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  1. St. John’s (Torbay) Airport Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 113 (SCHEDULE)



    BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the Southeasterly boundary of Maunder’s Lane with the lot line between lots 89 and 90 Tupper Street; THENCE, from the point of beginning so determined in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with a line running S. 49°37′50″ E. from the Southeasterly corner of strip 17-35; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line S. 49°37′50″ E. to its intersection with a line parallel to the 35 end of strip 17-35 and fifty thousand feet (50,000′) therefrom; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line S. 48°54′ W. a distance of sixteen thousand feet (16,000′) to a point; THENCE, N. 32°34′10″ W. to its intersection with the Northerly boundary of McDonald Drive; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Northeasterly boundary of the Portugal Cove Road; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary in a general Northwesterly direction to its intersection with the Northeasterly production of the Southeasterly boundary of the Kent’s Pond Subdivision; THENCE, following the last-mentioned production and the said Southeasterly boundary of the Kent’s Pond Subdivision in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Westerly boundary of the Higgins Line; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary line in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of the Ridge Road; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary line in a general Southwesterly direction to the Northwesterly corner of the land of Robert Winton; THENCE, in a general Northwesterly direction to a point being the Southerly corner of land of Robert Hanlon; THENCE, in a general Northwesterly direction to a point being the centre of the outlet of the river flowing from Anderson’s Pond; THENCE, in a Northerly direction to its intersection with a line running S. 77°24′10″ W. from the Southwesterly corner of strip 11-29; THENCE, along the last-mentioned line S. 77°24′10″ W. to its intersection with a line parallel to the 11 end of strip 11-29; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line N. 04°04′ W. a distance of sixteen thousand feet (16,000′) to a point; THENCE, S. 85°32′10″ E. to its intersection with a line running from the centre of the outlet of the river flowing from Anderson’s Pond to the Southwesterly corner of land of Peter F. Murphy; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line in a general Northerly direction to the Southwesterly corner of land of Peter F. Murphy; THENCE, following the Southwesterly boundary of the said land of Peter F. Murphy in a general Northwesterly direction to a point being the Northwesterly corner of the said land of Peter F. Murphy; THENCE, in a Northeasterly direction to a point being the Northwest corner of land of E. J. Squires and the Northeasterly corner of land of George V. Eustace; THENCE, in a general Northeasterly direction to its intersection with a line running N. 49°37′50″ W. from the Northwesterly corner of strip 17-35; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line N. 49°37′50″ W. to its intersection with a line parallel to the 17 end of strip 17-35 and fifty thousand feet (50,000′) therefrom; THENCE, N. 48°54′ E. a distance of sixteen thousand feet (16,000′) to a point; THENCE, S. 32°34′10″ E. to its intersection with a line running from the Northeasterly corner of the lands of Peter Rogers to a point at the intersection of the Westerly boundary of the lands of Edward, Richard and George Fields with the Southerly shore of Whiteway Pond; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line in a general Northeasterly direction to a point being the intersection of the Westerly boundary of land of Edward, Richard and George Fields with the Southerly shore of Whiteway Pond; THENCE, following the last-mentioned shore in a general Northeasterly direction to a point being the intersection of the Southwesterly boundary of land of Walter Thorne with the said shore of Whiteway Pond; THENCE, in an Easterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Northeasterly boundary of land of Michael Rogers and the Northwesterly boundary of the Indian Heal Line; THENCE, in a general Easterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Northerly corner of land of John Butler and the Northwesterly boundary of the Bullocks Town Road; THENCE, in a general Southeasterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Easterly boundary of the Torbay Road and the Northerly boundary of Mahons Road; THENCE, in a general Southeasterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Southeasterly boundary of the Middle Cove Road and the Northeasterly boundary of land of Patrick Roach; THENCE, in a general Southerly direction to a point at the intersection of the Northwesterly boundary of the Pine Line and the Westerly boundary of land of John Roach; THENCE, in a general Southerly direction to a point being the Northwesterly corner of land of John Griffin and the Northeasterly corner of land of William Nugent; THENCE, following along the boundary between the said land of John Griffin and land of William Nugent in a general Southerly direction to a point on the Northwesterly boundary of land of Michael Tobin; THENCE, following the last-mentioned boundary in a general Southwesterly direction to a point being the Northwesterly corner of the said land of Michael Tobin; THENCE, following the Southwesterly boundary of the said land of Michael Tobin in a general Southeasterly direction to its intersection with a line running N. 77°24′10″ E. from the Northeasterly corner of strip 11-29; THENCE, N. 77°24′10″ E. to its intersection with a line parallel to the 29 end of strip 11-29 and fifty thousand feet (50,000′) therefrom; THENCE, S. 4°04′ E. a distance of sixteen thousand feet (16,000′) to a point; THENCE, N. 85°32′10″ W. to its intersection with a line running from the Southwesterly corner of land of William Hewitt to a point at the intersection of the Southwesterly boundary of land of John Dyer and the Southeasterly boundary of land of one Power; THENCE, following the last-mentioned line in a general Southerly direction to a point at the intersection of the Southwesterly boundary of land of John Dyer and the Southeasterly boundary of land of one Power; THENCE, in a general Southwesterly direction to a point at the intersection of the said Southeasterly boundary of Maunder’s Lane and the production Southeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of land of Maunder and Moore; THENCE, following the said Southeasterly boundary of Maunder’s Lane in a general Southwesterly direction to the point of beginning, which lands are shown on Department of Transport Plan No. MT-0451 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) dated January 6, 1970.


