip is described as follows:


    which strips are shown on Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000.


    The approach surfaces, shown on Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000, are surfaces that abut each end of the strips associated with the runways 08-26 and 16-34, and that are more particularly described as follows:


    Being an imaginary surface consisting of a common plane established at a constant elevation of forty-five (45) metres above the elevation of the Airport Zoning Reference Point, except that where the common plane is less than nine (9) metres above the ground at any point, the outer surface is an imaginary plane located at nine (9) metres above the ground, which outer surface is shown on Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000.


    Which outer limits are shown on Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000.


    Commencing at the point of intersection of the northerly limit of the approach surface to Runway 16, with the arc of a circle having a radius of 8 000 metres, the centre of the circle being located at the midpoint of the westerly end of runway 16-34 and the said point of intersection having grid coordinates of North 5 918 004.73 metres and East 370 719.98 metres;


    Thence on an azimuth of 140°41′05″, a distance of 7 250.61 metres to the place of commencement, which outer limits of land affected in these regulations are shown on Public Works and Government Services Canada Goose Bay Airport Zoning Plan No. S-4006, dated February 11, 2000.


  2. Goose Bay Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/2001-518

    Whereas, pursuant to subsection 5.5(1)Footnote a of the Aeronautics Act, a copy of the proposed Goose Bay Airport Zoning Regulations, substantially in the form set out in the annexed regulations, was published in two successive issues of newspapers serving the area to which the proposed regulations relate, namely on March 19 and 26, 2001 in The Labradorian and in two successive issues of the Canada Gazette Part I, on March 24 and 31, 2001, and a reasonable opportunity was afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of National Defence with respect to the proposed regulations;


    Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Defence, pursuant to paragraph 5.4(2)(b)Footnote a of the Aeronautics Act, hereby makes the annexed Goose Bay Airport Zoning Regulations.

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