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  1. Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022 - SOR/2022-105 (SCHEDULE 3 : Open Seasons, Limits and Special Measures)



    • 1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

      District E

      District E  means the portion of Quebec included in Provincial Hunting Zone 1; the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 2 lying east of Route 185 to its intersection with du Loup River and lying east of a line running along the centre of that river to the north end of the Rivière-du-Loup wharf; the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 28 lying east of longitude 70°00′W; the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 27 lying east of longitude 70°00′W and north of the latitude at the Saint-Siméon wharf; and the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 18 and the waters of the Saguenay lying east of the limit of District D, including the portion of the waters of Chaleur Bay and the St. Lawrence River lying east of the route of the ferry crossing from Saint-Siméon to Rivière-du-Loup to the boundaries of Districts B and G. (District E)

      District F

      District F  means the portion of Quebec included in the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 2 lying west of District E; Provincial Hunting Zones 3 to 11, 15 and 26; and the portion of Provincial Hunting Zone 27 lying south of Districts D and E, including the portion of the waters of the St. Lawrence River lying west of District E. (District F)

    • [...]

    • 3 The open seasons set out in Table 1 and Table 2 do not apply to the following areas of Quebec:

      • (a) Cap Tourmente:

        The waters included within the limit described as follows:

        Commencing at the intersection of the low-water mark along the northerly shore of the St. Lawrence River with the southwesterly boundary of shore lot 3,814,431 of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Montmorency; from there southeasterly along the extension of that boundary to a point on the straight line joining the light buoys designated V13 and V6 on Canadian Hydrographic Service chart number 1317; from there easterly along that straight line to the light buoy designated V6 on that chart; from there northeasterly in a straight line toward the light buoys designated K108 and K103 on chart number 1317; from there northeasterly in a straight line to the light buoy designated K95 on chart number 1317, but ending abreast of LL 1902 Cap Brûlé fixed navigation aid located on the northern shore of the St. Lawrence River; from there northwesterly in a line perpendicular to the low-water mark opposite LL 1902 Cap Brûlé fixed navigation aid; from there southwesterly along the low-water mark to the point of commencement, together with the portion of the right-of-way of the railway from lot 3,814,431 of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Montmorency; and from there easterly abreast of LL 1902 Cap Brûlé fixed navigation aid;

        The parcel of land described as follows:

        Lot 3,815,311 of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Montmorency, and the part of the right-of-way of the railway shown on Public Works Canada Plan AM-92-7485, and the zone between the low-water mark of the St. Lawrence River and the northern limit of the railway right-of-way, bounded on the west by Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area and on the east by LL 1902 Cap Brûlé fixed navigation aid. In addition, this zone includes the right of way of the public road called “Cap Tourmente Road”, which is located in the municipality of Saint-Joachim;

      • (b) Portage:

        In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, at approximate latitude 47°37′15″N and approximate longitude 61°29′30″W, a part of les Îles de la Madeleine together with the waters included within the limit described as follows:

        Commencing at the intersection of the ordinary high-water mark of Baie Clarke with a plumb line originating from the centre of the bridge of Route 199 at its northwesterly end; from there southwesterly in a straight line (in Havre de la Grande Entrée) to a point situated 200 m from the ordinary high-water mark and on the extension southeasterly of the most easterly limit of lot 3,777,410 of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Îles-de-la-Madeleine; from there northwesterly following that extension line and southeasterly limit of that lot; from there northwesterly following the easterly limits of lots 3,777,410, 3,779,909 and 3,776,833 and the extension of this later limit in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to a point situated 200 m, measured at a right angle, to the ordinary high-water mark of that Gulf; from there easterly following a line at 200 m from that water mark to a point situated 2000 m in a straight line from that point; from there southerly in a straight line to the intersection of the westerly bank of an unnamed creek with the ordinary high-water mark of Baie Clarke at approximate latitude 47°37′15.32″N and approximate longitude 61°28′24.45″W; and from there southwesterly following that water mark to the point of commencement;

      • (c) Havre aux Basques:

        In the municipality of Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, including a portion of Île du Cap aux Meules and a portion of Île du Havre Aubert, a parcel of land described as follows:

