The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Cranbrook Airport Zoning Plan No. B.C. 1640 (Z), dated January 12, 1987, is described as follows:
All that land in the Kootenay District in the Province of British Columbia contained within the following described boundary:
Commencing at the northeasterly corner of District Lot 340, Kootenay District;
Thence, northerly along the westerly limit of Kootenay Indian Reserve Number 1 a distance of 21.4 m, more or less, to a point which lies radially distant 4 000 m on a grid bearing of 353°44′30″ from the Airport Reference Point;
Thence, on a grid bearing of 212°22′00″ a distance of 50 m, more or less, to the point of intersection with the northerly limit of District Lot 2, Kootenay District, being the right bank of Saint Mary River;
Thence, southerly to the southeasterly corner of District Lot 1, Kootenay District;
Thence, southerly to the southeasterly corner of District Lot 494, Kootenay District;
Thence, southerly to the southeasterly corner of District Lot 11570, Kootenay District;
Thence, westerly to the southwesterly corner of District Lot 11569, Kootenay District;
Thence, westerly to the northwesterly corner of District Lot 11571, Kootenay District;
Thence, northwesterly in a straight line to a point in the easterly limit of District Lot 5267, Kootenay District, distant 300 m northerly from the southeasterly corner of said District Lot 5267;
Thence, northwesterly in a straight line to the most southeasterly corner of District Lot 11530, Kootenay District;
Thence, westerly along the southern limit of said District Lot 11530 to the point of intersection with the southerly production of the westerly limit of District Lot 2045, Kootenay District;
Thence, northerly and westerly along the southerly limit of the said Statutory Right-of-Way plan 15445 to the point of intersection with the easterly limit of District Lot 8748, Kootenay District;
Thence, northerly to the southeasterly corner of District Lot 6435, Kootenay District;
Thence, northerly to the southeasterly corner of District Lot 7010, Kootenay District;
Thence, westerly to the southwesterly corner of District Lot 7010, Kootenay District;
Thence, northerly in a straight line to a point in the northerly limit of District Lot 8898, Kootenay District, which point lies 400 m westerly from the most northeasterly corner of said District Lot 8898;
Except thereout and therefrom:
Firstly: Kootenay Indian Reserve Number 1, Plan B.C. 55 (C.L.S.R.);
Secondly: District Lots 494, 1758 and parts of District Lot 1, Kootenay District, all now part of Saint Mary’s Indian Reserve Number 1A as shown on Plan 58602 (C.L.S.R.), plan B-90 (L.T.O.); and
Thirdly: Those parts of District Lot 1, Kootenay District, within Saint Mary’s Indian Reserve Number 1A as shown on Plan 59527 (C.L.S.R.), Plan K-854 (L.T.O.).