  2. Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations - SOR/2008-120 (SCHEDULE 6 : Waters on Which Power-driven Vessels and Vessels Driven by Electrical Propulsion Are Subject to a Speed Limit)


    PART 2


    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Item Name Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or Description Specific Location Location Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System) Maximum Speed in km/h Over the Ground
    17 That part of Big Rideau Lake at the entrance to Hoggs Bay on Rideau Lake, from a line drawn in a southwesterly direction from the southerly tip of Island No. 228 to the mainland at the boat launching ramp in Murphys Point Provincial Park 44°46′41″ N 44°46′ 76°13′ 10
    29 That part of the Rideau Canal in Little Cranberry Lake from the upstream entrance to Murphys Narrows to Haskins Point (km 159.94–162.75) 44°28′ 76°15′ 10
    4 That part of an unnamed creek known locally as Murphy Creek from the mouth of the creek at Lake Simcoe to the Muley Point Road crossing 44°34′53″ 44°35′ 79°18′ 10


  3. Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-93 (SCHEDULE V)


    Fish Sanctuaries

    Column I Column II
    Item Description Close Time
    • (7) The waters of that part of Opinicon Lake, known as Murphy Bay, in the Township of South Crosby in the geographic County of Leeds lying within Lot 16 in Concession VI, and lots 15 and 16 in Concession VII.

    Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
    • (127) The waters of Murphys (Arabis) Lake (45°40′N., 77°49′W.) in the Geographic Township of Burns.

    Dec. 1 to the Friday preceding the third Saturday in May


  4. Fishing and Recreational Harbours Regulations - SOR/78-767 (SCHEDULE I)



    Item Name or Location of Harbour
    819 Carters Point (Murphy Cove)
    976 Murphys Pond


  5. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE A : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Hawthorne Road and Hunt Club Road; thence northeasterly along Hunt Club Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally easterly along said highway to the easterly limit of said city; thence generally southwesterly, northwesterly and generally northeasterly along the easterly, southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said city to the northeasterly production of Berry Side Road; thence southwesterly along said production, Berry Side Road and its southwesterly production, Constance Lake Road, Murphy Side Road and its southwesterly production and Holland Hill Road to Carp Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Craig’s Side Road; thence southwesterly along said road, Donald B. Munro Drive and Vaughan Side Road to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence easterly and southeasterly along said highway to Highway 7 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally southerly along said highway to Hazeldean Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Terry Fox Drive; thence generally southeasterly along said drive and northeasterly along Hope Side Road to Old Richmond Road; thence northerly along said road to West Hunt Club Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence generally southeasterly along said highway to Barnsdale Road; thence northeasterly along said road to the Rideau River (westerly of Long Island); thence generally northerly along said river (westerly of Nicolls Island) to Hunt Club Road; thence easterly along said road to Riverside Drive; thence southeasterly along said drive and Limebank Road to Leitrim Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Bowesville Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Earl Armstrong Road; thence northeasterly along said road to High Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Albion Road; thence southeasterly along said road to Rideau Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Bank Street; thence northwesterly along said street to Blais Road; thence northeasterly along said road to Hawthorne Road; thence northwesterly along said road to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Ottawa described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Davidson’s Side Road and Carling Avenue; thence generally northeasterly and easterly along said avenue to Moodie Drive; thence southerly along said drive to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway, Queensway); thence northeasterly along said highway to Highway 416 (Veterans Memorial Highway); thence southeasterly along said highway to West Hunt Club Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Old Richmond Road; thence southerly along said road to Hope Side Road; thence southwesterly along said road and generally northwesterly along Terry Fox Drive to Hazeldean Road; thence southwesterly along said road to Highway 7 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence northerly along said highway to Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence generally northwesterly along said highway to Vaughan Side Road; thence northeasterly along said road, Donald B. Munro Drive and Craig’s Side Road to Carp Road; thence northwesterly along said road to Holland Hill Road; thence northeasterly along Holland Hill Road and its northeasterly production, Murphy Side Road, Constance Lake Road and its northeasterly production, Berry Side Road and its northeasterly production to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence southeasterly along said boundary to a point at approximate latitude 45°23′15″N and longitude 75°52′04″W; thence southerly in a straight line to the northwesterly endpoint of Davidson’s Side Road; thence southeasterly along said road to the point of commencement.


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