        Commencing at a northwestern point at approximate latitude 47º19′12″N and approximate longitude 61º57′41″W; from there southwesterly along the ordinary high-water mark of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to a southwestern point at approximate latitude 47º18′1.48″N and approximate longitude 61º58′16.70″W; from there easterly in a straight line to a southeastern point at approximate latitude 47º18′14.49″N and approximate longitude 61º56′2.37″W; from there northerly, along the ordinary high-water mark of Baie de Plaisance to a northeastern point at approximate latitude 47º18′59″N and approximate longitude 61º56′09″W; from there westerly in a straight line to the point of commencement; together with a zone extending 200 m easterly from the ordinary high-water mark of Baie de Plaisance and a zone extending 200 m westerly from the ordinary high-water mark of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; the northern and southern limits of those zones being an extension of the northerly boundary between the northeastern and northwestern points previously described and the extension of the southerly boundary between the southeastern and southwestern points previously described; and the eastern and western limits of those zones being lines parallel to the ordinary high-water marks of Baie de Plaisance and the Gulf of St. Lawrence;

      • (d) Lac Saint-Pierre (Nicolet):

        This area is located in the St. Lawrence River to the northwest of the Department of National Defence property near the town of Nicolet. It includes the open water and marshes inside a straight line between battery No. 5 (latitude 46°13′31″N and longitude 72°40′16″W) and the end of the Longue Pointe called OP-6 (latitude 46°10′15″N and longitude 72°45′03″W) on the Department of National Defence property, to the limit of the Nicolet Bird Sanctuary; and

      • (e) Cap-Saint-Ignace:

        This area is located in the St. Lawrence River near the municipality of Cap-Saint-Ignace at approximate latitude 47°02′15″N and approximate longitude 70°29′10″W. It includes the open water and marshes between the high-water mark and the low-water mark starting from the western limit of the Cap-Saint-Ignace Bird Sanctuary, going west for about 400 m to the eastern limit of lot 3,251,418 of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Montmagny.

    • 4 The open seasons set out in Table 2 do not apply in respect of Snow Geese in the portion of the St. Lawrence River bounded on the northeast by a straight line joining Cap Brûlé in the County of Charlevoix and the west side of the mouth of the Trois-Saumons River in the County of l’Islet and bounded on the southwest by a straight line joining the east side of the mouth of the Sainte-Anne River in the County of Montmorency and the wharf at the Town of Berthier-sur-Mer in the County of Montmagny except between the southern boundary of the north navigational channel and the northern boundary of the south navigational channel and exposed land within that portion of the St. Lawrence River.

    TABLE 2

    Special Measures for Overabundant Species in Quebec

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
    Item Area Species Possession Limit Open Season Daily Bag Limit Additional Hunting Method or Equipment
    • (c) March 1 to May 31, only on farmland that is not within the following locations:

      • (i) south of the St. Lawrence River and north of the road right-of-way of Route 132 between the western limit of the municipality of Montmagny and the eastern limit of the municipality of Cap-Saint-Ignace, other than in lots 4,598,472, 2,611,981 and 2,611,982 of the cadastre of Quebec (in the municipality of Montmagny),

      • (ii) north of the St. Lawrence River and south of a line that is 1000 m north of Highway 40 between Montée Saint-Laurent and the Maskinongé River, or

      • (iii) south of the St. Lawrence River and north of the railroad right-of-way located near Route 132 between the Nicolet River in the east and Lacerte Road in the west




    • [...]

    • 3 In this Part, the open seasons set out in Table 1 and Table 2 do not apply to the following areas:

      • [...]

      • (b) the portion of the St. Lawrence River at the beginning point where Lake St. Francis begins, lying between the easterly boundary of the dam at the site of the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station and the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec and situated more than 300 m from the shore of the mainland or any island, from any area of emergent vegetation or from any water line that forms a boundary of private property;


  2. Employment Insurance Regulations - SOR/96-332 (Section 17.1)
    •  (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

      Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore

      Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore means the region described in subsection 3(11) of Schedule I. (région du Bas Saint-Laurent — Côte Nord)

    • [...]

    • (8) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1, 12 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in respect of the period beginning on September 17, 2000 and ending on October 6, 2001, and in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is the greater of

      • (a) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

      • (b) the average of

        • [...]

        • (ii) the average of the regional rates of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore and Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1).

    • (9) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in respect of the period beginning on September 17, 2000 and ending on October 6, 2001, and in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident outside Canada and who was last employed in insurable employment in Canada in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is the greater of

      • (a) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

      • (b) the average of

        • [...]

        • (ii) the average of the regional rates of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore and Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1).

    • (10) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1, 12 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in respect of the period beginning on October 7, 2001 and ending on October 12, 2002, and in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is the greater of

      • (a) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

      • (b) the average of the regional rates of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore and Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1).

    • (11) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in respect of the period beginning on October 7, 2001 and ending on October 12, 2002, and in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident outside Canada and who was last employed in insurable employment in Canada in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is the greater of

      • (a) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

      • (b) the average of the regional rates of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore and Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1).

    • (12) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1, 12 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is

      • (a) in respect of the period beginning on October 13, 2002 and ending on August 6, 2011, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the average of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and the average rate determined in accordance with paragraph (10)(b);

      • (b) in respect of the period beginning on August 7, 2011 and ending on February 11, 2012, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the sum of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), multiplied by 0.85, and the regional rate of unemployment for Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with that subsection, multiplied by 0.15; and

      • (c) in respect of the period beginning on February 12, 2012 and ending on April 7, 2012, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the sum of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), multiplied by 0.95, and the regional rate of unemployment for Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with that subsection, multiplied by 0.05.

    • (13) For the purposes of sections 7, 7.1 and 14 and Part VIII of the Act, in the case of a claimant who, during the week referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Act, was ordinarily resident outside Canada and who was last employed in insurable employment in Canada in Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, the applicable regional rate of unemployment is

      • (a) in respect of the period beginning on October 13, 2002 and ending on August 6, 2011, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the average of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and the average rate determined in accordance with paragraph (11)(b);

      • (b) in respect of the period beginning on August 7, 2011 and ending on February 11, 2012, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the sum of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), multiplied by 0.85, and the regional rate of unemployment for Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with that subsection, multiplied by 0.15; and

      • (c) in respect of the period beginning on February 12, 2012 and ending on April 7, 2012, the greater of

        • (i) the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), and

        • (ii) the sum of the regional rate of unemployment for Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore, as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), multiplied by 0.95, and the regional rate of unemployment for Gaspésie — Îles-de-la-Madeleine, as determined in accordance with that subsection, multiplied by 0.05.

    • [...]

    • (17) If, on any day after March 12, 2011, the required number of hours of insurable employment in a claimant’s qualifying period and the number of weeks for which benefits are payable, determined in respect of Lower St. Lawrence and North Shore using the regional rate of unemployment as determined in accordance with subsection (12), are exactly the same as if they were determined in respect of the same region using the regional rate of unemployment as determined in accordance with subsection 17(1), subsections (12) and (13) cease to have effect on the Sunday after that day.


  3. Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations - SOR/2008-120 (SCHEDULE 6 : Waters on Which Power-driven Vessels and Vessels Driven by Electrical Propulsion Are Subject to a Speed Limit)


    PART 2


    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Item Name Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or Description Specific Location Location Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System) Maximum Speed in km/h Over the Ground
    6 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as the Bateau Channel commencing at a line between Grog Island light at 44°18′14.5″ N 76°14′58″ W and Cooks Point at 44°17′58″ N 76°15′09″ W, thence westerly for approximately 1.4 km to a line between the north shore of the channel at 44°18′18.5″ N 76°16′04″ W and the south shore of the channel at 44°18′7.5″ N 76°16′04″ W 44°17′ 76°16′ 10
    10 That part of the St. Lawrence River known locally as the “Canadian Middle Channel”, commencing at the eastern tip of Wood Island at the charted location of red spar buoy H-16, thence southwesterly along that channel between Ash and Wallace Islands to the southwestern tip of Ash Island at the charted location of green spar buoy H-17, as described in column 2 44°21′33.5″ 44°21′ 76°00′ 18
    11 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as The Lost Channel, commencing at the eastern end of The Lost Channel to the north of Sunset Island, thence southwesterly along The Lost Channel to the south of Georgina Island under the Thousand Islands International Bridge, thence between Constance Island and Island 92, thence between Rabbit and Tom Thumb Islands, thence west-southwesterly between Hill and Wallace Islands to the north of Needle Island and thence between Palm and Butts Islands and terminating at the southwestern tip of Butts Island, as described in column 2 44°21′45″ 44°21′ 76°00′ 15
    12 That part of the St. Lawrence River commencing at a point between the northern tips of Pine and Reveille Islands, thence southerly, thence west-southwesterly between Wiser and Kittner Islands, Carnegie and Hill Islands, and Reciprocity and Hill Islands, thence under the Thousand Islands International Bridge, thence between Trois and Hill Islands, thence along Bensons Rift between Rabbit and Hill Islands and terminating at the western tip of Rabbit Island, as described in column 2 44°21′48″ 44°21′ 76°00′ 9
    13 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as the Needle’s Eye, between the southern shore of Needles Eye Island and the western tip of Hill Island, as described in column 2 44°21′00″ 44°21′ 76°00′ 9
    14 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as the Gananoque Narrows, commencing at a line drawn between Princess Charlotte and Blueberry Islands at the charted location of green spar buoy J1, thence northwesterly between Prince Regent Green Light L.L. 365 and the Gananoque Narrows East Red Light L.L. 364.9, thence westerly between the charted location of red spar buoy J2 and Prince Regent Island to a point midway between the Gananoque Narrows West Light L.L. 365.2 and the shore of Prince Regent Island, as described in column 2 44°19′26″ 44°20′ 76°05′ 15
    15 That part of the St. Lawrence River commencing at a point 100 m north of the charted location of red spar buoy JE10 between Hay and Forsyth Islands, thence southerly between the charted location of red spar buoy I-2 and Hay Island, thence southwesterly between the charted locations of red spar buoy JE14 and green spar buoy JE13, as described in column 2 44°18′40″ 44°18′ 76°09′ 24
    16 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as Wanderers Channel, commencing at a line drawn between White Calf Island and the charted location of green spar buoy JE-8, thence west-southwesterly between Little White Calf Island and Island D, thence between Water Lily and Burnt Islands, thence between Stonesthrow and Pitchpine Islands, thence between Lindsay and Sagastaweka Islands, thence along the northern shore of Bostwick Island between Bostwick and Indiana Islands and terminating on a line drawn between the southwestern tips of Aubrey and Mermaid Islands, as described in column 2 44°18′52″ 44°18′ 76°11′ 9
    19 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as Raft Narrows, extending westerly between Club Island and the mainland, thence between Hill Island and the mainland to a point under the Thousand Islands International Bridge, as described in column 2 (see Note 3) 44°22′30″ 44°22′ 75°58′ 40
    20 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as the Canadian Small Vessel Channel, commencing at the charted location of green spar buoy U-17 and, thence southwesterly between Goose and Grenadier Islands, thence between Van Buren and Grenadier Islands, thence between Tar and Grenadier Islands, thence between Tar and Buck Islands, thence between Tar and Little Grenadier Islands, thence between Tar and Doctor Islands and terminating at the flashing intermittent red light (44°22′46″ 75°55′20″) (see Note 3) 44°24′30″ 44°24′ 75°55′ 40
    21 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as the Tar Island Narrows, commencing at the northeastern tip of Tar Island and extending southwesterly between Tar Island and the mainland to the southwestern tip of Tar Island, as described in column 2 (see Note 3) 44°24′12″ 44°24′ 75°55′ 40
    22 That part of the St. Lawrence River within Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, as described in column 2 (see Note 4) 44°22′03″ 44°24′ 75°55′ 8


    PART 3


    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Item Name Given by the Répertoire toponymique du Québec or Description Local Name Location Reference (Répertoire toponymique du Québec Reference System) Maximum Speed in km/h Over the Ground
    68 The St. Lawrence River between the points at coordinates 45°34′59" 73°28′29" and 45°39′06" 73°27′08″ lying south of the Boucherville Islands, outside the zones described in items 69 and 70 Chenal du Sud


    69 The St. Lawrence River within 50 m of the shoreline to the south of the Boucherville Islands between the points at coordinates 45°34′59" 73°28′29" and 45°39′06" 73°27′08" Chenal du Sud


    70 The St. Lawrence River within 100 m of the shoreline to the north of the City of Boucherville between the points at coordinates 45°34′59" 73°28′29" and 45°39′06" 73°27′08" Chenal du Sud


    71 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as La Grande Rivière between Saint-Jean Island and Sainte-Marguerite Island between the points at coordinates 45°35′13" 73°29′24" and 45°36′20" 73°27′44" Grande Rivière


    72 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as Bras Nord de la Grande Rivière between Saint-Jean Island and À Pinard Island between the points at coordinates 45°36′01" 73°28′59" and 45°36′04" 73°28′14" Bras Nord de la Grande Rivière


    73 That part of the St. Lawrence River known as La Passe between De la Commune Island and Grosbois Island between the points at coordinates 45°37′08" 73°28′24" and 45°37′07″ 73°27′45″ La Passe


    164 Cap Rouge River, east of Gaudaville Bridge at coordinates 46°45′21″ 71°20′58″ up to its confluence with the St. Lawrence River Rivière du Cap Rouge 46°45′ 71°21′ 10
    165 Cap Rouge River, in an area located at its confluence with the St. Lawrence River (a part of Lots 288 and 292) bounded to the south by a line drawn 30 m south of the Cap-Rouge marina wharf at coordinates 46°44′47″ 71°20′34″, to the north by the high water line and the Galarneau Bridge, to the east by Lots 291 and 71-31, and to the west by Lot 71-49 Rivière du Cap Rouge 46°45′ 71°21′ 10
    • (b) the portion of the river between the eastern tip of the Island of Montréal at the confluence of the St. Lawrence River and the Des Prairies River at a point at coordinates 45°42′12″ 73°28′33″ and the Highway 40 bridge at a point at coordinates 45°41′58″ 73°30′31″ (see Note 2)


    The St. Lawrence River:

    49°40′ 64°30′
    • (b) within 50 m of the shore between points at coordinates 45°25′29″ 73°39′57″ at the eastern point of the Island of Montréal and 45°42′12″ 73°28′33″ at the confluence of the St. Lawrence River and the Des Prairies River (see Note 2);



  4. Public Ports and Public Port Facilities Regulations - SOR/2001-154 (SCHEDULE 1 : Designated Public Ports)






    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River bounded by a line extending from the high-water mark on the shore due south astronomically to a point at lat. 45°0′44″ N and long. 74°42′52″ W; thence northeasterly to a point at lat. 45°0′49″ N and long. 74°42′00″ W; thence due north astronomically to the high-water mark on the shore.





    Owen Sound


    Parry Sound


    Port Stanley




    Sault Ste. Marie













    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River, excluding the area designated on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart No. 1235 as “Dumping Ground”, lying within the following boundaries:

    Beginning at a point situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River at Persil Cove, at lat. 47°52′28″ N and long. 69°33′08″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 293°39′28″ to a point at lat. 47°53′16″ N and long. 69°35′51″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 21°49′50″, to a point at lat. 47°59′43″ N and long. 69°32′00″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 110°41′29″, to Bout d’en Haut Point, situated at the southwestern extremity of Verte Island, at lat. 47°59′09″ N and long. 69°29′46″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 113°06′47″, to a point situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River at lat. 47°58′30″ N and long. 69°27′30″ W; thence, in a southwesterly direction, following the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River, to the point of beginning as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart No. 1235, edition of December 27, 1991.

    Les Escoumins

    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River west of a line drawn southeast astronomically from Moulin Point; east of a line drawn southeast astronomically from Cape Bon-Désir; and north of a line drawn parallel to the shoreline and at a distance of three nautical miles therefrom.


    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River lying within the following boundaries:

    Beginning at a point situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River at lat. 48°50′05″ N and long. 67°34′36″ W; thence in an astronomical direction of 320°20′54″ to a point situated at lat. 48°50′48″ N and long. 67°35′30″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 62°06′35″ to a point situated at lat. 48°52′18″ N and long. 67°31′12″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 180°00′ to the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River at lat. 48°51′13″ N and long. 67°31′12″ W; thence, following the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River in a southwesterly direction to the point of beginning, as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart No. 1236, edition of December 27, 1991.




    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River lying within the following boundaries:

    Starting at Cape Caribou, situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River, at lat. 48°23′45″ N and long. 68°40′45″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 311°32′50″ to a point at lat. 48°27′20″ N and long. 68°46′50″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 51°31′57″, to a point at lat. of 48°33′05″ N and long. 68°35′55″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 130°51′24″, to a point situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River at lat. 48°29′35″ N and long. 68°29′50″ W; thence, following the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River in a southwesterly direction, to the point of beginning, as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart No. 1236, edition of December 27, 1991.


    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River and the Richelieu River lying within the following boundaries:

    Beginning at the northwestern corner of wharf No. 1, situated at the mouth of the Richelieu River, on the east side, at lat. 46°02′56″ N and long. 73°07′06″ W; thence, in a southwesterly direction following the face of wharf No. 1 to the high-water mark on the east side of the Richelieu River; thence, following the said high-water mark of the Richelieu River, in a southerly direction, to a point at lat. 45°58′00″ N and long. 73°08′32″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 279°03′10″ to a point at lat. 45°58′01″ N and long. 73°08′41″ W and situated on the high-water mark on the west side of the Richelieu River; thence, in a northerly direction following the said high-water mark of the Richelieu River, to the St. Lawrence River at a point at lat. of 46°02′56″ N and long. 73°07′24″ W; thence, in a southwesterly direction, following the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River to a point at lat. 46°00′46″ N and long. 73°09′52″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 285°23′49″ to a point at lat. 46°01′00″ N and long. 73°11′05″ W and situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River; thence, in a northerly direction, following the said high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River, to a point at lat. 46°02′35″ N and long. 73°10′46″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 54°59′04″ to the northeast extremity of Foins Island at a point at lat. 46°02′55″ N and long. 73°10′05″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 56°27′21″ to the southwest extremity of Saint-Ignace Island (Pères Point) at a point at lat. 46°03′19″ N and long. 73°09′13″ W; thence, in a northeasterly direction, following the south shore of Saint-Ignace Island, to a point at lat. 46°05′23″ N and long. 73°04′42″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 70°13′58″ to the south extremity of Ours Island at a point at lat. 46°05′32″ N and long. 73°04′06″ W; thence, in a northeasterly direction, following the southeast shore of Ours Island, to a point at lat. 46°06′36″ N and long. 73°02′54″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 49°24′46″ to the southwestern extremity of Grande Island at a point at lat. 46°07′04″ N and long. 73°02′07″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 36°06′21″, across Grande Island, to a point at lat. 46°09′05″ N and long. 73°00′00″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 137°32′22″ to a point situated on the north shore of Percés Islets at lat. 46°06′55″ N and long. 72°57′09″ W; thence, in a southwesterly direction, following the north shore of Percés Islets and Moine Island, to the west extremity of Moine Island at a point at lat. 46°03′56″ N and long. 73°01′32″ W; thence, in an astronomical direction of 214°50′36″ to a point situated on the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River and at lat. 46°03′50″ N and long. 73°01′38″ W; thence, in a southwesterly direction, following the high-water mark of the St. Lawrence River to wharf No. 1; thence, following the face of wharf No.1, to the point of beginning.

    Saving and excepting a channel in the St. Lawrence River 600 feet wide through the entire length of the above-described harbour, the said channel extending 300 feet on each side of the axis of the St. Lawrence River ship channel.



    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River and Saguenay River to the west of a line drawn from Point John to the western extremity of Rouge Island; thence to Cape Nid aux Corbeaux, and east of a line commencing at Cape Sainte-Marguerite drawn due south to the opposite shoreline.


    All the navigable waters, including any foreshore, of the St. Lawrence River with its bays and inlets to the east of a line from Point Loupe to the northeast tip of Pommes Island; thence to the south of a line drawn in a northeasterly direction to the western tip of Rasade Nord-Est Island; thence to the west of a line drawn to Cape Aigle.
















    North Sydney




    Port Hastings


    Port Hawkesbury














    Campbell River












    Come by Chance




    Goose Bay






    Long Harbour


    Long Pond




    Port aux Basques


  5. List of Wildlife Species at Risk (Decisions Not to Add Certain Species) Order - SI/2013-27 (ANNEX : Statement Setting Out the Reasons for the Decisions Not To Add the Beluga Whale (Eastern High Arctic and Baffin Bay Population), Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St)

    ANNEXStatement Setting Out the Reasons for the Decisions Not To Add the Beluga Whale (Eastern High Arctic and Baffin Bay Population), Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Population) and Cusk to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk

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    • Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population)

      The Minister of the Environment has recommended, on the advice of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that the Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) not be added to the List set out in Schedule 1 to SARA.

      In November 2004, COSEWIC assessed the Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) and classified it as threatened. Although this population spawns at a single location, meeting COSEWIC’s criteria for classifying a species as endangered because of its small distribution area it was classified as threatened “because of the high degree of resilience evident from recent spawner abundance estimates”. COSEWIC identified threats that included bycatch in commercial Gaspereau and Rainbow Smelt fisheries as well as illegal fishing.

      The Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass was historically an important commercial and recreational species. Climatic constraints, past overfishing, illegal fishing, incidental catch in commercial fisheries, habitat alteration and the presence of contaminants have all been identified as probable causes of this population’s decline. All commercial fisheries for this population have been closed since 1996. In addition, all recreational and Aboriginal food, social and ceremonial fisheries have also been closed since 2000. Live release of incidentally caught Striped Bass of this population is also mandatory.

      Listing the Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) as threatened would trigger automatic prohibitions under sections 32 and 33 of SARA, which would result in significant socio-economic impacts on communities. The closure of some coastal fisheries would create a loss of profits for fish harvesters, the fish processing sectors and recreational fisheries. It is anticipated that such impacts on the Rainbow Smelt, Gaspereau and American Eel fisheries could result in an annual loss of profits for the industry that is estimated to range from $134,000 to $671,000. Listing the Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) as threatened with a more flexible harm threshold would mitigate some of these impacts. However, this approach would result in additional costs related to the development and implementation of a recovery strategy and action plan required under SARA and would not result in a substantially different biological outcome in terms of the long-term recovery of this population.

      The scientific assessment of the potential for recovery of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass concluded that recovery is feasible so long as no additional activities cause mortality beyond current levels. The directed fishery for Striped Bass in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence continues to be closed. Recent studies confirm that the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass is recovering under the current prohibition. Since the last COSEWIC assessment, a number of management measures have been implemented under the Fisheries Act to ensure this population’s recovery. The recovery is underway as a result of the use of existing legislation and tools.

      The scientific assessment of the potential for recovery of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass has identified additional management measures that can be implemented to further reduce bycatch in certain fisheries. The implementation of these mitigation measures should improve the potential to achieve the recovery targets for this population. DFO will implement these measures to enhance this population’s recent gains and to achieve reference levels indicative of long-term recovery. Furthermore, this assessment has identified the following measures that can sufficiently address the activities that result in the highest mortality level:

      •  Increased enforcement patrols throughout the fishing seasons along the rivers in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence to reduce illegal fishing;

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      •  Delaying of the opening of the open water Rainbow Smelt fishery in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence until November 1;

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      •  Additional scientific research activities to provide a better understanding of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass spatial and temporal distributions and of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass by catch level in various fisheries; and

      •  Training of harvesters in fisheries with potential bycatch of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass on how to effectively handle and release them.

      These measures will limit access to the staging and spawning grounds during critical times, reduce interactions of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass with fishing gear, improve release practices, enhance conservation and protection efforts and allow for further research to better understand the population’s distribution. These measures will be legally enforceable to ensure the population’s protection and to enhance its recovery.




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